Princess Beatrice wore Monique Lhuillier to the Wimbledon quarterfinals

This year’s Wimbledon has been a soggy mess. There has been rain every day or almost every day of the tournament thus far. The All-England Club has made good use of their two show-court roofs, and now that we’re further in the tournament, all of the big singles matches will be on those courts too. All of which to say, it does feel like A-list turnout has been muted because of the rain. But on Tuesday, there were two big quarterfinal matches on Centre Court, both of them involving Italian players. Russian octopus Daniil Medvedev beat Italian string-bean Jannik Sinner in a five-set thriller, and Italian sparkplug Jasmine Paolini beat American Emma Navarro.

When I saw that Princess Beatrice and her husband Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi came out for the Centre Court matches, I was like “oh, nice, I wonder if Beatrice is a Medvedev fan.” But then I remembered… Edo’s family has Italian roots. They were probably there to support the Italians. Still, they cut to Beatrice during Daniil’s on-court speech after the match and she looked happy for him! (Check out the whole video, it’s cute, but they cut to Bea at the 44-second mark)

Beatrice’s Wimbledon look was really good – she wore a floral Monique Lhuillier silk shirtdress. The roof was closed throughout both matches, so you know it was humid in there, but she didn’t show it. Her style has improved so much. Edo looked a bit torn up that Sinner wasn’t feeling great.

Also including some photos of Sienna Miller and her lover Oli Green, and of course my fave Daniil, who will face Carlos Alcaraz in the semifinal on Friday!

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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26 Responses to “Princess Beatrice wore Monique Lhuillier to the Wimbledon quarterfinals”

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  1. Pinkosaurus says:

    I liked Sienna’s dress more when I thought the strip of midriff skin was a belt. Bea looks good and Edo’s suit is a challenging shade of brown but I think he’s pulling it off, plus his shirt coordinates nicely with his wife. He’s quite a dandy, and I say that in the most complimentary way.

    • Lady Esther says:

      Agree about Sienna’s dress, and she really needs to stop jacking her face. If your toyboy makes you feel that insecure, dump him!

      I am in the minority because I thought Beatrice looked a hot mess – scruffy hair that needs new colour and an old lady dress with too much fabric that rivals Sophie at her most frumpy. That pattern does nothing for her, she’s better in solid colors IMO…

      • JT says:

        @Lady Esther Same. I think she looks a bit sloppy. I still can’t figure out what I’m missing. Her style doesn’t look all that great to me but everyone thinks she looks great. Where?

    • sunnyside up says:

      I think there are too many colours in the print.

  2. Cerys says:

    Bea looks very nice and Edo looks very smart. When they turn up to events, they look like a couple compared to others who look like strangers to each other.

  3. Chaine says:

    I see you’ve avoided the photos that show Bea and Edo in the same frame as Lena Dunham who was sitting RIGHT BEHIND THEM so I guess their seating was not that exclusive 🤣

  4. Hypocrisy says:

    Not a fan of the dress, and I wish she would actually do something with her hair, she always looks like she threw on a dress and forgot to look in a mirror.

  5. Flower says:

    Edo’s suit is such an odd choice for Wimbledon, brown and double breasted ?

  6. Ohwell says:

    Siennas cheekbones and mouth look swollen.

  7. Jais says:

    Congratulations to meddy🐙! Beatrice looked nice. I’m just feeling meh about all the floral dresses. It’s fine and appropriate but I don’t love. Just feel meh. Preferred sienna’s polka dots but the hemming around there bottom of the shirt wasn’t great and and kind of ruined it.

  8. Mil says:

    Sienna looked beautiful. I get she had some tweaks, but it is still Sienna. Bea… well, better than her usual.
    Underwhelming fashion this year.

  9. Mel says:

    Poor Bea looks more and more like a muppet with those bulging eyes. Sad that she seems to have got the worst features from both parents. Nice frock, though.

    • Steph says:

      I think Bea has beautiful eyes. Her face just looks a little unbalanced bc she has the same narrow jaw and thin lips as Princess Anne. When she smiles and her bottom half widens some, her eyes look gorgeous. I also think her makeup was worse for wear after being in that heat and humidity for hours.

    • Mayp says:

      Funny because I thought Beatrice is looking better. To me, it looks like she’s had a bit of work done on her mouth. Maybe a couple of teeth removed and some braces to line them back? Because before it looked like she would have to try real hard to close her mouth but her teeth don’t appear to protrude as much. Her eyes even look better. Meds for thyroid eye disease?

  10. Becks1 says:

    I liked Bea’s dress – I think its pretty and summery and the style is a good one for her figure. Edo looks nice but he looked hot in these pictures – like literally hot, his face looks red, lol. But if it was that humid it makes sense that he would be uncomfortable.

  11. Dee says:

    I don’t like Edo’s suit at all and it looks wrinkled and hot. Bea’s dress is okay, but does look matronly to me.

  12. Steph says:

    Hey, someone help me out. I thought you could wear your military uniform in public at specific events and with the monarchs permission. Why is that dude in a uniform behind be? And why the heck would he want to in that weather?

  13. girl_ninja says:

    Be looks great, she has the figure to pull off a lot of what she wears. I don’t f!ck with Monique Lhuillier after she posted a photo of Ivanka Trump on IG in one of her dresses. The post showered her with compliments and I could have gagged. The “elite” are so out of touch.

  14. Steph says:

    When are they going to update what’s considered appropriate attire for Wimbledon? They can’t look nice, sophisticated, and weather appropriate? It’s too damn hot for what these people wear. People should look at the archives of the Vuelve Cliquot NYC Polo Classic for inspo. The attire is garden party runway. It’s usually hot and humid here when it takes place but no one looks like they are about to stroke out from the heat.

  15. Kirsten says:

    Bea is adorable but she always dresses way too old for her age — this look is so mumsy.

  16. JanetDR says:

    I have some very pretty summer dresses with floral prints, but not one with a collar, buttons or a belt. I don’t get why you would want that- it looks either matronly or school girlish.

  17. blue says:

    Beatrice has an unfortunate face. A decent hairstyle could minimize some of the flaws. Edo’s brown suit doesn’t coordinate well with Bea’s dress. She dresses better since she & Edo got together but would still benefit from a stylist.

  18. Mahidevran says:

    I like Bea’s dress. For me she doesn’t look matronly but a grown up woman who’s approaching maturity. She doesn’t have to pretend to be in her 20s! However, while I understand going easy on the make up when it’s humid, hair color and cut does her absolutely no favour. My guess is she tried to pull a casual styling, but ended up looking sloppy. It helps if you know princess Anne’s and Hanbury’s secrets of idgaf chic

  19. Gia says:

    Bea’s dress is USD 3200 and it looks meh on her…Wonder how much taxpayer money she grifted to buy it…