ActBlue was flooded with small-amount donations for VP Kamala Harris

President Biden dropped his reelection bid on Sunday afternoon. Someone said he did it on a Sunday because he couldn’t/shouldn’t do it when the markets were open and I do think that was a factor. Pres. Biden threw his full support behind his vice president, Kamala Harris. She will inherit Biden’s campaign apparatus and all of the money in the Biden/Harris campaign coffers. Some have even suggested – and I agree with this too – that Biden’s condition for withdrawing was that senior Democrats line up behind VP Harris quickly. Which is happening as we speak. I also think VP Harris deserves an enormous amount of credit for the way she’s conducted herself in the past month – while Democrats were knifing Biden in the back, she stayed publicly and privately loyal, and never looked or seemed eager to push Biden out. Her statement on Biden’s withdrawal moved me to tears, especially because she invoked Beau Biden, the late son of President Biden.

“On behalf of the American people, I thank Joe Biden for his extraordinary leadership as President of the United States and for his decades of service to our country. His remarkable legacy of accomplishment is unmatched in modern American history, surpassing the legacy of many Presidents who have served two terms in office.

It is a profound honor to serve as his Vice President, and I am deeply grateful to the President, Dr. Biden, and the entire Biden family. I first came to know President Biden through his son Beau. We were friends from our days working together as Attorneys General of our home states. As we worked together, Beau would tell me stories about his Dad. The kind of father-and the kind of man-he was. And the qualities Beau revered in his father are the same qualities, the same values, I have seen every single day in Joe’s leadership as President: His honesty and integrity. His big heart and commitment to his faith and his family. And his love of our country and the American people.

With this selfless and patriotic act, President Biden is doing what he has done throughout his life of service: putting the American people and our country above everything else.

I am honored to have the President’s endorsement and my intention is to earn and win this nomination. Over the past year, I have traveled across the country, talking with Americans about the clear choice in this momentous election. And that is what I will continue to do in the days and weeks ahead. I will do everything in my power to unite the Democratic Party-and unite our nation-to defeat Donald Trump and his extreme Project 2025 agenda. We have 107 days until Election Day. Together, we will fight. And together, we will win.”

Absolutely perfect tone – respect for the man she served under as vice president, and eyes towards the future. So, looking to the future, the “Biden delegates” who would have voted for President Biden at the Democratic National Convention have already started throwing their support behind Kamala Harris. I don’t know where the delegate count stands right now (somewhere around 530, and something like 1900 is needed), but I’d like to see it get wrapped up in the next 24 hours – the last thing the party needs is a brokered convention or a fight on the convention floor. The Democratic Party state chairs jumped on a conference call yesterday and all fifty state chairs are now endorsing VP Harris as well.

One of the best pieces of news for Kamala Harris is that following President Biden’s announcement, ActBlue has been flooded with small-amount donations. As in, normal people donating $20 or $50 just to support VP Harris. ActBlue said that Sunday was their biggest fundraising day of the 2024 cycle and they raised $50 million in less than eight hours. This happened after major Democratic donors withdrew their support of Biden following the presidential debate in late June.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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91 Responses to “ActBlue was flooded with small-amount donations for VP Kamala Harris”

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  1. SussexWatcher says:

    Okay, breathe (to myself). I am feeling so much better than last night. The fundraising is now over 70 million. And the number of endorsements – from delegates, party leaders, 40,000 Black women on a zoom call(!), and regular Joes – feels very reassuring. As does people like Manchin getting shut down immediately, before he can cause trouble, and the R’s being upset about Harris being the nominee – the prosecutor vs the felon!

    The financial backing and Dem leadership support were my main concerns so I’m ecstatic to be proven wrong in such a short period of time.

    Let go fcuking win this thing!!!

    • seaflower says:

      Yes, I saw the post on twitter about Manchin being shut down. So see that for the two faced jerk.

    • Miranda says:

      Same here, I think I got most of the anger and anxiety out of my system yesterday, and seeing the support shown for Kamala by both the Party and the sane people of this country has me feeling energized. I said here before that, while I did donate to Biden’s campaign, I just wanted to be sedated for the next 4 months so I wouldn’t have to see or hear anything about the election, because it was turning me into a nervous wreck. I withdraw that wish. I’m going to be actively involved now. I’m donating, I’m volunteering. I’m ready to f–king fight!

      ETA: We adopted a kitten just a few days after the 2020 election, and my stepdaughter named her Kamala. She’s now insisting that Kamala the Cat needs a running mate, too. 😂

      • SarahCS says:

        Oh kitty Kamala absolutely needs a running (and climbing, napping, playing, grooming and play-fighting) mate. If you coped with one kitten khaos surely you can handle another?

      • Merrie says:

        I can’t wait for an undate about Kitty Kamala’s runnning mate!

      • Christine says:

        This is adorable! Kamala Kitty definitely needs a running mate kitty!

    • Bri W. says:

      I was on that zoom call and it was absolutely amazing what was being put together on such short notice.

    • This is fantastic and I’m so happy to see that many many people are getting behind Kamala quickly!!

    • Alarmjaguar says:

      Amen, @Sussexwatcher! I was so upset yesterday and terrified that this was going to evolve into chaos. I had to step away from social media and instead went for a long hike. I’m still terrified to an extent, but I’m glad to see so many people immediately lining up to support Harris. I’m definitely with her!
      Plus, keeping my eyes on the ball —That Project 2025 still out there and terrifying

    • Becks1 says:

      I am feeling better as well. I was worried about an ugly fight for the nomination but it looks like the party is falling in line behind VP Harris which is a huge relief for me. I will vote for VP Harris proudly and I know a lot of other people who are doing the same. I’m in a super blue state but we have a strong Republican candidate for senate so i’m hoping people will turn out for Harris and the dem senate candidate.

    • SIe Eye says:

      Same!! Omg thank goodness it didn’t descend into absolute chaos and everyone got behind Harris. Biden is a real patriot. What a great man and president he is! I was so panicked this week about everything. The assassination attempt threw me in a tailspin. I could see the media getting behind Trump. Today Harris dominated the headlines.

      I love that Black women kicked Trump’s ass in the last election (96%!!!) and I love that it’s gonna be Black women, and Harris in particular, that wipe the floor with this word salad spewing, felonious, treasonous buffoon AGAIN in this election.

      Can’t wait for the US army to drag these MAGA idiots by their ear bandages all the way to prison when they try their Jan. 6th assault on democracy after she wipes the floor with him. I know I am getting ahead of myself, but there seriously needs to be a plan in place if Trump does not concede. Harris needs to be prepared to take action and do whatever she has to do to preserve the Capitol, the White House, and this nation – the Supreme Court said she can.

  2. Ms single malt says:

    Great post, Kaiser. Thank you! I needed a palate cleanser to yesterday.

  3. sevenblue says:

    That is really promising. I really hoped there would be no chaos after Biden stepping down. Really curious about her possible running mate. Probably they are gonna get a white family man, right?

    • Mil says:

      I wished Gretchen but she’s needed in Mich. i do not want Newsom, so NASA white democrat, Kelly, would be a good choice.
      Newsom is too far left for independents.
      But. It does not matter. Vote blue or you won’t vote again.

      • Lux says:

        Newsome can’t be Harris’s running mate because the constitution prohibits two people from the same state from being elected as the president and vice president.

  4. Beana says:

    I was ridin’ with Biden but I will absolutely hustle for Harris!

  5. BlueSky says:

    I don’t know if you saw this but there was a zoom call with over 40,000 black women and raised over a million dollars.

    • SarahCS says:

      Honestly I’m sitting here in the UK (having finally upgraded our government after 14 years of cruelty and the decimation of all our public services) and things like this make me tear up a bit, I’m hoping so much that all of you get what you need in November.

  6. Digital Unicorn says:

    I hope that they go with her on the ticket as she does have a chance but I guess it depends on who the VP pick is. The Obama’s still haven’t endorsed her which does raise a few eyebrows.

    Who do u think will be her running mate?

    • sevenblue says:

      I think, Obama is probably waiting for the final decision on the candidate, so he can fully support the ticket. He is trying not to be the kingmaker, but the supporter against Trump. He did the same thing on the last election I believe.

    • Mil says:

      Can Michelle be campaign manager??? Pleaseeere

      • Betsy says:

        I know Mrs. Obama has had enough politics, but I would love to see her more often. I can’t imagine she’d want to do an intense job like campaign manager.

    • Becks1 says:

      I think it will be a governor – either PA (Shapiro) KY (Beshear) or NC (Cooper.)

      • Becks1 says:

        Popping back to say – I saw a clip of Beshear on MSNBC and he was going hard against JD Vance, it was the perfect pushback to Hillbilly Elegy. He was a little nervous but I think he could be a very very effective messenger on the ticket.

      • Lucky Charm says:

        We can’t afford to lose Beshear or Shapiro as Governors, or Kelly as Senator. But Cooper ticks the needed boxes. He’s term limited so no worry about leaving the governorship in jeopardy, he has the experience of running a large government entity, he’s from NC (we need those votes), he has proven a Democrat can get elected with a republican majority in the state legislature and, most importantly to some voters, is a solid Christian, white, family man.

  7. Hypocrisy says:

    Terrifying times, because we absolutely need her to win. I made my first campaign contribution ever, and plan to make future contributions between now and November. Still tearing up over the last 24 hours, I’m just so disappointed in this country, we need to be better and do better.

    • Bren says:

      You said it’s your first time making a campaign contribution? Heads up on getting trapped in the matrix and never getting out of text and email campaign notifications. Unsubscribing never works.

      Anyway, I’m preparing to send my donation today.

      Black women show up. My worry is will liberal white women show up for Kamala? This is my biggest concern. I’m keeping my expectations low.

      • Mil says:

        My family is white. Of course they are all voting blue.

        My mom’s fave president is Obama, she also wants Michelle to be part of this campaign. We are in this together. And together we should stay.

      • Hypocrisy says:

        I am a liberal white woman, none of the people I talk to yesterday who are the same have wavered in their support. Being brutally honest voting for Joe was knowing odds were she was going to be our president before the 2028 election. She has my support and I will suffer through any avalanche of nuisance calls, emails and texts to get her elected.

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        Liberal white woman here. I will crawl over broken glass to vote for MVP.

      • Kitten says:

        I keep seeing this take and I don’t understand it. White liberal women will vote for whoever the democratic nominee is—they’re not just gonna sit this one out because Kamala is black.
        And it’s weird to assume that most white liberal women would somehow prefer an old white man when that faction went so hard for both Hillary Clinton and Obama.

        White liberals in general are going to be energized and excited for this ticket in a way that they weren’t for Biden, mark my words.

      • Lightpurple says:

        This white liberal woman made a donation yesterday and will definitely show up. As will her white moderate sister in NH, her white liberal cousins in Montana, Washington, and Maine. Her moderate niece in Texas, and her white moderate cousins in Connecticut, Rhode Island, North Carolina, and Georgia. AND her white Republican cousin in Idaho, who has had enough of that “orange buffoon “

      • Agnes says:

        Yeah, I donated the most amount I ever have, knowing full well I’ll be text-bombed forever. The annoyance is worth it. Unsubscribing and STOP work, but it takes months. Anyway, so what, she HAS TO WIN. I was so sad and mad when I first heard Biden had been forced out but now I am fired up again. And F any of those people who called for Joe’s head and don’t get behind Harris.

      • SussexWatcher says:

        Kitten – I think it’s because we’ve seen time and time again that white women (regardless of political affiliation) are not there for black women. I don’t think it’s too much of a stretch for us to be concerned that some white women would support a white man over a black woman candidate.

      • Chantal1 says:

        @Kitten. More white men voted for Obama than white women in his first election. I forgot the exact percentage but I never forgot that fact. Also white female voters who voted Republican despite all of the awful revelations about his true character are the reason Trump got elected in the first place. Kamala is another female presidential candidate and she’s Black. That’s why Black women are rightly skeptical.

      • harpervalleypta says:

        Sussexwatcher –

        Oh I get white women not always showing up for others, but this time they are showing up for themselves. Mess with abortion, birth control, AND IVF? That’s a hornet’s nest of voting incentives.

      • Slippers4life says:

        As a Canadian I don’t have a say in your election, but for those here not understanding the fears that many Black women are expressing about white liberal women, I recommend researching white feminism and intersectionality. It’s not that white liberal women will vote for Trump over a Black woman, it’s that often white liberal women have not been aware of our privilege and, as a group, have not shown up for Black women the way it is crucial that we do. For example: voting for some random other candidate because we don’t 100% like the pick, opening the door for Trump to win, or not even voting at all, or not even showing up!! When it comes to reproductive rights alone, Black women are significantly more at risk. We really have to reflect and do better globally. For this election in the US, I hope you all get the person that you deserve. The US is like a sibling to many Canadians and we will all be relieved knowing you’re being supported properly by your elected government. Additionally, I hope white liberal American women will be much louder and show up like Glennan Doyle, Mel Robbins, and Brene Brown. These women have shown they have the power to change the landscape and numerous endeavors. Time to get in this arena!!

      • Betsy says:

        White LIBERAL women will show up for Harris, yes, as we would for any Democratic candidate (and I’m excited to vote for another woman). It’s WHITE WOMEN in general who cannot be counted on. I don’t get it, but that’s the truth.

        But as harpervalleypta says: they have a vested interest in their own lives and their daughters’ lives. Many of the “moderate” (Republican) women will be voting for the Democrats. Project 2025 is too obviously evil.

      • K-Peace says:

        Just my opinion but i don’t think we should be talking about the downside of making a campaign contribution right now. We don’t want anyone to read about the annoying texts that follow and decide not to donate.

      • Becks1 says:

        ‘im a white liberal woman and i’m showing up for Harris.

        that said, @Betsy is right – its not the white liberal women, its white women in general. I can’t remember the exact stat right now, but college educated white women who voted for Trump were one of the big reasons he won, because they switched from Obama to Trump and the pollsters did not anticipate that.

        This is an all hands on deck kind of election. We know what can happen and we need to be all in.

  8. Maxine Branch says:

    Vice President Harris is the best choice. Working so closely with President Biden and having his full endorsement is as it should be. Fully onboard to help with this battle for Democracy.

  9. seaflower says:

    Perfect acknowledgement by Kamala. The amount of support and energy over the past 24 hours for her has been phenomenal. And to see the Trumpets panicking has been even better.

    Go Kamala.

  10. Jais says:

    Alright, let’s do this. Harris 2024💙

  11. mellie says:

    I have complete faith in Kamala Harris, and this response only makes it more evident that she is the way ahead. Both Harris and Biden are dignified, respectable and just simply put, good humans. She’ll surround herself with a smart cabinet/advisors and do the best job for our county…with that LFG!!!!

  12. Steph says:

    I’m definitely voting blue no matter who. That being said, MVP needs to get with her sorors to organize. We need BLM levels of organizing and campaigning to get the youth out to vote. They are so disenchanted with both parties right now. The unprecedented misogynoir we are about to experience may actually help in this.

  13. Brassy Rebel says:

    I think Trump is crapping himself. He wants to move the next debate from ABC (biased!) to Faux News (because they are so “fair and balanced”😉). Otherwise, he won’t debate. Nervous much? 😆🤣

    • Chrissy says:

      Good, he should be terrified. Kamala will make mincemeat of the Orange Turd when she talks circles around him about policy, not to mention his legal issues. Can’t wait to see him terrified of the Former Proscecutor when she has comeback after comeback and will not be boughed by the Lying Freak!

    • The Marchioness of Blorf says:

      Kamala would smack him around in a debate. The talking heads will call it elder abuse.

  14. Jks says:

    After the initial jaw drop, I sense tremendous buzz and enormous support rather than chaos. It almost feels like this was a very risky but genius move. Elon is fuming and the GOP is furious. Old Trump and his ear is completely forgotten and the praise for Biden is pouring in.

    • Christine says:

      I agree. My first reaction was a very mature burst into tears, but the buzz got me out of my head. The 40,000 Black women on the Zoom call and the Clintons’ immediate endorsement were energizing, it was the deep breath I needed.

  15. Amy Bee says:

    This is a very good sign.

  16. North of Boston says:

    So glad to see the Democrat machinery and public jumping in full throttle.

    After 3 weeks of chaos and Manchin again getting way more air than he warrants I’m ready to focus and get to work

    Had dinner with friends last night, and we had some interesting discussions about possible VP picks. But there was one person who kept bringing up “If it isn’t Camilla, who do you think it should be”, just “hypothetically” don’t cha know. Others corrected the pronunciation, multiple times. I pointed out that “Camilla is the horsed-faced woman, who screwed with Diana’s marriage and is married to King Charles, Kamala is the VP” (kind of shocked everyone, because I don’t usually dish like that with them.)

    Most everyone else refused to play that hypothetical game. He (the only man present ) kept pushing the subject.

    At one point he refused to take people refusing the premise, and said “you owe me an answer by Wednesday” Which I soundly shut down a) you are not the boss of me and I don’t owe you shit b) you are not the MC / boss of the political discussion table and c) Harris is currently the designated Democratic candidate, completely qualified and with the backing of the outgoing President (and in what world is Former prosecutor, Former Senator, Current VP a candidate that would be blithely skipped over in a Presidential race? Oh that’s right, one in which she’s not a white man. I see you mister.)

    I’m usually pretty easy going, and often don’t press my opinions when politics come up in social settings. And I can play “hypothetically” or “theoretically” till the cows come home. But it was ticking me off that he was dismissing Harris right off the bat, under the guise of a thought experiment. The repetitive mispronunciation of her name was a tell: he either IS dismissing her right off the bat, or he was being a “provocateur” trying to stir up conversational shit. Which I’ve got zero time or patience for. This political season, I’m 100% for saying what you mean, discussing / debating in good faith, and voting 100% blue up and down the ballot. Anything else I’ve got no time for.

    (I’m pretty certain he’ll vote blue this year, he is NOT MAGA, but this is not the election year for white guy “thought experiments” that blow by a strong black female VP in favor of focusing on everyone and anyone else)

    • Miranda says:

      We have a term in our family to describe people like your obnoxious dinner guest: JAQ-ing off. as in “just asking questions”, which I think is basically the same thing as “thought experiments”.

  17. PC says:

    Trump is too old to be POTUS! 😂😂😂

  18. Kitten says:

    The folks who are still emotional over Biden need to go on YouTube or twitter or whatever and find some recent videos of Kamala on the campaign trail. Because that’s what we get to look forward to now: a candidate who stays on-message, a candidate who can personally speak to intersectional issues, a candidate who can passionately articulate her political views.

    Start getting familiar with Harris, guys, and I PROMISE you’ll feel better—hell, maybe even excited and inspired.

    • Abby says:

      I was emotional at how Biden’s time in office is ending–I wish that he would have stepped aside long before this point, but I still respect him and what he’s done at president.

      Then I saw he endorsed Harris and I felt real excitement and hope. I did not feel like Biden was a strong candidate for this election, even though I would vote for him regardless. But Kamala — I really hope she wins and I’m here to support her.

      • Kitten says:

        YES. Hoping to read more comments like yours here. She can do this, guys! Let’s fucking GO!!!

    • Renstewart says:

      Agree! I have followed her since she became VP. I have lways been impressed.

  19. Duch says:

    I LOVED her statement. I imagine that her words about Beau and his loving words about his dad were probably THE most treasured words that Joe will receive. He loved his son so much.

    The rest is all beautifully calibrated. Like Obama she’s a good wordsmith, marrying logic and emotion.

  20. Soni says:

    I wasn’t on the KH bandwagon and I believe an open convention would have been fascinating, but we don’t have time. We need to unite now. Just made my donation. I hope everyone who has the ability to donate will do so!

    • kirk says:

      Soni – thank you for backing away from the fascination of an open convention. Just read that Pelosi is finally on board with Kamala. That basically leaves the bros contingent who’s not supporting her: Obama, Schumer, Jeffries, plus the back bencher, Biden-backstabber cohort.

  21. Chantal1 says:

    I was so relieved when I heard about this. I’m on board with Kamala and its great to see the establishment backing her. It’s also interesting to see a lot of Dem voters excitedly talking about this election now. I’ve also been laughing at 45’s hissy fits. We definitely need signs and t-shirts with her photo with the “prosecutor vs the convicted felon” slogan! He’s terrified of debating Kamala bc she’s an intelligent and capable woman and bc his entire campaign was built around insulting Biden. His minions calling her a DEI hire isn’t the flex they think it is.

    • Blithe says:

      As Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott points out: Kamala Harris is —and will be — our:
      Duly Elected Incumbent! 🗽

  22. girl_ninja says:

    I made sure to give what I could and I will give every pay period because that’s what I can afford.

    Make sure that you are registered to vote as well folks. 👇🏾 Check with friends and neighbors too.

  23. Grant says:

    Go Kamala! I would have voted for a potted plant over Donald Trump (and let’s be real, a potted plant is more presidential) but I am all-in for Kamala. The idea that I might get to see the first woman of color as president gives me goosebumps and galvanizes me in a way I haven’t felt in a long time.

    • Christine says:

      Well said. Kamala brings Black, Brown, and female all to the table, and it IS exciting!

  24. Snuffles says:

    All right, yo hear me out astrology TikTok has been saying for the past year that they didn’t see Biden or Trump making it to the election. And a lot of astrologist are saying that something is going to happen to Trump in September. That’s gonna make him bow out or take him out completely.

    Now, after this announcement of Biden, pulling out, they all start looking at Kamala Harris’s astrology and it’s looking real good.

    That said we all need to activate an organize and quite frankly since yesterday afternoon I’ve been feeling very bored and energized about it seeing how quickly people have just as Beyoncé says got in Formation. For example, there was a zoom call where almost 45,000 black woman who were part of a group of black women who are getting together to work to collect more black women across the country. Met for 90 minutes and raised $1 million. It was a beautiful thing to see.

    I saw a very funny TikTok, where it was like the gays the blacks, the Genzie, even the Asian American community. We’re all gonna roll out to vote for Kamala. I’m excited!

  25. Aidee Kay says:

    Yesterday I got the first fundraising text from Kamala Harris’ Presidential campaign and could not wait to click the link to donate. I told my husband and he said he had done the same. Very proud to be in this first big wave of small donations to our future Madam President. When Kamala wins it will be sweet justice for Hillary’s stolen election as well. #ImWithHER

  26. Proud Mary says:

    I’m one of them. Please donate if you can folks. Please.

  27. Mei says:

    Hi from the UK! I am hella nervous about Trump and his seemingly endless ability to pull in support and money BUT I am hoping with all my heart that Kamala soars with the support from all you incredible Dems over there and keeps him away from the presidency for good. We’ve had our good luck for 2024 with the Tories being kicked to the curb, now I’m sending the same good energy across the Atlantic 🙂

  28. J.Mo says:

    Thank you for the informative conversations here. I’ve learned more here than anywhere else and feel like I’m hearing from real Americans.

  29. ML says:

    President Biden did a great job, but the information I kept hearing over here was that people had started to notice him having more difficulties about 1.5 years ago and they were already getting in contact with the Republicans just in case. The expats around me were demotivated and some spoke of not voting. Democrat friends and family in the States weren’t positive either. That has been totally wiped away by President Biden putting the country above his candidacy and VP Harris being his chosen successor. We are all so proud and feel lucky. We can fight that orange monster and we truly have a chance!

    • Kitten says:

      Yes and this is the sea change that we so desperately needed. As anyone who is reading my comments can tell, I am PUMPED. #HARRIS2024

  30. Mina_Esq says:

    Feeling so much better and, dare I say, excited? American voters coming through with those small dollar donations, sending a message to those big donors trying to push VP out too – tears! Delegates from multiple states pledging their votes within hours – tears! Manchin being shut down hard – a big ha-ha! I think the trauma of the last decade has blinded a lot of people to the fact that President Biden is one of the most effective and consequential presidents in American history. And a true patriot. Books will be written about him, and I hope he lives to see it. Let’s go blue!

  31. Okphlyfiremama says:

    I cussed loudly, profusely, and repeatedly at the underhanded, yellow-belly Democrats who forced him out, wiped off the spittle from my chin (🤣) and immediately donated my $25 via actblue. Some people need to sit in their feelings for a very tiny bit and then GTF on board, and FAST. The stakes are entirely to high to NOT support the democratic candidate. Doesn’t everybody already know that slimeball munchkin is a DINO??

    • elle says:

      I cried off and on all day, but hopeful and excited to have Kamala as the candidate. May have replied not very nicely to some of the ActBlue campaigns asking, “But do you TRULY believe in Kamala,” telling them to get behind her. And donated as well.

  32. Lucky Charm says:

    Since yesterday’s announcement, Act Blue has received $93m in donations, VP (soon to be P) Harris has gotten 1,992 of the delegates (above the 1,976 needed), and the Harris campaign raised $81m. I think the D party is galvanized, excited and fully behind Harris for President.