“Why did Tom Cruise skip the British Grand Prix last weekend?” links

I’ve wondered about this too – do you think Tom Cruise is mad about Brad Pitt’s dumb-looking F1 movie? Tom also avoided the British Grand Prix this weekend, even though he lives in England. Was it because Brad Pitt was filming there? [LaineyGossip]
This election is about abortion, ignore all the other noise. [Jezebel]
This story about Alice Munro & her daughter is awful. [Pajiba]
Divorce lawyers reveal their pettiest-client stories. [Buzzfeed]
Machine Gun Kelly & Megan Fox went to the Blink-182 concert. [JustJared]
Yes, Sean Combs is the subject of a federal criminal investigation. [Socialite Life]
Learn more about Jenn Tran, the new Bachelorette. [Hollywood Life]
Martha Stewart really has lived so many lives. [Seriously OMG]
Serena Williams looked amazing at the Essence dinner. [RCFA]
You can watch the first episode of The Last American Gay Bar. [OMG Blog]

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23 Responses to ““Why did Tom Cruise skip the British Grand Prix last weekend?” links”

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  1. K says:

    He and William were busy chasing Kate through Windsor Forest after she escaped from” Camp “??
    I can just see him wearing his SeaOrg sailor suit and William in his scarlet regimentals. I am sure she was headed to Wimbledon.

  2. Chaine says:

    People are acting shocked about Alice Munro’s treatment of her daughter, but for a mom to ignore their child’s report of SA or excuse an abuser husband is not uncommon EVEN TODAY. This happened in my own family and the stepfather was all to easily able to convince the mom first that the by-then 20 year old daughter was just crazy with fake memories, and then when a second sibling accused him of past CSA, he convinced the mom that her kids just didn’t like him and were making false accusations to destroy his and the mom’s marriage. In the end all the children’s painful revelations did was drive the mom closer to the stepdad and now she won’t acknowledge that the children ever told her anything or that anything could have ever been wrong. To her it’s just evil persecution of a church going godly man.

    • BlueNailsBetty says:

      I’ve said many times that familial CSA is epidemic in the US. It is the dirty secret that so many families hold and hide.

      Fuck Alice Munro, her pedophile husband, and the father and stepmother.

      • NJGR says:

        I have a feeling that it’s epidemic in a lot of places. There was an article in The Atlantic in maybe March of this year about how genetic analysis from genealogy websites can detect when someone’s parents are closely related to each other. It’s way more common than was previously thought, and most of those cases are thought to be the result of abuse.

      • Isabella says:

        This happened in Canada. Not the U.S. I’m sure it’s epidemic in both countries. The response from Munro’s hometown paper was oh well, she was old, poor, she couldn’t drive, she had nowhere to go. None of that was true.

  3. Mireille says:

    Yeah, I’m gonna go against Lainey here. They may have gotten off to a rocky start, but I remember seeing interviews with Tom and Brad where they’ve only been complimentary of each other. I remember one time David Letterman tried to goad Tom to say something negative about Brad, but he didn’t bite. He genuinely said that Brad was his friend. Tom is problematic in a lot of ways, but I’ve never heard him talk bad about another actor. If Tom is not going to the British Grand Prix, there must be another reason. Just my take.

  4. Nicole says:

    I’m glad Serena’s face settled. Her face during FW was not great. She looks less puffy now.

  5. NJGR says:

    And after she modeled, Martha Stewart was a stockbroker – in the late 1960s!


    I just love how you’re all focussed on Brad and Tom’s relationship and are ignoring the most important story about Alice Munro. This woman is an icon in Canadian literature. I revered her until I learned about this. It’s disgusting how it’s been shoved under the carpet for years and I’m so glad that her daughter finally broke free of the shackles of family shame, and told her story.

  7. Alex Can says:

    Regarding Alice Munro, everyone protected her fame. Everyone! Her daughter went to the police 20 years and her step father was convicted which means it was in the public record but no one in the media reported it. Munro’s biographer knew but didn’t include it in his book. Alice Munro was the only one who mattered. Unbelievable. She was a monster but I’m disgusted by all the others who were complicit.


      Thank you! I really appreciate your comment. I’m not sure why I am so angry about this. I was lucky and never experienced any sexual abuse, but for some reason I am boiling with outrage. Some of it might go back to a childhood trauma, when I was 13 my best friend‘s cousin was kidnapped and murdered, and never found, and I think it has made some mark on me.

      • Alex Can says:

        Omg how awful, I’m so sorry! Like you this news has really impacted me. Possibly because of my own experiences as well. It’s so shocking how girls have been treated as lesser human beings, sometimes (as in my case) by their own mothers. Take good care.

    • Isabella says:

      Andrea told her father after it happened, when she was 9. He did nothing. Nor did her stepmom. They kept sending her to Alice and the pedophile every summer. That is vile.

      I would like to know why the dad had custody most of the year. Sounds like Alice left him and the kids and moved from Vancouver to Ontario forever.

  8. ElleE says:

    The TCruise is my kind of gossip. That weirdo (whom I like!) is drawn to race cars by a magnetic force he can’t control.

    I’d like to think that he is avoiding some kind of optics, some drama/person he does not want to be associated with right now?

    He could afford to throw his own personal grand prix this weekend if he wanted to but I still sense some drama there.

  9. Ameerah M says:

    Lainey is dealing on outdated gossip IMO. Brad and Tom had issues while filming Interview With The Vampire but squashed it long before the film even came out. So I don’t think there is any beef between them now. HOWEVER – I do think Tom likes being the biggest star in the room and it’s hard to garner that attention with Brad Pitt also in the room. So I don’t think this has anything to do with them disliking each other and more to do with Tom’s ego.

    Also – that Alice Munro story. Andrea had two terrible parents. Her father knew about the abuse and allowed his daughter to continue living in that home and not telling his ex-wife. And then her mother ignored her trauma and stayed married to her daughter’s abuser. They are BOTH trash. And both step parents as well.

  10. Another Anna says:

    I don’t care how charming Tom Cruise is, how much he sends Dakota Fanning cakes or whatever. The man uses Scientology slave labor to renovate his properties. He is a bad person, full stop, end of story.

    Then pile on top of that he made suuuuuuuch a big deal over Suri when she was a cute little accessory, but the fact that she dropped his last name is solid evidence she doesn’t think that much of him now that she’s her own person. All of that, to me, says that he thinks people are just things. And they only matter to the extent they can do something for him. I say again, what a garbage person.

  11. olliesmom says:

    Tom Cruise and I are the same age. He looks like that I look like an old lady.

    Note to self: need to check out vampire stuff.

  12. Andrea says:

    I’d guess he was in Hollywood as part of the Paramount/Skydance negotiations.