Harrison Butker is salty about Serena Williams dissing him at the ESPYs

Back in May, Kansas City Chiefs’ kicker Harrison Butker gave the commencement address at Benedictine College’s graduation. Butker’s speech was awful – he called IVF, surrogacy and abortion part and parcel of “degenerative cultural values” stemming from the “pervasiveness of disorder.” He told all of the female graduates that they’ve been fed “diabolical lies” about careers and living independent lives, and that they should all immediately get married and start having babies. What should have been a celebration of and for the graduating class of 2024 turned into a Christofascist lecture from an incel-adjacent numbnut.

Well, Harrison Butker attended the ESPYs last week, even though it was hosted by Serena Williams, a woman who prioritized her career over marriage and babies until she was well into her 30s. He attended the ESPYs even though the achievements of female athletes were being celebrated alongside the achievements of male athletes. Jesus wept, as did Harrison Butker. But the hardest part of Butker’s night was when Serena, Venus Williams and Quinta Brunson stood on stage and clowned on him:

It was great. I loved the reaction from the audience, and it’s even sweeter knowing that Butker was in the room when they said this. Well, on Friday, Harrison Butker released a statement about that part. He is very upset about what the Black women said about him! Why were they even allowed to speak? Don’t they have to wait for their husbands to give them permission to open their mouths? (Wait until he finds out that Venus isn’t even married!) This was the dumbass statement Butker gave to NBC Sports:

“I thought Mrs. Williams was a great host and applaud her for using her platform to express her beliefs on a variety of topics,” Butker said, via NBCNews.com. “Sports are supposed to be the great unifier and at an event dedicated to celebrating a diverse group of men and women who have accomplished great feats, she used it as an opportunity to disinvite those with whom she disagrees with from supporting fellow athletes.”

Butker’s attempted pivot to victim isn’t as adroit as he had hoped, even without the extra “with.” He disinvited himself. Serena Williams and Quinta Brunson were merely acknowledging it. Looking at it more broadly, Butker didn’t use the situation as an opportunity to explain that his words from May were in some way misunderstood or misinterpreted. His acknowledgment that Serena Williams is someone “with whom she disagrees with” tends to confirm that he said what he meant and he meant what he said.

[From NBC Sports]

That was NBC Sports editorializing and basically calling Butker a whiny little turd. “She used it as an opportunity to disinvite those with whom she disagrees with from supporting fellow athletes.” Serena told a misogynist that women athletes don’t need his attention, time or support. It was an excellent clapback by Serena for all of the dumb and divisive sh-t Butker said in his commencement address. “Sports are supposed to be the great unifier.” Graduation ceremonies are also supposed to be a unifying experience, but Harrison Butker chose to use his platform to denigrate the young female graduates and their professional and personal aspirations. (Sidenote: Serena is tight with Taylor Swift, who is dating Butker’s Chiefs teammate Travis Kelce… this could get even messier.)

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Cover Images.

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77 Responses to “Harrison Butker is salty about Serena Williams dissing him at the ESPYs”

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  1. seaflower says:

    What a special snowflake he is.

    • BeanieBean says:

      So cute, too, with his fancy wording (that he garbled). He tried, bless his heart.

    • Josephine says:

      Imagine — a guy who believes in separating the sexes into firm categories complaining that someone else is being divisive. For the record Butker, she was not disinviting men to follow and appreciate women’s sports, just your special self. No doubt his neanderthal, tiny brain can’t understand that, poor thing.

      And he is doubt jealous that Serena could provide for his wife and kids much, much better than he can.

  2. Miranda says:

    It was so refreshing to see NBC not hold back on the editorializing. You know you really f–ked up when even sports journalists are calling bullshit.

    • Josie says:

      Did no one else think Quinta Brunsun’s “like, ever” was maybe a Taylor Swift lyric use? It’s such an iconic part of that song and I felt like that was a little way to get Taylor in there who without a doubt hated that that fool felt the need to use a lyric of her’s (that he so misunderstood) in his stupid speech?

      • Sona says:

        With all due respect, Josie, that’s a super common saying and not at all iconic and representative of Taylor Swift to anyone else but her fans.
        It seems like the final period in the sentence and just that.

  3. Bumblebee says:

    He was in the audience? I am howling! Of course women aren’t going to ‘invite’ you, especially when you totally miss the point of the joke.

  4. Mightymolly says:

    He seems very emotional.

  5. Lolo86lf says:

    Misogyny has been in the news lately. From handsome brainswashed moron Harrison Butker to whoever was that said that Taylor Swift is not a good role model for women because she is 34 years old and not married. Serena Williams had every right to diss him. It amazes me how haters bully others and they still expect to be acknowledged by them. I almost forgot, those pants look ridiculous on him.

    • Lux says:

      Plot twist: Harrison Butker wrote the Taylor Swift article.

      Jokes aside, you know he doesn’t think she is fulfilled until she marries Travis and has his babies. Amazing how a simple man can take that one anecdote from his wife and apply it to all women.

    • kelleybelle says:

      I don’t find Harrison Butker the least bit handsome. No. He is gross.

  6. Truthiness says:

    Butker should stick to kicking.

  7. Mireille says:

    Serena is a GOAT. Butker is someone without that misogynistic graduation speech would have faded into obscurity given time. And if he can turn a graduation speech into a social issues rant about women needin to be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen, Serena can say whatever she wants about him at an awards show. Plus, my bet is on her to kick his ass on the tennis court OR football field every day of the week.

    • Christine says:

      We can rest assured he will disappear into obscurity at some point. Kickers just aren’t remembered, no matter how big of a dick they are.

  8. Libra says:

    How long before his wife tires of this? He thinks he is raising her up but every time he opens his mouth he is putting her down.

    • TN Democrat says:

      He knows he is putting her down. That is the entire point. He gets to be superior because he, a white KKKhristian MAN possesses a penis and she has to cater to his needs and whims whiles having no say or dominion because she lacks the tiny appendage. This type of magat wants women sent back to the dark ages and the rule of thumb with no control over reproductive health, no no-fault divorces, no opportunities for advancement and no capacity to survive without reliance on the generosity of husbands. Look at pictures of women in Afghanistan pre-Taliban. Societies can be open and completely close down because of religious extremists. Listen to what the magats are saying. When people tell you who they are and what they really think, believe them.

      • Christine says:

        The true irony being the only reason why sports are remotely unifying, to him, is because Black people are better at his sport than white people. You just know this guy is a total racist, and would know zero Black or Brown people without football.

  9. Renae says:

    Looks like he’s wearing bedroom slippers.

  10. Rapunzel says:

    He called her Mrs. Williams? Um…..what?

  11. Amy Bee says:

    What a baby.

  12. sevenblue says:

    If it was up to this sh*tty guy and his dystopia, there would be no women athletes. There would be only girls doing some sports until they get married and lose everything after becoming a mom and wife. This is the world this guy is dreaming of. Why would we respect that? He can get all the respect he needs from his male colleagues and his boss, which he does. I don’t need to show respect to someone who wants to take away my freedom. F*ck him and every little man who says “oo, but he is so nice to meeeeee”, which includes TS’s boyfriend. So, don’t expect anything from her anytime soon.

    • Truthiness says:

      Travis said he doesn’t agree with Butker’s ideas whatsoever. Being nice to people you work with who have crazy ideas is pretty normal.

      It’d be pretty funny if someone came out as Butker’s gay lover from his college days.

      • sevenblue says:

        @Truthiness, lol I didn’t say he is agreeing with him, I said he is still showing respect to him while that guy wants all the women to turn into home slaves. He didn’t need to say anything about him, but he made sure to put how nice and respectful he is into the record. “I cherish him as a teammate…. he is every bit of a great person and a great teammate”. I don’t know about you, but if my coworker was a f*cking misogynist, I wouldn’t sing praises about him. I remember swifties were posting misinformation that Travis hated that guy and never spoke to him even at work. After Travis came out with praises, I see, the goalpost moved unsurprisingly.

      • Truthiness says:

        The Kelces pointed out that 15-20% of players believe the earth is flat, there’s no shortage of dumbasses and misogynists to hate in football. It’s a long long list, swing a bat and you’d hit one. What they cherish is winning games in a brain damaging sport for countless millions of dollars so it’s all a mess ethically and morally.

        Harrison Butker scored 137 points in 2023, he has been the Chief’s leading scorer in 6 different seasons. Say goodbye to getting to the SuperBowl, he won 2 of the playoff games last season and he came up big in the S Bowl. If Kelce said it’s me or him, Kelce would have to retire. Did Travis go too far and was cringy again? Yes. Butker shuts up in practices and games, Pat/Travis/Andy aren’t good friends with him irl and Travis went too far backpedaling after dissing his whole belief system.

      • sevenblue says:

        @Truthiness, I don’t care if this guy is good at his job. I worked with misogynists too. You do your job regardless. What you don’t do is praising the man’s character because it isn’t the men he wants to oppress. Travis wasn’t cringy. He was very clear while giving a supportive statement about Harrison. He could choose not to say anything if he wanted to be just professional.

      • Truthiness says:

        You don’t watch them? Travis disagreed and had a LONG @ss counter-pitch, way way way longer than the respect, for beautiful households like the one he grew up in where both parents provide, both parents are the homemakers, and both are very present every single day. He said they were raised in a very diverse world (he said social classes, religions, races, ethnicities) where everyone is respected and nobody has grounds to judge another’s belief systems. And he’s going to repeat THAT lifestyle (w more $).

        And then he goes out to hype his gf AND HER JOB til everybody is sick of him. Just like he hypes his mom for working and mothering at the same time. He lives the counter-pitch. Mama Kelce threw the coin toss at the SB and she made it to the Football Hall of Fame FIRST – they needed her SB outfit. The Kelces hype their working mom – unlike Butker – and the NFL helps them. Very deep rooted Kelce disagreement with the kicker. Sorry for the book, I remember too much.

      • kirk says:

        @Truthiness – “Harrison Butker scored 137 points in 2023, he has been the Chief’s leading scorer in 6 different seasons…If Kelce said it’s me or him…” Huh? Big if. Why would team player Kelce say anything that stupid? Kinda sounds like you think Butker is long-time overall MVP for KC Chiefs, but I’m thinking he relied on his teammates more than a few times to get him within 62 yards of goal. Or less yards. While he’s being protected by everyone else on his team.

  13. Joanne says:

    He needs to smile more.

  14. Jais says:

    Nah. He’s complaining about what he himself did. What a baby.

  15. bisynaptic says:

    Butker should come out of the closet.

  16. Get Real says:

    Poor little privileged white boy got called out on stupid remarks. Boo f*cking hoo.

  17. Roo says:

    Bless his heart. He thinks we care about his reaction. 😂

  18. Kittenmom says:

    I need to know what that menswear guy has to say about Harrison’s outfit!

    • MissMarirose says:

      Do you mean Derek Guy? He’s the best! I love the way he uses right-wing idiots as bad examples of good tailoring when he’s doing those threads teaching people about men’s fashion. I’ve learned a lot and chuckled at the same time.

  19. Feebee says:

    I could watch that video snippet several times a day for the next year. Serena’s tone/delivery was everything! LOL

    Oh dear, now poor wee Harrison has had his feelings hurt. Boo hoo.

    And who is Mrs Williams?

    • BeanieBean says:

      Serena was perfect, Quinta was perfect, and Venus was a goddess (pun not intended, but hey it works!).

  20. Jayna says:

    According to him, ALL women dream of marriage with children BUT not working to be a stay-at-home mom and to support in his case their professional athlete husband. These professional female athletes don’t agree with him regarding putting their careers aside. Serena has a great man by her side who enables her to have the many careers she has had and many she continues to have while being a mother. All women are different, Harrison. We’re not a monolith.

    Whine away, Harrison.

  21. Mslove says:

    If Harrison Buttner really wants to be a good, old fashioned Catholic, he’ll need to quit working on Sundays. Keep holy the sabbath day and all that. But he and his ilk are hypocrites and brainless idiots.

  22. Ellen says:

    I’m shocked he didn’t call her Mrs. Ohanian! Ofalexis?

  23. Talia says:

    Also calling her “Mrs. Williams,” idiot that’s her original name, use Ms! I always correct people when they do this to me, annoys the shit out of me.

  24. Silent Star says:

    Entitled white guy makes comments excluding women = fine.

    Women make comments excluding entitled white guy = uNfAiR!! DiVISivE!

    Stop clutching your pearls, BUTTker

  25. Lau says:

    I have a question : why didn’t the camera go to his face when they dissed him ? Because the audience’s reaction was great so I think it would have been really hilarious to have this guy’s face trying to fight back tears. Oh no wait he probably doesn’t cry because he’s too manly for that.

  26. HeatherC says:

    He should have stayed quiet, but that was too much to ask because he should have stayed quiet THIS ENTIRE TIME actually.

    And really, it was just a formality to disinvite him from supporting women’s sports. We already know he doesn’t. Women’s sports is about strength and confidence, while he celebrates some notion of women being passive and “pleasing” instead. After all, instead of practicing and honing their craft, shouldn’t they be out hunting husbands and charting their fertility so they can have the maximum amount of babies?

  27. Oh come on. says:

    Harrison who? This jackass’ 15 minutes of fame should be well over by now.

  28. BeanieBean says:

    ‘Mrs. Williams’? H couldn’t even bother to get her name right!!!! 🤦‍♀️

  29. Minimi says:

    Who is this idiot? I guess apart from the USA this guy is not known anywhere else and no only really cares what’s his opinion. You know who is worldwide known? These fantastic three women in there plus Taylor Swift who brought focus to his sport worldwide by dating a guy in his team. I guess it’s really hurting hard his little feelings.

    • Bonsai Mountain says:

      These fantastic three black women have called him out. Taylor hasn’t said a word.

      • sevenblue says:

        Even Katy Perry called him out 😭😭 She edited the video of his speech into a speech encouraging women to do what they want with their lives.

  30. QuiteContrary says:

    His outfit is tragic.

    It is absolutely epic that he was in attendance for this perfect smackdown.

  31. PJ says:

    Serena is not afraid of him or the British Media.

  32. Jenn says:

    It was his statements that were divisive, and the ESPYs are actually the MOST correct venue to denounce them. If anything, he should be shamed harder. This guy obviously had a tough childhood—his name is a syllable away from being “Hairy Butts”—and it has clearly affected his behavior ever since

  33. Veronica S. says:

    You know it must kill men like him to watch a black woman go down as a GOAT while he’ll be lucky to be remembered at all lol.

  34. Kat says:

    I love Serena, but I ESPECIALLY love her for calling out this christofascist man child in public.

  35. KeKe Swan says:

    You guys have addressed the substance excellent well — what I want to know is much shallower. WTH IS HE WEARING?

    A shawl collar white dinner jacket that doesn’t fit? (The button is supposed to hit right at the navel. The jacket looks too tight AND too short.)

    And he’s paired it with… NAVY PINSTRIPED PANTS?!?!?! And high water to boot?

    What a Bama!