Gary Janetti: It’s not socially acceptable to wear sweatpants on a plane

Alright, bitches, when it comes to traveling, it’s comfort over style, right? Like, who wants to sit on an airplane, especially a long plane ride, while dressed in their Sunday best? Heck, who wants to sit on any flight while dressed to the nines in ful l makeup? Well, Gary Janetti, who is famous for jokingly impersonating a child and then attributing some pretty bitchy sh-t to that child’s made-up persona, has some thoughts about what one should wear when they travel. According to Gary, who made this observation in his own voice, it’s not “socially acceptable” to wear sweatpants on an airplane. In an interview with ABC News’ Lindsay Davis last week, Janetti claimed that people who wear sweatpants on a plane “look like they have the flu.”

Family Guy writer Gary Janetti caused quite a stir among travelers after he claimed it is not “socially acceptable” to wear sweatpants on the plane.

The We Are Experiencing a Slight Delay author, 58, unpacked the controversial topic during an interview with ABC News’ Linsey Davis on Tuesday, July 9. During their conversation, Janetti said people who choose sweatpants for their airplane attire “look like they have the flu.”

“Sweatpants on an airplane?” Davis first asks him, to which he immediately responds: “Yeah, no.”

“Why? That’s totally me,” she says.

“It looks like, at the airport, too many people are on day five of the flu. Like they’ve been in bed for a week. How comfortable do you have to be to get on a three-hour flight? I mean, I don’t know,” Janetti answers. “You can have pants that button or a shirt that buttons.”

After thinking about it for a second, the writer and producer admits there may be one scenario in which sweatpants could be acceptable.

“I feel like you can put sweatpants on if you’re going to bed on the plane,” he says. “Overnight flights, yes. I’ll give you that.”

Janetti’s opinion appeared to strike a nerve in the comments section on TikTok – which was captioned, “Is wearing sweatpants on an airplane socially acceptable?” – as some argued that it shouldn’t matter to others what you’re wearing while you travel.

“I need to be comfortable on a flight and ppl need to mind their own business,” one person wrote, followed by another adding, “I’m sorry, if I’m not getting leg room on my flight I’m not dressing up for it either.”

Others were in firm support of Janetti’s controversial statement.

“I agree it looks like a pajama party on the plane,” one comment read, followed by another that said, “I’m with him. I find it tacky when people fly in sweats or pajamas.”

One user claimed that people who wear sweatpants “have lost all sense of decency” and that they “have no class anymore.”

Despite the backlash that sweats make travelers look disheveled, stars like Sydney Sweeney and Kim Kardashian are among the many celebrities who have rocked the comfy airport attire.

[From People]

I cannot roll my eyes hard enough at this guy. First of all, let’s make one thing clear here. When he says “people,” he means women. He thinks women shouldn’t be wearing sweatpants on an airplane. Like, GFY dude! Not everyone can afford to fly first class, and airplanes are increasingly less comfortable to travel on. As someone who flew across the country last week while wearing ratty yoga pants, I wholeheartedly disagree with Gary about this. Travel in what you’re comfortable wearing. Who cares? Who are you trying to impress? Have a pajama party on a plane! If airlines were supposed to be classy affairs, then maybe the airlines could make them nicer to ride on. You know what’s not classy? Pretending to be a five-year-old and personifying him in such a way that your followers find the horrible things he’s saying about his family members to be funny and accurate.

photos credit:, Anna Shvetz and Mo Productions on Pexels, Elizabeth French on Unsplash

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54 Responses to “Gary Janetti: It’s not socially acceptable to wear sweatpants on a plane”

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  1. Mil says:

    He needs to stop. He started off poorly with then baby George, continued on attacking Markle and now, he’s a fashion icon? Nope.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      Does anybody gives a sht what gary thinks? Who the fck is gary anyway?
      Mind your own business.

      My rich ex-boss years ago was like “no bermudas on a plane. It’s looks soooo tacky”. That too, shut the fck up.

  2. Eurydice says:

    By “socially acceptable,” does he mean just him? Because I haven’t heard a general outcry from society about this.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      Yes, if the majority of society is doing it, then I think it’s socially acceptable, regardless of what he thinks.

      People have no personal space on airplanes anymore. They smash human beings into the smallest space possible so that airlines can make more money. The result is that people have to take extra measures to feel comfortable. I feel like we’ve seen so much bad behavior on planes recently because they really squished people to the breaking point.

      If more people wearing sweats means that more people will be comfortable and not feel the need to lash out, let’s just stick with that. Also, fashion has made leisure attire so much more fashionable. Sneakers are the coolest things that a person can wear right now, so his advice just seems antiquated.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Comfy and warm. Let’s not forget how doggone cold it can get on a plane. And they rarely give out blankets any more!

  3. Whyforthelove says:

    Sorry who is telling me how to dress on a plane? Ummm nope

    • Persephone says:

      I don’t love sweatpants for myself (they make me feel hot), but if they make you feel comfortable on a flight, I say bring on the sweatpants!

    • Megan says:

      I pretty much live in yoga pants these days, I’m not putting on hard pants to impress men on the airplane.

  4. Lady Esther says:

    I’m Team Sweatpants…. but more importantly can we please stop the practice of (men – I have never seen a woman do this) taking off your shoes during a flight and stinking up the entire cabin with their smelly feet? I have never understood why airlines encourage this by handing out socks. You’re not at home scratching yourself in your underwear on a Barcalounger with a beer in your hand. Please and thank you!!

    • Ms single malt says:

      The worst is people with just socks or bare feet using the airplane restroom. Disgusting!!!

      • MY3CENTS says:

        Yes! How is that possible?? How do they then put their socks in their shoes, I need brain bleach after that.

  5. Sarita says:

    What’s actually tacky is getting rich making bitchy cartoons of a real kid in his own nasty voice/thoughts.
    Nobody is looking to him for advice on what’s tasteful.

  6. Maxine Branch says:

    I will not wear PJ’s on a plane but I do dress for comfort. It may include sweats, yoga pants, jeans etc.

  7. equality says:

    Does this total moron fail to realize that there are flights over 3 hours long and that some people aren’t just on that one flight but are taking connector flights and have to lope through an airport to reach the next gate? Makes sweats totally appropriate. Unless you are having a business meeting on an airplane or in the airport, get over it.

    • seaflower says:

      I was just going to say, try living in Australia where most international flights at 10-18 hours.

    • Deering24 says:

      Thank you. Anyone who condemns airplane comfortable apparel either is an elitist who never has to jump through the airport hoops we do—or is just snotty.

  8. Just got home from vacation and flew in airplanes and saw only one person wearing a suit coat and I believe he was traveling to some business meeting by the way he was talking on his phone before the flight took off. Lots of sweat pants and leggings and shorts. Lots of people wear what was comfortable to them. I’m of an age where I remember my mother dressing very well for a flight overseas. A nice skirted suit full makeup and hair freshly coiffed. As time went on she started dressing for comfort and no makeup. I think if he wants to wear a suit and tie to travel then good for him but let’s leave everyone else out of it.

    • Eurydice says:

      I used to do a lot of international travel for business – going out from the office and directly to a meeting upon landing. I would change out of my suit into something comfy while on the plane and then change back about a half hour before landing. The men in my office sneered at me once or twice and then they started doing the same thing.

      • equality says:

        That also saves your clothes getting wrinkled during a flight.

      • SarahCS says:

        Same here, usually on the way home for me but I’d regularly change into travel clothes for the flight home. I had a specific pair of sweatpants (fold over waist, SO comfy) that were my business travel sweatpants.

    • Josephine says:

      I admit that I do not understand wearing shorts on a plane. I feel that in general, you don’t want any skin touching any part of a plane!

      I dress for comfort but also try to look decent. My folks were old-school about flying as well. But what other people wear is up to them!!

      One thing that some folks don’t realize is that the airlines can and will kick people off who are too uncovered if they don’t agree to cover up. It definitely creates conflicts but there does seem to be some sort of bottom line that passengers can’t cross. I’m skeptical that it is evenly enforced.

  9. Mina_Esq says:

    We fly to Europe a lot. I do wear sweatpants, but I always offset them with a cute top, jacket and scarf. The fact is, if you’re in your Netflix best, you will stand out in most places and you will get mugged on the train on your way to your destination from the airport. So I disagree re sweatpants in general, but I agree re not looking like you’re recovering from the flu.

  10. Seraphina says:

    I do not wear sweatpants – but I do wear sweatshirts and leggings! Comfort over style ALWAYS. I see some woman on the plane with full make up, skirt/dress and heels – for a transatlantic trip! I don’t know how they do it and I don’t care. You will have to pry my leggings, tee shirt and sweatshirt from cold dead hands when I travel.

  11. Thinking says:

    Probably depends on the kind of sweatpants. Some sweatpants are quite expensive. I assume he’s alluding to the ones that are $5 or something that Britney looks like she might wear. The photo examples I see here don’t look bad. I’m assuming Kim Kardashian wears expensive sweatpants haha. He might not be aware of the Lulemon athleisure trends.

  12. Enis says:

    Can I call out the absolute ableism of his comment?

    A lot of “socially acceptable” talk is just a way to leave out neurodivergent folks. Because as someone with autism, I am trying to just manage the overwhelming sensory input.

  13. Hypocrisy says:

    My grandmother was a big stickler on traveling in your “Sunday best” and god forbid never wear your ratty underwear outside of the house, it’s only acceptable when you are doing laundry 🧺😳😱 and not leaving the home.. I never listened to her either 🤷🏼‍♀️.. I can’t stand anything rubbing on my waist (abdominal scars) so I’m traveling in my oversized slouchy sweats and oversized soft shirts forever.

    • Nicky says:

      That’s just what I was thinking of when I read this, that this idea of Sunday best is an old fashioned idea, from back when flying was a privilege and something really only the wealthy could afford to do. Those days ended 30 years ago. It’s 2024 Gary, get with the times because no one else agrees with you.

  14. butterflystella says:

    As someone suffering from recent sciatica issues & getting on a plane this weekend, I’m going to be in sweatpants!! I do NOT care what anyone thinks.

  15. Blithe says:

    Ooooh! Must be nice to fly first class! Or even business class! What an ass. Ok, I promise to wear nicer less comfortable clothing if bro here promise me an upgrade — so that I’m not squeezed into a middle seat between two strangers for several hours.

    I actually have a wonderful pair of pants by NYDJ that I usually wear for flying, but at this point in the shrinking seat and space wars, comfort is a priority.

  16. Proud Mary says:

    I supposed in theory, he might have a point. But nowadays sweat pants don’t mean what they used to. People, like for example, the ones in the pictures accompanying this post, look pretty stylish in sweats. Yep, although I’m with Rosie, comfort before style, I really don’t think the two have to be mutually exclusive..

    • BeanieBean says:

      I know! All these people in the accompanying photos look great! I love airport style, anyways. I travel a lot & love to people watch (I save my book for the plane). I always get good ideas from other folks.

  17. manda says:

    I only wear jeans when I fly bc I feel like planes are filthy dirty and I want as much of a barrier as possible. I really only wear sweats at home too because they look terrible on me. But I will say, dressing up to fly is so 1960s. We’re not getting full meals and we can barely move, those days are gone.

    A few years ago, I had a friend who somehow got a deal on a plane ticket bc her grandmother died, and she had to dress up for that. I didn’t even know there were deals for that, but seriously, would the flight crew have kicked her off?

    • Mayp says:

      Cotton jeans and sturdy shoes (like supportive leather tennis shoes or boots) are the way to go if you have safety concerns. A while back there was an article indicating the best type of clothing to wear on a plane if something happened, like an accident. It stressed the importance of wearing non-flammable or less flammable clothing and sturdy shoes in the event that you need to evacuate the plane. Jeans were suggested as one of the best options for this purpose.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Yeah, I remember hearing an expert say wear lace-up shoes. Flipflops, slip-on shoes, etc will fly right off your feet when cabin pressure changes. As for what I wear, anything that can go in the washer/dryer. Travel is filthy & whatever I wear has to be washable.

  18. Slippers4life says:

    Ugh. Go away Gary.

  19. Elle says:

    It depends on my mood and where I am going. I usually wear Ponte knit pants with cute clean sneakers and a nice fitted tee with a nice sweater or scarf for when I inevitably get cold – like not shoes I work out in, but on trend sneakers. If it is a longer flight I just wear yoga pants because I find them more comfortable than sweats. I like to wear makeup and have my hair look nice however long the flight is. But I do this for ME. I never know who I’ll see at the airport or who I might be seated next to on the flight and want to make a good impression on. One time I got upgraded to first class and ended up sitting next to the CEO of Microsoft at the time. It’s not like I got a job out of it (nor would I have wanted one at Microsoft), but what if it had been John Grisham or Gillian Flynn and we talked about getting into writing?

    Anyway my point is, wear whatever makes you feel best. I am also a nervous flier so I’m like “well if the plane goes down at least I wore a cute outfit.” It’s a control thing for me, haha. Caring what other people wear is just being judgmental and who has time for that?

  20. MsIam says:

    I draw the line at pajama bottoms for myself. But really as long as you are covered it shouldn’t matter. Sweats are fine. This guy seems like an attention seeker who likes to say dumb shit and then holler about “woke culture” when people tell him to shut up. Whatever dude.

  21. molly says:

    The day this man left my algorithm was a day of celebration. His thinly veiled racism and misogyny was just SO gross.

    Shame on all the powerful people who lifted his brand of bitchy hatred up as entertainment.

  22. girl_ninja says:

    Is it socially acceptable to ridicule and harass a black princess all through her pregnancy? F*ck off Janetti.

  23. SueinOrleans says:

    Who is in his social circle? My grandmother and her cronies? Because I totally can see them saying this – even though they wear polyester pant suits that, IMO, are just thinly disguised sweatpants in pastel colours.

    • Mayp says:

      LOL, I am of the age that, when I was young, you always dressed up and women did their hair and makeup before they went out – even to the grocery store. But you are right, many women wore Vera brand pants, or the like, that look like the bootleg dance pants of today.

  24. Flamingo says:

    I lost the will to try and look like a fashion magazine cover years ago. I dress for comfort and with flying. I love leggings and my comfy sweatshirt. That are cute and serve a purpose. My comfort.

    Both are possible.

    • Deering24 says:

      Yep—looking like a mag cover is way too much work and expense. And, honestly, who cares. Most people aren’t going to be “runwaying” anyone at an airport these days.

  25. Kitten number Something. says:

    Ah, yes. Another mediocre, middle aged white man with unsolicited opinions about how other people (WOMEN) live their lives. Just because you are gay doesn’t mean you are immune to misogyny/misogynoir.

    There is no universe in which I have any interest in the verbal vomit of anyone who attempts to make a buck on the back of the more vulnerable members of our society (Black people/women, children, etc).

  26. LittlePenguin says:

    I will wear my fanciest clothes when I am not smushed in economy where I have had food and drinks spilled on me by children/other people. When I get served more than a half glass of water and 6 pretzels.
    Until then, I will be in leggings/sweats with a tshirt and hoodie.

  27. HuffnPuff says:

    Airplane seats are one step away from being folding chairs at this point so no, Gary, you’re wrong. Maybe if I flew first class, I would be inclined to dress up more but sandwiched in economy? Forget it. You really think people should wear high fashion on a dirty plane seat? It’s wash and wear for me.

  28. jenjamtx says:

    I fly frequently. At least twice a month. People would look at me and say I’m dressed up, but I have a very comfortable “uniform”. A loose fit or stretchy fabric maxi dress to avoid touching airplane surfaces. Plus a scarf or wrap in case I’m cold. I wear nice white tennis shoes and always have my hair and make-up done. When I arrive, I’m ready to hit the ground running. I have seen IT ALL in airports. Even bare feet!!!

  29. kelleybelle says:

    This ugly little weasel has far too many opinions.

  30. Stephie James says:

    I always wear my nicest sweats and a hoodie, with sneakers. Especially the way flights get cancelled so frequently. Comfort first!

  31. Monlette says:

    Maybe if you are in business class, but there is no dignity in coach. It’s just a herd of people riding in the flying bus from point a to b and hoping to sleep though most of it. I would wear pajamas if I could.

    • Deering24 says:

      And there’s always the fun of finding your connecting flight is a hundred gates away from where you get off from your initial flight. 🙄 If I’m gonna be forced to jog, I’m going to be comfortable.

  32. Deering24 says:

    Yeesh. Conde Nast just had a peeved-off article about how people don’t dress up for the plane anymore…

  33. Bumblebee says:

    I dress for comfort and safety. Sturdy shoes, layers, and a stretchy waist. If I have to climb onto a plane wing and jump, no way will it be in high heels and a dress.