“Kim Cattrall shuts down a rumor that she’ll join the ‘AJLT’ cast” links

Kim Cattrall denies the rumor that she’s joining And Just Like That. [Socialite Life]
I love Chiwetel Ejiofor but I’m still not interested in this new Bridget Jones movie. I read the book, and I loathe the story! [LaineyGossip]
The trailer for the new Milli Vanilli movie. [OMG Blog]
Review of Kevin Costner’s Horizon: An American Saga. [Pajiba]
A great minidress on Anna Sawai. [Go Fug Yourself]
I totally forgot that Toni Garrn divorced Alex Pettyfer. [Just Jared]
Queen Letizia wore a bad Self-Portrait ensemble. [RCFA]
Richard Simmons shares what would have been his final photo. [Seriously OMG]
Who murdered Ken Juedes? [Starcasm]
Kylie Jenner took her kids to Italy. [Hollywood Life]
The internet is very excited about VP Kamala Harris. [Buzzfeed]

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19 Responses to ““Kim Cattrall shuts down a rumor that she’ll join the ‘AJLT’ cast” links”

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  1. Tessa says:

    Last season was a downer the big buildup of a i d e n return then his leaving again

  2. Eurydice says:

    “Bad Self-Portrait” seems kind of a given. Letizia’s outfit is very Kate, without the sleeves.

  3. Hypocrisy says:

    I watched the original series but by the time they got to the movies I just lost interest. I never knew there were issues with the cast until this new reboot it kind of turned me off from ever watching it and I still don’t know what went on🤷🏼‍♀️.

    • MrsCope says:

      You’re not missing anything IMO. I just consider it non-canon Fan Fix 😂. I watched maybe 3 episodes of AJLT, and then read recaps for a while. Nah, I’m good.

    • lll says:

      My mom was a big fan of the original show and still watches the movies sometimes, but she’s not interested in the reboot.

      As a trans nb person myself, I tried to watch for the supposed nb rep, but the character (you know the one) was so obnoxious that I’m sure they set back trans/nb rights back a decade.

    • lucy2 says:

      The first movie was so bad I never watched any more of it, and the reboot sounds like a creative failure as well. I was always so-so on the show, but just went down a rabbit hole on how terrible Carrie was, and I was like…yup. Agree!

    • Becks1 says:

      I watched both movies – the first one was okay, I get that they were trying to wrap up Carrie and Big’s storyline. The second one was horrible, just AWFUL.

      I’ve never seen AJLT but i did hear the rumors about Cattrall’s return so glad she shut it down before I got too excited, lol.

      and yes, the more and more clips of old episodes I watch, the more I remember how HORRIBLE Carrie was.

  4. il y a says:

    I am here for everything Chiwetel. He never gives a bad performance and his skills for comedy are underrated. I’d love to see him host SNL one day.

    Before reading Lainey’s article I thought that Chiwetel was playing Bridget’s gay bff, because that’s the impression the set pics gave me and I don’t know anything about Bridget Jones lol but it appears he is at least a co-lead which is great.

    I’ll def check out this new Bridget Jones. Chiwetel should do more romcoms. He has the looks and the Prince Charming vibes for it.

  5. Chaine says:

    RIP Richard Simmons. It sounds like he had made a lot of headway into creating the musical about his life before he passed. I wonder if it will move forward.

  6. Smegmoria says:

    Milli Vanilli was the first concert I ever went to in the 5th grade. May 1990. OMG

  7. TN Democrat says:

    I recently re-watched the first 3 seasons of Sex and the City. I really loved it when it first aired, but it doesn’t really hold up 25+ years later. Kim Cattrall was by far my favorite cast member this go around. (I ADORED SJP first go around. Go figure). The reboot looks awful. I can’t imagine Sex and the City in any incarnation without Samantha.

  8. Digital Unicorn says:

    Hmm, wonder who started this rumour to generate interest in a show that no one asked for and isn’t really bothered about.

    • lucy2 says:

      Yup. And good for Kim for shutting that right down. I admire how she’s handled YEARS of this nonsense.

      Seems like everyone is in Italy right now, a bunch of people I know and a bunch of celebs. I’m going in another month or so!

      • Isa says:

        Yea they need to leave her alone like she asked for a long time ago. No wonder she doesn’t want to come back.

  9. Stef says:

    The Milli Vanilli movie is good! Watched it in German on a Lufthansa flight two weeks ago…

    • Leanna Brown says:

      Kenzie stalks Josh

    • Deborah says:

      I’ve listened to a deep dive podcast recently, and still vividly remember how those two boys were Hung Out To Dry at the time. Fall guys is what they were made. So tragic. Meanwhile their Svengali, Frank Farian, kept on producing his strawman bands.

  10. Lemons says:

    I like Letizia’s outfit. I’m just not a fan of the shoes, but she might be going for comfort here.

    But as someone else said, AJLT feels like fan fiction, rehashing old storylines with these worn out characters. To me, it has nothing to do with age, but with the substance. Looking at set photos, I have no interest in seeing Carrie’s will-she, won’t-she with Aiden. Like none. Turns me off immediately to watching the series.