Queen Camilla turns 77 years old today, and her birthday keenery is hilarious

Here are more photos of King Charles and Queen Camilla’s visit to the Channel Islands this week. While there was some kind of security incident – which left the royal team scrambling – the trip seems to have gone very well. Surprisingly well, actually – judging solely from the photos, Charles and Cam got a great reception. Meanwhile, today is Queen Camilla’s 77th birthday. She’s a Cancer, as is Prince William (Diana was too). From what I can see, the palace didn’t organize a huge birthday PR blitz this year, but they did organize a few soft-focus pieces to celebrate Cam. Personally, I found this Mail piece by Brin Hoey very shady.

As she reaches 77 today, Camilla has a great deal to look back on in just the past year. 2024 has brought great struggle as she has seen both her husband and Catherine, the Princess of Wales, be diagnosed with cancer. Now, as the King continues a roster of royal duties that signal his health is stable, and as Kate also makes some public appearances amid her own ongoing treatment, Camilla may be feeling that things are on the up.

She may also be reflecting on how, although it took her 30 years, she finally married the love of her life – after both she and Charles had wed other people, raised families and got divorced. They became involved in the most scandalous royal affair of recent times and survived the torrent of abuse that was aimed at them following the death of Princess Diana, the most famous woman in the world.

Now, after years of quiet, hard work, Camilla has decent approval ratings among the public and is rightly considered a deserved part of the Royal Family. This year especially, the Queen has been the steadfast, trustworthy rock for the royals as change and upheaval have whirled around them.

Although many people had wondered why Charles was so besotted with Camilla, Prince Philip was not one of them. He said he fully understood why her earthy sexiness had attracted his eldest son, even though she could never compete with Diana in the glamour stakes.

Another of the reasons why Charles was attracted to Camilla Parker Bowles – as she was still called by many people even after she married into the Royal Family – was that she was prepared to appear to take second place to him at all times. This was unlike Diana, who eclipsed every other Royal from the moment she appeared on the scene. Charles hated competition, from men or women, and Camilla realized right from the start that if their relationship was going to work she would have to play second fiddle to him, or at least, appear to do so.

And where King Charles is a romantic, Camilla is a realist and is, in my view, the cleverer of the two, so she has never tried to upstage him. But on her birthday she is also able to look back on many other incidents in the past concerning her more personal life.

[From The Daily Mail]

I winced several times and then chuckled to myself. “Camilla has decent approval ratings…” She’s consistently one of the least popular royals, even after decades of painstaking image-crafting. “Even though she could never compete with Diana in the glamour stakes.” Camilla has to live alongside the ghost of Diana forever and I love that for her. “Charles hated competition, from men or women, and Camilla realized right from the start that if their relationship was going to work she would have to play second fiddle to him.” Or put another way, Charles is so weak, spineless and self-centered that he was only attracted to an unglamorous nanny-figure who manipulated him and played him like a fiddle. Also: Charles was never the love of Camilla’s life.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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46 Responses to “Queen Camilla turns 77 years old today, and her birthday keenery is hilarious”

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  1. Lucy says:

    I share my birthday with her and I know I’ll never get a write up like this 😂 The earthy whole earthy sexiness that they put out about her is wild 😂

  2. equality says:

    So we can’t praise Cam without having to slag off on Diana? And she is now Phil-approved after his death when he can’t refute?

  3. Amy Bee says:

    The only approval rating that matters is the one from the press. She’s the most popular with the newspaper editors because she played the game and gave them the stories they wanted on her way to becoming Queen. Today is the state opening of parliament so that takes precedence over Camilla’s birthday in the Royal Household.

  4. Becks1 says:

    Well, this is quite the birthday write up, isnt it? “she has earthy sexiness but no glamour” – “charles liked her because she would never outshine him” – like yay, what a positive review, decent approval ratings lol.

    Anyway, their channel islands visit seems to have gone well, and honestly, those are the kinds of visits that W&K should be doing. Like it was a few days, but they highlighted a lot and it made me think “oh hey maybe I want to go there someday.” And they do a lot of these kinds of local food events or similar things, we rarely see that from W&K.

    Charles and Camilla used to go to Cornwall for a week or two every summer and do a lot of these local events, I wonder if we will ever see that from the Waleses….

    • Eurydice says:

      But she’s more clever than Charles and only appears to play second fiddle. Yikes.

      Still, agree 100% that this is what should be royal work, highlighting and showcasing the country and its people, not just dressing up in a lot of feathers to receive awards.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Eurydice, I think she’s smarter than King Snubby, too. I got hung up on this, “although it took her 30 years, she finally married the love of her life”. I will never believe that he was the love of her life. She certainly wanted to be the mistress and didn’t want any wife to interfere with that. What she and King Snubby did to Diana in the tabloids was horrendous. She ultimately played herself, because she got the prize that I’m not sure she wanted. Once she ended up with him, she has certainly been pulling a lot of string to her benefit.

      • Tessa says:

        The timeline is off. Camilla got interested in Parker Bowles in 1966. She was avid to marry him. They dated for seven years and they were married for 22 years. It’s not as if she were pining to marry Charles all those years

      • Gabby says:

        The Charles shade is delicious. Less clever! “Hated competition from men or women”. How unfortunate, because just about anyone and everyone is more interesting than he is.

        In any case, happy birthday, you used-up old hag.

  5. RRN says:

    Camilla???? EaRThy SeXiNesS???? Dafuq did I just read? Good lord…..

    You know what…whenever the tabloids rant about Meghan manipulating Harry or even say that it was all about lust between them…I’m convinced they are talking about Charles & Camilla.

    • Proud Mary says:

      She only pretended to play second-fiddle. She knew how to stroke his ego, while manipulating him. He will go down as one of the greatest buffoons ever to hold a leadership position.

      • Tessa says:

        She played him like a fiddle like the old saying goes. Probably saying how terrible people pay more attention. To Diana. And his purring that her greatest achievement is loving him.

    • Rnot says:

      There’s an old story about her giving Charles a sneaky BJ at a garden party. Of course weak Charles would prefer the woman who was always DTF and service his ego. Camilla managed to outmaneuver Diana and ALL the Windsors and now she’s in the catbird seat. I’ve got popcorn ready for Queen Camilla vs King William.

      • Tessa says:

        Charles is a weak man. Camilla saw off the other mistress dale tryon and serious girlfriends of charles.in addition to Charles first wife.

    • Gabby says:

      That is the funniest thing I have read in ages. I wonder how much her PR people paid the Fail to add that in?

      And we all know the love of her life was and is Andrew Parker Bowles. If he hadn’t divorced her, Chuckles did not stand a chance.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Gabby, see my comment above. I hadn’t read down this far or I would have commented here. I totally agree.

      • Tessa says:

        Charles forced the divorce of the Parker bowles by naming Camilla as his mistress.

  6. HeatherC says:

    They lost me at “earthy sexiness.”

    this article validates everything that Meghan said, when she was expected to be 50% (at least) less than herself to “fit in.”

    • ML says:

      She’s as sexy as dirt?

      Definitely a shady write-up about QCC and KC for her birthday.

    • Beverley says:

      I’ve heard Queen Sidepiece smells quite ripe. Maybe this is the “earthiness” they refer to.

      • QuiteContrary says:

        That’s definitely what it refers to.

        She smells terrible. Like an unwashed medieval peasant.

      • Bamaborn says:

        Didn’t want to say anything, but, growing up in our neck of the woods, those same terms meant “stinky and sLutty.” Hope that’s not what they were trying to convey. Whew!

    • Incognito08 says:

      Camilla has “earth sexiness”?! I think absolutely TF not! If anything, she is giving barnyard realness!

  7. Adequate okay says:

    This site reposted a video of Cam making a speech a couple of weeks ago and I couldn’t stop thinking that she sounded like Mr Bean, so now she is queen bean to me haha

  8. GoldenMom says:


  9. Jais says:

    Well, this birthday article didn’t really make Camilla or Charles look that great. Some birthday wishes.

  10. Ameerah M says:

    The SHADE. I love it!

  11. QuiteContrary says:

    Camilla never looks as contented as when she’s slurping down some booze.

    Happy birthday, I guess, to the infamous and stinky (I mean, earthily sexy) sidepiece. May the glorious Diana haunt you to the end of your days, as you placate the pampered man-baby at your side.

  12. Josephine says:

    I didn’t get past the fact that she’s only 77. There are always excuses about how she can’t do more, so I assumed she was much older, especially considering her skin. The rota really do love to baby and excuse those white royals — there is literally nothing ever expected of them.

  13. Tessa says:

    Diana was a shy nervous young woman barely out of her teens when she did that walkabout in Wales. She played no games to one up Charles. She was a natural and the public took to her. It showed something was wrong with Charles to be jealous of her.

    • sunnyside up says:

      I reckon that Harry and Meghan’s real problem is that people wanted to see them and not so interested in William and Kate, The fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree, and William is more his father’s child. The racism helped W and K as well. I was ever so pleased when the late Queen seemed to accept her at first.

  14. Tessa says:

    Thankfully no lavish party.

  15. Tessa says:

    So Diana has to be vilified for so called upstaging to praise Camilla. Meanwhile Camilla was using her manipulative skills and using the media. Stuart Higgins ex editor of the sun reported her weekly calls to him. While Charles was married to Diana

  16. Wendy says:

    I`m heading over to the UK in a month, I will see what the real temperature is on the Windsor’s, Wales and Sussex`s….LOL I think I will be staying near Buckingham Place though.. not sure I don’t know London and my sister is booking my trip.

  17. therese says:

    I see her as his best friend, secret-keeper. I have lately wondered if Charles’ attraction is for men.

  18. Monc says:

    “Earthy sexiness…” just give me a bag to barf in….

  19. B.B. says:

    Happy birthday to a beast! She’s living and the beautiful Diana has been gone but never forgotten! She is the true Queen! Charles is a weak and spineless snake!