“Ayo Edebiri & Jeremy Allen White were dating, but they’re not anymore?” links

Ayo Edebiri & Jeremy Allen White are no longer dating? [LaineyGossip]
Billie Eilish’s chicken-shop date. [OMG Blog]
Matthew McConaughey is still weighing his political future. [Socialite Life]
Krispy Kreme is insane for this, I wish there was one close to me. [Seriously OMG]
Yeah, keep talking about Project 2025. [Jezebel]
Charlize Theron threw a party for her charity. [RCFA]
Stories about seeing coworkers get fired. [Pajiba]
Zendaya was giving away memes at Wimbledon. [Buzzfeed]
Pippa Middleton’s brother-in-law goes shirtless. [JustJared]
All about JD Vance’s Hillbilly Elegy. [Hollywood Life]

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17 Responses to ““Ayo Edebiri & Jeremy Allen White were dating, but they’re not anymore?” links”

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  1. girl_ninja says:

    Ayo and Jeremy have great chemistry on The Bear and I hope that their friendship is solid. They seem to get along really well and I hope that remains. It would be cute to see Ayo and Zendaya become friends.

    Matthew McConaughey needs to weigh his next movie options not a political future. God help us.

    • Mightymolly says:

      Yeah their chemistry is great. But that cliff hanger gives us two years to speculate. I like the idea of Sydney doing her own thing. Then she and Carm can be absolute equals as chefs and see where that takes them. Carm’s romance side plot makes no sense. They should just drop it.

  2. Flower says:

    Lol I thought this was pretty much obvious….

  3. ML says:

    The Pajiba link is full of stories where someone was fired really quickly …
    I live in a country where people bike all over and dress causally. The new hire entered wearing something that looked like Tour de France clothing, which is a bit more informal than people are comfortable with. He was a bit grating. And then he decided to see what would happen if he put a flipping CD in the microwave and started a stinky fire. I think he lasted less than three hours.

  4. Lucy says:

    Matthew McCaugheny needs to stay in his gd lane. We have real problems in Texas and he has vibes. I will vote for a sentient hat before I vote for Abbott, so if I have to vote for McCaugheny to get him out, I will. But ffs, there has to be someone more competent for Dems to back. Talrico please.

    • Old and Tired says:

      Yes! Talarico! I used to work with him and he is the real deal. I’m thinking about hosting a fundraiser for him here in Houston (me, an introvert who would rather die than have strangers in my home). Proud to know him and call him a friend.

      • Lucy says:

        That is so great to hear ♥️. Everything I’ve heard him say is measured and thoughtful. I don’t know if Texas can handle someone speaking intelligently 😭

  5. Noo says:

    I thought Hillbilly Elegy was a grift because JD Vance mostly grew up in Cincinnati?

    • Lucy says:

      Yes. I read some long thing that showed up in my Facebook feed this morning by someone named Vance who went into great detail about actual Vance history and how JD just picked the name to steal the history as his own when he has no connection to it. It’s a book that only people who have no connection to rural poor white folks think is insightful and good.

      • Mightymolly says:

        I have no connection to that community, and I read the book to learn more about them. But even with no connection I could see how superficial Vance’s own connection was. If he knows the community so well, why didn’t he use an ethnographic approach to using research and interviews to bring the community to life for the rest of us?

      • BQM says:

        Vance is an awful POS but wasn’t HE about his grandparents and mom and the abuse and addiction in their lives? It wasn’t his story as he grew up in suburban Ohio.

  6. Ameerah M says:

    He has been dating Rosario since last year. They were photographed together literally just this week. I don’t think he and Ayo ever dated. The timelines don’t work out for it.

    • AngryJayne says:

      If I hooked up with or dated every guy or friend or guyfriend that placed a hand on my back then… well…
      Quite frankly my number would be in the quadruple digits.

      • Bad Janet says:

        Yeah, I don’t think this actually happened, even though I would low key be into it. They’ve both denied it many times over, and I know people downplay or outright lie about these things for privacy, but I get the vibe that they’re close friends only.

        Addiction is awful and I hope he is in a better place now. I haven’t actually heard anybody who knows him say a bad word about him. He still hangs out with the Shameless cast, and they knew each other for over a decade.

  7. BeanieBean says:

    Aye looks really pretty in her tablecloth.

  8. ElleE says:

    Why aren’t we livestreaming the RNC? I am killing myself here, all alone.