When Donald Trump was in the White House, the WH doctor was a man named Ronny Jackson. Jackson was known as a complete lush and a piece of sh-t who sexually harassed the women in his office. That lush and predator is now a Congressman. He was also the first and only doctor to come out publicly to say that he examined Trump following the Butler, Pennsylvania shooting on Saturday. Jackson apparently saw Trump on Monday and “examined” his ear and basically said it was no big deal, just a scratch that bled a lot. Eric Trump said something similar to CBS this week, calling the injury a “nice flesh wound” and saying that his father didn’t even need stitches. What’s weird is that… none of the doctors who treated Trump after the shooting have come out and spoken about it at all, and the media has not pressed the Trump campaign on it whatsoever?
Meanwhile, people are still talking about how the Secret Service didn’t do anything about an obviously sketchy 20-year-old shooter in a very obvious makeshift sniper’s nest. Not only that, but the Secret Service on the ground had no idea what this was and if there was a second shooter, and yet they let that man stick his big orange head out and raise a baby fist to the crowd. The whole thing felt staged as hell. The FBI is still investigating, and the NY Times has a big story about the multiple levels of security failures. They’re also starting to release information about the 20-year-old registered Republican Thomas Matthew Crooks, although this guy is being called an “enigma.” From the Times:
But in the aftermath, when the F.B.I. was able to finally access Mr. Crooks’s cellphones and other electronic devices, agents could see that he had searched for images of Mr. Trump as well as President Biden, Attorney General Merrick B. Garland and even F.B.I. Director Christopher A. Wray.
Mr. Crooks also typed in “major depressive disorder” and searched for dates and places for appearances for both Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump. One of Mr. Trump’s planned appearances happened to be about 50 miles from Mr. Crooks’s house in Bethel Park, Pa.
On Friday, July 12, the day before the attempted assassination, Mr. Crooks went to a shooting range, according to an investigative summary prepared by the F.B.I. The next morning, he bought a ladder at a Home Depot and then later that day he purchased 50 rounds of ammunition from a gun shop near his home, according to the F.B.I. document and federal law enforcement officials.
In his car, a Hyundai Sonata, Mr. Crooks brought an AR-15 style rifle, bought by his father more than a decade earlier. And he brought two homemade bombs, in which a potentially explosive mixture of fertilizer and fuel was packed inside empty ammunition cans that were roughly the size of a toolbox. The bombs were fitted with a remote-control receiver — the type typically used to set off fireworks displays remotely — according to another federal government report seen by The Times. The report said the bombs appeared designed to be set off by a remote control. He brought that, too.
Someone mentioned that John Hinckley Jr. – the man who shot Ronald Reagan – also considered targeting Jimmy Carter, but for whatever reason (proximity and access, most likely), he targeted Reagan. It sounds like the FBI profilers are building a theory that Crooks simply wanted to murder someone famous. The Telegraph’s law enforcement sources say that Crooks also researched members of the British royal family, so that’s sort of interesting too. Crooks also researched both the RNC and DNC and he kept photos of both Biden and Trump. The sh-t about the homemade bombs… like… I have some thoughts, but all I’ll say is that I believe there’s a lot more to this story.
Photos courtesy of Cover Images.
- Former US President Donald J Trump makes an early appearance on the first night of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin at the Fiserv Forum This is Trump’s first appearance since a rally in Pennsylvania, where he sustained injuries from an alleged bullet grazing his ear. Trump also named United States Senator JD Vance (Republican of Ohio) as his Vice Presidential running mate. Featuring: former US President Donald J Trump, United States Senator J.D. Vance (Republican of Ohio) Where: Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States When: 15 Jul 2024 Credit: CNP/INSTARimages
- Former US President Donald J Trump makes an early appearance on the first night of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin at the Fiserv Forum This is Trump’s first appearance since a rally in Pennsylvania, where he sustained injuries from an alleged bullet grazing his ear. Trump also named United States Senator JD Vance (Republican of Ohio) as his Vice Presidential running mate. Featuring: former US President Donald J Trump Where: Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States When: 15 Jul 2024 Credit: CNP/INSTARimages
- Former US President Donald J Trump makes an early appearance on the first night of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin at the Fiserv Forum This is Trump’s first appearance since a rally in Pennsylvania, where he sustained injuries from an alleged bullet grazing his ear. Trump also named United States Senator JD Vance (Republican of Ohio) as his Vice Presidential running mate. Featuring: former US President Donald J Trump Where: Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States When: 15 Jul 2024 Credit: CNP/INSTARimages
- Former US President Donald J Trump makes an early appearance on the first night of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin at the Fiserv Forum This is Trump’s first appearance since a rally in Pennsylvania, where he sustained injuries from an alleged bullet grazing his ear. Trump also named United States Senator JD Vance (Republican of Ohio) as his Vice Presidential running mate. Featuring: former US President Donald J Trump Where: Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States When: 15 Jul 2024 Credit: CNP/INSTARimages
- Former US President Donald J Trump makes an early appearance on the first night of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin at the Fiserv Forum This is Trump’s first appearance since a rally in Pennsylvania, where he sustained injuries from an alleged bullet grazing his ear. Trump also named United States Senator JD Vance (Republican of Ohio) as his Vice Presidential running mate. Featuring: former US President Donald J Trump Where: Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States When: 15 Jul 2024 Credit: CNP/INSTARimages
His doctors cannot comment. Privacy. Never discuss your patients in public. Federal law.
They can comment if Trump gives them permission to comment. That he won’t give that permission tells me their report would be less dramatic than he wants the public to know.
Stop it already. He’s a former president; when Reagan was shot, they didn’t wait for him to get out of the hospital to tell us what happened.
The medical professionals who treated his wound are not allowed speaking publicly, but it is interesting that nothing has leaked from anonymous sources either.
I commented the other day about this, but it bears repeating: my sister has been a nurse for 20+ years – in the ER of a huge city and she has seen it all, including countless gun shot wounds – and she said there is no way he was shot in the ear.
I agree with your sister. If he was shot as described, at best, I don’t think he would have much of an ear left.
There are close-ups of his ear during the incident and it’s CLEAR that the wound was not caused by a bullet. It looked like a tiny little nick, consistent with the shrapnel theory. I can’t be the only one who saw that, but I start hyperventilating when I look at pix of Trump too long so I’m not going to search for it. (Would be interesting if it had disappeared.) Head wounds of any kind bleed a lot, and that wasn’t even a lot of blood.
My husband is a paramedic and he said he’s seen worse wounds in playground accidents and bar brawls. The dude was wearing no bandage while golfing the day after the assassination attempt and then a giant bandage the first day of the RNC because…why? Because he didn’t want anyone to see that it was actually just a little nick on his ear. And it’s notable that we have yet to see the wound close up and unbandaged. If it was gnarly in any way, Trump’s team (or Trump himself) would make SURE everyone saw it.
I’m sorry but there’s no way in hell that anyone can convince me this wasn’t a wound from teleprompter glass slicing his ear. And I will say this to any clown who wants to peddle the farce that Trump was “grazed by a bullet”.
Apparently, he was photographed while playing golf the day after the “assassination attempt” but he wasn’t wearing any bandages.
What’s beyond weird is the numbers of people attending the MAGA convention wearing bandages on their ears as some sort of tribute to Trump.
I saw. I thought these people were mocking him at first. It’s just bizarre!!
It’s a cult. These people have to be deprogrammed.
It’s a cult. The same folks who refused to wear masks.
these are also the same people who wore diapers in solidarity with Trump
Um WHAT? God, these people are so f*cking weird, man.
who needs stitches when you have a giant Kotex?
Which I’m pretty sure is there just to hide the fact that his ear is fine, perfectly intact, not scratched at all.
It certainly doesn’t look like it’s taped in such a way to perform any medical purpose.
My thoughts exactly, DK. The giant bandage conceals a tiny wound.
100%. He’s a showman through and through.
The Secret Service would know about Trump’s medical situation and they may have to report on it before Congress.
At this point I wouldn’t trust the secret service’s report on whether it’s raining unless I could check it myself. This is spectacular failure across so many levels it’s hard to believe they’re competent to even understand all the failures. Assuming it wasn’t a coordinated laxness.
Merrick Garland didn’t like what he saw, canceled his business trips and is personally conducting a focused investigation amongst all the various agencies. The shooter had 86 seconds to shoot up the rally and he did kill a spectator. The heads of other agencies, for example Secret Service, can’t pull rank on Garland. If there was a fix in, it should come out.
That’s good to hear. This morning I read an article quoting the head of secret service and then debunking the statements. I don’t know if they were using quotes from early in the investigation, or if the secret service was just repeating stuff that made them look better but weren’t true. A lot of finger pointing at local cops.
Yeah I don’t trust anything the Secret Service says. They showed how much they had to hide when they “deleted texts” from Jan 6 and prior. It sure looked like they were in the bag for Trump and Mike Pence wanted no part of their plan to get him away from the Capitol.
What a pathetic and evil old man.
It doesn’t sound like there is any political motivation here. The guy sounds mentally unbalanced and heavily influenced by gun culture. It’s a pretty typical profile for mass shooters. And, yeah, Trump was hit by shrapnel not a bullet from a high power rifle as evidenced by the fact that he still has his ear.
Yes and this is exactly what I said when I first heard that he was a Republican who donated once to a scammy Dem PAC.
We are now learning that he searched for various political events featuring Biden, Garland, other high-profile politicians. I have no doubt that if Biden had come to his town in PA, he would have attempted the same thing. He seems to have deep grievances against politicians in general, a love of guns, and a desire to go out in infamy–a dangerous trifecta that led him to do what he did.
I still laugh (and cry) at my husband making the joke that it was probably Antifa and a couple of his family members enthusiastically agreeing with him. Sigh.
Kitten, no, he didn’t donate to a Dem PAC when he was 17. It was a 69-year-old man of the same name. Evidently, he was bullied in school and people he went to school with said he was conservative. I wonder if there was anyone around him who might have encouraged him to do this?
Ehhhh I saw a bunch of people Tweet that but it was never verified. And the addresses matched, so I DO believe that he donated to a liberal PAC.
But my point was that it’s irrelevant. I don’t think the kid associated deeply with any political party TBH.
Yeah, he basicly wanted immortal fame. And school shootings are too common to grant him that in this day and age.
It’s kinda poetic justice in his case that he was bad at this and all we’ve been learning so far is that he was a loser.
But the Secret Service did an abysmal job. Reporting that he was an equal opportunity murderer doesn’t absolve them from their incompetence. What if he went for Biden?
Also, this is a good case to point out that Harry and Meghan need proper protection, given that he was googling the royals. But perhaps not the Secret Service, given the last incident.
Some of the MAGA idiots at the RNC are actually sporting ear bandages like Trump to show “solidarity.” They are so stupid that they are putting big, honkin’ white cards on their ears when they can’t find bandages. I cannot believe that people this frickin’ brain-dead are involved in politics at all.
Not too weird. Remember, these same people wore tea bags dangling from their ears just a few years ago.
I listened to the Post Reports (Washington Post podcast) “What the Secret Service got wrong,” and rally attendees saw the shooter climbing up to the roof and reported it to law enforcement. A local cop went to investigate these reports, and had to immediately duck a gun pointed at him when he got to the roof. And then the gunman immediately started firing on Trump. If this was staged, the gunman would have been in place before the rally, I’d think. No witnesses to see him get up there. This was a chaotic massive security failure, not a conspiracy.
Ronny Jackson also handed out controlled substances/narcotics like they were candy when he was WH physician. He’s an incredibly irresponsible person and should be nowhere near power. If Trump becomes president, who knows what power he will be given. It’s terrifying.
Gifted article
His followers….
“He was shot in the head and just kept walking “!!
I just saw Dr. Jonathan Reiner on CNN saying that he finds it “bizarre” that there has been no medical report issued on the extent of the wound and the treatment received. But then, he adds, this is par for the course for Trump who has a history of concealing his medical history and treatment. It is not reassuring that the only medical information has come from Ronny Jackson. This is exactly the kind of opaqueness which gives rise to conspiracy theories.