Mail: Queen Camilla ‘so worried’ when Charles was diagnosed with cancer

Queen Camilla celebrated her 77th birthday on July 17th, the same day as the State Opening of Parliament. She spent her birthday dripping in (stolen) diamonds and taking “glamour shots” for fixed-position photographers. But this was apparently a terrible way to spend a birthday, at least according to her nearest and dearest. Camilla hates all of these state occasions where she has to wear couture and millions in jewels. No, of course that’s not her smug “I won” face, how dare you! Obviously, The Mail’s Becky English got a big exclusive this week about the past year of Camilla’s life. Shockingly, there’s no mention of the Sussexes (Camilla’s “friends” usually love to bitch about them) but they’re pushing the “Camilla is so worried about Charles” angle. Some highlights:

Spending her birthday at the State Opening of Parliament. ‘It’s not the tip-top way she would choose to be spending her birthday,’ one close friend tells me, ‘but you won’t ever hear a single word of complaint. About anything, really. For someone who wasn’t born into the Royal Family, she’s got an extraordinarily strong sense of duty and the temperament to cope.’

Finding out about Charles’s cancer: They spent the weekend together at Sandringham, processing the news privately, before Camilla insisted on undertaking a long-planned engagement opening a Maggie’s cancer care centre in London while the King embarked on a debilitating course of treatment. ‘The public had no idea what she was going through. She was speaking to patients, survivors and even the families of those who had lost their lives to this awful disease in front of the cameras. And she couldn’t . . . she didn’t . . . even blink. That takes serious guts,’ a friend says.

She’d never been so worried: Another reveals candidly: ‘In private people had never seen her so worried. Forget who they are for a second. Look at it from a human level. Her beloved husband was facing a very serious condition. The battle of his life. It was hugely tough.’

Camilla is Charles’s gatekeeper and his fiercest protector. ‘His Majesty is never one to sit still and do nothing. He always wants to work and even cancer wasn’t going to stop him. But it’s fair to say that his wife hasn’t always been of the same opinion,’ says one person who knows them both well. ‘There is really only once voice in the room that he listens to. And that’s not the doctor’s. She is the only person who can persuade him that he needs to pace himself in order to recover and she’s pretty firm when she has to be. She’s definitely put her foot down as much as she could in recent months. They have always been a team but now you couldn’t get a cigarette paper between them.’

They still spend weekends apart though: That’s not to say that the King and Queen don’t afford each other space. They absolutely do. While Charles is content to potter around at Windsor or Highgrove at weekends, Camilla will still often bolt alone to Ray Mill, her private Wiltshire home, known as her ‘decompression chamber’. She can tend to her beloved gardens, hang out with pals and even walk the dogs without anyone batting an eyelid.

She plans to go on vacation without Charles this summer: In fact, I understand she is planning, as usual, to take them and her five grandchildren away on holiday to Europe for a week or so this summer, while her husband remains at home.

Camilla is still tight with her ex-husband: Unconventionally, she still speaks several times a week to their father, her former husband Andrew Parker Bowles, who has remained an incredibly good friend and sounding board despite their divorce.

The hate she still gets for what she did to Diana is water off a duck’s back. ‘Yes, there’s a caucus of people on social media who use nasty terms and reference difficult times past, but honestly her attitude to that is they are the unshiftables,’ a source tells me. ‘Nobody, not least of all Her Majesty, worries about what they are saying. She has never gone through life looking backwards, she is always looking ahead.’

[From The Daily Mail]

Just the fact that a source sniffed about “a caucus of people on social media who use nasty terms and reference difficult times past” tells me that it actually bothers Camilla a great deal. She’s mad that people still don’t see that she “won,” that her victory was secured when Diana died. Instead, she’s continuously reminded that she lives alongside the ghost of Diana to millions of people. As for Camilla being the most worried ever… I actually do think she was worried, but her behavior and attitude was rather smug and self-satisfied. Her people were even briefing the media that Camilla was “practically ruling solo.” Good times.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid, Cover Images.

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33 Responses to “Mail: Queen Camilla ‘so worried’ when Charles was diagnosed with cancer”

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  1. Tessa says:

    So Charles is such a baby she has to tell him to listen to his doctors . And the usual spin she does not complain. Her spin is she never wanted any of this meaning being queen. She sure did want it. I like that the article added she is still close to her first husband.

  2. Tessa says:

    She like Kate looks so pleased with herself and poses for cameras. Her guarding Charles included not letting him have alone time with his second son

  3. Proud Mary says:

    Yeah, worried about losing her grip on power. Puhleez! He’s really delusional if he thinks she cares one wit about him.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      Only thing she’s really worried about is Cluck karking it so that she is then prevented from doing her daily swims in the Royal Jewel Vault.

      She knows Huevo would change the locks on her faster than his father threw out Angela Kelly. Honestly she’ll be lucky if Huevo allows her to attend the funeral.

      Cluck wouldn’t be nearly as hated as he is, if Diana were still by his side. I think Cloppy knows that and it galls her.
      Love that for her.

  4. Tessa says:

    She and Charles don’t worry about criticism about how they treated Diana. They blame Diana judging from the literature of their supporters like Ingrid and sally and penny

  5. Bitchy architect says:

    Is it me or does Camilla look just like a Bassett hound?

  6. B says:

    Christ she’s always been unattractive but aging and the fact that pics always capture her acting vulgarly make it so much worse! The rot and evil in her is definitely showing on the outside. Was she worried about Charles? Of course! She gets her money, protection, and position through him. She’s out the door once he’s gone BUT did she care enough to stick with him through treatment? Nope she went on vacation. These ppl have never been a love match. She was just one of many side pieces but she was the one who got named so they had to clean it up to save Chuck’s reputation.

    Lol I can’t believe she’s mad people don’t think of her as winner. She’s infamous for being a hoe, looks miserable when has to “work”, and is clearly reviled by her step-son who is the future king. Her past is trash, her present a bore, and her future a misery if she outlives Chuck. What’s did she win? Being miserable in nice surroundings?? LMAO

    • Tessa says:

      William could emulate uncle Charles after his father died and evict his stepmother. I think Camilla has an iron clad will that will assure legal rights and will be able to keep raymill get a good settlement

      • B says:

        Yep, Ray Mill is her personal property. Chuck bought it for her after her divorce and she owns it outright. She still lives there most of the time because she knows she’s out the door once Chuck is gone. Ray Mill is her forever home.

        Again I say who would ever envy this kind of uncertain life?

      • Libra says:

        Here we go again. Ray Mill was purchased by Camilla with her divorce settlement money in 1996. Char!as did not buy it. Wikipedia. I do not make this stuff up. Look it up.

  7. Amy Bee says:

    Camilla looked quite happy to be dripping in diamonds on her birthday. Everything that Becky English has written in this piece the opposite is true. It’s interesting that the press doesn’t question the status of Camilla and Charles’s marriage but if Harry and Meghan does anything alone the press says that they’re heading for divorce.

    • Mslove says:

      If Meghan had a she-shed, the BM would lose their collective mind.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        Truth. I mean, they even went bonkers over a chicken coop. Seriously? A chicken coop?

        But Cluck can write forewords to books on heritage poultry, and advocate for their reintroduction up and down Salty Island, and nary a tabloid rat bats an eye.

  8. Jais says:

    “Difficult times past” What a way to gloss over what she did to Diana. Speed dialing tabloid editors to smear her in the press. Like she did with Diana’s son. Well, she’s right that there are huge amounts of people she will never win over.

  9. Lindsay says:

    Kudos on choosing this absolutely horrifying image of this real life Grimm’s like fairy tail figure.
    I can’t help but see her visage as deserving 👹

  10. Alex Can says:

    Sorry to say it but she’s so gross.

    • kelleybelle says:

      Came here to say just that, absolutely gross. So much for “royals aren’t supposed to touch their faces in public.” They can stick their fingers in their teeth though! Ugh.

  11. QuiteContrary says:

    LOL, Charles and Camilla are soooo close that she takes every opportunity she gets to gallop on back to her private home, and to take vacations away from him, and she still considers her ex-husband her “sounding board.” What an epic tale of true love!


    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      My money is on her remarrying her ex after Cluck shuffles off his perch. They’re too close for there not to still be something going on between the two.

      I wonder what Princess Anne hears from her circle. Shame she isn’t a gossip; I’ll bet her tea is strong!

  12. LuckyDuck221 says:

    Let’s break this down for what it really is:

    – Camilla is insecure and that’s why she tries to gate keep access to Charles

    – Camilla doesn’t complain except for when she complains all the time by briefing her press friends using anonymous sources

    – Camilla is pissed that she had to work this week during her birthday and that’s why saw the shenanigans with the coat, umbrella, etc.

    – Camilla is closer to her ex husband than Charles because they talk often and he is her sounding board (not Charles her husband)

    – Camilla and Charles have a marriage in name only where she attends work events but lives separately, vacations separately, has separate friends, keeps close to her family not his, and and has an emotional affair with her ex husband.

    Guess who else has a relationship like this now… William and Kate. Charles and Camilla can’t divorce because they would suffer public humiliation after what they put Diana through and Camilla wants to be queen. William and Kate can’t divorce because William needs the family man image and Kate wants to be queen. Father and son are the same.

    • Tessa says:

      Charles was able to divorce so if William wants he can divorce and date and possibly later remarry. He can be the good single dad.

      • sunnyside up says:

        When he is not waving his fists around and poking his finger at the Prime Minister in front of his son.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      LuckyDuck221, the difference between the two couples is that WanK cannot appear together without showing how much they really wished they weren’t together. They’re not even respectful to each other. That’s never going to get better.

  13. kelleybelle says:

    Bollocks, I don’t think he even has it, or had it. Popularity was at an all-time low and this is the best they could come up with for pity.

  14. Laura D says:

    “a caucus of people on social media who use nasty terms and reference difficult times past”

    I think I’m probably one of those people! Seriously, I do think I came on the radar for calling her Queen Consort as opposed to Queen. The poster was polite but insisted I shouldn’t call her Queen Consort and then said I felt this way because of my profile picture being of Diana. 😆

    You really don’t need to be “rude” about Camilla all you have to do is call her Queen Consort and the Bots will find you! 😆 So, if by chance anyone from BP is reading this, calling Camilla the Queen Consort as instructed by HM QEII it’s not being rude it’s just carrying out the dying wishes of the REAL Queen!

  15. Paisley25 says:

    Don’t regular people work on their bdays? I never got the day off and besides office cake/lunch, I would have my big celebrations on the weekend.

  16. Cassie says:

    Camillas friends sound very discreet how they share all her private stuff with the media .

  17. BQM says:

    Her jewels today aren’t “stolen” or if they are that’s on the jewelers. The crown was bought from Garrard’s for George IV’s coronation. The necklace from garrards for Victoria’s coronation. Now if she’d worn the Lahore diamond associated with the necklace,which was added in 1851, then there would be an issue. That’s the big diamond pendant often seen attached to the necklace which was “presented” to Victoria from the area now in Pakistan. Like avoiding the Koh I Noor for her coronation , it makes me wonder if they’re avoiding drawing attention to the jewels with imperialist connotations. Not returning them, of course, but keeping them out of sight.

  18. Beverley says:

    The only thing that old bat Queen JumpOff is “so worried” about is how badly Pegs will treat her if Dogsh*t Charlie goes first. She may have her home Ray Mill and Chuckles’ iron clad will, but Pegs will come for her to strip her of all the Crown jewels and then some. I’ll bet he’ll have her escorted from the palace before the sun sets on the day KC3 dies.

    She may have millions, jewels, and Ray Mill squared away. But King Pegs will publicly humiliate her in any way he can. I’ll bet she’s plenty worried about Charles going first. I actually love this for her. I haven’t forgotten how she tormented and gaslighted Diana.

  19. Anonymous says:

    The header picture of the rottweiler gives me joy. Thank you.