Kelly Ripa’s dentist told her to quit chewing gum: ‘my jawline was becoming too developed’

Last month, Kelly Ripa and her husband Mark Consuelos were celebrating International Pineapple Day on their morning show, Live with Kelly and Mark. During their taste-testing, Kelly brought up how much she hates eating in front of other people, especially when she’s on TV. Well, Kelly may not like chewing her food in public, but it turns out that she’s a prolific gum chewer. Or rather, she used to be. While discussing something called “chewing facial fitness gum,” which is apparently a thing amongst teenage boys who are trying to get “chiseled jawlines,” Kelly laughed and shared that those kids don’t need to spend money on specialty gum. As it turns out, Kelly is somewhat of an expert in that subject. She used to chew so much gum that her doctors recommended she quit because her jawline was apparently becoming “too developed.”

On Live with Kelly and Mark this morning, Kelly Ripa chewed out a trend among teen boys of “chewing facial fitness gum to get chiseled jawlines,” but only because regular gum will seemingly do the trick.

Sharing her amusement by the fad, she continued, “And let me tell you something. You don’t need facial fitness gum. You can just chew gum!”

Alongside Mark Consuelos, Ripa recalled her own experience with having to let go of gum.

“Because as you know, my dentist, years ago, made me quit gum because my jawline was becoming so developed,” she explained, “that he said, ‘Do you want to look like Mark?’ And I was like, ‘Well, I mean, Mark is handsome! I’d like to be a handsome woman!’”

However, her jaw — or as Consuelos put it, her “mandibles” — was becoming so developed that she ultimately made the decision to “quit the gum,” which she said was “hard” to do.

“It was my favorite thing to chew,” she added.

Consuelos chimed in, acknowledging that “there is tougher gum to chew.”

“Is that what this fitness gum is?” he asked.

Ripa replied, “I guess so, but I think all gum does the same thing. You chew it, and it develops your mandibles,” which elicited a chuckle from Consuelos.

She also issued a warning to avid gum enthusiasts in order to save them from the same facial fate.

“So just beware, gum chewers out there. You could wind up with a square head like me,” she joked.

[From Decider]

What the what?! I have some thoughts about what Kelly said, but one thing at a time. My first impression was that chewing gum to chisel your jawline is not a thing, so I went to Dr. Google, which confirmed that there is no actual evidence that chewing gum can give you a more defined jaw. Then, I went to Amazon and found the Facial Fitness brand gum that’s all the rage. It’s $30! That is bonkers. Someone, please, tell the kids that they’re alright. Save your teeth, not your jawline.

As for Kelly’s claim, how much damn gum was she chewing that her doctors were more worried about its effects on her jaw over what it was also doing to her teeth? She must have been spending so much of her day chomping away that she was getting head and jaw aches. That’s the only thing I can think of that makes sense. Woof. So much to unpack with this one. I’m glad Kelly’s listening to her dentist’s advice and laying off the gum. I wonder what she’s doing instead.

Photos credit: Darla Khazei / Avalon, Roger Wong/INSTARimages, Robin Platzer / Twin Images / Avalon

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27 Responses to “Kelly Ripa’s dentist told her to quit chewing gum: ‘my jawline was becoming too developed’”

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  1. ML says:

    I know someone who had physical therapy due to jaw pain. Apparently, one of the worst things you can do is chew gum—we use our jaws a lot to talk and eat.

  2. manda says:

    back in the 80s, my mom chewed gum because there was an idea that it would help you lose weight.

    • Lady Rae says:

      Yeah that’s what I was thinking she’s probably chewing gum to avoid eating.

    • sparrow1 says:

      Your comment made me think about dieting in the 80s and 90s and pre 00s in general. Thinking about my mum here and remembering how she dropped pounds very quickly whenever she wanted without restricting her food too much. I’ve read that it was far easier for women, and let’s face it most people on diets were/are women, to lose weight during those decades than from the turn of the century into ours. It must be something in our current food that makes it harder to lose weight – palm oil? Something else, such as increased tiredness and the need to eat sugar?

      • olliesmom says:

        High fructose corn syrup. That’s what is our (processed) food that makes it hard to lose weight.

      • Hannah1 says:

        Yes, and to HFCS and seed oils add artificial sweeteners. Food that is engineered to taste good but keep you from feeling satisfied, leading to compulsive eating.

        Anyone interested in recovering their ‘fullness response’ should try avoiding these and consuming more high-fat dairy.

    • sevenblue says:

      Not for losing weight, but I chewed gums (sugar free) for some time to stop eating junk food during the day. It worked like a charm.

  3. K says:

    I thought that jaw came from years of aggressively spouting idiocy. She is so tiring.

  4. Libra says:

    This may or may not be true. Her brain is missing the ” edit” button. I’ve heard some strange things come out of her mouth over the years, just in interviews she has given as I don’t watch her show. She is so full of herself.

  5. Just Chelle says:

    When I quit smoking, I picked up a new bad habit – chewing copious amounts of Dubble Bubble Gum. Ten years later and thousands of pieces of gum later, I have crowns on all of my molars and very defined jaw muscles.

  6. Mireille says:

    I love gum, but I stopped chewing it due to jaw pain and a couple of times accidentally biting the inside of my cheeks and tongue from chewing. I knew then that gum wasn’t worth it. I take her comment as another vain attempt to show the world she’s just awesomely blessed. “I chewed so much gum and all I got is this beautiful, defined, toned jawline!!! I really can’t with her. She’s so full of herself.

  7. Ameerah M says:

    Many people use chewing gum as an appetite suppressant. And that’s all I’m going to say about that.

  8. Nicki says:

    The only thing that gives you a chiseled jawline at age 53 is a facelift. But points to Kelly for creative misdirection.

    • Granger says:

      I mean, that’s not entirely true… Maybe by 63? But I’m 53 and have plenty of friends my age who still have a nice, firm (one might even say “chiseled”) jawline. Sadly, I’m not one of them. I inherited my dad’s jowls and am even starting to see the dreaded “wattle” under my chin. Maybe I need to start chewing gum.

      • manda says:

        The wattle is genetic! It sucks! I only don’t have one if I’m about 15 to 20 pounds lighter than I currently am

    • Debbie says:

      @Nicki: I thought the same thing after hearing Kelly’s words. And I still think that’s what it is.

  9. Jks says:

    I think I saw on Dr. Karan that the sorbitol in chewing gum can help you go to the bathroom. It can act as a laxative so it’s sometimes offered to patients post surgery.

    I don’t think I have chewed a gum in over 30 or more years, come to think of it! Definitely not when I lived in Singapore!

    • Mireille says:

      Yup, that’s true. They use sorbitol and these other sugar substitutes in sugar free gum. Most sugar free gum act as a diuretic, especially if you chew a lot in one day, one setting (did that once). I hate sugar free gum because of this laxative effect.

  10. Jill says:

    I may be in the minority on this one but this story is hilarious. It genuinely made me laugh. She and the whole story are ridiculous but I got a laugh out of it and I’m grateful for that.

  11. Kathryn says:

    Gum chewer here. It’s not the most attractive habit so I try to limit it to when at I’m home or a long car trip. It does help me from eating mindlessly and if sweetened with xylitol, I’ve heard it can help with dental health (true??).

  12. Hannah1 says:

    Funny, there aren’t any mandible muscles in your chin to explain that jawline change.

  13. Lola09 says:

    Hmm. I have chronically swollen parotid glands which gives me a similar jawline to hers. It’s due to 20+ years of bulimia, not chewing gum!

    • Anners says:

      This was my first thought, as well.

      My dentist also hates gum, but that’s because it’s sticky and gets all over and between your teeth (or so she says).

    • DeltaJuliet says:

      That was my thought as well. I chew gum like a fiend (mostly an anxiety thing, also helps control my snacking) and my jawline is normal, nothing “overly defined” about it.

  14. Lily says:

    I’ve never heard of this before. I used to chew a lot of gum, yet I have a weak jaw.