Cele|bitchy | Tiger Woods might really be in sex rehab after all

Tiger Woods might really be in sex rehab after all


I remember hearing the rumor that Tiger Woods was in sex rehab or was planning on going to sex rehab or something like that a few weeks ago. At the time, I just thought “what bullsh-t” and “of course he is because he’s that f-cking stupid.” Well, it might be true! Apparently, People Magazine and Hollyscoop are really pushing this whole sex rehab story, and it might have legs:

The rumors were true all along— Tiger Woods is currently in rehab for sex addiction. Hollyscoop first reported the news over the holidays that the golfer was pushed by his handlers to check into a facility in Arizona.

The exact location was unknown at the time, but now People reports that Tiger is currently enrolled in rehab at The Meadows, a facility in Wickenburg, Arizona, and has been there since late December.

A sex-therapy expert says Woods planed on staying for 4 to 5 weeks of treatment. “He should be out by Valentine’s Day or thereabouts,” says the source.

A separate source tells X17, “He has been there for a few days since his handlers forced him to enter the program. They feel that if he blames his cheating on addiction, the public will forgive him.”

“Tiger wants to get back on top. He agreed to put golfing on hold so he could show the world how badly he feels about what he’s done and to prove that he wants to correct the problems that led to his infidelity.”

An insider adds that the center is extremely confidential, and they won’t even confirm that a patient is at the facility (even to family members).

We highly doubt a few weeks in rehab is going to make the public forgive him!

Meanwhile, we’ve also gotten confirmation on Elin Nordegren’s whereabouts.

TMZ reports she and the kids have been renting a $2 million 5-bedroom house that’s in close proximity to the gated community where the Woods family was living. Check out the photos here —not too shabby!

[From Hollyscoop]

To be fair to People Magazine, they only claimed that Tiger “may” be in a sex rehab facility in Arizona. I guess if People is reporting the rumor, it might actually have some legs. But does anyone really think Tiger has some kind of addiction? Can’t we just admit that he’s just some dude who likes to pretend to be a nice family man for his image, all the while he’s screwing everyone and everything around? That’s not an addiction, that’s just dumb. There’s no rehab for stupid.

Tiger Woods on November 11, 2009 in Sydney, Australia. Credit: Fame Pictures.


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34 Responses to “Tiger Woods might really be in sex rehab after all”

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  1. Parisienne says:

    regarded that we do not know the whole picture but yet enough to know that he did some stupid and hurting things, I would see a lot of merit for him to go to rehab and therefore to seek professional help.

  2. Trevor says:

    What an even more stupid thing to say. Nobody really knows what’s going on with Tiger but Tiger. Hell, it took us this long to know what we do now. If Tiger’s getting the help he thinks he needs, then good for him. Simple as that.

  3. WTF?!? says:

    His cheating came from entitlement, enabling and the feeling that rules don’t apply to him. Excess in all things. Sex addiction– please. Time to move on. Elin has left him, he’ll play golf again, enough on this “poor fellow” already.

  4. lin234 says:

    I agree with you Kaiser. Using the word addiction makes it sound like he wasn’t at fault. Tiger is just a man with too much money and opportunity to cheat on his wife and he took every advantage of it. He was arrogant enough to think that he could get away with everything because he’s the best at hitting a little ball into a hole.

    It’s like the people using the word crazy on Elizabeth Edwards because she got really angry at her husband. Certain words are too widely misused because people like to put a label on things. Now I believe someone like Britney Spears has psychological issues but not Tiger.

  5. crab says:

    Please can you not put up pictures of him that close, he skieves me out! Talk about chipmuck teeth!

  6. Roma says:

    I don’t know… it could be an addiction issue. I think we’ve gotten so used to people throwing down “sexual addiction” every time they get caught having an affair but it is an actual problem that people struggle with. It’s not like he got busted with 1 or 2 on the side – there were massive, massive amounts of women.

  7. sickofit says:

    it has been said that he was literally beaten by his father into golf sports.
    to me he does not seem happy at all, even before those recent events.
    and honestly i think his wife is a true gold digger, so i do not feel sorry for her at all.

  8. Jillian says:

    @crab- I like to call them Chiclet teeth.

    (Reminds me of the seen in Dennis the Menice with Walter Matthau where Dennis breaks Mr. Wilson’s dentures and replaces the 2 front teeth with Chiclets.)

  9. niamh (neev) says:

    At this point the guy has to do what he thinks might save his career. He really has no other option. I mean, noone thinks rehab will help, noone thinks his apology will help, noone thinks his hiding will help, noone thinks anything will help! The guy has no other option. What WON’T you blame him for?

  10. Lantana says:

    ITA w Lin234
    And about Tiger in sex rehab – how many times do you think he’s getting laid there? Like a zillion? For gawds sake, sex rehab with a place full of sex addicts would be his dream!

  11. Just a Poster says:

    If he actually went to seek treatment, then good on him!

    buuuuuut.. if he went because his handlers “forced” him to go.. I predict he will be banging away quickly (and not just golf balls)

  12. princess pea says:

    He does too have options. Like retiring, for example; the man has boatloads of money and doesn’t need to work.

    I am fed up with idiots claiming they’ve got an addiction to cover their asshole behavior. I think any and all real sex addicts should be furious, too, because horny men with no impulse control and too many groupies are making an actual mental health issue look like a joke. But we knew he would, right? As soon as we knew there were more than one or two mistresses, who didn’t guess that he’d be another celebrity sex addict?

  13. Newyorking says:

    He remindsme of Don Draper from Mad Men – an entitled prick who thinks he can bang anything under the sun without any consideration for family – only his job matters.

  14. oo God leave Tiger alone.

  15. QB says:

    What is sex rehab? I hope they don’t have internet in that place becaus if they do he is not recoverinf , if you have internet and a few good links believe me this addiction would go on.

  16. Firestarter says:

    This story has really run it’s course. Who cares where the man is. All this speculation is nonsense. We will find out, if and when he wants the public to find out. End of story.

  17. andrea says:

    i have no idea if the right word is “addiction” or just “mad issues” or both – either way, what tiger’s got, there’s no fixing. i think it’s pathological with him.

  18. YeaRight! says:

    Yea..and if he didn’t get caught, he would still be up to his ole tricks.(pun intended)

    There is just no personal responsibility anymore. If we can throw a label on it. Alcoholism, Drug Addiction, Sex Addiction, etc.

    He’ll go through this rehab, come out and speak about it, and all will be forgiven, because he is Tiger Woods.

  19. Sumodo says:

    So, X17 has been right, all along. I’ve been trusting that site and RadarOnline.com for the most accurate info. They are working overtime on Tiger and Elin. Too bad we’re eating this up, because it’s sad, really.

  20. Goddess711 says:

    He’ll be out just in time for Valentines Day!

  21. valerie says:

    u know what? all these people hatin on tiger need to hate on charlie sheen whos been an asshole for a long time…but he still has a show! whats up w/ that? smells like racism to me…

  22. archiepelago says:

    those pictures!! *shudder*

  23. princess pea says:

    @ valerie – I do also “hate on” Charlie Sheen. Many of us do. It’s not mentioned here because:
    a) this post is about Tiger Woods,
    b) Sheen has not, to my knowledge, entered into sex rehab (which would make him relevant to the post), and
    c) THIS post is about TIGER WOODS.

    Don’t stir shit up with unfounded racism accusations. You think people don’t hate the white philanderers? I guess you haven’t read any of the Mel Gibson threads?

  24. WTF?!? says:

    Oh, valerie, please. That’s the same faulty thinking that leads every criticism of Obama to be chalked up to racism. It’s tired, it’s inaccurate and it’s as pathetic an excuse as “sex addiction”. If that’s how it smells to you, then it’s originating with you.
    TIGER chose to leave golf, no one took the opportunity away from him.

  25. Firestarter says:

    @Valerie- While I agree, people need to be outraged at Sheen, and sadly few are, as another poster said, this was about Tiger, not Sheen.

    I will suggest, as I did in a Charlie Sheen/Brooke Mueller thread, that if you are truly outraged over Sheen and his actions, and him being the highest paid actor on a network series, go to CBS.com, as many of us did, scroll to the bottom or click the link provided in the last Mueller thread, and find “feedback” and send them an email about your feelings.

    Some of us do care about what a tool Sheen is, but this is about Tiger.

  26. ccoop says:

    “He should be out by Valentine’s Day or thereabouts”

    “Tiger wants to get back on top.”

    Sometimes the jokes just write themselves.

  27. buenavissta says:

    @sickofit: Elin comes from a wealthy family so I’m not sure I buy her being a golddigger. I also don’t feel sorry for her as much as I admire her for the immense class and dignity she has demonstrated in the midst all this.

  28. Ally says:

    Whether it’s addiction or not, it’s certainly a lack of self-control. And it sounded to me from the start like there was a prescription drug abuse issue with him, too. Definitely worth looking into in a rehab setting — only I doubt this guy would have the humility to submit to the process of thorough self-examination, behavior change, and developing consideration of others beyond his self-serving egomania.

  29. Sincerity says:

    If Tiger Woods is actually in rehab, there may be a chance he can save his marriage and I pray that he and Elin can work things out. From what I understand, all she wants is a committed, monogamous relationship and as his wife, she is entitled to that.

    Making assumptions about Tiger’s actual mental state is very unfair. Sometimes promiscuity is an outward manifestation of other issues that have been ignored and it’s usually not until a crisis occurs that forces the person, in question, to deal with them. Hopefully, Tiger will take this opportunity to thoroughly explore what’s bothering him the most and address it in a constructive fashion. None of us knows everything about the pressures of his childhood and professional life. Let’s give him at least a benefit of a doubt. No one is perfect!

  30. Zewt says:

    I love how the article says the facility is “very confidential” and “won’t confirm someone is a patient, even to family members,” like it is some big deal. That is standard confidentiality procedure in all mental health treatment facilities. I guess they just don’t want readers to realize how often staff at other facilities are lured into leaking information about celebrities by celebrity gossip magazines and websites.

  31. Ruffian9 says:

    Such a bullshit ‘addiction’. It’s lack of respect (for his spouse and family). ‘Addiction’ somehow implies to me that he was unable to control his need to have sex with (what, dozens of?) other women. Bull. Crap. Most of us like sex. Many of us have been tempted. Be a man, be faithful to your spouse. I agree with WTF?!?

  32. Peter M says:

    TIGER DON”T DO IT!! Sex rehab is a load of bleep! See Dr. Drew. Next they’ll come up with ‘shoe rehab’ for my wife. Some guys like lots, some guys don’t. I love my wife, never fooled around but I’m a lucky guy, I found a lady that matches me. Tiger’s mistake was getting married in the first place – because he likes lots.

    He doesn’t need anymore money or sponsors. It’s none of our business anyway. If I was him I’d pay Elin off, she deserves a lot of money, I feel for her. I’d give it to her no questions or strings along with an apology. I’d still try to be there for the kids (heck they probably don’t see him much when he is golfing anyway).

    Go out do your thing, have sex as much as you need, want or desire (note: wear protection this time)and get it out of your system. Find the right match (or matches). Do it, but don’t put a ring on it until you are sure.

  33. 88Modesty88 says:

    There are also rumours that he’s in sex rehab in Cape Town, South Africa. The paps are camping out in front of Montrose Place, which is also a sex rehab facility…

  34. Greg says:

    2007) I’m a golf professional and was caught by my wife having a online relationship with a women. I had plan to meet this women on a trip to Orlando, but was caught by my wife with spyware on my PC.

    After being caught my wife planned to divorce me and take the kids – Very Sad! The next day I jump on a plane and put myself in THe Meadows rehab (where tiger is) and it was the best thing that ever happened to me! I feel that The Meadows change my life in so many ways for the positive!

    I regret that my wife moved on even after all the work, but I honestly wouldn’t change a thing!
