Danny Elfman sued for defamation by composer who sued him for sexual harassment

Film composer Danny Elfman — former Oingo Boingo frontman, frequent collaborator of Tim Burton and Sam Raimi, and voice of Jack Skellington — settled a sexual harassment lawsuit in 2018 for $830,000. We learned about this last year, when his accuser Nomi Abadi, a celebrated musician herself, had to sue him again because he had failed to make two scheduled payments per the terms of the settlement. Upon this second lawsuit, Elfman issued a statement to Rolling Stone to vehemently deny the allegations against him. Again, this on-the-record rebuttal from Elfman was five years after he had already settled with Abadi for nearly a million dollars. Well, Abadi is well lawyered up and taking sh-t from no one, because she just filed a third lawsuit against Elfman for defamation, based on his comments to Rolling Stone last year. Well played Ms. Abadi. Well played.

Composer Nomi Abadi has filed suit for defamation against composer Danny Elfman, according to media reports.

In the Los Angeles Superior Court suit, Abadi claims statements Elfman made to Rolling Stone last year “peddled appalling lies for publication to Rolling Stone about Nomi.”

The statements made by Elfman and his representatives dismissed Abadi’s allegations of sexual misconduct. Instead, the complaint claims Elfman and his team depicted Abadi as “a scorned woman seeking revenge and money to make Elfman ‘pay for having rejected her.’”

Attorney Eric George filed the defamation suit today on behalf of Abadi, as reported by Rolling Stone and several other media outlets.

Elfman’s statements were part of a Rolling Stone story published in July 2023. That story said that Elfman had a previously unreported settlement and nondisclosure agreement with Abadi. She accused him of multiple instances of sexual harassment and misconduct. Elfman denied those allegations.

Rolling Stone reported that the 2018 lawsuit alleged that Elfman exposed himself and masturbated in front of Abadi without her consent on several occasions. Elfman denied that he sexually harassed Abadi in the Rolling Stone article, issuing a statement that said, “Ms. Abadi’s allegations are simply not true.”

Elfman was the leader of the New Wave band Oingo Boingo, which had its biggest success in the 1980s. He has collaborated with Tim Burton on the films Batman and Edward Scissorhands, and with Sam Raimi on Spider-Man and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. He earned Oscar nominations for Men in Black, Good Will Hunting, Big Fish and Milk.

[From Deadline]

I’m a big nerd for film scores, so learning last year that Danny Elfman was a douchebag abuser and DARVO manipulator was really disappointing. Because he has composed some of the greatest film scores. Milk? There are tracks on that soundtrack that still give me chills, music so delicate that to this day I start to hear it in my head when I’m walking through falling snow. Elfman has pissed on his entire body of work, by being a gross person repeatedly towards a mentee and colleague, and again by taking zero responsibility. And I know we shouldn’t be judging people by their looks, but take a gander at this man. When we covered Elfman last year, my favorite of the comments was that he looks “like the It Clown Grandpa.”

So much respect for Abadi for taking him to task again. Some men really won’t stop unless they’re made to pay, literally. (And even then there’s no guarantee…) Barring some huge revelation and about-face, I think it’s safe to say that Danny Elfman is a lost cause. My question is: how much longer will we abide Tim Burton working with him on every project?

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27 Responses to “Danny Elfman sued for defamation by composer who sued him for sexual harassment”

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  1. Ana Maria says:

    He looks like Mr Burns

  2. sevenblue says:

    Honestly after hearing about Neil Gaiman too, I think there are more predators in the entertainment business, who are very established artists. They are used to cover it all up with money and NDA’s. When people continue to work with men like him, I just assume because they also have skeletons in the closet, so that’s why they are resisting this culture of cancelling predator men in the industry.

    • ML says:

      Coming here to emphasize what you mentioned about NDAs. They should be used to safeguard keeping information about hoe a company functions or certain business knowledge protected from the competition. However, they are so often used to protect the powerful from consequences of seriously bad behavior. Sexual harassment or rage issues get smothered with secrecy, possibly a pay-out , usually a loss of a job for the victims and the a-hole in a higher position is in the clear to continue on as they wish. Mediation is usually paid for by a company in whose best financial interest, the victim does not receive justice.

      So incredibly disappointing with Danny Elfman. Since where I live doesn’t have a Halloween tradition, I used to celebrate it at home with my kids and Dead Man’s Party was part of that tradition. I hope Nomi wins.

    • Lululu says:

      I worked for a Hollywood “PR maven” for several years. I guarantee whatever you are imagining, it’s worse.

    • turtledove says:


      I was just talking about the Gaiman info with my daughter. Getting really sick and tired of artists whose work I enjoy turning out to be monsters.

      It made me wonder if these people were always predatory or if the fame/power/money brought it out in them. I mean, overall it doesn’t matter. Evil doing is evil doing.

      Obviously, we all hear about Gaiman and Elfman BECAUSE they are famous, and the guy that works the deli counter in your suburb could be doing the same and you wouldn’t know. But it just makes me wonder if these guys were always sketchy or if the opportunity that power/money provides might have influenced them to do it simply because now “they could and would more easily get away with it”. Again, it doesn’t entirely matter, I am just curious. I think to an extent the idea of that makes it worse to me. Like, there are lots of very talented actors, writes, directors and composers in this world, but just a few ever make it to the level of Gaiman and Elfman. And then they get that privilege of doing what they love for a living and being beloved and so so successful…. and then what do they do? They use that status to be predatory abusers.

      • sevenblue says:

        @turtledove, sure money and power corrupt people. But, not every man gets turned on by abuse and control. At the end of the day, these men enjoy the fear they are inflicting on these women. They are already rich, technically they can buy the company and intimacy of a beautiful woman with consent, but the consent is not attractive to them. There are a lot of poor men doing the same thing to the women they see on the street or in the office.

      • bisynaptic says:

        Status absolutely makes people more narcissistic.

    • bisynaptic says:

      I wouldn’t be surprised if there were skeletons in Tim Burton’s closet, too.

  3. BQM says:

    And my 90s fave Bridget Fonda gave up Hollywood for this douchebag. (They’ve been married for 21 years). Leave him and come back Bridge!

    • Jess says:

      Wait? What? Bridget Fonda is married to him? Even through this lawsuit? Dang it. I loved her in the 90s so much too! Good for Nomi going after Danny. And now I have to go find out what the Neil Gaiman allegations are. So much to process here!

    • SpankyB says:

      I loved her and Eric Stoltz together, they were a cute couple. She seems to have a thing for gingers.

  4. Sydneygirl says:

    I’m sorry, but he looks like the main character in my next nightmare.

    As @BQM said above, Bridget Fonda picked this guy? Oy.

  5. Chaine says:

    No one agrees to an almost million dollar settlement just because a woman felt “scorned.” Now my question about Burton is why is it that he collaborates often not just with this terrifying looking guy, but also with another very problematic person.

  6. msmontclair says:

    I love Oingo Bingo. So damn disappointing when your faves end up being trash.

  7. AA says:

    He looks like the demon from Smile

  8. smee says:

    I completely believe this woman. What shocks me is how little attention this is getting. He’s still working. He’s super wealthy so I guess he can supress for a while…

    Also, he definitely had a midlifer and got buff and tattooed.

  9. Tursitops says:

    @Kismet Don’t worry about Tim Burton’s reputation; he’s not worried. He’s cool with Johnny Depp, so surely he can make room in his heart for another misogynist.

  10. Suemorg says:

    Danny Elfman is my sleep paralysis demon 😈

  11. SciLies says:

    Although both Danny Elfman and Neil Gaiman have said they are not Scientologists, they are Scientology adjacent. Elfman’s brother and his family are Scientologists and Gaiman grew up in Scientology. Just saying…

    • 80sMercedes says:

      The brother is married to Jenna Elfman, right? Does anyone remember her craziness caught on camera yelling about babies?

  12. Rhiley says:

    I wish Bridgette would leave him but I don’t think she will be coming back to Hollywood if she does. The few times paps have caught her in the past couple of years, she seems very reclusive and timid. I loved her movies too.

  13. Spike says:

    What a creepy. I wouldn’t want to walk down the same street as that POS. Elfman, Depp – Tim Burton sure knows how to pick ’em.

    And of course he composed the score for Beetlejuice 2. Yuck.

  14. Joy says:

    Does no one remember his ditty “Little Girls” as Oingo Boingo frontman/creator/writer?????? You that are surprised? No?