Brad Pitt & Ines de Ramon ‘don’t need rings to prove’ their serious relationship

Over the Fourth of July long-weekend, Brad Pitt turned up at the British Grand Prix. His girlfriend of almost two years, Ines de Ramon, was with him. It was actually their first major public outing together, at a public event where there were photographers all around. She was seemingly only there with him for one day, and then he was seen around the racetrack, filming his dumb F1 movie. In recent days, he’s been in Budapest, still working on the same fakakta movie. But I digress – back to Ines and Brad. And Angelina Jolie. In recent weeks, there’s been a sudden influx of stories about the Brangelina divorce and their six kids and all of their legal dramas. If I was in Ines’s shoes, I wouldn’t want any part of that man, especially after seeing what he’s putting his ex-wife through. But Ines is in it to win it. Or something. From Us Weekly:

Brad Pitt’s romance with girlfriend Ines de Ramon is heating up, but that doesn’t mean he’ll be down on one knee anytime soon.

“There’s no rush. Brad and Ines both feel like they’ve met their soulmate,” a source exclusively reveals in the new issue of Us Weekly. A second insider adds that neither Pitt, 60, nor de Ramon, 31, is “pushing for an engagement” because they feel confident in their connection.

“They know how serious they are [about each other]; they don’t need rings to prove it,” the source explains.

After staying largely under the radar since they were first linked in November 2022, Pitt and de Ramon walked hand in hand while arriving at the British Grand Prix in Northampton, England, on July 7. Despite the public appearance as a couple, the first source notes that Pitt and de Ramon have found ways to ensure that their relationship stays personal.

“Brad and Ines have mastered the art of balancing Brad’s high-profile public life with their private relationship,” the insider says. “They enjoy low-key date nights that allow them to unwind and connect. They often cook together, and movie nights are another favorite.”

The duo took a big step earlier this year when de Ramon moved into Pitt’s home. The second source shares that they’ve been “beyond happy” ever since.

“Brad loves how easygoing and smart Ines is,” the insider says. “They connect on an intellectual level as well as physical.”

Despite the family rift, de Ramon has hopes that Pitt will “patch things up with Angelina,” another source told Us in May. “Ines is very zen and doesn’t like conflict or negativity,” the insider shared, noting the difference from Pitt’s “always serious” relationship with Jolie. “Ines [wants] Brad to find peace, forgive and move on. From her perspective, it doesn’t make sense for him to hold on to all the animosity.”

[From Us Weekly]

“From her perspective, it doesn’t make sense for him to hold on to all the animosity.” I can only imagine how he rants about Angelina in private. Ines is probably sick of it. As for the stuff about how they’re not rushing into marriage… while the Jolie-Pitt divorce was bifurcated and they’re both legally single, the divorce has not been finalized. I’ve also seen the speculation – random online sh-t – that Brad and Ines want to have a child together, or that she’s looking to get pregnant. If any of that happens, I will feel so bad for her. Honestly. Meanwhile, Ines is forcing this man-child to bathe regularly too. She’s also getting credit for dressing him up in big-boy clothes.

Brad Pitt was teased for years about supposed poor hygiene including serious BO problems, but sources say he’s totally cleaned up his act thanks to Ines de Ramon who’s got him smelling like a rose.

“He’s really reformed for Ines,” a source exclusively told In Touch. “Brad used to be quite lackadaisical about taking showers and washing his hair, and only wanting to use soap and water when he did shower and refusing to use deodorant or cologne. He’d often go a day or two without bathing, which is astonishing given he’s such a huge sex symbol, but with Ines, it’s a different story,” the insider explains. “He’s gone out of his way to change his smelly ways.”

The source says that the couple’s favorite thing to do together is yoga, followed by either a shower or a dip in the pool.

“Brad’s generally paying more attention to clothes he wears and letting her pick out his cologne. She’s even got him flossing his teeth,” the insider concludes. “Now, they love to go out and get pampered at the spa together, like massages and facials. He loves moisturizers and skin creams too; he’s upped his game in this area to everyone’s relief.”

[From In Touch Weekly]

This motherf–ker is 60 years old and his girlfriend has to encourage him to FLOSS?? That’s disgusting. The smelly Pitt stuff is real though – plenty of people have said for years that he smells bad or that he’s lacking in personal hygiene. Gross.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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26 Responses to “Brad Pitt & Ines de Ramon ‘don’t need rings to prove’ their serious relationship”

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  1. ML says:

    “ They know how serious they are [about each other]; they don’t need rings to prove it,” the source explains.”

    They might know how serious they are or aren’t about each other, but without internet articles we would never guess that BP “still” loves this woman. His may be an actor, but this is not giving romantic love.

    And perhaps that second article (who the flip dictated this??) in which we are treated to years of smelly, unwashed, rotting-teeth Brad Pitt is the reason. Huge emphasis on showering in there! Inez de Ramon has a hygiene clause in her NDA, no?

  2. Feebee says:

    Sorry, was that 60 and 31? I didn’t realize it was quite that much. Regardless most of the stuff surrounding Pitt atm seems so forced. As in PR working over time and is anyone here for it? Obviously he should live his life but the gloss was lost years ago.

    The hygiene issues were probably more than I needed to know. Gross.

  3. BlueSky says:

    I actually do not feel sorry for her at all. She has “pick me” energy. She is going into this with her eyes wide open. Not to wish anything bad on her or anything but seeing how none of his kids f@ck with him and he continues to abuse his wife through the court system would be enough for me to run. Notice how he has not been able to nab another A list actress after AJ.

  4. HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

    For her sake, I hope he’s going to AA meetings.

    • Dorianne says:

      Lest we forgot, he actually had the nerve to say he had taken a “hiatus” from drinking. Maybe he’s too stupid to know what the word means. Or he really did only pause his drinking.

      • tealily says:

        Honestly though, if that’s what somebody needs to tell themself in order to stop, it’s better than nothing.

  5. SarahCS says:

    Translation: he/his team asked about an ‘engagement’ and balked at the price she asked for.

  6. Ennie says:

    AJ didn’t need a marriage, she was convinced of it, and I suspect dragged to the altar.

  7. Kateee says:

    “Ines is perfect for Brad because she hates to challenge any of the lies he tells himself; she’s perfectly happy scrolling TikTok while he rants and raves for hours. She loves spending her nights sitting silently beside him while he screens his greatest hits; after all, at 60, he falls asleep on the couch by 8 so she can still go out for the night. But she hopes he drops his lawsuit against his ex soon, because it’s a drain on his resources, and she isn’t cleaning up his stank behind or reputation for free. She’s so happy she took this job!”

    Up next: belly cupping at his next premiere.

  8. Walking the Walk says:

    I am sick of both their faces.

  9. Jensies says:

    Bragging that your half your age “girlfriend” is finally making you actually clean your body and smell decent so that people don’t retch when you walk by…as a 60 YR OLD MAN, is not the flex you think it is.

  10. Mslove says:

    I laughed so hard at the In Touch excerpt. Did people actually tippy toe around BP’s BO for years without telling him? I’m guessing Brad’s pits (haha) didn’t smell like granola bars.

  11. Leena says:

    All of the reporting around them is so fake and straight out of early aughts playbook. Get with it Brad!

    Also, the man is trying to sell exorbitantly priced skincare, maybe pretend that he actually uses such projects?

    • Lauren says:

      Right, because why are you running to the media every other day talking about how happy you are? People who are happy together don’t need to report it because it shows in everything they do, you will see it.

      • Ivy says:

        There’s so many of them too lol. I just don’t believe it’s genuine and played up for show

  12. Dorianne says:

    She can read. I don’t think she cares about AJ, the kids or the abuse. She’s there for the fame and cash. Even Emily Ratajkowsi wouldn’t sign on to be his gf and some of HER date choices seem rather questionable.

  13. TikiChica says:

    Of course she’s getting pregnant. That’s her meal ticket for 18 years.

  14. Cranky childless cat lady says:

    As I said, she is a gold digger. Why else would a 20-something be with a stinky surfer-boi who looks like he rolled out of a SantaMonica gutter?

  15. Water Lilly says:

    Did she pick out the outfit he’s wearing in the header photo? Because it’s giving Old Cuban Grandpa at Hialeah dog racing 🙄

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      Howling!. OMG. Read your comment to DH (who attended Hialeah decades ago). Spot on.

      Pitt & his current don’t need rings. They probably have friendship bracelets with smiley faces and all. So tight, tight, tight. /s

      Kind of don’t care about his supposed real stink. He stinks as a father and an abuser. Ines can’t clean him up in my mind.

  16. Winfrey25 says:

    Pitts TEMU ANGELINA has “pick me” energy , and how many times is her age bumped back from 35 to 31? Yes we ger it she is youg and thirsty abuser apologist … his PR tried so hard for 2 years since their PRomance pitt is showing disgusting behavior as soon as Shiloh turned 18 he’s ready for replacement family soo disrespectful

  17. Stay34 says:

    I just find the domestic abuser and his Pick Me abuser apologist daughter/girlfriend repulsive both of them give me creeps