‘Royal sources’: It’s ‘pathetic’ for Prince Harry to receive the Pat Tillman ‘retail award’

When ESPN announced that Prince Harry would receive the Pat Tillman Award for Service, everyone who follows royal gossip knew that walls were being punched over at Kensington Palace. While I have zero evidence of this, I absolutely believe that Prince William is behind some of the contrived “backlash” to the award, especially in the British media. I wondered if we would get anything more directly from Camp Huevo. Well, wouldn’t you know, a “friend of the royal family” ran to the Daily Beast’s Royalist columnist Tom Sykes for yet another bitchfest. This “friend” sounds like the same one who rage-shrieked about how William “f–king hates” Harry and Meghan and that the next time William would speak to Harry, it would be at their father’s funeral.

Friends of the British royals and military sources have described Prince Harry’s decision to accept a “retail” award at a glitzy ceremony as “a clear symbol of his desperate need for attention,” “pathetic,” and “sad.”

One friend of the royal family told The Daily Beast: “I’m afraid it’s just a clear symbol of his desperate need for attention. The irony of the whole of the last four years is that Harry and Meghan said they were leaving the royal family so the media would leave them alone. And now, here Harry is, literally picking up retail awards on live TV. It’s pathetic.”

The harsh comments came after a source in Harry’s camp reportedly said that a backlash to Harry being awarded the Pat Tillman award, spearheaded by the mother of the late NFL star-turned war hero, had left Harry upset. Harry’s office declined to comment to The Daily Beast. However, his camp are understood to have been left gratified by former winners of the award, such as U.S. Marine Jake Wood, praising the presentation of the award to Harry.

A military source who worked with Harry in the army said, “If you get a medal in the army, you don’t brag about it, so the idea of turning up at a televised awards ceremony to be honored would be utterly embarrassing to most military people. It’s really sad to see Harry, who was an amazing guy who everyone respected, doing this kind of stuff.”

Earlier this year Harry, who completed two tours of Afghanistan as an Apache helicopter pilot, was given an award for being a “Living Legend of Aviation” at a glitzy ceremony in Beverly Hills, California. The military source said, “That was arguably worse. If other people want to compare him to Buzz Aldrin that is their business, but Harry shouldn’t be endorsing that kind of crap being said about him by turning up at the ceremonies in his dinner jacket.”

[From The Daily Beast]

“I’m afraid it’s just a clear symbol of his desperate need for attention.” We haven’t seen Harry in more than a month, right? Harry and Meghan regularly disappear for months at a time. I think this tantrum is also about the Invictus service in London two months ago – that was a celebration of the tenth anniversary of the Invictus Games, and it was celebrated by Invictus competitors, the Spencer family, NATO and Britain’s military community and veteran community. The Windsors made a point of snubbing the Invictus service and they threw a tantrum about Harry’s visit, but they never stooped so low as to say that Harry was attention-seeking for attending the service. What’s the difference here? Don’t tell me, I know. The problem for the Windsors is that every award Harry picks up in America shows that Harry was right to leave the UK, and that their completely unhinged hate campaign against him has not worked.

“Picking up retail awards on live TV.” An award honoring the sacrifice and legacy of Pat Tillman is a “retail award” to William and the left-behinds. Meanwhile, King Charles spent decades passing out knighthoods to anyone who gave him a suitcase full of cash. Talk about a retail award.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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102 Responses to “‘Royal sources’: It’s ‘pathetic’ for Prince Harry to receive the Pat Tillman ‘retail award’”

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  1. Flying fish says:

    The royal sources should concentrate on the left behind royals and leave Harry and Meghan alone.

    • swaz says:

      It’s not royal source anymore, it’s a royal friend now 😍 THE HATE CAMPAIGN IS NOT WORKING SO THEY’RE SO BITTER 😍😍

      • Ella says:

        Are this Tillman woman, all the petition signers, and the other objectors financial donors of The Heritage Foundation’s 1925 Project? Do they want to create a society and media that prefers and clings to a monarchy here too?

        The 1925 Project seeks to turn the clock back to our pre-1776 monarchy rule by gutting our Federal Government departments which protect our individual rights and by making Trump basically a king enabled with immunity.

        That’s why Trump denies any knowledge of The 1925 Project despite the fact that his former appointees are now the lead planning team of The Heritage Foundation’s 1925 Project.

        The recent Supreme Court decision granting Trump presidential immunity seems perfectly in line with 1925’s stated goals. Scary.

    • The Robinson Group says:

      For those who want to see Harry receive the MUCH DESERVED ESPY / Pat Tillman Award, as founding Father of the Invictus Games… they can tune in on: The ESPYS will be broadcast live on ABC (in America) on Thursday, July 11, at 8 p.m. ET / PST.
      Serena Williams will be the Host, at the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood, Cali.
      Eat your hearts out, British rags, and don’t let the door hit ya, where the good Lord split ya.

      • Mairzy Doats says:

        So nice of the POW and British rags to give a PR boost to ESPN’s worthy cause of supporting and funding the V Foundation for Cancer Research through its ESPY awards. And bravo (snark) to POW’s efforts (tantrums) to generously help the British rags to make more money!
        While the ESPYs are not something I would even notice most years, I’m definitely watching this year.

    • TheFarmer'sWife says:

      As a business, which the monarchy is, shouldn’t they be concerned about all this information leaking? Thankfully, it’s just intimate knowledge of feelings about Harry and Meghan! So, it wasn’t gaudy when Chuckles and his side chick cosplayed on Idol or America’s Got Talent (I can’t remember which one). I guess Chuckles and his side chick were more about how “we’ve slayed American TV”; take that, Harry! So, it’s not retail when Chuckles takes bags and suitcases of cash for knighthoods? That’s not how charities work in Canada. In Canada, that would be called a scam.

    • DK says:

      In addition to H&M, they really need to leave Pat Tillman alone too – do they not see they can’t insult Harry for this award without insulting him, his legacy, and his family too? (“Retail award”?!)
      How is that classy at all?

      Also, allllll these nay-sayers are showing they lack any reading comprehension at all. The award is not for Harry serving in the military. It’s for Harry’s work with Invictus, stated plainly in clear English, but they are too dumb to read perhaps.

      Finally…tell me again about how the royal family giving each other fake medals is more legit? Try to pretend the made-up Order of the Garter Belt, mostly given to relatives, is somehow more important than any “retail” award given by an outside party.

      • Maxine Branch says:

        Those gutter rats know why Harry is being honored, it is just easy for them to target him then to acknowledge the reason he is the recipient of this prestigious award.

      • equality says:

        They are also insulting every past winner of the award.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Yes. It’s insulting to the previous recipients. Might be wrong, don’t recall the BM/BM affiliates moaning and whining about this award before? ‘Recollections may vary’?”.

        Sykes has no military sources or sources close to Harry sharing anything. People that are actually close to Harry are quiet. Except for the excellent clapbacks from Nacho. And Nacho says what he’s says with a full chest. Like his ginger brother from a different mother.

  2. equality says:

    In other words, “I made up a lot of crap and unnamed ‘sources’ because I couldn’t get a real comment from Harry’s office.” And military medal awards have been televised in the UK and in the US before. Let’s give a slap in the face to any awards ceremonies that have been covered. And, while we are at it, let’s be insulting to this award.

    • Amy Bee says:

      Yes, the Palace used to make Harry and William attend the Sun newspaper military awards in the past.

  3. SURE says:

    There’s nothing quite like a gutless military source who hides behind anonymity.

    • seaflower says:

      Technically speaking Willy boy is a military source…., just saying.

      • SURE says:

        Yeah, you’re right. I remember now that W has at least one military man working for him as a close aide.

  4. Nicole says:

    The Brits need to chill. It’s hot AF here and there is a fire on the outskirts of SB. I think they are probably taking their kids to the beach. I know they are busy with the Tory but kicking, but we just had a major holiday. We as a nation are just getting over our holiday hangover. In short, no one cares what they think.

  5. Dee(2) says:

    ” A military source who worked with Harry in the army said, “If you get a medal in the army, you don’t brag about it” then why are people frequently introduced by the fact that they are Purple Heart, Silver Star, Navy Cross holders? They are going to go too far really soon, I can feel it. Calling an award that was set up for a veteran a ” retail award” insinuating it was for sale? All this because of the arrested development of a middle aged man who literally has everything in the world handed to him and wants someone else’s stuff too. And yes for the last time they left in part because YOUR media is horrible. If I left my abusive boyfriend, it’s not because men are terrible.

    • equality says:

      Not to mention that they go about for formal occasions with said medals on their chest for the world to see. (Not saying that is bad, but doesn’t say “I don’t want it known”.)

    • Bad Janet says:

      They are clueless about what a bad look this is.

      They fluff themselves and their friends up with honors and titles constantly – literally this week! English aristocracy and royalty is an outrageous concept for a modern society to begin with, but sure, go ahead and complain about Harry’s community service award and how Meghan set it up so he would get attention. They are so ridiculous.

    • Moniquep says:

      First of all Harry has made one statement acknowledging the award and dedicating it to the IG and veteran community. No bragging there!
      Second, if the British media trolls and so called royal experts had not gone on their obsessive attacks, trying to denigrate Harry, most people would not even have been aware that he received it.
      As always in their efforts to tear him down, they only end up elevating him more.

      • sunnyside up says:

        They rely on their readers not being able to work things out, Harry and Meghan are the most important member of the royal family, they have more articles about them than any of the others.

    • Proud Mary says:

      Did they feel the same way when Collin Powell handed Harry an award in 2012?

  6. sevenblue says:

    I wish so so much that Harry would announce Washington as the place for the next games while accepting the award. They can cry all they want, Harry is honored by the military heavily since the BRF started a campaign against him and his family. Also, what should we call the BAFTA Will awarded to himself while being the president of the committee? Will is shameless, so he and his “friends” are projecting.

  7. I just can't says:

    And they want this man to return to the fold?

    Some wild negging going on here

    • Bad Janet says:

      It really shows how entitled they feel to Harry’s life. Which we already knew when they refused to let him leave the country for his family’s safety.

  8. Wagiman says:

    ‘live TV’ like it’s the 1970s. But they’re all stuck in the 1970s so that makes sense.

    It’s hilarious and so embarrassing that line was even written. How old are these people? Maybe next article will say it’s live via satellite! Woo hoo!

    • Christine says:

      LOL! It must be so hard for all of them, adjusting to modern day life. They of the pre-recorded Christmas messages and pre-recorded cancer reveals are not prepared.

      • Wagiman says:

        It’s so sad for them. Live TV. 😭🤣🤣

        Imagine what they would think of the internet if they knew it existed!

        That might blow their tiny minds.

    • Miranda says:

      1970s? The way they continue to try and dictate to Americans what we should think and feel, I’d say they’re stuck in the 1770s.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Boy, those switchboards will be lighting up during the live via satellite broadcast!

      • Wagiman says:

        Awww Beanie you’re bringing back fond memories of the switchboards lighting up!

        Live via satellite, we bring you.. Uh. Oh. Well, we had them. Are they there? CAN YOU HEAR ME?

        The good old days 🤣

  9. s808 says:

    For my own petty reasons, I would love Harry to announce that the next IG is in D.C. when he picks up this award. Let’s twist the a little deeper, shall we?

  10. Bad Janet says:

    They can’t shut up about this! Between the Nigeria visit and the ESPY award, it’s been a couple great months for Harry, and their transparent bitterness about it makes them look SO off putting. I understand they haven’t had good PR people there for ages, if ever, but I can’t believe no one understands that the best reaction would be “congratulations” so they at least look like they’re taking the high road.

    They are determined to prove what garbage they are.

  11. Ariel says:

    Stirring up rage and hate – often using ever effective racism – is their usual thing – this almost seems like they’re trying to specifically ruin this experience for harry personally.
    Especially because it is military in theme.

    It’s pathetic, but a whole other level of hate and dysfunction but also leaning toward evil.
    The mere existence of happy successful h/m is in itself an existential crisis.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      Harry served well in the Army; he earned the regard of those he served with. William did not. Even his commanding officers hated him. William knows that he would have been thrown out on his face for his shambolic service record, but for who his granny was.

      It galls William that Harry achieves things, and that when he does, he’s well regarded.

      William just wants things handed to him. He wants public approbation but expects it with no exertion. He literally does not understand why it’s not given him, but given to Harry. Don’t they know who he IS??

      Meanwhile he rocks up to the EUROS, acts like a strung out footie hooligan in a bad suit, and the palaces dutifully instruct the Daily Fail to say Willy has “won the nation over” when the world was actually denigrating him and making him into a meme b/c they think the heir to the British throne is a sack of poo.

      Proof that for narcissists like Huevo, any attention is good attention, unless it’s happening to someone *else*.

      • The Marchioness of Blorf says:

        zomg, ALL of this. I bet he shows up for the match against the Netherlands tomorrow and acts a fool yet again, and gives himself a medal for being the “president” of the FA.

  12. WaterDragon says:

    I hope that Meghan accompanies Harry to the awards ceremony looking like a million bucks. That should be enough to get Huevo Feo to stoke out.

    I am sick to death of the BM, Rota Rats and the BaRF and their endless jealous tantrums.

    Go Harry and Meghan. Keep living your best lives! We love you. Let Salty Isle drown in their salty tears.

    • TN Democrat says:

      Agreed. I also hope Meghan wears dark blue and Harry announces the next IG are in DC. The Windsor’s 2+ month long summer vacation is getting ready to start. The public needs to question why their government is giving the Windsor’s tax breaks and pay raises while they accomplish nothing, Frankenphoto images and accept bags o’ cash for favors.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        Meghan is too herself to want to troll Cloppy and the rest of Team Left Behind In The Dust, but if she were ever feeling petty… I’d love for her to wear a chic hat (not the frumpy Dr. Seuss cosplay Cloppy’s been seen in) to her next outdoor day event.

        I’d also love to see her do some Brooch Warfare but again, the Duchess of Sussex is too kind for that.

  13. Taffetta says:

    Whenever the BM says stuff like this, I’m reminded of the time their KING, in his ceremonial robes and (stolen) regalia, went on US television with his QUEEN to promote an American television show.

    • BlueNailsBetty says:

      I’m also reminded of the fact that for Chuck’s coronation none of the major entertainers wanted to perform for him.

      • Christine says:

        His own heir was late! Harry is the only one of you who has created a lasting legacy beyond being born into a thousand year monarchy.

  14. Hypocrisy says:

    Are they ever going to stop this hate and very obvious campaign of lies to hurt and destroy Prince Harry and the life he has built? These articles put out by people who literally have accomplished nothing but criticize everything others do are becoming extremely obvious. I want to see the service records, volunteer hours and monetary donations receipts for the authors of these propaganda pieces.

  15. Tessa says:

    The so called backlash is mean and petty. Harry was never compared to buzz Aldrin.

  16. wolfmamma says:

    This morning, I googled Prince Harry as I do from time to time. All of the stories were negatively focused on the award and by tabloids in the UK , India and Australia. The usual suspects then, reporting the same thing about Harry and the award. Willie and his team must have them all on speed dial.

    I’ve never watched the ESPYs but will this year. Bravo, Harry!!

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      And there’s the key: if they really wanted to make Harry seem less important than all the rest of the BRF? All the media in the UK has to do is shut up. Just, sit at their desks in their press rooms and drink a nicely calming, steaming hot beaker of STFU. Don’t mention them.
      UK can survive a Sussex media blackout; H&M would get a normal level of press everywhere else, elsewhere things would pass out of the newscycle quickly, and all that energy saved from not concocting toxic ass meltdowns, could be used to embiggen their principals w/o ever mentioning Team Sussex.

      It’s like the rota rats and royalist brown nosers have never heard of the Streisand Effect, and it’s mind boggling. Every time Harry gets even a minor award, the UK royalists have a globally telegraphed meltdown lasting weeks, the result of which is that Harry’s star power is not knocked down, but enhanced. The exact opposite result of what they want, right?

      If the Royal Rota and the courtiers truly want to see the Sussexes slip into obscurity like Kate, Edders, Fiesta et al… then here’s the solution: just hush. No one gives a crap about your opinion in the rest of the world, you’re making your principals look egregiously bad and you are actively hastening the end of your beloved monarchy.

      Rota, courtiers: why do you want to put yourselves out of a job so bad? You realize everyone hates you, yeah?

    • JudyB says:

      I have also googled Harry’s name from time to time, and the weird thing is that nearly ALL of the articles come from British newspapers or from news sources in India or other places which no American reads. Yet, the articles keep stressing how Americans are getting tired of Prince Harry and Meghan and no one likes them in American, blah, blah, blah.

      The truth is that American papers print one article on something like Harry winning the ESPY prize, and then nothing more, while the British media just cannot shut up. They are like an echo chamber, copying every article every other paper has printed and then printing them over and over. Are they really that desperate to fill space?? Apparently, they are, because this small group can seem to find nothing else to print.

  17. Miranda says:

    This from a family whose existence consists of dressing up like Prince Charmless and awarding each other medals for bottom-sniffing, and charging taxpayers millions for the “privilege”.

  18. seaflower says:

    At least Harry’s awards are recognized from reputable outside organizations, not self awarded chocolate box medals.

  19. ABritGuest says:

    The palace (William) & the press are big mad at this award. I guess because it is a televised award & hopefully will have a great package highlighting Harry’s credentials.

    The idea that royals or military folks look down on getting awards/honours is a joke. Why do they do investitures? or those garter/thistle ceremonies when the royals are always awarding themselves with new ribbons then? Why was Charles present at GQ awards when he was honoured in 2018 or Sophie travelled to USA for one from the Hillary Clinton foundation a few years back. Why was Camilla at a British army infantry award dinner event a few months ago. Why were William, Kate & Harry at the Suns military awards event a few years ago. Basic research shows there are also many British military awards events so these comments are just nonsense.

    No doubt a lot of this fuss aside from the Tillman’s mothers comments (which were perhaps made out of ignorance of Harry’s work with IG etc) is because nobody is lining up to give William or Kate awards for service etc.

    I’ve never really followed the ESPYs but this deranged push back & now the Beast trying to denigrate the award & suggesting it’s bought really shows me it’s a hella big deal. Congrats Prince Harry & well deserved! Hope he has a fabulous night 😌

    • seaflower says:

      The military have ribbons/bars/awards for everything.

    • Bad Janet says:

      Oh, if only there were community service awards for attending men’s football games and Wimbledon 😭 They would be sitting on heaps of medals. So sad.

  20. Cathy says:

    What’s a “retail award”?

    Sounds like something that was won by a person good at selling product at a retail level? Which is a compliment in the current economic climate.

    I just can’t see the relevance to an award for those helping others, especially service people. The only conclusion is that a British “journalist” was told to create an article using the words Harry; Pat Tillman Award and service. I’m coming to the conclusion that these people are using AI to write their stories as they are making no sense?

    • Eurydice says:

      I think it’s an award that the recipient has paid for.

      • Cathy says:

        Thanks Eurydice. Looks like in an effort to smear Harry the British tabloid press is only succeeding in smearing these awards?

    • Jais says:

      It’s pretty low for them to accuse the Pat Tillman foundation of giving out retail awards.

      • BlueNailsBetty says:

        I wonder what Tillman’s mom thinks about the award being slammed as a cheap “retail” award.

        I bet she didn’t think those face eating leopards would turn on her son’s legacy and start chewing.

      • agirlandherdogs says:

        Well, first they tried to claim Harry wasn’t qualified to receive the award. But when ESPN doubled down, they had to switch tactics and discount the award instead… I don’t think that’s going to work out well for them.

        These people really have no critical thinking skills whatsoever. They never think through the consequences. It’s all about instant gratification.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      It’s the Honours you get from the monarchy when you give them giant bags of cash.

      Every accusation is a confession with these people.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      The BM are implying that the award was bought. There are actual ‘retail awards’. The company/location my daughter works for recently received one for their region.

      You know who qualifies for a retail award, Jason Knauf being given the bullsh*t honor by Bulliam, of ‘Lieutentant of the Royal Victorian Order’, for his services of being at the frontlines of a smear campaign against the Duke & Duchess of Sussex. THAT IS A RETAIL AWARD in the sense being implied here.

  21. Kateee says:

    The only thing pathetic or embarrassing here is this article. Man alive, can you imagine disrespecting this many people–veterans, the people who love them, the Tillmans, athletes, all of ESPN–just to publicly call your brother a weenie? Get a life.

    He’s just bringing more eyes to the cause with these tantrums. Because we all know Harry will get up there on that nationally broadcast stage and thank the veteran community, thank the Tillman family, thank his wife with sincere gratitude, humility, and that infectious charisma, taking the high road as always. I am certain William will watch, alone, seething and I love that for him.

  22. Feebee says:

    The article saying nothing louder than that they are seething with jealousy. Facing their own inadequacy is a tough pill to swallow and constantly lashing out must feel like a balm to them but it’s being received differently.

    And not for nothing but how dare they refer to the Pat Tillman Award as “retail”. That will win them friends in America for sure.

  23. Becks1 says:

    The British press are just in such a rage cycle about Harry that I almost feel sorry for them (I said “almost!”)

    they really need to shut about Harry’s awards and honors and denigrating something like the Pat Tillman award because the royals LOVE to give themselves awards and honors and honorary military appointments (which I think is worse than any award). I’m old enough to remember when neither Charles nor William could attend the Invictus service but they could stage a ceremony to commemorate Charles handing over “control” of Harry’s old regiment to William. And they even let him fly in an apache so he would feel important like his brother. and I remember a few months ago when Charles literally made up a new honor to give Kate so she wouldn’t feel left out.

    but sure, the Pat Tillman award is the issue.

    You know, as I think about it, I think the current trigger for this bout of rage isn’t just the Espys, I think it started with the NFL Honors in February when Harry presented an award and was greeted with applause and “freaking Prince Harry.” Harry is fully accepted by the US sports world because they see what he is doing with Invictus – using sports to help save veterans’ lives. Plus, he’s charismatic, hardworking, and just seems like a genuinely nice guy. He’s natural and relaxed at these events where William is the opposite.

    • Bad Janet says:

      It seems like everybody who has ever met Prince Harry likes him. The only ones who don’t are the Royal Family, and the people who bought into the nonsense they put out.

      Why am I reminded of that video of Prince Harry climbing a rope, while Prince William walks on a balance beam with fifteen people standing next to him in case he falls? Lol

  24. Eurydice says:

    Well, they’re not honoring Harry for being in the military, so all that talk about medals is ridiculous. The ESPYs are primarily about sports and he’s being honored for creating a sporting event that helps wounded veterans and active military. If Harry hadn’t created the IG, he wouldn’t be getting this award. And if Harry had never been in the military, but still created the IG, he’d still be eligible for the award.

    • Bad Janet says:

      They’re taking the Donald Trump approach. Lie, lie, and lie some more, until enough idiots will believe it you can change the narrative.

  25. sunnyside up says:

    A retail award insults everyone who has ever recieved it.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      sunnyside, ITA. If they were looking for a way to insult military service members, Veterans and their families, they accomplished their goal.

      I will say that I hope people realize that this is about the bm. This is why we don’t want the US media hiring people from the UK media so that they can make our media into the same sewer.

  26. Chantal1 says:

    Calling this award a “retail award” given during American sports’ biggest night is downright disrespectful and just plain rude. And no, most military people wouldn’t be embarrassed to be recognized for their service because its an HONOR to receive such recognition. It’s truly sad that more people who serve in the military aren’t recognized, appreciated, and given awards but the BM and BRF’s behavior has been truly abhorrent. These friends and sources should be named and shamed for disrespecting veterans. As a former military brat whose grandfather also served in the US Army, I find this article and others like it deeply offensive. Unless they have been convicted of crimes, military personnel and veterans should be appreciated and respected for their service and sacrifice. So thank you Prince Harry for creating the IGs for the global military and veteran community!

  27. Amie says:

    What’s pathetic is the media not moving on. What’s pathetic is the Royals not moving on. What’s pathetic is the Royals giving themselves honors for stuff they don’t do.

    At least Harry is being awarded for things he does and also the Tillman award isn’t retail. What a vile thing to say but what else can you expect from those half wits.

    All this crap does is almost guarantee that the ESPYS will be highly rated and people will walk away from it thinking WTF is wrong with the UK.

  28. Amy Bee says:

    The fact that William is doing a military engagement today, tells you how much this award bothers him. I suspect that the Pat Tillman Foundation wanted to give Harry this award for a very long time but the Palace prevented Harry from accepting it. Now that he’s free to do so we have this tantrum from KP.

  29. Mister Papercut says:

    Doesn’t William have anything more important to whinge about? I thought he was supposed to be caring for Cancer-Stricken Catherine™, or is that just not driving engagement?

  30. Jais says:

    So here’s the thing. The IG, like any other thing, runs off donations and corporate partnerships right? So receiving the Pat Tillman award at the Espys is a very good thing for the IG. And all these people calling it pathetic that Harry is getting the award are basically trying to tank the IG. An event that truly means a lot to so many veterans. And they want the IG to fail. Saying Harry getting this award is pathetic is getting really close to calling the games and veterans pathetic. So all of this is really freaking low. There is nothing lower than trying to have this award taken away from Harry and the IG. From trying to shame them from not even accepting the award. Anyone going after Harry for accepting this award and bringing attention to the IG is a real anti-veteran asshole. Seriously, there’s something really evil about it.

    • Margaret A. Shannon says:

      You are absolutely correct.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Jais, agreed. I also think they are afraid that the IG will start showing up on a network. That was my hope when ABC accompanied Harry to Canada for the one-year to go visit. Now that ESPN is recognizing (through the Tillman Foundation) the IG’s there is even more of a hope for that. That would be really HUGE for IG. That’s why they’re writing all of this garbage now. That’s why the brf did not deign to recognize the IG 10-year anniversary. They actually thought that would affect the outcome. It shows that the brf think they’re much more important than they really are.

      • Eurydice says:

        I forgot about ABC at the one year to go visit. ABC owns 80% of ESPN and will be airing the Espys on Thursday. Do you suppose they’ll be using footage from the Canada visit?

    • Bad Janet says:

      I’m not sure they can see past their own agenda (hurt Harry immediately) enough to even be that calculating, or to realize what the potential impact could be.

      They’re arrogant enough to think they could pull off the same thing if Invictus failed, anyway. After all, Huevo “let” Harry have vets!

      But for real. I don’t think they think ANYTHING through. Inbreeding hit Will and Charles harder than it hit Harry, evidently.

  31. Proud Mary says:

    I’ve said that nothing surprises me about salt island’s reaction to all things H&M, but I have to admit that I am really surprised, and enjoying, how much this award is eating Charles and William up. I think they know that Harry and Meghan are making them look amateurish.

  32. Jay says:

    I’m actually surprised how far the British media seems to be taking this. It’s one thing for them to pour out all of this bitterness about Harry getting an award, but denigrating Pat Tillman in the process? Yikes.

    I remember post 9/11 football games and how he became a symbol for selfless service and a symbol for the US military at large. Attacking Pat Tillman’s award in America is either a sign of extreme foolishness/ delusion or uncontrollable rage on the part of whichever palace sources are putting this stuff out.

    I guess I shouldn’t be surprised – they have previously denigrated Joe Biden, the NFL, Anderson Cooper and Oprah and it went about as well as you might expect. I hope that they continue to receive such terrible advice and tell on themselves even more – maybe they could insult baseball? hot dogs? fireworks?

  33. Margaret A. Shannon says:

    I don’t understand why the king and prince William allow this bitterness to be publicized. It only makes them seem petty and small-minded. Can they not see by that by attacking a family member so viciously they are destroying themselves?

    • QuiteContrary says:

      They allow it — they encourage it — because they ARE petty and small-minded.

      And I enjoy their self-destructiveness, frankly.

  34. Lynwall says:

    The mere fact that William is willing to denigrate an ESPN award just to shame his brother is pathetic. I was going to say horrible but to right thinking people this makes William look quite pathetic.
    I have to admit that when these stories use to appear I would get angry but now I really pity them.
    The person who actually had to put his name to this article and the person who called him to write it.
    Wow…what a life William has ahead of him.
    Brother cannot be controlled, is thriving and happy.
    Instead of fully concentrating on his own life he is spending this much time trying to malign everything Harry does.

  35. Jaded says:

    And in one sentence…“Picking up retail awards on live TV”…everyone who’s ever received the award for their unstinting work and bravery is demeaned and insulted, including all the IG participants. This is really getting to the bottom of the sludge pit that is the British tabloid world, a disgusting low blow.

  36. vpd4 says:

    All of this stuff is such drivel and they keep repeating the same sh**t over and over again. I’ve kind of checked out on it.

  37. BeanieBean says:

    Wasn’t Charles’ fancy hat ceremony ‘picking up an award on live TV’? What bigger award is there than a crown, a scepter, a…what was it? golden orb? silver stick? whatever, y’all get my point.

    • Jais says:

      Right? Brand new golden carriage to get awarded a crown. Making sure everybody sees him. Now if Harry showed up in a brand new golden carriage that would be one thing. But I’m thinking harry’s security will have him getting there incognito like a true boss.

    • bisynaptic says:

      🎯 An award for outliving his mother.

  38. HuffnPuff says:

    Once again, the rota rats spill the beans on how awards work in the royal family. Whenever they accuse the Sussexes of something, they are telling us how it is on Salty Island. Apparently it is strictly pay to play. Remember that whenever Huevo or any of them get awards. Just think about what amount of money they had to fork over to be recognized.

  39. Lulu says:

    There certainly is someone pathetic here, but Tom Sykes, it’s you. Harry forgot who you were 5 years ago.

  40. TheOriginalMia says:

    If it was Scooter getting this award, the British media wouldn’t have a thing to say except how great and wonderful Scooter is. They are a vicious bunch. They need to leave Harry alone. He’s never coming back. He isn’t interested in returning. I know by existing he’s a threat to Scooter’s ego, but it’s time to give it a rest. Just ignore the Sussexes and keep being mediocre. The BM will still support him.

    • sevenblue says:

      I thought you are talking about Scooter Braun 😭😭 I am so late to nicknames.

  41. equality says:

    Pathetic is allowing your nation’s media to continually attack your son with no pushback. Especially when those attacks are for something he is doing to benefit others. The classy thing (which is what the monarchy always wants to claim they are) would be to publicly congratulate a family member and to defend in the media. Not one of them has done that. Not one of them has expressed concern when they have been endangered. H&M have been kind enough to express concern for KC and Kate in their illnesses, but nothing in return. I have zero respect for any of the “working” royals.

  42. bisynaptic says:

    I don’t understand: what’s a “retail” award? Is that less-good than a wholesale award? Someone, please educate me, here.

    Also: “If you get a medal in the army, you don’t brag about it…” — No, you have a military ceremony about it and, then, literally, pin the award, to your chest, for the rest of your life.

    They’re trying a new tack, on twitter; viz, that Harry wasn’t such a brave and effective soldier, after all; that he was protected and also cowardly. 🙄

    • Julia says:

      Whatever a ‘retail award’ is it’s better than your Dad or brother awarding you The Order of the Bath or the Order of the Thistle for doing the bare minimum in your paid job. Unless those people on Twitter were in Afghanistan with Harry how would they know how brave he was? Best to ignore and not interact with those people. Harry is getting the award for Invictus and his work with veterans. It’s not a military award.

  43. Noor says:

    Utterly disgraceful . Smearing Prince Harry is not enough for the toxic British press.. Now they are smearing American hero,Pat Tilman as a retail award. What say you mother of Pat Tilman.

    • Noor says:

      i would like to add, how would Pat Tilman react to the Daily Beast reporting that ” a backlash to Harry being awarded the Pat Tillman award was spearheaded by mother . Pat Tilman would not approve of his mother thrashing Prince Harry , a fellow war veteran

    • AC says:

      Majority of Americans really don’t give a F what they think across the pond . They’ve always been anti American and anti HM.
      It’s funny that HM and ESPN and most of America are giving them an IDGAF silent treatment. They can keep crying and keep staying stagnant.

  44. Berkeleyfarm says:

    Isn’t Will or one of his very close proxies the usual source that chats with Sykes? This does sound pretty camp so it could have been one of the KP staff.

  45. Angie says:

    The likes of Richard Eden who was caught out having another account in the name of Maureen and god only knows how many other fake accounts he made up at the same time, no doubt would have signed that petition numerous times!
    His Maureen account was found out when he totally forgot to log out of Maureen back to Richard before making a nasty comment to a twitter user by firing at them about himself as Richard!
    For this reason, the Tillman petition can’t be taken seriously….
    It seems to be the way these derangers are going now with their petitions against Prince Harry!
    What they forget is it’s the silent majority who are behind Harry & Meghan with support!
    I just hope that the Invictus Games don’t go to Birmingham due to the toxicity of the media!