Prince William is the new ‘family enforcer’: ‘He now has the reputation of being stubborn’

One of the funniest and most bizarre parts of the British media’s royalist coverage these days is the near-constant refrain that Prince William and Kate don’t want to have anything to do with the Sussexes. Every month, like clockwork, Kensington Palace does a briefing about how William hates his brother and will never “allow” Harry and Meghan to come back. The entire time, the Sussexes aren’t saying anything, they’re not asking to come back, they are living peacefully in California and ignoring William’s tantrums. At no point has the British media wondered why Kensington Palace can’t take Harry’s name out of their mouths, and why William is constantly throwing tantrums about the Sussexes, four and a half years after they left. Well, here’s the latest:

Prince William and Princess Kate decided not to see Prince Harry on his last visit back to the UK – and they are unlikely to do so any time soon after making an agreement together, according to an insider.

A source confirmed to OK! Magazine: “William and Kate are very consciously focusing on positivity and recovery.” It comes after it was revealed that William has made the difficult decision to cut ties completely with his younger sibling. Royal expert Ingrid Seward told the Mirror: “William is sensitive, he likes structure and has perseverance. He does not give up easily. His relationship with brother Harry upset him more than he would care to admit. But he found it easier to cut ties rather than allow himself to be continually annoyed.”

[From The Daily Mirror]

“His relationship with brother Harry upset him more than he would care to admit. But he found it easier to cut ties…” Yes, we can see that William is still full of rage about all things Sussex. And Harry was the one who cut ties after the way William treated Meghan. Speaking of the egg’s rage, Jennie Bond is leaning into the brand of “William is the family enforcer now.”

“William has always been a strong character,” Bond told OK! Magazine. “I think his broken childhood made him tough and resolute. He now has the reputation of being stubborn and, once his mind is made up, he sticks to his decision.”

Bond suggested that William — who is two years older than Harry — has become the “enforcer” of the Firm since the death of their grandparents, Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Phillip.

“He is definitely someone who commands respect within the family and whose views hold considerable sway,” she said of the father of three. “Obviously, as heir to the throne, his word carries a lot of weight in the family and I think it’s true that he has been prepared to take a tough stand on a number of issues, including [Princes] Andrew and Harry.”

Bond’s comments echo that of royal expert Hilary Fordwich, who claimed that William has “banned” his estranged brother from returning to the royal fold. “It is widely known within the family that Prince William has laid down an absolute ban on Harry returning in any way, shape or form into his former royal family fold,” she told Fox News.

[From The NY Post]

Remember how King Charles ordered William to drive Prince Andrew around in Balmoral last year? Remember how Charles had to step in and clean up William’s catastrophic mess around Kate’s disappearance this year? William is puffing out his chest and telling everyone that he’s the family enforcer, meanwhile he can’t even do an investiture sober.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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61 Responses to “Prince William is the new ‘family enforcer’: ‘He now has the reputation of being stubborn’”

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  1. Tessa says:

    Being stubborn is bad behavior. William is insensitive. Lazy. Holds grudges and is hypocritical.

    • Emme says:

      Being lauded for cutting ties with our Harry…….yet when Meghan cut ties with her dog-shit father was she lauded? Double standards much?

      • JENNIFER says:

        Please, I came to say exactly this. Seems white men can cut ties and be praised,but black women are hounded and abused for cutting ties.

      • Mayp says:

        Same, @emme. Meghan supposedly set off “alarm bells” at the palaces because she was estranged from her father yet William can cut off Harry – and that’s a good thing? As I wrote on another thread, estrangement is a tool used by the Royals whenever anyone steps out of line. This has long been known of the modern Royals. Just another example of one rule for them and another for Meghan.

      • bisynaptic says:


    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      He is mistaken being determined with being stubborn. He is the latter, which is a flaw. I also want to point out that he has absolutely no problem showing so much public emotion for a football game, but can’t show any love to his own wife publicly.

    • Cara says:

      He’s a petulant spoiled brat who has staff and family walking on eggshells around him. He has serious mental issues and they should all find ways of being financially independent of this tyrant because he is only true to his narcissism and would pitch every last one of them out on the street without a second thought.

  2. Tessa says:

    How does his rage ridden person command respect in the family. He is not even in charge.

    • Kingston says:

      I think they just spelled “fear” wrong.

      • DK says:

        LOL @Kingston, you’re right!

        I also think they meant he “commands respect” literally:

        he hasn’t earned it (by anything more than being an oldest child), but he sure demands the appearance of it from his family members.

    • Mayp says:

      @tessa, rage-ridden Royals dot frequently the Battenberg family tree. Queen Elizabeth probably was just reminded of her dear old Papa “Nashville” whenever William flew into a rage. I think she probably thought fits of rage were normal Royal behavior and/or “manly” behavior.

  3. Lucy says:

    So William is back to briefing. I would pay $20 to find out what was actually happening Feb thru May this year. Whatever it was he’s feeling himself again and is stable enough to pick back up his fantasy world.

  4. Harla A Brazen Hussy says:

    I find it impossible to believe that anyone has “respect” for William, fear probably but not respect

  5. Christine says:


    Sure, Jan, he commands respect within the family. This is hilarious, KP is briefing what a big boy William is, yet again.

  6. Hypocrisy says:

    He doesn’t command respect he expects servitude and punishes those that don’t bend a knee and kiss his a**, big difference.

  7. Murphy says:

    They literally started calling him “BILLY THE BASHER” in the EARLY EIGHTIES.

    • KASalvy says:

      Right? I saw this headline and was like, and water is wet.

      He’s been called stubborn by everyone for YEARS. And petulant.

  8. B says:

    Much like Kitty’s PR calls her the lynchpin of the monarchy Wilileaks is now the enforcer (eyeroll). Those 2 are desperate to be seen as important because they clearly feel otherwise. They can’t match the fame and appeal of a couple living in another country and they can’t bypass the couple ahead of them in the hierarchy.

    They sit stifled and impatient waiting for the “top job” because THAT’S when they’ll really matter…lol or so they think.

  9. sparrow1 says:

    This is where I have some pity for Kate. Hear me out! Imagine being married to a man with a ferocious temper. It’s been reported on for years. She could get out, of course, but like lots of women with kids, she may feel it’s better to stay (rightly or wrongly). In this scenario, it’s a marriage of convenience. The BRF is also likely trying to keep them together. And she fought for this marriage, tooth and nail. She is defined by being his wife. There’s nothing else for her; she did nothing before and would likely have nothing afterwards. William himself has affected this woman badly, not M&H.

    • Tessa says:

      Kate could still have been a decent human being to Meghan. The worst was when she literally lunged at meghan. If she’s miserable it’s no excuse to try to make Meghan s life miserable. Kate has a mean streak and saw other women as competition.

      • sparrow1 says:

        True. And this is what I mean by tooth and nail. She was encouraged from late teenage onwards to view and treat other women as a threat. And actually this doesn’t bode well for a life without a husband, because women friends are crucial support to women friends. She and her mother have isolated her. But, always two sides. She argues and throws things. She is also, if not more and calculatingly, disgusting towards Meghan, as you say.

    • Tessa says:

      She can exit the marriage and get a,settlement and share custody

      • Hypocrisy says:

        Look how he behaved when Prince Harry left, you truly think it’s up to her if she is allowed to leave? I’m not her fan and never will forget how she’s treated Meghan,but sometimes it’s safer to let them leave you if you wish to survive.. just something I learned from experience.

      • sparrow1 says:

        Sounds easy. This is hard enough in “real” life. She may feel safer on the inside than the outside and, like Tessa says, it may be easier for her to play her cards if she gets left. Toxic relationships are difficult to get out of, money or not.

      • Nic919 says:

        If Diana could divorce Charles then kate can divorce William. There are custody laws that would apply here. Kate chooses to stay because she is a greedy narcissist. So if William is a jerk that’s something she said she’s fine with and I have zero sympathy.

        Only the kids are victims here.

        Kate is no different than Melania. They are not victims but greedy vain women who have no dignity to stay close to power.

      • Pinniped and Poodle says:

        She has seen first hand how the RF and the BM can destroy someone.

        She knows that she would not stand a chance if she divorced him.

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      Kitty knew who and what she was marrying – he’s treated her this way from the beginning. At some point she tried to assert herself and show some self respect but Ma soon out that flame out.

      Regardless of what William does or doesn’t do with/to her she will stay – this is the life she and her family spent 10 years chasing, they will not go without a fight.

      This is not a good look for him in any light – his father is the head of the family now, not him. He can try and undermine his King all he likes but his wicked stepmother WILL bite back. These stories make her and her husband look bad.

      • sparrow1 says:

        Yes, this is kind of what I mean. He treated her badly at university; wouldn’t phone when she was “working” at Jigsaw, despite the promises; dumped her at the last minute to go on holiday without her (didn’t she once turn up at the airport, ready to leave, and he said it was off); he’s been on lads’ weekends and danced with other women, embarrassing his wife; he’s been on lads’ weekends in Scotland, which have been reported on with a bit of a nudge nudge wink wink element. This is what I mean by fighting tooth and nail. She’s got herself into a position where the BRF wants her to stay, as does her mother. And yes she’ll stay because this is her self defining role. I never used to believe they were informally separated but I sense they have separate lives, apart from the kids.

      • Digital Unicorn says:

        Re: the holiday story – the one I read was that it was when she turned up at the location and he told her it was over or to go home as she wasn’t wanted there. Either way she was sent away. Even his friends called him out on the way he treated her but he kept doing it as she enabled it.

        I think at the moment Chuck doesn’t want another Wales divorce however that might change if he needs a diversion of some sorts – its obvious they lead separate lives, the press are barely hiding that and the state of the marriage. Regardless of her recent outings she’s being sidelined in some way – no way will she return to doing what little work she did beforehand. I still think a divorce will happen as he has a desperate need to compete with his brother and he knows Kitty isn’t up to that – they will continue as they are for a few years with her being slowly removed from the public eye so when the divorce is announced no one will care or even miss her (except the derangers).

      • gtwiecz says:

        Absolutely agree. Some women stay because being associated with someone rich and powerful is better (in their messed up minds) than being free. She certainly would remain very wealthy, but she loves the public adoration. Her parents want the royal association. Divorced she would be just one more middle aged rich woman. Justin Trudeau’s wife left. Many others have left bad marriages. Some women have a backbone.

    • seaflower says:

      Kate had 8-10 years before they married to make something of herself, didn’t and now has nothing to define herself by except her proximity to the crown. Diana married earlier, had far less education that K, and yet by the time she was Kate’s age when K married, not only had she birthed and raised two heirs, she had carved out a string place for herself across the world with her charity work.

      Kate is nothing without W.

      • Tessa says:

        Diana had two part time jobs before she got engaged. Kate in all those years waiting had that very part time jigsaw job which did not last long

    • ArtFossil says:

      I have nothing but contempt for Kate Middleton.

  10. JT says:

    How can you be an enforcer if you’re always MIA? For most of the year William is in the wind. Enforce what?

  11. ariel says:

    Over and over and over and over and over.
    We get it William. He is going to give himself an ulcer or a heart attack with all this rage.
    And nothing says- i don’t care – like bringing up that subject every other week.
    Sure Jan.

    The highlight of this piece- getting to look at the Duchess of Sussex in that fabulous coat again. Wealthy, unbothered, philanthropic California girl.

  12. crazyoldlady says:

    Harry is gone. William has to direct all his rage and “stubborness” elsewhere. Others feel it now, like Harry always had. William’s behavior is everyone’s problem now.

  13. Andy Dufresne says:

    I think William has a screw missing somewhere up there.

  14. Ameerah M says:

    An enforcer is essentially a bully. So she’s saying that William is the family bully. These people always tell on themselves.

    • Smart&Messy says:

      This is it. He is the family bully and some of them avoid him and avoid confrontation, like his father. Others suck up to him, like Sophie and Zara, hoping to stay on his good side, never at the crosshairs of his anger. And then there is Mike Tindall who is nozt intimidated by his angry tantrums and plays him like a fiddle.

  15. tamsin says:

    People do judge others both by their looks and their actions. William is terribly homely, and looks like an egg or a horse with bared teeth, and lets the world know that he is angry, holds grudges, and always keen to “punish” his brother. He appears thoughtless, always leaving Kate in the rain, for example, tone-deaf, and arrogant. Is there anything to even like about the incandescent rage monster who seems to create nothing, and destroys so much.

  16. QuiteContrary says:

    How nice that Kate and William have something to bond over!

    And of course everyone in that family (apart from Harry) is afraid of William — he’s a rage monster. He’s not the enforcer — he’s the super-breakable Egg and everyone around him is walking on eggshells.

  17. etso says:

    He “now” has a reputation for being stubborn?

    • CatMum says:

      I came here to say this and you beat me to it!

      Photos are spot on, as usual. And I still want that cape/poncho.

  18. Interested Gawker says:

    It’s Cam running the show not him. William is just flailing about throwing tantrums in his own KP sandbox, if anything he’s a liability BP keeps having to bring to the grownup table against their will, send to the naughty step or hold their nose pretending he’s any kind of asset to the Crown.

  19. Amy Bee says:

    But it’s clear Willliam cares about what Harry and Meghan do so I doesn’t really matter if he’s the enforcer or not. He actively schedules engagements on and around Harry and Meghan have events and is constantly briefing about Harry to the press.

    • Chrissy says:

      I don’t understand how he can’t see that his being so obsessed with his his brother /SIL’s actions, make him look desperate, obsessive and deranged – not the best look for a wannabe “global statesman”. Then, throw in his penchant for showing up unprepared and/or drinking/ hungover during engagements makes him look incredibly immature and the opposite of a mature statesman. He’s a total loser!

  20. TN Democrat says:

    In the SAME news cycle, Meghan is being portrayed in a negative light because she cut-off contact with her compromised father, but wee willy is being praised for cutting off contact with Harry???? Really? How soon before the “Baldimort wants Harry back sans family” stories begin again? Willy is a bully who threatens the lodging/funding of various family members to blackmail them to suit his needs. The mutiny that will take place when he is crowned will be endlessly entertaining. He can dish out bad press, but not handle it himself.

    • Jais says:

      This. So William is lauded for cutting off his brother(even if Harry cut him off first) while Meghan is somehow wrong for not speaking to the father who ghosted her before her wedding and sold her letter to the tabloids. The hypocrisy is astounding.

  21. Chrissie T says:

    I’m interested to see how Will the Enforcer’s relationship with his children, particularly George, develops as they become older

    • Nic919 says:

      I think we already see the generational damage caused by the way this family sets up birth order as how people should be treated. It’s. A Toxic system, that will never change despite the PR that kate and William put out acting like doing the school run reverses thousands of years of a massively toxic system.

  22. Saucy&Sassy says:

    I wonder if one of the things he’s angriest about is the fact that Harry never tries to see him? It was obvious in Harry’s statement at the 10-year Invictus anniversary that he had tried to see King Snubby. Not a word about Billy Idle.

  23. equality says:

    Sounds like a “you didn’t leave me, I snubbed you” tantrum.

  24. Mslove says:

    Breaking News Alert! England’s preeminent expert on soft diplomacy HRH Global Statesman Prince Peg is still mad at his brother.

  25. Oh come on. says:

    So we’re supposed to just agree that it’s normal for families to have “enforcers”?

  26. Vixxo says:

    Very Mafia. Doing a great job reminding us that Wilnot is violent

  27. Libra says:

    Last year someone here said ” defiant oppositional syndrome”. I believe that still stands.

  28. Blackbetty says:

    Never understood why the palace keeps pushing the idea that Will and Kate will take the Sussexes to come back. Harry and Megan clearly don’t want too!!