Meghan Trainor will have side by side toilets in her new house too

A few years ago, Meghan Trainor made headlines when she said with her whole chest that she and her husband Daryl Sabara love having twin toilets in their bathroom. For Meghan and Daryl, who got married in 2018 and have two children together, side-by-side toilets in the same bathroom is a must-have. Can they afford to have a house with more than one bathroom? Yes! Does that matter? No!

So, Meghan and Daryl are moving into a new house soon. Naturally, that home does not have side-by-side toilets built into the master bathroom. It merely has a toilet and a bidet that’s across from the toilet. During a recent episode of Dax Shepard’s Armchair Expert podcast, Meghan talked about her new house, their need to renovate the bathroom to get that dual-potty action, and what they actually do in there.

Meghan Trainor and her husband Daryl Sabara are ensuring they keep their bathroom tradition alive by having side-by-side toilets — even as they prepare to move into their new house.

The “Dear Future Husband” singer sat down with Dax Shepard for his Armchair Expert podcast where she revealed she needs to replace the bidet in her new house with a toilet.

“We’re moving into a new house, and it has a toilet facing this way, and a bidet across from it,” the 30-year-old said. “So I need to make this [bidet] a toilet. So it’s gonna be a little different, but it’s a tighter bathroom area, so we will be close. Knees to knees. And that’s better, I want to see him.”

“Oh, I don’t like him pooping next to me,” Trainor said. “I tell him that. I go, ‘You know you’re not supposed to do that.’ We just pee. We’re not s–ttin’. You guys assumed poop, didn’t you?”

But Trainor has confessed to doing a couple number 2s together.

Back in 2021, the couple raised eyebrows when Trainor revealed on the Why Don’t You Date Me podcast that the couple had recently moved into a new house and among their list of renovations were side-by-side toilets, so the pair could both go to the restroom at the same time.

“We just got a new house, and we did construction,” she revealed at the time. “Nobody knows this, but in our bathroom, there was one toilet, and a lot of time in the middle of the night when we’re with the baby, we’ve got to pee at the same time. So I was like, ‘Can we please have two toilets next to each other?'”

The pair, who tied the knot back in 2018 admitted that her contractor initially thought she was joking, but eventually obliged to her unusual request.

As for how often the twosome have gone number two together, well …

“We got two toilets sitting next to each other, and we’ve only pooped together twice,” she shared, explaining that they don’t do it often because it “smells foul.” She added, “We pee at the same time a lot.”

Along with sharing bathroom moments, Trainor and the Spy Kids star also share sons Riley, 3, and Barry, 12 months.

[From Too Fab]

LMAO with the “You guys assumed poop, didn’t you?” Hahaha, of course we assumed poop! I mean, it’s a choice either way but why would you need a double toilet to pee at the same time? You’re generally not doing that activity long enough to have a conversation or need two toilets, and if you are, then it’s almost certainly because you want some peace and quiet to play on your phone alone. I could see having two small potties in the same room if you’re busy potty training two small children at the same time, though.

Now, I will admit that I may not always close the bathroom door in my bedroom if my husband is around when doing #1, but I’m not trying to catch him up on my entire day while peeing, either. I also don’t actively seek out anyone to be around me while I’m doing #2 and always close the door for that one. I’m not Tori Spelling or anything. Anyway, for the record, let me say that having tried a bidet for the first time while in Italy earlier this year, I have to opine that Meghan and Daryl should keep theirs.

photos via Instagram and YouTube and credit: Dominic Hanson / Bang Showbiz / Avalon

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8 Responses to “Meghan Trainor will have side by side toilets in her new house too”

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  1. CL says:

    I got a bidet seat for my toilet right after Covid, and I can’t imagine going without. I splurged and got one with heated water and a fan (no cold water in the winter!). But I also can’t imagine having to get up and walk to a separate bidet to use it.

    There’s no way I’d ever have side by side toilets. There is a thing as too much togetherness.

    • CeeGee says:

      My bidet attachment is honestly one of my favourite things I own – my last apartment had two bathrooms and I bought a second one so I didn’t have to pick and choose. When I travel/stay in hotels I miss it SO much. It makes me feel so much cleaner, and its also amazing for when I have my period. I cant believe anyone doesnt have one! I also dont have the heated one and it’s honestly never felt shockingly cold or been an issue (and I’m in Canada). And you’re right – the idea of standing and moving to a separate bowl is very odd.

  2. Nixie says:

    I would run screaming into the world like I was being chased by an ax murderer if I ever walked into a house and saw side by side toilets. The horror.

  3. Tursitops says:

    I await with breathless anticipation the day that the ablutionary, scatalogical and other hygienic habits of celebrities are no longer the subject of public discourse.

    In the meantime, I will retire to my fainting couch (yes, I do have one) where I will take tea while reading Emily Post.

  4. Mina_Esq says:

    I look forward to the day when we no longer get to hear about MT’s toilet use. Even Dax couldn’t make this boring woman sound more interesting.

  5. February pisces says:

    People have side by side sinks, but are happy to share a toilet? If I could I would have my own toilet and never share with anyone else ever again. So if I did have two toilets it wouldn’t be so we could use them at the same time, it would be so I would have my toilet and my partner would have theirs, and would never be allowed to poop in mine.

  6. goofpuff says:

    Bidets are so much more sanitary! Her removing it makes me sad. And also, side by side for pee. What kind of peeing does it take for her to take so long that you need side by side for pee? Does he sit down to pee? otherwise standing up and peeing is all that fun splash action. And pee DOES smell. And poop is so smelly, that ugh nope on side by side pooping.

    That is some serious co-dependency. Poop time is time for yourself in a busy household for me!

    I would like separate toilets (like his/her bathrooms) but not right next to each other in the same room.

  7. Lily says:

    This is foul. Why not just have two bathrooms?