Eden: Duchess Meghan’s estrangement from her dad rang ‘alarm bells’ at the palace

The Daily Mail’s Richard Eden is on another tear. He’s looking at a three-month royal gossip lull with the missing Waleses, a cancer-stricken king decamping to Scotland, a concussed Princess Anne and… let’s not forget the forgettable Sophie and Edward. Who and where are they? So, as always, Eden seizes the moment to once again rake over six-year-old gossip and throw in a dash of faux-sympathy for Toxic Thomas Markle. Apparently, today is Toxic Tom’s birthday and to celebrate, he gave some new quotes to the Mail. But that’s not all, of course not. Some lowlights from “Meghan ‘set alarm bells ringing’ at the Palace from the start. As their star wanes, there are two mistakes from those days she and Harry must fix.”

Toxic Tom’s birthday: There will be mixed emotions when Thomas Markle wakes up at his cliff-side home in Rosarito, Mexico, today. This is his 80th birthday. Yet amid the many cards and presents waiting to be unwrapped, there will likely be nothing from his famous daughter, Meghan. Tom Markle is not expecting so much as a phone call. Not even an email. ‘I’ve never been one for birthdays, but I know the one person I most want to hear from, Meghan, won’t be in touch,’ he lamented to my colleague Caroline Graham in The Mail on Sunday. ‘I would love to meet my grandchildren, but I would be happy with a photograph at this stage.’

QEII was “alarmed” by Meghan’s estrangement from her dad: Queen Elizabeth was so alarmed by Meghan’s estrangement from her father that the late monarch suggested Meghan write to him. In her Netflix docu-series, Harry & Meghan, the duchess confirmed she had sought the Queen’s advice. As she put it: ‘I reached out to Her Majesty and was, like, ‘This is what’s going on. What do you want me to do? I want…whatever advice you have. Ultimately, it was suggested by the Queen and the Prince of Wales [now King Charles] that I write my dad a letter.’ Which she did – although not with the results that Queen Elizabeth had perhaps intended. Speaking later about the lengthy letter he received, Mr Markle said: ‘I thought it would be an olive branch. Instead, it was a dagger to the heart.’

Alarm bells: ‘Meghan’s public disagreements with her father set alarm bells ringing at the time,’ a royal source tells me. ‘Her Majesty realised the potential damage they could do to the Royal Family in general. Looking back, the Queen might have had an inkling of what was to come,’ says the source.

The Sussexes are so eager to mend fences, you see: In recent months, Harry and Meghan have given the impression they are keen to mend fences with the Royal Family. They appeared eager to let it be known that they had enjoyed a friendly phone conversation with King Charles on his birthday last autumn. Harry certainly rushed to see his father, flying more than 5,000 miles across the Atlantic after the King’s cancer diagnosis was made public. Yet still the Sussexes seem determined to risk conflict. Harry’s decision to go ahead and collect the Pat Tillman award last week – despite protests from thousands of people including the late American hero’s own mother, Mary – was a sign of the couple’s stubborn refusal to heed criticism. With their popularity seemingly on the wane in the US, perhaps it’s time to mend a few fences back in Britain.

[From The Daily Mail]

Here’s the thing… just for argument’s sake, let’s say that QEII was “alarmed” at Meghan’s sudden estrangement from her dogs-t father in 2018. Did QEII or the courtiers honestly believe that the best course of action for the palace or for Meghan to say “to hell with Thomas Markle’s lies, interviews and taking money to sell out his daughter, we should bring him closer?” Besides, everything that’s happened post-2018, including Tom Markle SELLING HIS DAUGHTER’S LETTER TO THE MAIL, has proved Meghan’s course of action correct. Sever contact, cut him off completely. The only reason he wants a photo of Archie and Lili is to sell it for more beer. As for “perhaps it’s time to mend a few fences back in Britain.” Yeah, back in May, Harry’s father made it perfectly clear with his very loud tantrum that he and Camilla are the ones refusing to make any kind of private peace.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images, 60 Minutes Australia.

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111 Responses to “Eden: Duchess Meghan’s estrangement from her dad rang ‘alarm bells’ at the palace”

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  1. Andy Dufresne says:

    Yawn! Let’s not give Eden and his stupid article more air.


    • Carrie says:

      @ Andy Dufresne: Could not agree more.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      How much longer are these people going to survive off rehashed “abuse Meghan” stories.. It is beyond old at this point.. I agree with the yawn 🥱

    • Lawrence says:

      Are we still trying to flog this dead horse? I won’t even start on the lies because Meghan was not estranged from her father before Harry’s bloody family got to that sperm donor that calls itself Meghan’s dad, but c’mon! Like, how long ago was this again? These people and all their minions need to move on, the Sussexes already moved on.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        It’s fascinating (in a macabre? way) seeing the Maureen/Richard/RR’s rewriting history in real time. As you said, Meghan was not estranged from her father before Harry’s bloody family go to that sperm donor. Meghan has receipts.

        March 2018, Buckingham Palace officially announced H&M wedding. March 2018, is when the Fail/Bad Dad/nefarious people, started the smear campaign with very questionable actors/agencies. Those photos weren’t released until 6/7 days before the wedding. SPARE covers it. Okay, I have to stop a bit now. Mind boggling how the BM lets this stuff to print.

        LOL @ RE/Maureen’s comment about ‘heed to criticism’. Like, he/she has ever ‘heeded to criticism’.LOL Richard/Maureen went on a blocking spree when one of his burner accounts was revealed.

      • Kathleen says:

        That’s right. The time line makes no sense. The “estrangement” became a fact just days before the wedding. This desperate little weasel Maureen Eden is beginning to bug me. Month end’s here. The rent/mortgage is due.

    • Christine says:


      • Isabella says:

        They must have been relieved. Imagine the spectacle of unhinged Tom walking Meghan with the world watching.

  2. Dee(2) says:

    Eden thinks they should mend fences because he’s writing about two people who haven’t spoken in half a decade at least, and how someone who has been dead for several years felt about it. While a colleague who he looked down on sneeringly just had a seven figure bidding war occur over his work. They are down bad in the royal reporting racket, nevermind regular summer silly season.

    • nutella toast says:

      This. Also, if QEII was so worried about it, she wouldn’t have taken Meg to Cheshire on her train waaaaaay earlier in the “wife schedule” than Kate. In the absence of actual people telling their story, you can look at facts and the facts are that QEII didn’t freeze Meg out (at least at first – as she got older and I believe courtiers and KC were essentially driving the bus that changed somewhat) – but EVEN when Meg and Harry had moved, she took the time to call them beloved family members – yes, the treatment wouldn’t reflect that necessarily, but how much was she really controlling anything at that point? Harry’s book would seem to say “very little”. The tell to me was that Harry never lost his affection for QEII – that tells me this story was BS.

      • windyriver says:

        @nutella toast – this has been my general take on QEII’s later years as well, especially after Harry’s description of phoning her to find out why their overnight at Sandringham was cancelled, and guessing Edward Young was in the room listening. And, the meeting she set up with H&M just before IG Hague, which she did so secretly C&C came flying back from wherever they were to try and intervene. Her comment, “your father always does what he wants to do”, that Harry reports in Spare – I think KC/Andrew/courtiers slowly started to take defacto control once Philip retired (when they dumped former PS Geidt). So I’ve been side eyeing all these media comments about what TQ thought (and did) for quite a while).

        What I am curious about, in retrospect, is what negotiations went on with TQ around the Jubilee. She sent her personal security to cover H&M and family, had a private meeting with Archie and Lili. What’s hard to believe is that Charles was any way in favor of having H&M make that solo entrance into the church, not after everything he’d been doing to tear them both down in the press. Even Will didn’t seem as incandescent as you’d imagine (though IIRC, Kate was a trifle vexed). There must have been an agreement of some kind…

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Agree @nutella toast. QE2 taking Meghan on that train trip said a lot. Especially since someone else wasn’t invited before. I’m going to take Harry’s words involving his grandmother at face value. They had a special relationship. She approved their marriage. The corgis loved Meghan. All of those things upset some people.

        As Harry acknowledged in SPARE, QE2 wanted Bad Dad to shut his effing mouth. My words/paraphrasing.

        lol. Kate’s looks/faces in churches, is something else at best. It’s almost funny? Wonder what would happen if holy water was sprayed on her? /s

    • Christine says:

      Boom! Well said.

  3. SarahLee says:

    I would love for Meghan to send a photo of a couple of red-headed kids that aren’t Archie and Lily, and then watch Markle sell it. LOL!

    • equality says:

      Maybe she could get KP to frankenphoto or AI one for her.

    • GTWiecz says:

      That would be so funny. Two redhead kids created by AI. Watch the front page for the Daily Fail humiliate itself.

      • Libra says:

        It would be illegal to publish a picture of someone else’s child without permission, so using AI is only alternative. Good suggestion and avoids legal issues I hope.

  4. B says:

    Lol the careers of the royal rota are so sad and I love that for them!

    • Just Jade says:

      Awwww…… these poor island rats 🐀 never met anyone who didn’t want anything to do with them. They are seriously traumatized and the only thing they can do is rehash old stories to satisfy their cravings.

  5. Proud Mary says:

    Another headline that made me burst out laughing. The very palace that’s done all it can to destroy Meghan’s relationship with her dad, is now claiming that it was “shock, shock to learn there is gambling going on here!” It’s very apropos, though, that on a day when it’s being reported that Omid is in Hollywood making bank, girls like Maureen are still on the their knees, servicing the monarchy with fan fiction.

    • Debbie says:

      I don’t know, I’m still choking on someone writing that “Meghan had public disagreements with her father.” What?! I’m so old that I remember just Tom giving interviews and running to the BM, and Meghan was silent and did not respond to him. So, how can that possibly be twisted into her having public disagreements with him?

  6. Oh come on. says:

    Every time the British tabloid media quote Thomas Markle, he says he doesn’t expect a phone call but he longs for a photo.

    It’s not slick—we can all see what they’re up to.

    If Harry & Meghan didn’t fall for it the first six or eight times, why would they cough up a photo he can sell after their tenth or eleventh try?

  7. Jais says:

    Rinse and repeat. They’d all love Meghan to speak to her dad bc they know he’d likely run to them and spill everything and slant it negatively against his daughter. Not going to happen.

  8. Minnieder says:

    Oh yes, ofc her non-relationship with her POS father is what makes the Royal family look bad. Not themselves, with their affairs, tantrums, trafficking young girls, stolen wealth etc. nahhhh, you guys, that’s all totally acceptable! But not talking to an abusive parent, well that is an absolute scandal!!!!! /s

    • Debbie says:

      You forgot the time Andrew felt-up his daughter in full view of cameras while she was looking at flowers people had left after the queen’s death. (I know. They’ve done so many despicable things, it’s hard to remember them all.)

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      Agree @Minnieder. Not talking to a parent who has sold you out to BM/tabloid media is such an egregious sin. l/s

  9. Anna says:

    Of course it did. “She didn’t let her father abuse her. Does it mean she won’t let us??”

    • ML says:

      Anna, You nailed it! The RR has taken the side of the abusers (Tom and Scammie) this is how they themselves function. Bullies hate it when people stick up for themselves.

      • Anna says:

        Meghan has her fair share of abusive behavior with Tom when she was younger and luckily for her, she recognized what is going on fast enough. And knew what to do, only on a bigger scale, with whole world watching. She has amazing resilience, but also a lot of support and knows where to find help. Most people would crumble and leave, or be digested by BRF machine.

  10. Monika says:

    The BM always conveniently forget the role the BM played in the fallout between Meghan and her father. Unfortunately TH listened to the wrong daughter to make some quick bucks.

  11. sparrow1 says:

    I hate this. We all have or know people dealing with family estrangement, and hypocritical tabloid readers will also, by the bucket load. We wouldn’t be forcing ourselves or our friends to meet up and get back on track with estranged family; this kind of rebuilding of bridges rarely happens and can make things worse. And, in the normal run of things, DM readers would see this man and immediately not blame any family member for distancing him or herself. And yet for Meghan it’s a fault in her character, something they can pick at like a scab. It takes guts to say enough is enough with family, because by that point you’ll have tried your best for years and burned yourself out in the process. It is so personal to her. The way her father behaves doesn’t garner sympathy from me or a feeling of how wronged he is; I see someone who, each and every time he opens his mouth, proves why she needs to keep him at a distance.

    • Libra says:

      So right . Every word. A person’s past behavior is a valid indicator of future behavior.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      sparrow1, and he sold the letter she wrote him to the bm and they published the parts that framed their story only. He knows what he did, and he knows that Meghan isn’t going to contact him again. She’s doing the only thing she can by greyrocking him. The bm clearly didn’t expect her to do that. Another revenue stream cut off.

      • sparrow1 says:

        The other thing is, of course, they’re hardly ones to talk! They are a bunch of estranged people with infighting and hidden separations. It’s easier to be secretly estranged when you’re rich enough to live in separate houses. I’m estranged from a sister of mine. At some point you just have to put your hands up and walk away. Damage limitation.

  12. Kittenmom says:

    Imagine if Meghan’s family had real dirty secrets, like a humiliating corporate bankruptcy and defrauding the government and so many small family businesses out of money.

    • Emme says:


    • Jaded says:

      Yes, and let’s not forget the sleazebag uncle who hung out with a convicted pedophile and sexually abused young girls he trafficked to him.

      • Kittenmom says:

        Ooh yeah. How could I have forgot Uncle Hookers n Blow – the gift that keeps on giving!

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        @Kittenmom, I might be wrong, don’t believe Jaded was referencing Uncle Hooker’s n Blow. Skeevy Uncle Andrew. Though appreciate you bringing up Uncle Hooker’s & Blow-Gary Goldsmith.

    • Christine says:

      Well done!

  13. aquarius64 says:

    The BM is ringing alarm bells because it invested money in Toxic Tom to embarrass Meghan to taking him back, hoping he would pass on insider information and pictures of the Sussexes. This is all about money. Bad Dad doesn’t get platformed in US media; it won’t waste time on low income disgruntled family members who think they deserve a come up because one family member has money by self and/or marriage. CNN and other major US outlets won’t report on Bad Dad, Jr., or Scammy unless they are charged with a serious crime.

  14. Nerd says:

    As far as anyone knew there really wasn’t an estrangement between them when it was suggested she write the letter to him. It was almost immediately after the wedding and it was clear with the things he was saying and doing, that the fault in how their relationship was going was all on him. It was obvious that the only way to try and reason with him was only going to happen through a letter. She couldn’t just randomly go to Mexico to see him because the media frenzy and danger would look worse for the royal family. The fact that she reached out to the Queen and that the Queen cared enough to call and try and suggest different ideas of how to fix the problem, in itself shows that the Queen cared and that she didn’t see that Meghan was the issue regarding their relationship. This is the Queen who had her dog ride in the car with her before the wedding. The invited Meghan on a solo engagement and overnight ride in the royal train with her shortly after the wedding. She shared her blanket with her in the car ride. She had an official never done before photo with newborn Archie and his grandmother Doria. She made suggestions to Meghan on how to induce labor. She discussed possible homes for them to move to when they were pregnant with Archie. She would have tea with them while they lived at Frogmore. She invited them to Balmoral for the weekend on their return from Canada. She snuck them into Windsor for a visit after they had moved to Montecito. She personally invited them for her Jubilee and supplied them with her security the entire time. She met with them and their children privately before her death. The only ones who had an issue with how Meghan’s relationship with her father turned out are TM, TM’s kids that look like him, Charles, William, Kate, Jason and the media that were all trying to prevent the wedding from ever happening.

    • Proud Mary says:

      I’m sorry, but the estrangement started before the wedding, when the tabloids, acting on behalf of the palace, concocted a scheme to prevent the wedding from happening. Remember the “photo shoot” and the “heart attack”? Also, did you see the interview Thomas Markle did with an Australian tv network? The scheme included Carolyn Grahame, a friend of Camzilla, who works for the Daily Fail, moving next door to Markle in Mexico.

      In that Australian tv interview, Markle confesses that Jason Knauf, William and Kate’s press secretary, was his contact at KP. This makes sense, given the little nugget in a Times piece claiming that William, as part of his preparation for ascending to the thrown, William saw Thomas Markle as a leverage to be used against his brother.

      • Tessa says:

        Yes indeed and the bots wanting the wedding canceled

      • Christine says:

        You are absolutely right, he got paid for staged photos, and then faked a heart attack so he had an excuse to NOT have to look in his daughter’s eyes on her wedding day. He’s a coward, and he took the cowardly way out when he was busted.

    • Duch says:

      Nerd, what a great compilation you provided of how QE showed her love through action. I wish I could bookmark it!

  15. Lau says:

    Oh please QEII saw how Charles treated his own two sons and never did much about it, she would never have been able to give constructive advice.
    And I know it’s dark to say but can you imagine the abuse that is going to be aimed at the Sussexes and Meghan in particular when Thomas Markle dies ?

    • HeatherC says:

      The half things are probably rubbing their hands together in anticipation and glee, because the BM will finally pay them again for their trash “opinions.”

  16. Julia says:

    There are so many celebrities that have decided to distance them self from a parent (which is of course their right) Adele, Jennifer Aniston, Angelina Jolie. These RR need to leave Meghan alone.

    • sparrow1 says:

      Exactly. Like I said above, family estrangement is common and it comes about after years of trying but then giving up. Let’s face it: the moment you see this man and how he behaves, the more obvious it is why she can’t deal with him. Argh. They just love giving him the spotlight to hurt her. I’ve had struggles with a sister of mine. After three attempts of getting things back on track, after intervals of a few months and one of a couple of years, I gave up. She seemed to enjoy the drama but I couldn’t carry on. I think with estrangement there is a sense of embarrassment, as if it’s a shameful secret that reflects badly on you. They are no doubt trying to embarrass Meghan. My friends and close family told me to give up. And I did. I trust their opinion.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        sparrow1, I wonder if the point is for you to feel embarrassed when you cut them off, so that you’ll come back and be abused again. You have nothing to feel embarrassed about. The shame is theirs.

      • sparrow1 says:

        Hi Saucy&Sassy. Thank you for your brilliant insight, as per. I saw an interesting point of yours upthread and replied there. But in more detail. I think there’s a sense of embarrassment that somehow you’re a failure, and this shame can be heightened by association with other families who claim to be close, particularly your partner’s family. I’ve noticed with some close families however that they are effectively dealing with papered over cracks that would be healthier left to crack open. Some supposedly “close” families are riven with grudges and bitter infighting. My partner’s family has a dispute going on over a will, with either side seemingly enjoying the fight. But they all claim to be close and all turn up for the big events. Yes, shame is on them for going low.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Sparrow1, you know that saying, “all families are disfunctional. It’s just different levels of disfunction.” I totally understand what you mean about families who think they’re close, but they are papering over the cracks. My brother is determined to have a family gathering every year. I’ve managed to miss them and he called recently to make sure I’d be there this year. He’s all, “forget about the past”. Uh no. I tried to explain that people are who they are. I don’t have any interest in spending time with two faced people–which two are. He thinks I’m wrong. I can live with that.

        It always amazes me that families can be so horrible when someone dies. Sometimes I think they believe what they’re bestowed shows how much their deceased family member loved them, and other times I’m sure they’re just greedy. I suggest standing to the side so you won’t be run over.

    • Debbie says:

      Princess Diana and her mother weren’t too close, were they? I remember reading that.

      • Thena says:

        Diana took issue with her mother giving an interview, so she did freeze out her mother for the final year of Diana’s life. However, she never rewrote her will where she gave her mother a say in how her children would be educated until they reached adulthood. That forced Charles to get approval from Diana’s mother before enrolling Harry in Eton.

  17. Amy Bee says:

    What’s missing from this screed is the role that the DM played and still plays in the estrangement. The only reason Richard Eden is imploring Meghan to make up with her father is because he knows that the DM has Toxic Tom in their pocket and that he will sell Meghan out the minute she makes contact with him. Richard Eden can eff off with this nonsense,

    • Tessa says:

      It was also a ploy to try to stop the wedding. Imo. To get Meghan to fly over to see her allegedly ailing so the wedding could be postponed aka canceled. The media attempts to canonize tom markle is a joke

      • Amy Bee says:

        Yeah I agree it was an attempt to stop the wedding and it wasn’t only the press that was involved in that ploy.

  18. hannah says:

    oh someone please zoom in on Camilla’s face in this pic. snort. actually all of their faces (bar the actual bride) lol. someone definitely let one rip 💨

  19. Noor says:

    I would like to think that people like Richard Eden from tabloids have lost all credibility on their reporting on Prince Harry and Meghan except with diehard royalist fans. The public can see the vendetta being wage on the Sussexes.

    • sunnyside up says:

      Unfortunately the Mail is the most popular newspaper in Britain.

      • Julia says:

        It is but that doesn’t mean the majority of Brits are going to its pages regularly to read negative stories about Harry and Meghan. Although there is an audience for this nonsense royal watching is a minority interest, even on the UK.

      • Proud Mary says:

        Being the “prettiest” in an “ugly” contest is not saying much. Not many are reading the tabloids these days.

      • sparrow1 says:

        Indeed it is. And do you know what, before being on this site, I never knew. And I’m a Brit. It really has a grip on popular culture and opinion. In my day it was The Sun that was no 1 tabloid. I thought tabloids had pretty much died a death with online news. So shocked to discover the DM is across the board and read by millions, here and abroad.

  20. aquarius64 says:

    I think Meghan and Harry have worked out in their wills should anything happen to them their money and home goes in trust to the kids and custody goes to Doria and Ashleigh Hale. TT, Jr and Scam left too much of a slime trail of nasty interviews, social media posts, and court docs where a family court judge would be loathe to have the Markles have anything to do with Archie and Lili. No doubt the Sussex lawyers have this stockpiled. The main goal is the best interest of the children, and they aren’t it.

    • Jan says:

      Scammy can’t even go to the toilet by herself and lost custody of three children for various reasons.

      • L Williams says:

        Scammy lost custody of her kids due to abuse. It’s listed in court documents. Also Doria left her ex husband when Meghan was two years old and divorced him when Meghan was seven. It’s claimed in the book Meghan Misunderstood that Doria left TMS because of his wandering eye and the fact Scammy referred to her as the “maid”.

    • sunnyside up says:

      Doria does seem the best person. I just hope she can cope with the press if it ever comes to pass.

  21. sunnyside up says:

    ” he lamented to my colleague Caroline Graham in The Mail on Sunday. ” It seems that Tom Sr. still hasn’t learnt his lesson, he’s still talking to the press. Of course this story might not be true, Eden, Mail. not the best sources.

    • Proud Mary says:

      Oh, you’re very much mistaken. Tom has learned his lesson quite well. He is a fully owned subsidiary of the Daily Fail, acting on behalf of the Firm. He will continue to sing to them, if he wants his supper.

    • Jais says:

      Ah, caroline Graham. She wrote a biography of Camilla right? “Befriended” Thomas markle. Was she one of the ones who moved next door or across the street from him? She also the one who spoke to Pat Tillman’s mother. She’s really weaved herself into a lot.

  22. sunnyside up says:

    Again the Tillman business without any mention of the fact that it is Marie Tillman, Pat’s widow who wanted Harry to have the prize for Invictus, Eden is deliberately misleading his readers yet again.

  23. Tessa says:

    The. Alarm bells were Kate making things miserable for Meghan. William constantly trying to break up harry and Meghan and Charles saying he could not support Meghan. The queen let it happen.

    • Amy Bee says:

      The problem was that it was the Queen who had the power to allow Harry to marry Meghan not Charles and William, hence the attempts after to break them up ever since.

      • Tessa says:

        William had no business meddling in his brothers relationship with Meghan. He was heir to heir. The queen should have nipped that in the bud and told William to back off.she should have told Charles yes he could support meghan.

  24. Anonymous says:

    You mean the estrangement the palace helped create? FOH. But considering he was also estranged from his other kids, I don’t know why anyone would be shocked.

    • Mayp says:

      Ditto. Any “alarm bells” were created by palace aides who wanted to bash Meghan. Estrangement is the name of the game for the Royals. That is their ultimate punishment for someone who has stepped out of (some arbitrary) line. Just look at what they’ve done to Harry.

      Besides, the Queen grew up in an environment where her parents would routinely become a estranged from relatives and others when pissed at them. The Queen’s own uncle was basically cast off and became estranged from the Queen’s parents after his abdication. Few of the then Royals even gave him the time of the day.

      Also, the Queen’s beloved nanny received permission from the Royals to write a book about her time with the young Royals but when it came out it was deemed unseemly (by the men in grey?) and she was cut off. Completely. This was someone who had been very close to the Queen when young. So, alarm bells? Projection, much?

    • kelleybelle says:

      Exactly, that one. The RF and their press created it for a reason. The plan was for Meghan to be portrayed as the “ungrateful brat” so Harry would leave her. And look how THAT turned out!

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      Apparently, his relationship with his other children, only involves when they’re being paid to be together. Thomas Markle Sr. seems to be only concerned with H&M’s children. He has other grandchildren. How much time does he spend with them, or, PHOTOS?! If Thomas Markle Sr. is that important to the BM/RR’s, why can’t they share his loving relationships with his other children/grandchildren? Oops, you can’t when it doesn’t exist. LOL @Maureen/Richard/RR’s.

      Madame Duchess has never been the problem.

  25. TN Democrat says:

    They are estranged because the Windsors used the invisible contract with the rota to manipulate TM into selling his child out constantly over the years. Yawn. Lort. It is gonna be a long summer for the rota with nothing (they are willing) to report except random smears about Harry/Meghan, embiggening/growing into their role stories about the most infantilized 42 year olds on the planet and random atempts to highligh cousins who have no interest in being Willy’s new scapegoat.

  26. Mel says:

    This all happened 6 yrs ago, our folks are boring and non working ,lets dredge this up and rehash it. They really have nothing else to talk about and need Harry and Meghan for business.

  27. Nic919 says:

    I want to know how much free dog food he gets for articles like this.

  28. Janice Hill says:

    Meghan told them that she wanted her mother to walk her down the aisle, but they insisted that her father do it. They were warned, didn’t listen, and had to deal with the fallout. So, they are punishing Meghan for being right.

  29. ohwell says:

    How does the palace feel about Will and Chuck banning Harry from his homeland?

  30. StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

    The queen is dead, toxic tom is in mexico, will and kate are still lazying, the sussexes are living well and peacefully in montecito where they feed their chicken, make jam, walk the dog and harvest lemons since OVER 4 YEARS. Fck off british press

  31. Over it says:

    Did Charles cutting off his son security cause alarm bells to go off to ? Of Charles cheating on Diana of him being a dog s father . Or William hitting his brother? Or Andy doing his disgusting things to girls ? Why did alarm bells not go off for any of these but a woman who refuses to let an abusive father in her life causes these palace clowns to be hot and bothered. Oh go f yourselves. We all know that anything Meghan did would be wrong because she black and these people could not have that . They were never going to be comfortable with her there . F them all to hell.

  32. Lululu says:

    Meghan gave her dad the opportunity to be the father he ought to be by inviting him to walk her down the aisle. Based on how badly he botched it, and the details we have of their relationship before that, I think that was a very (and possibly overly) generous gesture on her part. I’m actually kind of glad he showed the world his panties before the wedding and not after. IMO she treats him just as he deserves to be treated. And I’m so glad she has her classy, loving mom.

  33. L4Frimaire says:

    The thing is Eden’s narrative has a few holes in it and not quite accurate. Meghan was communicating with her dad up until the wedding when HE stopped taking her calls. Also there was that article by Tim Shipman back in 2019 about William wanting to exile the Sussexes to Africa, and he specifically mentioned how William’s team seemed to encourage the conflict with Thomas Markle. There’s testimony from Meghan’s Mail lawsuit about her reaching out to him, the king berating Harry about him, advice from KP on how to deal with him. What’s interesting is the only relationship with Meghan her father wants is a photo of her kids. That man hasn’t changed one thing to show he genuinely wants to reconcile with his daughter.

  34. Lavendel says:

    One of the most important, repeatedly used patterns of outrage: “Ungrateful children – parents as victims of their ungrateful children.” This serves as a hook for endless complaints from people who see themselves as being short-changed everywhere and everyone else as the evil ungrateful ones. A conservative, right-wing readership is thus repeatedly incited to endless clickbait.

  35. Carol says:

    Harry and Meghan’s popularity is “waning”? They just mentioned Harry receiving the Tillman award (as a negative of course. Awards are bad in Bizarro rota world!). Do they not listen to themselves?

  36. Cersi says:

    This stuff is way past old and past the point of mattering. Harry and Meghan left, the end.

  37. All says:

    Look, here’s the thing. I’m a divorced 35 year old woman engaged to a younger man with no previous “track record.”

    Meg, they’re gonna look at you, royal family or not. Ladies, at a family bbq, THEY’RE GONNA LOOK AT YOU. It’s not you, it’s society

  38. Nic919 says:

    The hilarious part is that Eden pretends the Middletons are normal when they are bankrupt and pushed out their daughters to the highest bidder for social clout and status. Even now with obvious marital issues between one of the couples and a child hidden for months with bizarre fake photos to cover up, Carol and Mike are ok staying quiet to kept the clout train going.

    Meghan had the sense to preserve her dignity even if one of her parents was out to betray her. She shows far more courage than others who have sacrificed their dignity for a tiara and title. Eden is just pissed Meghan wasn’t prepared to belittle her dignity for the sake of British tradition.

    • Convict says:

      The Middleton family have always got a free pass regardless of how obviously odious they are. The list is long and damning: work shy children, financial secrecy and dire straits, tacky social-climbing and conniving to get the coveted ring and title; and Uncle Gary. Doria has shown true class and dignity, but there is no reporting on that.

  39. bisynaptic says:

    Maureen says what, now?

  40. Thena says:

    I didn’t see anyone calling on the late Queen Mother to end the estrangement with the Duke and Duchess of Windsor.

    • Convict says:

      True; but to be fair, Edward VIII almost ended the monarchy, his abdication caused a constitutional crisis. Further, the QM [wrongly] accused him of causing the premature death of her husband, George VI, who wasn’t prepared to be King. George VI died young because he was a heavy smoker, which caused vascular disease and lung cancer. At one point, his leg was going to be amputated. The fact that this didn’t happen likely ended his life sooner.

      The two relations are not remotely the same. The RRs are simply scrambling at this point to make up stories or rehash old ones.

  41. sunnyside up says:

    Once again the DM doesn’t mention that it was Tillman’s widow who started the foundation and she wanted Harry to have the prize for Invictus, The DM loves to mislead its readers when it writes about Harry and our mixed race princess.

  42. Monlette says:

    Sorry. Can’t get past the first sentence. Opening his many card and presents? From whom? His two other kids are self absorbed deadbeats. He is probably lucky if he got a couple emails or phonecalls.

  43. kelleybelle says:

    How do they have the nerve to put their name to such rot?