VF: Princess Kate’s summer vacation began the second she left Wimbledon

Following the Princess of Wales’s successful appearance at the Wimbledon men’s final, there’s a sudden rash of speculation about when Kate will be seen again. As everyone knows, her Sunday appearance was only the second time she’d been seen in public this whole year. As royal-gossips know, the Wimbledon men’s final is usually Kate’s last public event before her summer holidays, which can sometimes last for three months. Trust me when I say that it’s completely asinine to claim that Kate will be seen again anywhere before October. Probably November. That’s what Katie Nicholl’s sources are saying as well:

Kate Middleton’s appearance at Wimbledon on Sunday delighted tennis and royal fans, but it may be some time before we see Kate in public again.

According to royal sources, Prince William and Princess Kate are planning to spend most of the summer “below the radar” at their Norfolk bolthole now that Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis are out of school and Kate continues her course of preventative chemotherapy.

While Kensington Palace would not give details on the family’s plans for the summer, a royal source confirmed that the Wales family are now “on summer break.” Sources close to the family say that although they will not be traveling abroad this summer while Kate undergoes treatment, they are excited to visit King Charles and Queen Camilla in Scotland next month.

Sunday’s appearance at Wimbledon is likely to be Kate’s last official engagement until later this year.

[From Vanity Fair]

“They will not be traveling abroad this summer…” They say that like it’s a new thing, when really, Kensington Palace has claimed for years that William and Kate spend all of their downtime in Norfolk. When they’ve actually jetted off quietly to various overseas vacations. Half of which we’ve never even heard of, because the British media selectively keeps their secrets. Anyway, yes, Kate’s summer holiday began as soon as she got in the car and was driven away from the All-England Club. That’s how it traditionally works for Kate. I wonder if she’ll even bother to make the trek to Scotland. I also wonder what excuses, if any, we’ll be given in the fall when someone bothers to ask where Kate is and whether she’ll be seen in public again before Christmas.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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157 Responses to “VF: Princess Kate’s summer vacation began the second she left Wimbledon”

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  1. Waiwhat says:

    Wait are they claiming she’s still undergoing chemotherapy? 7 months later? I’ve had some experience with family members and cancer (usually worse stages and bad kinds- like my mom died of pancreatic cancer and I managed her care). Also have several girlfriends who have had breast or ovarian cancer and also had double mastectomies and hysterectomies.

    Either her cancer was much more severe than they reported initially – which makes her normal appearance seem implausible. Or, more likely, the media has no idea if she’s still in treatment and claiming she is, but really she’s just done with public appearances.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      I keep thinking since she announced her diagnosis: wtf is preventative chemo? Means she doesn’t have cancer? Anyway, like I said, she has a nice tan, had time for some new botox and she’s going again on vacation.

    • Skyline says:

      I had the same reaction. Still undergoing chemo? This could be a mistake by the writer, but based on the way this sentence was written, it seems that royal sources say she’s still undergoing chemo:

      “According to royal sources, Prince William and Princess Kate are planning to spend most of the summer ‘below the radar’ at their Norfolk bolthole now that . . . Kate continues her course of preventative chemotherapy.”

      • Elle says:

        A course of preventative chemo is recommended following surgery to remove cancer, it is a way to attack cells before they have the chance to become cancerous. The course of treatment is usually 3-6 months. I am guessing she is also getting monthly scans, but maybe less often than that. So she likely started the preventative chemo 4-6 weeks following her surgery, and was recommended to do that for 3-6 months. I have a genetic mutation that is linked to several types of cancer, and it is recommended that I have a double mastectomy and partial hysterectomy at 45. I have to get tests (urine test prinarily) and procedures (colonoscopy, upper endoscopy, vaginal ultrasound) annually, and a mammogram and breast MRI both annually but six months apart, and I haven’t even had cancer! So everything that is weird about this situation with Kate, the preventative chemo is the least weird one. An article link below for anyone that wants to learn more in general:


      • GTWiecz says:

        Starting her vacation is laughable. She’s just continuing her vacation. With a younger face and a nice tan. Doesn’t have to do things with William anymore, so convenient. I want to see them together at Balmoral…thankfully, the place is so huge she can avoid seeing him totally except for the scheduled family photo.

      • Katy B says:

        This is for Elle because I can’t respond directly to her comment. Hello fellow mutation holder. I’m on a similar screening regimen and am advocating for the prophylactic removals too. Hope to have hysterectomy at the end of August.

        My OB explained preventative chemo as if they’re performing the hysterectomy and discover a cancer while removing pieces of the uterus, they will do preventative chemo in case any cancerous cells escaped into the abdomen. I’m so bamboozled by the Kate cancer timeline that I think they initially said no cancer, but it’s possible pathology later came back positive. I personally have had conflicting opinions on four path tests on the same biopsy that took three months to execute in total. So I can understand why it may not have been immediately apparent. Good luck to you on your journey!

    • Ginger says:

      Yeah, to have preventative chemo for 7 months is odd. My guess is that they want the public to feel sympathy towards her for not doing her actual job. And to be in a big crowd like Wimbledon while still taking chemo is…..interesting.

      • iNormal Islander says:

        Not to mention shaking hands with the famously unvaccinated Novak Djokovic.

    • Becks1 says:

      So my guess is that there are a few things going on, but if we take what is being reported at face value (just play along here lol), she might not have started chemo until March if they had wanted her to recover from the abdominal surgery. So it hasn’t been 7 months but only 4 months of chemo. i don’t think she started chemo in January.

      The other things that could be going on – well there are a few – including her cancer being a lot worse than they’re letting on, or Kate being her normal lazy self and refusing to work, or the Wales’ prioritizing their vacation plans over everything else -and all of those things boil down to “KP is lying to the public” and I think at this point we all kind of acknowledge that they are doing a lot of lying, whether its to cover up the true nature of her condition or something else.

      • Jaded says:

        You’re right Becks1 — I had a radical cystectomy and bowel resectioning done at the end of March and start chemo in a couple of weeks because I needed the time to recover from surgery. It was a long recovery but necessary for me to build up my strength to face debilitating chemo. In any event I think it’s a number of issues with Kate, physical and mental, as well as the acrimonious end to her marriage, and KP is totally mishandling the obvious coverup.

      • Libra says:

        That was my time line as well. Start chemo in March and goes until mid September.

      • Alarmjaguar says:

        Just want to send good thoughts to you, Jaded and Libra!

    • Talie says:

      My view is that her cancer is more involved than they are stating. As for appearance – I do think she looks diminished, but they clearly put a lot of work into every detail so she looks how they believe people want her to look.

      • BeanieBean says:

        If we accept what they’re telling us–she has cancer, had an operation, is still undergoing treatment–it is beyond ridiculous that her biggest concern is looking perfect ‘for the public’.

      • Christine says:

        Word, BeanieBean. She has managed to alienate people who actually have cancer, and have to go about their daily lives no matter what they look like, and this is her entire fcuking job. To shine a light on issues that are important to the UK. Better not get cancer and look shabby, your future queen is getting standing ovations at Wimbledon, for appearing in public for the second time in 2024 and looking like your perfect English rose.

        This is a no brainer. Send Kate out to “talk” to cancer patients, she doesn’t even need to talk herself, we all know Kitty can’t speak coherently! She can just nod sympathetically and offer the odd pat of a hand, while listening to average Brits talk about what it is like to have cancer.

        I’m done talking about Kate. I am grounding myself from any of the articles about her and William, because they are both billionaire idiots who are never going to amount to anything productive. I can’t watch as they turn their children into equally awful billionaires.

        George is going to be exactly like the both of them, and so are Charlotte and Louis.

    • blueberry says:

      My dad has lymphoma and his chemo is only one day per month for six months. I guess there are lighter schedules possible? In her case I have no idea though. It could very well just be the ongoing excuse for her.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      I worked with colon and breast cancer patients for several years with at home care.. I don’t believe the cancer story at all at this point.

      • Jaded says:

        I have a hard time believing it too. I start chemo in a few weeks after radical bladder cancer surgery and the side effects are going to be horrendous. She’s either got a very light chemo schedule or she’s quietly quit and using *preventative* chemo as an excuse while negotiating the end of her marriage to the rage monster.

      • Green Desert says:

        @Jaded – I’m sorry you’re going through that. Sending lots of support and good healing vibes!

    • Lulu says:

      Serious question, can someone undergoing chemo sit in the sun for hours? Folks I have known had to stay out of the sun, not just wear a good sunscreen. My cousin undergoing chemo had to wear gloves to drive after his hands burned while on the steering wheel. Q because I am genuinely curious, things change quickly in medicine.

    • Flower says:

      Or it’s a cancer that declines slowly like Pancreatic cancer and in which case the preventative chemo would make sense to get ahead of things and ensure survivability (which is dire for Pancreatic cancer).

      Also tinfoil hat for a moment BUT I very much believe now that they have swapped Kate and Chuck’s symptoms to throw us off the scent.

      I think the narrative building around Chuck actually belonged to Kate i.e. her cancer was found as part of a routine exploration.

    • maisie says:

      I agree that her refreshed, healthy appearance and this whole cancer and chemo storyline are at odds with one another. If her cancer was as serious as the public has been led to think, she would certainly not look this good. If she needs ongoing chemo because of an advanced cancer one would not expect her to look like she just left the spa.

      Most people on long term (ie greater than 6 months) chemo have Stage III or Stage IV cancer and treatment is continued to prevent relapse. but it has very real side effects, like weight gain, bloating, hair loss, swollen feet and belly. the two just seem irreconcilable–Disclaimer-I’m a (now retired) doctor and I have treated and seen hundreds of people in the process of cancer treatment.

      • Sid says:

        Maisie I tend to think you are right, and that they are making the cancer diagnosis out to be much more serious than it might be. In her video I believe she said something to the effect that the cancer had been removed, she was getting the preventative chemo, but she was well and getting better every day. On the surface it sounds like they were able to get the whole mass out, no evidence it had metastasized, and she’s on a chemo course as follow up to make sure things stay clear. But she, KP, and the rota rats are leaning into the public’s perception that she is a struggling cancer patient.

  2. Tessa says:

    Predictable. She always had taken long vacation times. I doubt she and William will be under the same roof.

  3. Cerys says:

    This happens every year so it’s not exactly newsworthy. The posh school that the Wales children attend seems to have a lot of holiday periods and very little term-time. How will William pass his time when he can’t do that all-consuming school run? 🤣

  4. Digital Unicorn says:

    Judging by the nice tan she had she’s already started it and the Wimbledon final visit was part of her prolonged ‘summer vacation’ – a little day trip to the tennis. The UK has NOT had the kind of weather recently that would have given her that tan. Same for Huevo – he’s been looking very tanned lately as well.

    The next time we will see her its at one of the big family Christmas events or at the BAFTAs later in the year.

    One thing is clear – she’s not returning to any sort of calendar where she’s actually going to be seen supporting her charities or patronages.

    • ArtHistorian says:

      I noticed the tan as well. She has either had a holiday abroad or a fake tan.

      Whether she has cancer ir not – I have no idea, but KP has being lying so much that it is hard to trust anything that comes out of that office now. Faking a “proof of life” photo makes it impossible to trust them now.

      • CherryBerry says:

        I feel it’s a real tan since she had it when appearing at Trooping, and at the time she was wearing a stark white dress. Fake tan would smudge off slightly and show on the dress. She’s been vacationing somewhere, expensive I’m sure, for months.

  5. Rita says:

    The blatant laziness…

  6. Tessa says:

    The visit to Scotland story will be twisted to say the sussexes won’t be allowed to go with many stories about how willism decided to cut them off and so forth

  7. equality says:

    So take extended sick leave, come back and “work” two events and take vacation time. I bet every cancer patient in the world would like that much downtime. Too bad all their “subjects”, the ones she made her big “you’re not alone” statement to, would love to have that kind of treatment.

  8. Jais says:

    Silly season is upon us. What inane stories will the rota spin? Wish they would keep they Sussexes’ names out of their mouths and focus on the leftovers but doubt that will be the case.

    • Eurydice says:

      I was just wondering how the rota will fill up the down time. If they’re lucky they’ll have some announcements from H&M to slam. Like if the IG go to DC – “Harry Abandons His Country Once Again!!!” Or if Meghan sends out some cherry jam – “Meghan a Total Failure While Kate Enjoys Her Holiday!!”

      • sunnyside up says:

        In view of what happened at the 10th anniversary service I’m backing DC, it would be far too embarrassing if the CIC of the armed forces or his heir didn’t turn up to watch our wounded servicemen and women compete.

      • Dee says:

        They could write at least 3 articles about how she ruined the design of that dress. Add another article about the way she’s styling her jewelry like the Duchess of Sussex has been doing for a long time.

      • Eurydice says:

        @sunnyside up – I wonder. As you say, it would be deeply embarrassing if Charles and William didn’t show up. But I also think Charles and William might want to shove Harry aside and muscle their way front and center. It wouldn’t just be supporting the UK team (which they should have been doing all along), it would be playing host to all the countries.

    • Becks1 says:

      Yes this is indeed the start of the silly season lol! I predict its going to be even more nutso this year.

    • sunnyside up says:

      @Eurydice I think that as the top man at Invictus it would be Harry’s job to welcome them there, that could be amusing.

  9. Belle says:

    Whatever her illness, whatever the circumstances surrounding her cancer diagnosis, I would give it a past for a vacation. She is a human being albeit a lazy one given her position but this year, I’m not inclined to judge too harshly, the same when she was pregnant and new mom. For someone who is/was sick or coming up pregnancy etc, and can afford a vacation and skip work, I’m fine with it even if she has a pattern of doing it without valid reasons. I’ll judge those independently.

    • Tessa says:

      Kate was lazy before she had the children.

    • Jaded says:

      The only hard work Kate’s ever done is chase after and catch William. She’s been coasting ever since while happily spending the tax-paying public’s money.

      • Josephine says:

        I think is the issue — the fact that she takes away money from the public in order to . . . take vacations and “work” as little as possible. If she were a poor minority living off of public assistance, the story would be a very different one.

    • Pink tutu says:

      She’s paid for by taxpayers, her laziness is not OK. But you can Cape for her. All her fans or the paid accounts come here and do the same. All those people give her a pass.

      • Belle says:

        I am neither a fan nor paid account. I’ve been frequenting this website for almost a decade. I don’t stan for anything royal. I was just making the point on those two occasions, I wouldn’t be as harsh to call her lazy I.e after delivery and a cancer diagnosis. Whatever laziness she exhibited outside of that- I’m in agreement. That is all!!!

      • Becks1 says:

        @Belle – I get that, but I think for many of us its hard to separate the different situations, you know? this is a woman who is the laziest “working” royal so it just seems convenient that she has this cancer that means she can’t really work for a year.

      • sunnyside up says:

        Especially as we all know that the King who has cancer and is elderly is working. It isn’t a good look. Different cancers get different treatment and people react differently to them, so it might be genuine…

    • TN Democrat says:

      She has always been workshy. Aside from mattress duty while chasing Diana’s cursed big blue ring for a decade, she never worked a full time job. She spent years supposedly “learning her role” while refusing to work anything even remotely close to a full calender before she had children. She would use morning sickness to dodge work while pregnant, but could magically fly anywhere in the world for extended vacations. She is a snob who always claimed the rewards without putting in effort. If Meghan vanished for months while claiming to have cancer, totally bungled the pr around her illness, issued a frankenphoto, then reappeared none the worse for wear, the press would never stop primal screaming. Pot. Kettle. Black. Because keen is (supposedly) ill does not change her long history of horrid behavior and doesn’t mean the people funding her lifestyle shouldn’t question the optics.

      • Kat says:

        @TN Democrat, you have taken the very words out of my mouth!
        I was just about to say the same.This woman has been spoiled and pampered all her life, even before she came in contact with William.She has done nothing to show for all her expensive education and university.Mummy and Daddy made sure she and both her siblings never had to lift a finger to help themselves apart from spending loads of money that they never earned.
        Now she is a member of the royal family she lives very well at the tax payers expense.
        I know that there are certain cancers which don’t appear to make the sufferer look at all ill.I have a certain type of cancer of the red blood cells, to look at me you would not know I had anything wrong, the main side effect of it now is extreme tiredness.I am 80 years old and live my life as normal as possible.The difference between me and hundreds of others versus the princess of Wales is I have no help and never had had.I was brought up to work for a living
        I sincerely hope we are not being lied to.

  10. Neeve says:

    Well she better stay away from the sun,the pics I saw of her and her sister were not photoshopped. They looked terrible I’m not sure if Pippa also smoked but I hope Kate has stopped( i have never seen any pics but read that she was/is a smoker,i wonder if people smoke while on chemo?) because judging by her sister thats where her skin is heading.

    • Nic919 says:

      There were photos of her in the dating years with cigarette packs seen from her purse. These have mostly been wiped from the internet. But the lines around her mouth in her early 40s shows she must have smoked a fair bit.

  11. Tessa says:

    She looks so pleased with herself playing to those cameras.

    • Carol Mengel says:

      You’re so right Tessa. She was loving all the attention focused on her. The standing ovation. There’s one shot of her- her face – she couldn’t be happier with all the people clapping for her. But does she use any of this attention to help others with cancer? Nope! Such a selfish, self-absorbed pos.

      • Liz says:

        Totally agree Tessa and Carol. Her and William like to hijack the popularity of athletes and bask in the same glow.

        Like the send off Andy Murray got earlier in the week in Wimbledon. They like getting that response themselves – without working for it.

    • Dilettante says:

      +1 🎯

    • Kat says:

      She always does.It is always about me me me.

  12. Jessa says:

    Ann Wilson, the lead singer of Heart announced that she had surgery and cancer cells were found and she would be undergoing “preventative chemo” and would be out for the rest of the year and probably until at least next June. When will you all start demanding pics of her and saying she needs to go back on tour bc when she canceled it wasn’t fair to everyone that had already bought tickets? And that she can’t possibly be sick bc she performed two days before the announcement?

    • equality says:

      The people who have already bought tickets will get a refund, will they not? Is Kate giving any refunds to the people for time not worked? I think you know that the two women are not in the same position.

    • Kateee says:

      When Ann Wilson’s career consists solely of bringing much needed attention to charitable organizations depending on her support to continue their operations, and in exchange she receives an extravagant lifestyle paid for by public taxes. Then we might question her. But even then, maybe never, because Ann had the decency to tell the people depending on her how long she expected to be out of pocket.

    • Eurydice says:

      I wish Ann Wilson all the best. A couple of differences – Ann had to cancel her European tour when she had surgery and now, with the chemo, her autumn North America tour, which was to be 48 cities in just a few months. That’s an incredibly strenuous schedule, not just dressing up to have some photos taken every 10 days or so. Also, Ann came right out and told the public what was happening – of course, she had to because of the cancelations and that they involved money.

      With Kate, they didn’t tell anyone what was going (not even her staff, apparently) until they were forced to by the issuance of the frankenphoto. And even after that, so many squirrely things were happening, with fake sightings and videos. If they’d been straightforward about Kate’s situation from the beginning, then people wouldn’t be thinking it’s all a lie.

    • Becks1 says:

      Is Ann Wilson publicly funded? Did I miss something? Does she receive millions of pounds a year to do nothing? Does she have a history of laziness and avoiding work?


      then the situations are not comparable.

      • QuiteContrary says:

        This, this, this.

        British taxpayers ought to get something for their money, but instead get laziness and entitlement from W&K.

    • sevenblue says:

      Did she get caught with trying to dupe the news photo agencies with frankenstein pics? When you lie too much, unfortunately at some point, people will stop believing you.

    • Over it says:

      Jessa, when Kate stops living off the British taxpayers who some of them can barely afford to live themselves, then we can say , ohh she is like Anne , we can demand things of Anne , until then , Anne works for her own money, Kate robs the public along with her husband to fund a lifestyle in exchange for charity work. So far the Kate and William are not living up to their side of the bargain. So you can just miss me with your Kate is woe nonsense, how dare anyone demand this delicate English white rose do some work and not just attend birthday parties and sports events. Massive eye roll coming to you from me Jessa.

    • February pisces says:

      The logistics of cancelling a tour and then rescheduling are a nightmare. You can’t push a tour back by just a few week cos venues are booked up months in advance.

    • Over it says:

      Also can I add that Shannen D. Had cancer. She worked till the very end and used her platform to speak about cancer and supported the fight against it. May shannen rest in peace. She is someone I admired .Kate on the other hand does nothing with hers to help anyone she is just not that kind of person. It’s always all about Kate .

    • Tuesday says:

      I’ll demand she show up in public when her life is funded by mandatory taxes and not by people who like her art and willingly pay to consume it.

    • HeatherC says:

      Ann is not publicly funded.

      Ann is not in her 40s.

      Ann has been transparent.

      Ann has a fairly active social media presence including performance clips, reels and pictures.

      ***Ann is an effing legend due to talent and hard work. ****

      They are not remotely the same.

    • Anonymous says:

      You know exactly why this is different, lol. Ann isn’t on the public dime, for one. Oh, and she works her ass off. Always has. Oh, and she’s also seventy four years old. Take a seat.

    • Jaded says:

      Ann Wilson is 74 and has worked consistently over the years, touring writing and recording. She’s also involved in charities supporting AIDS & HIV, At-Risk/Disadvantaged Youths, Cancer, Children, Creative Arts, Economic/Business Support, Environment, Health, Human Rights, Unemployment/Career Support. In other words, she is a hard-working person both professionally and in her humanitarian work, not sucking off the public teat. She deserves a damn year off to deal with cancer.

    • Andrea says:

      We bought tickets for her concert. Two days before official announcement, June 30 they sent us an email stating concert will be postponed and but anyone who wanted a refund will be given one. We chose to wait for new date but we still have option of refund at anytime.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Jessa, in order to have a true comparison you will need to compare Bone Idle to the women in the European royal families who are married to the future King. That’s how you compare.

    • Pink tutu says:

      Are taxpayers paying for Anne? Also Anne is in her 70s. She was doing an extensive tour. Looking at Kate she could do a 10 Min charity drop in or a few zooms a week with charities. But no! She won’t get to hob nob and have applause and all the attention!

      You derangers need to get a grip. These absurd false equivalencies make you look stupid.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Two big differences here: 1) Ann Wilson is 74 years old; and 2) performing on stage for 2-3 hours several times a week for several weeks or months is a HELLUVA lot more work than the Princess of Wails has ever pretended to do.

    • SamuelWhiskers says:

      Not remotely the same thing. Ann Wilson is a private individual who earned all of her own money. Not a public servant who essential receives a ‘salary’ of millions of pounds a year in taxpayer money with zero work involved at all.

      And she only just announced her cancer diagnosis, and touring is extremely hard work, it’s physically and emotionally very strenuous. She won’t be touring for a while but I bet she’ll be song writing, or working on her music in some other capacity, as well as taking meetings and doing all sorts of other things related to her career and to supporting her various charities. She cancelled the tour, she didn’t announce that she’s abandoning all of her charities and going into total seclusion for a year.

      Kate doesn’t ever have to anything more strenuous than put on a frock and smile at people for a bit, yet she was so lazy she wasn’t willing to even do a ten-minute zoom, or pose for a photo of her looking at cards from well-wishers.

    • Josephine says:

      A lot of people pay to be educated on false equivalence fallacy. You get it for free here on Celebitchy!

    • Joy says:

      straw man arguments are always so irritating.

  13. ML says:

    Remember this from Tom Sykes a few weeks ago: https://www.celebitchy.com/873280/royalist_its_possible_princess_kate_will_remain_absent_from_public_life_all_year/ ?
    At some point, there was a huge question as to whether she would be seen in public in 2024! Tom Sykes is a member of the aristo crowd and he’s a reliable W source, so that article had some weight to it. Since then, obviously, we’ve seen her twice.
    I can see that she’s shown up with a nasty new scar next to her eye and her jaw is a bit different. And she’s quite thin and appears to be exhausted. Reconstructive surgery on her head is different than abdominal surgery and preventive chemotherapy, which I can’t see. Given that, her taking her normal summer free is less disturbing to me than:
    Wtf was up with her husband, William this past winter and why was he barely working and able to disappear? It doesn’t take A brainiac to realize that he’s not doing much of anything in the way of supporting his wife (Frankenphoto, cancer bench video, Trooping, not at Wimbledon…). I really want to know what has been going on with HIM.

    • Jaded says:

      Exactly. But the heir presumptive must be protected at all costs, even if it means throwing his wife under the bus. Whatever went down between them must be truly awful but he’s allowed to skate. I really hope someone who KNOWS develops a conscience and tells the truth…those rage monster stories are undoubtedly true, just ask Harry and Meghan.

  14. The Duchess says:

    Well pardon me for not taking this whole ‘cancer’ spectacle at face value. If she does genuinely have cancer, then I am sorry for that, but it doesn’t take away from the fact she’s painstakingly lazy and will never change. Seeing her gloat at the attention she received at Wimbledon on Sunday was nothing short of revolting. Especially when she has made zero effort to raise awareness or provide support to much less fortunate cancer sufferers. She could use her platform for such good, yet she has no intention of doing so.

    • sunnyside up says:

      It does seem strange that she has not shown any interest in cancer charities, as far as I know, neither has William, If she can go to TOC and Wimbledon, she must be able to spend a bit of time supporting other cancer patients.

      • Becks1 says:

        It seems strange until you remember that this is Kate. She takes interest in very little outside of tennis when it comes to public events/engagements. There’s a world HG day I believe and she has never once acknowledged it.

      • The Duchess says:

        She could easily spend an hour visiting a cancer support group to highlight the importance of talking about the illness. She could host fundraisers for cancer charities and stress the need for more funding into research and vital aftercare for patients, but she won’t because she doesn’t care. People like that don’t deserve respect nor pity.

      • Becks1 says:

        @TheDuchess –

        “she wont because she doesn’t care” – exactly. She’s not all of a sudden going to start caring.

      • HuffnPuff says:

        Yes, very strange for a public figure and alleged cancer patient to not do any outreach to other cancer patients. Her own FIL did it. She looks much healthier than him too.

    • MY3CENTS says:


  15. Amy Bee says:

    I think her next appearance will be Remembrance Sunday in November.

    • Becks1 says:

      I think so too. Well, I think we’ll get the typical car picture from Balmoral, but I think her next official appearance will be Remembrance weekend (either the concert the night before or just the Sunday appearance) and then her christmas concert, the christmas walk, and that will be it until……who knows. Easter maybe.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Probably. Especially since her “summer vacation” began at Christmas last year.

  16. Bren says:

    William and Kate have not done an engagement together without the children since last November. If they continue to dance around each other without having to do an engagement together after their summer vacation, I’ll believe more than ever that the separation agreement has been finalized and they are playing in our face.

  17. Libra says:

    With her new fuller face she really resembles Carole.

    • Karla says:

      I commented yesterday but it got lost somehow. We can blame Kate for a lot of things. But resembling her mother? Really? It‘s The Most normal thing, no? I mean, I get it-we all have been around for a while. We remember Kate as Young Woman and Carole when she was around the age Kate is approaching now. So we draw parallels. But honestly: who would you like her to resemble? The postman? Jeffrey Clarkson?

      • Libra says:

        @karla. Blame? Who can find blame when commenting on a woman looking like Mom. What paralell? Karla resembles Godzilla? Is that a parallel? This isn’t even gossip worthy.

      • SamuelWhiskers says:

        Jeez, Libra was just making a casual observation, saying a woman looks like her mum isn’t some kind of attack.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        I think people are reacting to Kate’s face being recognizable yet utterly different because her runaway eyebrow is corrected and her face is fuller than Trooping but somehow not uniformly puffy. The resemblance to her mother is more pronounced because of that and deep eye bags, I think. That’s different. Different enough to be remarked upon. The ‘School Marm/Disney Villian’ face in the run up to Christmas, her younger ‘Jecca’ Mothering Sunday face, the square jawed *cough* masculine *cough* BBC STUDIOS face where that eyebrow was rendered up into the stratosphere and the two Vivian Leigh/Joan Crawford faces from Trooping don’t actually match Wimbledon Kate or each other. I swear Kate looks like Preity Zinta in a lot of these photos rather than any of her previous visages yet she still ‘reads’ as ‘Kate’. The Tatler portrait was on point. It’s very hard to get a handle on Kate’s features through photo retouching, Photoshop and the all around weirdness of these public appearances.

  18. Oh come on. says:

    If she just wanted to be a rich lady who vacations 11 months a year, attends Wimbledon, and doesn’t have to interact w the plebes, why didn’t she hunt and bag a billionaire instead of the crown prince?

    Wearing dresses and jewelry and appearing in public is her whole entire job, yet she refuses to do it.

    I’m not an oncologist, but I’m pretty sure there’s no form of cancer treatment that prohibits all public outings EXCEPT watching the men’s final at Wimbledon.

    • ArtHistorian says:

      “If she just wanted to be a rich lady who vacations 11 months a year, attends Wimbledon, and doesn’t have to interact w the plebes, why didn’t she hunt and bag a billionaire instead of the crown prince?”

      – because her entire family has always been absolutely desperate to climb up the social ladder, and in England the pinnacle of the social pyramid are the royals with the aristocrats just below. Unfortunately for the Middletons (this includes Kate) these are very rigid and exclusionary social castes where they will never be accepted because it is all about bloodlines, you are really only in if you are born into it. In fact, there’s a whole system of language that subtly reveal whether you are naturally in or an outsider. Like that tattler article where the aristocrats interviewed made fun of the Middletons for saying things like “pardon” and “toilet” and paving their driveway with asphalt. Small social markers that identify them as outsiders. It is ridiculous but it just show how intensely social boundaries are policed at the social top.

      There’s nothing wrong with social mobility – in fact increased social mobility is a sign of a progressive society. But there is something pathetic about being so desperate to join a social caste that will never ever accept you, even if you become the Queen Consort. It shows a lack of self-respect.

      • PinkOrchid says:

        Where do aristos take a dump, if not in the toilet?

        What do they say when they step on your toe, if not pardon?

        And how do they pave their driveways? With gold?

      • ArtHistorian says:

        If I recall correctly:

        It is lavatory, you say “what” and you pave your drive way with tiny sea shells

  19. MY3CENTS says:

    If she can sit in a tight fitting dress in the sun for a couple of hours, surely she can take the time to make a couple of zoom videos for charity from her home?
    Write something on social media in support of charities? Cancer charities? Anything?
    Truly all good will has been exhausted by these two.

  20. Over it says:

    How can your vacation start after going to watch tennis when you been on vacation all year? I mean birthday parties and watching tennis is not work ffs

    • SarahCS says:

      The word missing from the coverage is ‘continuing’ her vacation post Wimbledon.

  21. maggie says:

    Maybe she’s too upset by her cancer diagnosis and treatment to be involved with cancer charities at the moment but will later on – I can understand that.
    But I also find it hard not to compare those photos of her soaking up the adulation at Wimbledon with photos of Princess Anne quietly getting on with her work after her head injury.

    • Libra says:

      Nailed it, Maggie.

    • Blujfly says:

      Very true. Also, Kate has never gone all-in on raising awareness or fundraising for cures for any of her alleged ailments, including HG. In fact, even in the bizarrely times mommy podcast interview she gave in February 2020 where she took the time to stick the knife in on Meghan for not standing on the steps and doing the whole photo, she never stated she was diagnosed with HG or that she had it during all 3 pregnancies. It is a badge of honor with both her and William to admit to no illnesses or diagnoses. We see the same when they speak about mental health.

    • sunnyside up says:

      Exactly. And she still has a bruised face. Good for her.

  22. Nerd says:

    Kate’s summer vacation began the moment the ball dropped and it became 2024.

  23. Lau says:

    So she wasn’t on holidays all that time ? Again, most people being treated for cancer have no other choice but to carry on working (my aunt for example).

  24. Tuesday says:

    Hot take from only reading the article: I wouldn’t be surprised if she showed up at an event for Remembrance Sunday/the Cenotaph thing. I feel that she will, so that she can still put on her Christmas recital.

  25. February pisces says:

    Regardless of what’s gone on with Kate, she has won. She never has to show up to engagements anymore, the public will forever sympathise. All her past controversies have been swept under the rug, and willie will never be able to leave her, not after this. And if her does leave her it can’t for years now, cos he can’t be that guy who leaves his wife when she’s battling C.

    Being outed as the royal racist could have been the end, but it’s all worked out very well. I think Willie really underestimated kate when he married her.

    • Liz says:

      What a way to win FP. To stay in a marriage where they can’t stand each other, in the vipers nest of the rf, with a popularity that at best is fake and fickle.

      She and Pippa looked as if one of them just got a huge payout. I guess for grifters that’s the win.

    • Tessa says:

      Kate has no real power as a,married in. The royalists will back William. Charles will support William. Kate did not win.i don’t think the public would identify with a,work shy royal and Kate has been work shy from way back when. William will Do as he pleases.

    • February pisces says:

      Unfortunately this is exactly what Kate wants, to be royal, and not do any actual work. Even if she’s completely healthy, this will be used as a reason to get out of work for the next couple of years. I mean she turned up to one engagement in six months and was praised to the heavens for her dedication.

      Kate doesn’t care if her marriage is miserable, all she cares about is being seen having a happy marriage, it’s literally her only achievement.

      Also we don’t know her situation before this, I reckon she was very close to being out on her ass. Her popularity was at an all time low after being exposed as the royal racist.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        February pisces, I don’t think the ‘royal racist’ title will disappear. I expect it will be back once she’s ‘cleared by her doctors’.

      • Lady Digby says:

        @Feb Pisces Willy also benefits from remaining married because he also wants to do as little as possible. Doing the school run and devoting himself to a frail wife justifies a continuing light schedule for him.

      • February pisces says:

        @saucy&sassy I think that’s why they are being so ambiguous about it, they want to drag out this period of good grace for as long as possible. I think whatever her health issue was, it was probably over months ago. But no one can question someone who is sick, hence the lack of updates on her situation.

      • sunnyside up says:

        “Her popularity was at an all time low after being exposed as the royal racist” Around the world perhaps, but her British fans don’t seem bothered ot they prefer not to believe lit.

      • February pisces says:

        The British public love to turn a blind eye to racism, but she’s still outed. It would have been the perfect time for Willy to slap with the divorce papers. Also it was piers Morgan who outed her, so someone from the within the royal fold must have got him to do it. Anyway keen is once again safe for now. I think she’s managed to bag herself a few more years.

    • Josephine says:

      Meh. First of all, I don’t find her situation to be a win – being anywhere near egg and becoming this brittle, scheming person is no win in the grand scheme. And second, public opinion can change on a dime. It’s going to change. Very few people can sustain a public blessing, especially someone who wholeheartedly does not deserve it.

    • Nic919 says:

      This is a short term thing. Camilla is not going to let this continue indefinitely.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        You can take that to the bank. Cam will get back in the game.

      • AC says:

        But these people don’t just want to be popular only in the UK(where they’re from). Since HM has taken over the US, the firm wants to make sure they’re more popular in the US than HM 🙄

  26. aquarius64 says:

    And they wonder why people think Kate is faking that she has cancer? Well her return to Wimbledon was not an ratings juggernaut; BBC ratings for the men’s final dipped significantly.

  27. Louisa says:

    They’re just taking the piss at this point. However, could this not backfire on her? I mean the less we see of her the easier it is to forget about her altogether and the more it highlights just how completely useless she is.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Louisa, that’s what I think, too. She’s not done anything memorable up to this point and the longer she stays away the less people will care.

  28. QuiteContrary says:

    Oh no — whatever will Britain do without Kate and William showing up at fun events only? It’s not like their patronages will miss them; those organizations are accustomed to being ignored by their royal patrons.

    Britain: William and Kate are showing you that they’re unnecessary. You should believe them.

    • sparrow1 says:

      Exactly. But also they’re showing us that they don’t give a toss. They said she would be too ill to do anything for a year. She pops up at Wimbledon and then goes on holiday. She won’t get a mega reaction every time she reappears so they should give serious consideration to the fact if they don’t do something soon, like actual work, people will not just miss them but turn on them.

      • Liz says:

        Also Sparrow Wimbledon are a very polite crowd. They often applaud people from other sports, previous winners, well known faces.

        I wouldn’t say it’s a barometer of how the public at large feels.

        As you say she’s not going to get that reaction everywhere.

      • sparrow1 says:

        Hi Liz. Yes, good point. I saw a discussion on here yesterday but didn’t post. Someone saying how beloved they are. Was it Selene. Seriously, Kate’s age group and below do not care for the BRF or her personally. There is so much social media; younger people find their celebs elsewhere. I think this is why teenagers show no interest in engaging with her. I grew up with the queen, we thought she was so special, and Diana, who was a true beauty and charisma off the charts woman. That’s when the PoW had impact. Kate has very little charisma, nor the looks of Diana. My kids and their friends don’t know about her, and wouldn’t think it fantastic to see her. Family and friends of ours don’t care. The BRF as a whole has very little meaning. Wimbledon was guaranteed to react, out of courtesy as much as anything else, as you say. The BRF has no wow to it any longer, and that includes Kate. As an institution it will stay but as a powerhouse of glamour and interest it has been in decline for years. The biggest boon for Kate was Meghan. Driving up the hatred drew in the crowds.

      • AC says:

        Agree as an American teen I was so fascinated by the BRF because of Diana. When she’s gone I couldn’t care less until Meghan came into the picture again. But they forced her out. So now the BRF is struggling to find that ground . They’re Stupid for letting HM go. And nowadays most people see other beautiful/strong/talented/intelligent women as inspirations. That’s not K. She can be gone again for another year and prob this time no one would care. A lot of people don’t believe her cancer story either .

  29. sparrow1 says:

    Right. Dear heavens. So she’s not going to be taking most of this year off, as mooted. Wimbledon and then holiday means she should be back to some kind of work afterwards. If she doesn’t come back, well they’re really pushing against public expectations. And someone tell me from the header photo, and almost every other untouched photo, why this woman is considered a world beauty.

  30. TheOriginalMia says:

    As I’ve stated before, I had preventative chemo after cancer cells were found in my fallopian tubes post- hysterectomy. I had 3 mos of chemo. My mom has cancer. She went through 7 mos of chemo until they stopped it because the new cocktail was literally killing her. I no longer believe Kate had cancer. I think whatever happened to her, mental collapse or abuse, the cancer story is convenient to keep her hidden for the rest of her life.

  31. Kate Dee says:

    Kate’s summer vacation began after saying I Do. Work avoidance is the only thing Buttons shows consistency in.

  32. Krista says:

    King Chuck is almost twice her age, has cancer and is receiving chemo.
    I can’t understand why she can’t show up for an hour for a charity function.
    She could’ve used her situation as cancer awareness and finally serve a purpose for the role she lobbied for.

    • HeatherC says:

      Even a video for a cancer charity. She can’t even get the easy wins in her laziness.

      • Lorelei says:

        @Heather, I suggested a Zoom in another comment, but you’re absolutely right— she could release a video, which is even easier for her because she can take as much time as she needs and do multiple takes.

        She just doesn’t care enough to bother. She and William have made it clear that sending a “personal” tweet is the extent of what we can expect from them. And it looks like they’re getting away with it. It’s appalling.

    • Libra says:

      In reading Spare, Harry gave the impression that Charles tries to keep both Kate and William on a rather tight leash, needing permission for public facing activities. Perhaps Charles prefers her keeping a low profile right now so not to eclipse he and Camilla. ( remember the time she crashed Charles appearance with her own garden party?)

      • Tessa says:

        Charles needs to see that William and Kate work. William hanging around at sports events is not a good look.

  33. Mina_Esq says:

    It’s gross that she keeps using her cancer diagnosis to justify her longstanding laziness. She could be using her platform for so much good right now.

  34. Mel says:

    Vacation??? Hasn’t she been on “vacation”???? I mean, I’m just going to be honest, I don’t think there’s any cancer or chemo. She can’t do any “work”, you know a Zoom meeting or read to some kids, visit her charities but she can sit outside at Wimbledon for hours. They aren’t even trying to make sense anymore.

  35. Blujfly says:

    I wonder if convenient photos of their break on a private island beach resort owned by charles on one of the Isles of Scilly will leak out again. I don’t know if many families that travel for weeks all summer to three different homes

  36. wolfmamma says:

    Great ~ bye ~ won’t miss you while you travel the Earth in private jets to exotic places. Really.

  37. PinkOrchid says:

    I’d like to add one comment I haven’t seen yet. It’s an observation. Before January, Kate’s surgery and the dual royal cancer diagnoses, we all were still getting used to her bearing Diana’s Princess of Wales title. And everyone was still mourning the Queen’s death. Prince Charles was now king, but it seemed strange.

    Six months later, it feels quite normal to think of King Charles and even, dare I say it, Queen Camilla. And Kate is the newly beloved Princess of Wales, no questions asked. A seismic shift in the wake of Elizabeth has been accomplished.

    I’m not suggesting any of that is “why” we’ve been lied to continuously for half a year. However, the paradigm shift seems to be concurrent.

    • Nic919 says:

      Diana is the princess of wales in a way that kate won’t be. They still call her kate Middleton in the media. 13 years into Diana’s marriage she was princess Di or princess of wales.
      American media in particular don’t just call her princess of wales because that will always be Diana.

    • Tessa says:

      Nothing is normal in that family.

  38. AC says:

    Was it a successful comeback. Tbh the whole Trump whatever that was attempt overshadowed K and she was just secondary. Maybe she peaked interest in the UK but outside the UK she was just an afterthought. Although I just read the Wimbledon finals had low ratings too. The only time she really broke the internet – when many people were interested about her – was when she was missing.

    • Iolanthe says:

      Why doesn’t she do us all a favour and sink out of sight for the rest of the year ..she is such an embarrassment and a disgrace not only to her undeserved title but to women who work , care for their families and yes battle real challenges including cancer. This female really makes me sick .

  39. sammi says:

    The new spin doctor is working well for his money…….Kate arrives as everyone is standing between games so it is a standing ovation! William finds a packed volley ball game and joins in and the ‘crowds’ were there for him………yet his actual visit down the road had no crowds.

    Watch out for the spin on the Royal Foundation Charity which sponsors the charity polo match Willy was at recently ‘on the winning team again’ although only in a ‘defensive role so no goal scoring for him’ unlike Harry’s filmed polo events.
    The press is pushing that William has been at this event for years and given millions to charities. Funnily enough we have never heard of this before accept to see him arriving unprepared for one polo event where Harry had to lend him boots!
    Harry was the one raising money for this charity too and was at the polo events but no mention of his name and now he and Meghan have disassociated themselves from the Royal Foundation.
    Meghan had to ring fence the monies from her cook book for the Grenville charity held in the Royal Foundation as William tried to use this money pot. Harry had to extricate the Invictus money/his sponsors monies for Harry’s charities as William and Kate did not get the same donations .
    Weak and Calculating WC are useless, lazy disingenous and sick couple…………………………….one could even say cancerous on the UK public purse.