Matt Gaetz apparently got a lot of Botox in Milwaukee ahead of his RNC speech

On his best day, Rep. Matt Gaetz looks like an adult, live-action version of Beavis from Beavis and Butthead. On his worst day, he apparently looks like someone auditioning for Botched. The orange makeup, the Botox, the runaway eyebrows, the too-hard blush, the awful rhinoplasty. Please, this is hilarious.

Gaetz, a credibly accused human trafficker, appeared on stage at the Republican National Convention on Wednesday night. I haven’t been watching any of this and I could only get through about twenty seconds of Gaetz’s speech. It’s only worth it to see how the badly the Milwaukee cosmetic surgeon botched Gaetz’s Botox. That man cannot move his fivehead at all.

LOL. Clock the poor attendance too. Is that what it’s been like in the convention center throughout the RNC? I can’t believe Democrats are insisting on shooting themselves in the d–ks at every turn, all while Republican enthusiasm is way down, Trump is too broke-ass to book indoor arenas (which he wouldn’t be able to fill) and the Republicans’ next-gen leaders are Drag Race rejects and human traffickers.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, screencaps from the RNC footage.

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100 Responses to “Matt Gaetz apparently got a lot of Botox in Milwaukee ahead of his RNC speech”

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  1. AmyB says:

    Good Lord – that is terrifying. He has literally morphed into a cartoon villain 🤣🤣

    On a side note, I found it deeply satisfying that some random guy at the RNC, told Gaetz he was an “asshole” after Gaetz attempted to interrupt Kevin McCarthy as he was speaking to CNN, like the little troll boy that he is.

    • Chantal1 says:

      @AmyB. I laughed at that clip. He did successfully heckle Kevin McCarthy bc Kevin was actually talking about Matt and his problematic history with minors. I forgot that guys name but after he called Matt an a-hole, Matt acted like he was going to keep on, decided better and quickly walked away 😂😂😂 Matt has the face he deserves!😂

      I haven’t watched much of it for obvious reasons but the media is still acting like a bunch of bullies and degenerates trying to steamroll, lie cheat and steal their way into the White House is perfectly normal. Ugh!

      • AmyB says:

        @Chantal1 – SAME lol. I have watched it several times, laughing more each time!! The party of “unity” huh?

      • Sherman says:

        I know the guy who called him an asshole! He’s a retired attorney at a very large law firm. I used to work with him. I got a good chuckle from that and wondering about the internal emails flying around the firm about that whole scene.

    • SA says:

      I was never more proud of my city – Milwaukee, when I saw 4 different bars within the RNC security zone (who originally decided to close for the week) instead shift to nightly drag performances.

      • freddy says:

        Now that’s GENIUS!!! LOL!!!

      • bisynaptic says:


      • Agreatreckoning says:

        @SA, as much as I would like this to be true, I haven’t been able to substantiate it. It would be awesome. Have a problem with spreading false information. No matter how much I might like it. I’m a little bit outside of the GMA (Greater Milwaukee Area not Good Morning America), one of our nephews, is very tied into the Milwaukee Bar’s scene. He’s saying that story isn’t true. It came from a satire sight like The Onion.

        Don’t want to permeate lies like the right or BM.

        JD Vance looks like Matt Gaetz and Niles Gardiner’s love child. Not shocking is that Vance is a poster child for the Heritage Foundation. A bit odd to read is how a monarchists blog in Cali, is a source of inspiration?????? for Vance.

    • VegasSchmegas says:

      Groupon plastic surgery.

    • Another Anna says:

      He looks like Robbie Rotten from LazyTown. Same hair and everything.

      • Cara says:

        Gaetz is such a freak to begin with and now he looks like a nazi villain straight from central casting.

    • Sass says:

      Literally came here to say he looks like a cartoon villain, thank you @AmyB 🤣

    • Tashiro says:

      Agreed 😳

  2. ML says:

    He looks like a Temu version of himself.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      His pre cosmetic procedures and surgeries photos are just as comical and concerning.

      • elle says:

        The fact that he is paying to look like that makes it all the more hilarious. It’s as if, no matter what he does, the universe is like, “Nope, must reveal your evilness.”

    • Mil says:

      He was already a Temu version of a human.
      How’s the investigation going?

    • amb says:

      Or Madame Tussaud’s version of him.

  3. Jks says:

    Botox or face lift?

    • Noodle says:

      Yes to both, but also way too much bronzer. You can see his lines in the picture. He needs a better cosmetician.

      • Jks says:

        The plastic surgeon didn’t do a great job either. He looks like a caricature! I would have fixed his ugly mouth by taping it shut, for starters. His brows are lifted and I don’t know if that is upper blapheroplasty still settling in but it sure looks really unnatural.

      • ChickieBaby says:

        A better cosmetician…and a personality transplant…and a brain. Yep. That would barely get him to “human being” status.

    • Rnot says:

      and filler too

    • Another Anne says:

      Looks like some new veneers as well

  4. Meg says:

    My god! I think he’s carrying around a photo of Donny Osmond to show his esthetician!

    • swaz says:

      omg he does look like Donny Osmond 😎

    • Joanne says:

      Please don’t insult Donny Osmond. He is a truly nice man and a great entertainer. His show is the number one Las Vegas show. My sister met him at an after show meeting as part of a contest and he was nice and thoughtful to her.

      • Meg says:

        I certainly meant no disrespect to living legend Donny Osmond. Gaetz looks like the evil twin version.

    • OriginalMich says:

      I’m getting more Kenneth Copeland televangelist vibes.

  5. seaflower says:

    Seen on twitter in response to his new look::

    “Matt Gaetz is two white tigers and a life partner from having a Vegas act.”

  6. Gwendolyn says:

    He looks like Tim Allen in Christmas With the Kranks, lol, when his character got Botox ahead of a cruise. His face was frozen, plastic, big arched eyebrows, slobbered his drink down the front of himself. What a joke. Good times.

  7. Hypocrisy says:

    He wants to look like his hero Liberace…

  8. MY3CENTS says:

    It’s like what happens when you stand in front of the mirror and start pulling at your face at weird angles.

  9. Mina_Esq says:

    I can forgive the Botox, but not that terrible makeup application. Teach this man to blend out his blush and go easy on that highlighter. Let’s not even touch the eyebrows…yikes.

    • Dia says:

      Here is the kicker regarding his makeup — he once admitted in a documentary interview that he learned how to apply makeup from Ron DeSantis. DeSantis learned how to apply makeup from his wife, an ex newscaster. Knowing that fact always makes me cackle, especially when I see either of them doing a speaking appearance wearing makeup, contouring and all.

      • Mina_Esq says:

        That is absolutely hysterical that they do their own makeup for these events! Now that you ladies have said it, I won’t be able to un-see the contouring and eyeliner whenever I see Matt and JD coverage from the convention.

    • Kitten says:

      JD Vance is also getting eyeliner tips from SJP and it’s not really working for him. Trump’s orange makeup and Giuliani’s melting sideburns….all these Republicans obsessed with their cosmetics but want to ban drag queens smdh…

  10. girl_ninja says:

    When I saw this photo last night I was sure it was photoshopped. No. No this is real. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  11. sevenblue says:

    Is his plastic surgeon democrat? OMG, what did they do to him? OR, did he ask for all the botox in the shop? He looks like an SNL character.

  12. Maggie says:

    I hope Donnie is pissed no real celebrities showed up to kiss his orange ass🤣all he got was a huge clown huge that he mostly slept through.

    • Tate says:

      Just saw on my local news site that Hulk Hogan is showing up tonight 🤣🤣🤣🤣

      • BeanieBean says:

        What a lineup! Amber Rose, That Crisley Girl, now Hulk Hogan. Nothing but the best for the republicans! 🙄

  13. Nanea says:

    Poor Matt Gaetz!

    Doesn’t he own a mirror, or hasn’t he just not gotten around to reading the owner’s manual yet?

    Splurging on all those cosmetic procedures, and people still remember that he is a pedo…

    Maybe he should have saved that money and bought himself into a witness protection program instead.

  14. Giddy says:

    This makes me ridiculously happy that his villainous nature is now so clearly visible on his exterior.

  15. TN Democrat says:

    Good lort. He looks like a figure in a wax museum. Icky, icky man. Ick.

  16. UpIn Toronto says:

    He looks like Butthead(of Beavis and Butthead) crossed with Walter Mercado

  17. K says:

    Please Google Jack Nicholson from Batman. I didn’t think MG creep factor could go any higher but here we are.

  18. Noo says:

    I was going to say he looks like a romulan but I would say Andorran without the blue paint and cute little antennae.

  19. Tursitops says:

    Gaetz to Botox doctor: “Gimme the Wayne Newton special”

  20. olliesmom says:

    Matty keeping it tight for those high school girls. So gross

  21. Lindsay says:

    I’m aware it’s low hanging fruit to disparage someone’s looks and weight.
    Yet I reserve the right to do so when someone exhibits White Supremacy vibes and is hell bent on destroying Democracy to benefit their generational wealth and power.

    This predator looks like a botched real housewife of DC.
    And I hope he chokes on his own vomit brought about by post procedural edema.
    I deleted what else I wish for 👹

  22. Lucy2 says:

    This is a much needed moment of hilarity in this political hellscape.

  23. Jennifer says:

    This is the post I needed today! What a demented, evil clown. He needs to up his eyeliner game – it transferred to his lids.

  24. Brassy Rebel says:

    I don’t see Beavis. Some here may be too young to remember the computer generated image of Max Headroom from the eighties, but that’s who I see. I love that somebody did him dirty.

  25. He looks like one of the “Capital “ people from the Hunger Games.

  26. NotSoSocialB says:

    He looks even more like a real-life Butthead now than ever.

  27. Renae says:

    The entire RNC convention is a walking ad for Sephora!
    And THESE are the people ragging against DRAG?

    • olliesmom says:

      So much makeup and bad teased hair! And that’s not just the women. None of the women know how to blend their makeup. They just slap it on. Maybe that should have been a seminar at the convention. Makeup blending 101.

  28. martha says:

    Holy hell – I can see his face somewhere there in this photo but, in that home-page story-link photo I absolutely didn’t recognize him. (same photo seen on a twitter-comment but wasn’t identified – I thought it was just some random weirdo at the RNC and not this specific weirdo …)

    Evan Hurst at Wonkette is going to have a field day!

    • martha says:

      PS – Democrats excel at grabbing defeat from the jaws of victory, don’t they?

      In the immortal words of Will Rogers: “I’m not a member of an organized party – I’m a Democrat”

  29. Chichi says:

    The Botox is bad, but that subsides… it’s the fillers, my god. The only excuse for a job this poor is that the doctor is a Democrat doing God’s work.

    • BlueNailsBetty says:

      That doctor is a gorram patriot trying to warn us about Gaetz. Give that doctor a medal because damn, message received.

    • Grace says:

      “a democrat doing God’s work” for the win!

  30. Janice Hill says:

    And here I thought he was drunk when he was heckling Kevin McCarthy. Well, maybe he was, in addition to having Botox face.

  31. Lau says:

    When your forehead is already that massive maybe don’t use that much botox. He looks like a barely human-shaped balloon.

  32. Elo says:

    I didn’t know that Matt Gaetz could make his face more punchable… but here we are.

  33. BlueNailsBetty says:

    My fellow Bitchies, thank you for the laughs in this post. It was much needed and I appreciate all of you who took the time to rag on this freakshow manchild.

  34. olliesmom says:

    He is so visually irritating to me.

  35. Artemis says:

    Who says the Milwaukee plastic surgeon made a mistake? As a resident of the city, I’d say they knew EXACTLY what they were doing.

  36. bumbles says:

    Those eyebrows are about to take off into the stratosphere! This guy and his face are the stuff of nightmares! Dear Mother of Mary, help us!

  37. wolfmamma says:

    The Repugs are dangerous and there is always the chance that they will turn on each other like rats in a box.

    And yes – he looks like the perverted Being that he is

  38. StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

    Me scared.

  39. Susan G. says:

    He’s clearly modelling his look on Homelander in ‘The Boys’…

  40. Anonymous says:

    That first photo: priceless. Please show it at random in whatever other stories you do. It gives me a laugh in these dark times we are living in. I’m serious. Thank you.

  41. J. Ferber says:

    Those lifted eyebrows are giving me life.