“Rest in peace, Shannen Doherty” links

Rest in peace to Shannen Doherty, who passed away at the age of 53. I got so sad thinking about how both Brenda Walsh & Dylan McKay are both gone now. [Just Jared]
Richard Simmons and Dr. Ruth also passed away this weekend. [Pajiba]
Scarlett Johansson is really not delivering any good fashion right now. [Go Fug Yourself]
Spotlight on model Matty Carrington. [Socialite Life]
Lainey on the Sussexes, Serena Williams & the ESPYs. [LaineyGossip]
Don’t Brownie Batter Blizzards advertise themselves? [OMG Blog]
Hannah Dodd wore Ralph Lauren to Wimbledon. [RCFA]
It only took one push for Peta Murgatroyd to give birth. [Seriously OMG]
What’s the latest drama on RHOC? [Starcasm]
No, I’m sorry, these Donald Trump photos are insane. [Hollywood Life]
I didn’t know that Robert Duvall refused to do The Godfather III after a salary dispute. But… he took issue with how much Al Pacino made? [Buzzfeed]

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42 Responses to ““Rest in peace, Shannen Doherty” links”

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  1. UpIn Toronto says:

    They broke the mold with her! RIP Shannen❤️❤️❤️

    • Oldgranny says:

      I truly loved Shannen Doherty. She became famous young and it didn’t do her any favours, but she was a survivor. I just think she should have a little bit longer
      She pushed past the tabloid nonsense and lived a good life. I just think she should have had a little bit longer.

    • Oldgranny says:

      I truly loved Shannen Doherty. She became famous young and it didn’t do her any favours.
      She pushed past the tabloid nonsense and lived a good life. I just think she should have had a little bit longer.

  2. tealily says:

    Shannen, Shelley, Richard, and Dr. Ruth in one go. That’s a wallop.

    • CatMum says:

      for real, for real.

      I remember listening to Dr Ruth on the radio, when I was growing up back in the ’70s. she sounded just like the Jewish grannies of my friends, but she was telling everyone to use condoms! which was radical in those days. she got into sex education because her parents “had to” get married due to pregnancy. it was not a happy marriage and she wanted to help others. rest in power, Dr Ruth! she truly made a difference.

      • Karen says:

        She definitely started the normalization of talking about sex and that it’s not a shameful thing.

      • Christine says:

        She also wanted us all to know what “good sex” looks like, and I am forever grateful.

  3. Teddy says:

    A very good Shannen Doherty piece in Rolling Stone: “Nobody Could Break Shannen Doherty, and Everybody Tried”. She was no more problematic than many of her maile colleagues in the business but wow, she got taken to task for any little thing. I was a young teen watching (and stanning) 90210 in those days and remember how shocking it was to see adult writers hate her so blatantly.

    • SarahCS says:

      At the time I didn’t know anything about her beyond her roles and the tabloid headlines and she’s been a fascinating study in how to take back control of your narrative and showing people how distorted those lenses were. I’m so sorry that we have lost her.

  4. Flamingo says:

    I am the same age as Shannen and gosh did I try to mimic her look on the 90210 years. I had her bangs, i tried to get my eyebrows thin like her. She was just a firecracker.

    And I so hate on her last livestream she noted her ex-husband is playing games with alimony hoping she would die first.

    I hate she had to deal with any stress the last days of her life. That she fought like hell for each day on earth.

    May she rest in power.

  5. pottymouth pup says:

    Mara Wilson posted a really sweet story about how kind and considerate Doherty was to Wilson’s then 6-year-old sister. https://bsky.app/profile/marawilson.bsky.social/post/3kxbatre3yo2w

    for those of you who don’t have bluesky:

    “When I was 12 I went to Danny DeVito’s New Year’s Eve party. I’d found some girls my age, but wanted my little sister to have fun, too.

    Then I saw this woman on the dance floor squat down to my sister’s height, say “Hi, what’s your name? I’m Shannen!” and take her by the hand to dance with her.

    Even at 12, I knew who she was, and had heard of her “bad girl” reputation, and I remember being shocked that she was so kind to a six year old girl. But that showed me that there’s often more to somebody than the rumors you hear. An important thing for a 12-year-old girl to learn, I think.”

    • Sass says:

      This story made me cry.

      I wasn’t allowed to watch BH90210 (I sneaked a couple and of course was indeed obsessed with Shannen), but I loved her in Charmed.

      May her memory be a blessing.

  6. Proud Mary says:

    I’m a gen-xer who never watched a single episode of B-90210. But even I have to admit that show was a huge part of my youth. I couldn’t go anywhere without hearing people talk about it. She got a lot of bad press; I think to some extent she was trying to create a persona that was against type, so she could get hired after the show? I don’t know. But, rest in peace baby girl.

    • Aerie says:

      I never watched it either but some of my college friends watched ‘Bev’ religiously ever week. I’ve heard from a few of them this week and one expressed a sentiment shared by most: “this one hurts”. Shannen definitely fought a brave battle. May she be at eternal peace.

    • Christine says:

      We had all-dorm viewing parties every week! It was the only thing all of us had in common, since we were from all over the planet.

  7. Lindsay says:

    My heart goes out to her soul.
    She had a brutal ending that I wouldn’t wish on anyone 💔♥️

  8. Emme says:

    Ahhhhh, Shannen fought soooo hard and for so long to live. She knew her stage 4 cancer was a death sentence but wanted to show other cancer sufferers that you can still work and still live even with that bastard disease. She was a crusader, a fighter, a warm and loving friend as shown by her mates on Instagram. Rest in the peace you often couldn’t find in life Shannen. ❤️

  9. Kokiri says:

    I loved Brenda. She got such a bad deal on 90210, having to play opposite goody two shoes Brandon. I loathed Brandon.

    That’s scene, when Bren finds out what Kelly & Dylan did & walks away, that scene is iconic. She was SO good & they did her so wrong.

    I recently found season 1-3 at the Goodwill for 3.99 each season, dvd, so
    I’m set. The opening music makes me weepy.

    Whew. The Brenda days, her acting, her portrayal of the girl who didn’t always say the right thing or fit in, it was a godsend.

    Thank you, Shannen.

    • Jais says:

      She really did get a bad deal at 90210. I was always annoyed that she never came back, not once. They should have paid her moooney to go back to that show. Should have apologized too. It was meh after she left. They did her wrong and Brenda was iconic. RIP Shannon.

  10. ... says:

    I’m a millennial, so she will always be Prue for me. I hope her ex-husband doesn’t get a penny out of her. And I hope he gets painful UTIs forever.

  11. potatoe says:

    I grew up with Charmed, I LOVED that show. Her character was so powerful, loved her. My condoleances to all who loved her. May she rest in peace now.

  12. Paddingtonjr says:

    This past week has been rough. I’m a Gen-Xer, born in the 1970s, raised in the 1980s and became an adult in the 1990s. Richard Simmons was out there with his flamboyant cheerful ness and positivity; he seemed to want everyone to live their best lives. AIDS came and Dr. Ruth was publicly talking about sex, normalizing it, reassuring people that they were okay, no matter their preferences; their bube still loved them. I remember Shannon from Our House,Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, Heathers, then BH90210 and charmed. She wasn’t the cutesy blond or bespectacled attract brainiac; she was her own person and fought for respect and acknowledgment. In her last days, she was frank about her battles, both with cancer and her ex. She called out her union for lack of health care. She fought and showed that you don’t give up, not until it’s over. Rest in power, Richard, Dr. Ruth and Shannon.

    • Christine says:

      Thank you, you said it perfectly. This last week was a whopper for GenX, what a cross section of people who influenced us so much!

    • Normades says:

      Wonderfully said Paddington

  13. Kirsten says:

    This makes me so sad. She was such a huge part of things that I watched growing up: 90210, Heathers, Charmed…. Rest in peace, Shannen.

    • goofpuff says:

      Same here. 90210 and Charmed for me. Grew up with her on TV. Followed her fight against breast cancer. Definitely a hole in the universe now. Rest in peace.

      I feel so old now.

  14. Jacques says:

    She dared to speak her mind, and that could not be tolerated. You can’t be a smart and funny woman with your own values and principals, the menfolk won’t allow it.

    I will miss her, and the twinkle in her eyes. To all of those who tried to bring her to her knees – I see you. The ugliness, the cattiness, the hate. May you never rest easy.

  15. Digital Unicorn says:

    I always stanned Shannen and was so sad when she revealed her diagnosis – she struggled with fame and got dragged for it. I only watched Charmed for her and was gutted when she left (I blame Milano and Combs for that – that show jumped the shark when Shannen left). And she was my favourite Heather.

    RIP and know that you made an impact!!!!

    You are a goddess!

  16. Flower says:

    Rest in Peace Shannen.

    I hope Brenda and Dylan are chilling with their milk shakes at the Peach Pit.

    We will never have TV stars as big as that generation again and I think that is a good thing as it was horribly corrosive to their lives.

    Also a HUGE FUK U to Shannen’s ex husband whose strategy was basically to wait till she died so he would never have to pay her. May he never know peace.

  17. lisa says:

    she was more talented than her material. there’s an episode of little house where she teaches herself sign language to help someone. the story was far fetched but she was so earnest. rest in power.

  18. Ladiabla says:

    GenXer who watched 90210 faithfully. Everybody in my circle watched it. Shannen and Luke Perry had so much chemistry as Brenda and Dylan. They were THE couple on the show for me. Two young actors who definitely had that special something in their eyes. She fought for so long against this horrible cancer, and showed us what it was like to still be a public figure, to still work and be active. Much respect to her and everyone who has battled this awful disease, my wonderful mother included. Rest easy, Shannen.

  19. lucy2 says:

    I really admire how Shannen put herself out there with her illness, to help others and bring attention to it. She fought a long time, I hope she is at peace.
    She was a fixture on my TV growing up, and seems to have had many long term friends who cared deeply about her.
    So many losses in the past few days.

  20. dr_grrl says:

    I loved Shannen from her role in Heathers and 90210 was a great show.

    Every time in my adulthood I’ve watched either of these I’ve come to realize they just wouldn’t get made in this day/age. 90210 tackled some heavy issues in their own way (cheesy as it got towards the end) and Heathers is one of a kind (bullying is never ok) imprinted on my Gen X soul.

    Rest In Peace you sassy brunette.

  21. Normades says:

    She was so young. Just years older than me but she was one of the iconic actresses of our generation. Fuck cancer. Rip shannen

  22. Elisabeth says:

    She has done a lot to raise cancer awareness and she is a true inspiration!

  23. Mina_Esq says:

    I was maybe 8 when the show suddenly became huge during summer break. I remember going back to school and almost every girl had bangs and was either a Brenda or a Kelly. Brenda Forever! RIP Shannen 🙁

  24. MaisiesMom says:

    I didn’t really watch 90210, but it was everywhere in the 90s so I have seen plenty of scenes and episodes. In so many ways her talent was too big for that show.

    As others have said, f**k cancer. And how awful that her ex made her final months and days even more brutal. I read yesterday that she literally filed for divorce the day before she died. She should not have been having to deal with that, my God.

    RIP Shannen. You were special.

  25. J. Ferber says:

    So sad. My husband died 6 months ago from cancer at the age of 63. Fuck cancer. It is now the leading cause of death in America, heart disease now taking 2nd place.