This Mail story about Prince William and Jecca Craig’s family is so weird

Prince William has connections to the Kenya-based Craig family going back decades. He remained close to Jecca Craig and prioritized time with Jecca even years into his marriage to Kate. William is also close to Jecca’s father, Ian Craig, even giving Ian “The Prince William Award for Conservation in Africa” in 2022. Ian Craig founded the Northern Rangelands Trust through the Lewa Conservancy and USAID in 2004. The Lewa Safari Camp is where William allegedly proposed to Kate. Well, the Mail’s Richard Eden has a very curious story about Ian Craig and he’s connecting it to William.

Few, if any, families matter more to Prince William. Partly because he remains bewitched by ‘the Balmoral of Africa’ — as Lewa, their 62,000-acre patch of Kenya, is sometimes known. And undoubtedly because of his personal bonds with Jessica ‘Jecca’ Craig, often considered his first serious girlfriend, and her father, Ian Craig, on whom he personally conferred his eponymous Award For Conservation in 2022.

So the Prince will be distraught to hear of Craig’s abrupt and anguished departure from the Northern Rangelands Trust he founded in Kenya 20 years ago. Since then it has created one of Africa’s most successful rhino sanctuaries and persuaded governments to ban the sale of ivory, thereby sparing innumerable elephants from slaughter by poachers.

In an excoriating letter announcing his resignation from the Trust — a network of 43 previously separate groups which he painstakingly stitched together — Craig makes a series of damning allegations. He claims that the Trust’s financial controller was removed ‘without good reason’ and roundly criticises the way the board has behaved. Describing himself as ‘utterly disheartened,’ he also alleges the decision to move to a new headquarters ‘disrupts’ a communications hub ‘where hundreds of thousands of dollars have been invested’ and accuses the CEO of making ‘inappropriate statements’.

William will be dismayed. It was in 1998, on one of his earliest trips to Africa, that he met Craig who inspired his fascination with conservation. William’s youthful romance with Jecca, a dazzling brunette, intensified his passion for Africa. Although the relationship cooled when William went to the University of St Andrews, their friendship remains strong. Jecca attended William’s wedding to Catherine Middleton — to whom he proposed while staying at Lewa in 2010.

The Trust rejects all of Ian Craig’s allegations. But he has fierce support.

‘We as a community will stand by him,’ one Kenyan ally tells me. Another assures me that Craig ‘has been the backbone of the organisation’.

Time, surely, for Wills to plan a peace-making visit to the place which has such a hold on his heart?

[From The Daily Mail]

It sounds like whoever is making decisions for the Northern Rangelands Trust is making some very strange decisions. But isn’t that person Ian Craig? What’s really going on here and why is William’s name being thrown around? This feels like something we should bookmark and save for later, because the full story is probably going to be a lot messier. William’s name is being brought up for a reason. His connection to Jecca is being brought up for a reason. William is being associated with what sounds like a major kerfuffle involving conservation. Hm.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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51 Responses to “This Mail story about Prince William and Jecca Craig’s family is so weird”

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  1. equality says:

    Northern Rangelands Trust has always been a colonialist organization. It’s no wonder PW is a friend.

    • UnstrungPearl says:

      His ‘fascination with conservation’ ffs its just a hobby to these people. Colonialist busywork to pad out their time. And clearly the Prince William award is given out on a basis of nepotism!

      • Ellie says:

        That’s actually cronyism when it is friends and acquaintances; nepotism is when it is family.

    • Lizzie Bathory says:

      Wow–fantastic & detailed look at the historic problems with this organization. Colonialist bullies pushing around indigenous people & making money at their expense. Sounds like a perfect fit for William.

    • Chanteloup says:

      @equality Thank you for that! That answers all the questions
      A racist colonialist organization displacing indigenous people and using corruption, falsified reports, intimidation and violence to make $$$

    • Amy Bee says:

      Where’s Richard Eden’s report on the NRT’s violations? The same organisation that accused African Parks of misdeeds also accuses Craig’s organisation of wrongdoing.

    • Megan says:

      Carbon credits are an environmental fever dream that let industries continue to pollute while the people least responsible for climate change are exploited.

    • Shoesnotblues says:

      Thanks for the link; very enlightening article.

    • Lau says:

      @equality, yeah I was getting major colonialist vibes the more I read this article and the more the DM talked about the Craig family.

    • kirk says:

      Thanks for the link @equality. Interesting author and story, and introduction to story making platform.

  2. Becks1 says:

    So this sounds messy and based on this, I can’t figure out what’s going on.

    but yeah, its interesting that Eden is tying this so strongly to William, reminding everyone that William and Jecca dated, calling her a “dazzling brunette” and saying William should go to Kenya to sort this mess out? What role does William have that he can sort any of this out?

    Something is going on here, but what? Is Eden just trying to poke the William bear a bit?

    • DK says:

      What struck me about all this phrasing is: colonizers gonna colonize.

      All the reasons that make Africa (or specifically this region in Kenya, but since this article is from the DM, apparently anywhere in that dark, homogenous continent is just “Africa” – that’s sarcasm, by the way!! It’s neither “dark” nor homogenous, hope that goes w/o saying) appealing to Wills are apparently…his connections to either rich and/or hot white folks who are living off riches I’m guessing were made by colonizing actual Kenyans.

      I’m sure, there is other dodgy stuff going on and it sounds like Jecca’s pa is trying to remind everyone of his connection to Wills to avoid culpability for whatever sh88 he stepped in, but…
      I can’t with this white colonizing family

      • Becks1 says:

        YES! William needs to go to Kenya to fix this because…..Kenya needs a white British prince to fix whatever is happening? It definitely reeks of colonialism.

    • Nic919 says:

      Is this one of those articles that hint at something and then Richard Kay will come along and make it more obvious?

    • Cara says:

      I can’t stop laughing. The notion that Prince William can or could ever “fix” anything is hilarious. Perhaps all the royal costume capes he wears are to make us think he’s a superhero. I sort of feel sorry for the press sometimes though. He’s a hard turd to polish.

  3. sevenblue says:

    Yeah, that is a weird story and it isn’t even slow news day for royal reporters. Why would Will care about this? It isn’t something he founded. I feel like he is trying to poke Will.

  4. Mslove says:

    Yesterday it was Rose and today it’s Jecca. Battle of the side pieces? Winner gets custody of the angry egg, no givesies backsies.

    • seaflower says:

      It’s a nudge for more access/sitings of Kate before summer holidays.

      • Mslove says:

        I think the dirt on Peg would be more exciting than Kate at Wimbledon. It’s time for Richard Eden to go rogue & spill the beans.

    • Interested Gawker says:


      It may seem funny, but it’s not (Oh no)
      I’m thankful for what I’ve got (Me too)
      It may not be a lot
      But he’s large
      And he’s mine

      Rose and Jecca:
      (You can have him)

      With apologies to the late Shelley Duvall

  5. EasternViolet says:

    Maybe William wants Ian Craig on Earthshot… or maybe there are plans for William and Craig to partner on a new conservation project… because William’s ego can’t handle the great reception Meghan and Harry received in Nigeria?

  6. aquarius64 says:

    William and KP slapped a muzzle on the press regarding Rose, but that muzzle doesn’t extend to Jecca. William worrying about his could have been FIL and not helping out his current in laws on their money woes is weird.

    • seaflower says:

      Kate and the Mids were always last choice.

    • Jais says:

      Although at the same time, I feel like less is known about jecca than rose. Probably bc she lives outside of the uk but still.

  7. UnstrungPearl says:

    Very odd story. Without the PW connection would this make the news? Either something very messy is happening within the trust and it’s somehow linked to W, or its an excuse to get him and Jecca in the news again…is it relevant or is it a threat to reveal secrets?

  8. HeatherC says:

    Very curious…..”dazzling brunette” and “go visit the Craigs William!”

    Is this a set up or a nudge that “give us something or we’ll start revealing?”

    Stay tuned.

    • Kreama says:

      So. Weird.

      But will he be flattered or pissed?

      I think it’s actually quite disrespectful of his marriage and wife to go on about his former romance. Can you imagine if such things were written about Kate or any woman in her shoes? She’d be branded as a slut.

  9. Chaine says:

    I saw everything I needed to know when I learned that some white guy owns 62,000 acres of Kenya. Wonder how that happened. Hmmmm.

    • SarahCS says:

      Agreed, seeing the other comments giving more details just confirms it all.

    • Nlopez says:

      This right here!@chaine

    • The Fifth Element says:

      Yeah, “Balmoral of Africa” made my eye twitch.
      I wonder if they’re setting up a cover story for why William is traveling to Kenya and leaving behind his wife with cancer?

  10. sparrow1 says:

    She was the love of his life imo. It’s a poor situation: part of Jecca’s appeal must be her freedom to have loved him but turned him down. He’s now with someone who fought tooth and nail to be a royal wife. It’s a catch 22. William hates his life but married a woman who wanted his life. William hates his life and the woman he loved had the sense to run a mile from it. He no doubt admires Jecca even more for not wanting to be a royal wife, meaning Kate dwindles further in his estimation by default.

  11. Armoire says:

    Kate looked exactly the same and energetic during the last event. I’d be amazed at her being absent from Wimbledon. Now the Mail is throwing all these exes at William. I suspect there’s something boiling behind the curtain and it ain’t Meghan’s apricot jam.

    • Iolanthe says:

      If Kate had any self respect she would cut her losses and leave. But wait ..she never had it . Once a Kingfisher always a Kingfisher.

  12. therese says:

    Wouldn’t Bill be on the board? Probably another hidden reason why certain entities were going so hard at Harry. Yet another accolade and award for Harry, and another detriment to Bill.

  13. QuiteContrary says:

    Wait … William proposed to Kate on property belonging to his former girlfriend’s family? How did I miss that detail??

  14. Dani says:

    1) “The Prince William Award for Conservation in Africa”

    The hell?! It’s so low key I forgot this award existed. Can we continue with forgetting it? I wonder if we can do away with it completely?

    2) Forget Rose Hanbury; Jecca is the one that got away for Egghead. He stayed sniffing around her for years, and would probably go back to her in a heartbeat if she waved some perfumed hair his way. If there was any woman he’d make his queen over Kate, it’s Jecca.

    • sparrow1 says:

      Yes, exactly; it’s not Rose, it’s Jecca. The flame flickers on and on. Like I said above, I suspect he loves and admires Jecca even more for not wanting to join in him the life he doesn’t want, and thereby respects Kate far less because she wanted it so much.

    • Nic919 says:

      William ditched Kate at Peter Philip’s wedding and her first meeting with the queen to attend the wedding of Jecca Craig’s brother.

      Also, Jecca had prime seating at William’s 21 birthday party, but Kate did not.

      And William ditched his family on Charlotte’s first Easter to attend Jecca’s wedding in Kenya not bringing any of his family with him.

      Jecca has been the one he moves mountains for.

  15. Interested Gawker says:

    Well, well… @WHERE’SMYTIARA was thinking aloud just yesterday about Rose being so prominent and Jecca quite shrouded. If the ‘BM switches out names’ gambit is considered is this where the ‘H must resign from African Parks’ stories sprung from? What sort of ‘peace-making’ from William would be necessary?

    “If there was any woman he’d make his queen over Kate, it’s Jecca.”

    I agree! That’s one of the reasons I think the Rocksavages will not decouple. Rose is notorious to the point the emoji of the flower gets removed from the BRF’s SM. I don’t think Rose is going anywhere because her husband and son have that hereditary role. I think she will not be ‘the one’ for William to make a spouse of. I think William has someone else in the wings.

  16. Eurydice says:

    I think the connection is that Northern Rangeland Trust has been supported in part by the Tusk Trust, of which William is the patron. Perhaps something stinky about Tusk Trust will be revealed in all this kerfuffle?

  17. Kay says:

    👀👀Interesting article I came across today. The British Army trains in Kenya and has for a very long time. These cases go quite far back. Heartbreaking.

  18. Tessa says:

    I remember when Kate dressed like j e c c a

  19. Andrea says:

    “The Prince William Award” ….omg how embarrassing,

  20. Lex says:

    What on earth kind of name is Jecca, I’ve always wondered

    • Shoegirl77 says:

      As a Jessica, I can say that I was known as Jecca for a period of my life. Simply came from small children having trouble pronouncing Jessica. That’s what I’d assume anyway.

    • FlamingHotCheetos2021 says:

      A nickname for Jessica, apparently.

  21. VilleRose says:

    Wow William has such a type! Jecca, Rose, and Kate all have a similar look to them. I think out of all of them Rose is the most striking but Jecca looks like she’s full of life and personality and also very pretty. Jecca’s husband is very handsome and isn’t the future king of England so she traded way up.

    I have no idea about this story of Jecca’s father resigning from the organization he founded. Apart from all the colonialism, is he trying to save his own skin by throwing everyone else under the bus and resigning by trying to look like he’s the one who only has sense? I dunno if he has no fault in whatever mess is going on in his own organization. Apart from dating Jecca and loving Africa, what does William have to do with the organization? Has he donated money behind the scenes or what?

    Ugh and “Balmoral of Africa” what is that ridiculous sentence. Why not Balmoral of Kenya?