Mail: The York princesses show ‘solidarity’ with the Windsors, against the Sussexes

With the Princess of Wales’s absence from public life this year, the York princesses have been getting more attention in recent months. Princess Beatrice and Eugenie were invited to support Prince William at a dreary palace garden party, they both turned up for Royal Ascot and they’ve been keeping up public appearances with some regularity. Back in May, the narrative was “Kensington Palace is concerned about B&E’s loyalty.” Because, you know, William thinks everyone must take “his side” in his “war” against the Sussexes. Eugenie and Beatrice have mostly refused to play William’s dumb game. Eugenie especially seems fine with maintaining her friendships with Harry and Meghan and also showing up to family events with William. The Yorks feel they don’t have to choose a side and that seems fair. But according to the Mail’s royal expert, William is declaring victory because the Yorks have chosen Team Egg.

Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie have shown signs of ‘solidarity’ with King Charles and Prince William since Prince Harry’s move to the US, a royal expert has claimed. The York sisters appear to have become a beacon of strength amid testing times for the Firm, including Charles and the Princess of Wales’s bouts of ill health.

Leading royal expert Richard Fitzwilliams explained that the sister’s presence at the [garden party] was ‘unquestionably a show of solidarity with the heir to the throne who is currently not on speaking terms with his errant brother’.

Richard explained: ‘It is perfectly possible to be involved in a deep public family rift and be on amiable terms with all involved. Princess Eugenie, who with her husband Jack Brooksbank is mainly based in the Algarve, had Harry and Meghan as visitors. They’ve got on over the years, and she and her husband Jack Brooksbank were resident for a period at Frogmore Cottage whilst the Sussexes were in California before they were evicted. We know that Beatrice and Eugenie are close, and that the Yorks are a close-knit family.’

The royal expert continued: ‘In May, the sisters appeared at a Buckingham Palace Garden Party when William represented King Charles, who is fighting cancer. This was unquestionably a show of solidarity with the heir to the throne who is currently not on speaking terms with his errant brother. She posted on Instagram that she was “delighted to support my family”, these are very meaningful words at the moment.’

‘Also at Royal Ascot, a magnificent event, Eugenie, who had been in the royal procession, was seen laughing and joking with William, Richard added. He continued: ‘With Catherine battling cancer, as she described so movingly in a statement released just before Trooping the Colour, they know it is a very difficult time indeed for the royal family. Harry’s last visit and the public confusion when he and his father did not meet, showed the depth of the rift. It would be of benefit to all if it were resolved, but until that happens Beatrice and Eugenie, who conceivably could act as go-betweens, are undoubtedly supporting William and are likely to give him their full backing if there are further attacks by the Sussexes on the royal family.’

[From The Daily Mail]

They “are likely to give him their full backing if there are further attacks by the Sussexes on the royal family.” Further attacks? Meaning that the Sussexes have already “attacked” the Windsors and Beatrice and Eugenie still maintained close ties to the Sussexes, oh dear. But if it happens AGAIN, the Yorks will move against the Sussexes? This is “royal warfare” to them, with tabloid-driven loyalty oaths and the strategic mindset of a tween girl. To me, it seems like the York princesses are just doing their half-in royal thing and they don’t really give a f–k about William’s childish crap. That being said, I found it remarkable that Eugenie was chatting with Carole Middleton at Ascot.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Cover Images.

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47 Responses to “Mail: The York princesses show ‘solidarity’ with the Windsors, against the Sussexes”

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  1. LTA says:

    I really hope we get some commentary on Katy Perry’s monstrous new video!!!

  2. aquarius64 says:

    If the York princesses are siding with the BRF they are doing it to protect their dad Andrew from getting kicked out of Royal Lodge and/or getting shipped off to the FBI in the US.

    • Lau says:

      That would explain why there isn’t any pushback from either of them when their names are being used by William in his one-sided war aginst his brother.

    • Flower says:

      Eugenie is heavily involved with a Modern Slavery charity, knowing what is in the public doman about her father – why is she protecting him ?

      • MsIam says:

        At first @Flower, I thought it was because Fergie was living with him and she was protecting her mother. But now that Fergie bought her own property, I don’t know. I mean why does Harry still want some kind of relationship with Charles? I would have told him to FOH a long time ago but it is what it is.

      • sunnyside up says:

        She probably doesn’t believe what is said about him after all he is her dad.

      • Lau says:

        @sunnyside up, if you are a grown person of that age it would be a bit rich to choose not to believe what is said about your father’s crimes.

    • Jane says:

      The Yorks don’t have real jobs and are dependent on Chuck’s wallet. Of course they’ll side with Peg and Katey. These RF members are so out of touch with what’s going on in the real world. Btw how’s Andy going? Hope he’s looking after the corgis well and not spending time on the computer watching Netflix about Epstein and Ghislaine 😆😆

  3. Flower says:

    So this is the Rota plan for the next 10 years attack the Sussexes instead of reporting on the ‘working Royals’.

    Sounds like a sure fire way to ensure the downfall of the BRF.

  4. Kelsey says:

    I just KNOW that Harry Virgo Energy and Eugenie Aries Energy stays popping right on off in their (not leaked) texts to each other about the audacity, because what in tarnation lmaoooo.

  5. Eurydice says:

    I’m not sure how showing up at a garden party and at Wimbledon makes them a beacon of strength for William.

    • MsIam says:

      Don’t they get paid if it’s “official royal duties” *eyeroll*. That would be the only way I would do anything for Baldemort, certainly not for “cousinly love”.

    • sunnyside up says:

      They frequently go to these garden parties, they probably enjoy them.

  6. Berkeleyfarm says:

    Eug looks really good in that Ascot picture. She’s IMO a beauty but her clothes often wear her.

    I think they’re being cautious because they are dependent on The Firm for housing etc.

    • seaflower says:

      Agree, plus the photo with CarolE grasping E’s forearm is giving me creepy desperation vibes from C.

      • wolfmamma says:

        Not exactly a chat necessarily but a capture.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        seaflower, that’s exactly what I saw, too. It doesn’t appear that Eugenie can away without yanking her arm away.

      • Slippers4life says:

        I feel this photo could be memes. POV: “tag! You’re it!”

      • Kane says:

        I was prepared to say yall reaching for slander but carole is grabbing her in a demanding way! Eugenia is looking at her with either amusement or shock. Carole must be desperate because didnt the Middletons try and bully the york girls through the years?!

  7. Lindsay says:

    I’ve long detested these nepo, parasitic hanger on’s.
    There is nothing dynamic, charming, interesting or attractive about them.
    Of course they know what side of their bread is buttered.
    Big duh.

  8. Jais says:

    So if the Sussexes “attack” again, the Yorks will give William their full backing? Lol. What does that even mean? What would that look like? How would it look any different? They show up when asked and don’t publicly talk shit about Harry or William. Would full backing mean they’d need to say something publicly against Harry?
    In regards to Eugenie talking to Carole. It almost looks like Carole specifically went up to Eugenie. Carole is leaning forward and holding onto eugenie’s arm. Carole is a game-player, just like William and Kate and Camilla. She knows that Eugenie is friends with the Sussexes and I think she wanted a photo of her and Eugenie.

    • Cate says:

      I agree. A photo of them together chatting doesn’t mean they are friendly and it definitely doesn’t mean that Eugenie initiated the chat. Carole gains a lot by appearing to be on friendly terms/accepted by the wider royal clan. I imagine Eugenie doesn’t have much reason to seek out Carole and I’d be VERY surprised if they ever interact with each other outside of these sort of events where the whole family is out in public. My guess is Carole approached and started chatting with Eugenie and Eugenie is too polite to just walk off, so made small talk for a few minutes and that was enough time for a photo to be snapped.

    • Nic919 says:

      Eugenie is giving off vibes of polite because we are in public but why is Carole grabbing her arm like that. Is she apologizing for when her daughters were total bitches to her and her sister?

  9. TN Democrat says:

    No one in the family should expect generosity from Willy. Will-not is going to claim every penny for himself and is also going to toss everyone to the rota at his leisure. None of the extended family without the ability to generate private income (Anne and her children) will be spared. My personal theory is that Harry is saving the edited parts of Spare (and adding chapters about the continued media campaign) to provide cover for Charlotte and Louis when Willy begins targeting them in 15 years or so.

    • sevenblue says:

      Harry has own children now, his priorities changed. Will is gonna target Sussex children to get any bad press away from his own children. That was always his plan, that is why he wasn’t worried. Archie and Lili have already been attacked by the royal reporters.

    • Lindsay says:

      I love your theory!
      This would be such an excellent measured and disciplined strategy.
      And I agree that the egghead is not one to share.
      He’s bitter and stingy.
      He has a title, fame and riches, but he’s a very robust egghead, first.

  10. GMH says:

    I don’t get it. There is no war against the Windsors, other than what the tabloids are making it to be in order to sell papers. There simply is an estrangement between the brothers. It is not a zero sum game.

    • DARK says:

      I assume the tabloids are scared of the documentary with Harry and Hugh Grant about the phone hacking. This is a call to arms and deflection I think.

  11. Mads says:

    When Charles became King they all thought he would have the same longevity as his parents and a possible 20 years before William was in control; everything has changed and any flexibility in family dynamics has been curtailed. William is demanding they choose and they have 🤷‍♀️

  12. Dena says:

    Speaking as someone from a very toxic family – clearly these reporters don’t know that being polite at social functions and choosing to occasionally be seen in public with relatives is not the same as support or choosing sides. Both women spend time with the Sussexes *in private* I believe (Eugenie for sure) and that matters a LOT more than public appearances.

    Also, I like the solid, jewel tones. I’ll admit to having a soft spot for both of them because you don’t pick your parents – one of mine truly is awful, and I’d hate to be judged on his behavior and beliefs – and they were treated horribly in the press for years over their looks.

  13. HeatherC says:

    I’m petty with my own fair share of messy family dynamics, esp some extended relatives of mine (cousins, second cousins, etc). It was striking to me that neither York cousins went to the Invictus service but made time for a garden party, etc. But I’m probably projecting, lol. Like others said, there’s a money thing and protection for Dad thing that they’re taking into account.

    • sevenblue says:

      I think Harry understands why they would choose Charles’s party because he has the power to make their life very difficult if he wants. Harry said nothing but good things about them, it is obvious he is closer to Eugenie though. They have also their father they need to worry about. Even when the reporters tried to goat Fergie to criticize Meghan, she didn’t go there. As a family, it is clear they are trying not to offend any side.

  14. Hypocrisy says:

    Just when I think Peggy couldn’t be any more pathetic he runs to the tabloids with this petty trash. Peggy may have the York’s through bullying but he’s lost worldwide credibility and any grace given because he’s was Princess Diana’s son.

  15. Lisa says:

    As someone who has been cut out of my only child’s life I can only imagine the pain Harry must feel! I feel these girls deserve everything the Royal family has to give them because in time they will eventually see that you mean less than nothing to them. It isn’t a nice or loving family. Pedo father and a mother who gets her toes sucked by her fling! Enjoy your selves girls!

  16. meg says:

    I firmly believe both Eugenie and Beatrice are just playing all sides to keep the peace but also to get as much inside information as they can. In that family knowledge is power and the York family want it

  17. Tessa says:

    I don’t think they like Kate. William is after their fathers current residence. I doubt it’s a love fest.

  18. Tessa says:

    Peggy did not even invite their mother to his wedding. She publicly complained

  19. Anonymous says:

    I hate to say that I think Eugenie is trolling Meghan.. look at the shoes she is wearing with that mint green dress….. LOOKS FAMILIAR ….. Kate also started wearing them after Meghan was featured in their magazine.

    • sevenblue says:

      Umm why would Eugenie troll Meghan? That is weird thing to say just because she wears similar things. Eugenie isn’t Kate, she never did mean-girl things. She and her husband visited H&M in Montecito and H&M visited them on their home. They are more family than Kate & Will ever were. Fergie knows not to go against the family. She always went both sides with Diana and BRF. Her daughters are doing the same thing, no doubt. You wouldn’t lose anything by minding your own business.

  20. Sue says:

    As Meghan once said (I paraphrase) ‘You don’t have to hate her because you love me” (or words to that effect). Anyway the York sisters appearing in public with their own extended family in the UK doesn’t mean they’ve taken sides. Like most of us caught in the middle of a family drama, they tread lightly.

  21. sammi says:

    Beware the photo set up….Eugenie is just being polite when Carole grabbed her arm or when her sister invited her to lunch and Piers Morgan is there.
    She is in Portugal with her husband working for a friend of George Clooney and she is nobody’s fool. George is close with the Sussex family!

  22. Barb Mill says:

    They always went for the Queen. They may enjoy seeing their other cousins. Beatrice and Edo probably still want to be seen as Royal for Edo’s business. They have been raised in this and may feel a bit of duty to the family but it’s hardly a statement against Harry and Meghan. Fergie bought the place in London but I read in one of her interviews she bought it mostly for her daughters. I thinks she wants something for them for an inheritance since getting anything from Pedo may be unlikely.