Andrew Garfield’s girlfriend faced accusations she ‘used magic to seduce’ him

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Back in late March, Andrew Garfield went public with his new girlfriend, “luxury witch” Kate Tomas. Given Tomas’ unconventional vocation and the fact that Garfield generally stays pretty private about his love life, there was a lot of interest in her when the news first dropped. There were “What to Know” articles about her including that some of her more famous clients include Megan Mullally and Lena Dunham. She sounds like someone who has interesting stories from different life experiences.

All of the interest and scrutiny in Tomas had its downside. On a recent episode of her podcast, The Friday Emails, Kate shared some of the terrible things that people said about her when she and Andrew first started dating. It’s not the first time she’s spoken out about it, but this time, she talked about having to briefly take down one of her more popular masterclasses on seduction because people accused her of using magic to “seduce” Andrew.

As for her career, Kate charges clients £1,500 [around $2,000] for a 45-minute tarot card reading, which includes two full days of consultations via WhatsApp afterward to unpack what she has found. All clients are asked for a six-month minimum commitment, with prices starting at £4,000 [around $5,000] a month, because “magic takes time.”

Kate also runs a seduction masterclass, which she briefly removed from sale on her website after her romance with Andrew went public as people began to claim that she had used spells to bag the famous actor.

Speaking on her podcast, The Friday Emails, Kate purportedly said that she faced “horrific accusations” that she had “used magic to seduce” Andrew, and explained that this is not what her class is about.

In fact, the masterclass apparently teaches clients that you can’t use “magic spells or manipulation” to bewitch somebody into being with you. Instead, Kate teaches people how to be “authentically themselves” and “full of charisma” to attract others.

And these wild allegations surrounding her and Andrew’s romance aren’t the only pitfall to dating somebody in the public eye, with Kate expressing her dissatisfaction with being in somebody’s “shadow” in her Times interview.

“It’s frustrating that no matter how accomplished or impactful a woman is, it’s always going to be more interesting if they are in a relationship with a man,” Kate told the publication. “I don’t want to sit under anybody’s shadow.”

Her appearance has also come under scrutiny in the months since their relationship was revealed, with Kate adding: “They [the paparazzi] will take maybe 150 pictures, then they choose the four where you look worst.”

She went on to call out the “misogynistic nature” of this interest in “how a woman looks, [and] what [she] does for work.”

This isn’t the first time that Kate has mentioned the misogyny that she has experienced since dating Andrew, previously saying on her podcast: “Fucking hell, nothing could prepare me for having literally thousands of women telling me I’m ugly, I’m unattractive, I’m less than in every conceivable way.”

Kate went on to reveal that she utilized some of the practices she teaches to overcome the relentless criticism she was enduring, which included “moving out of that victim space and reclaiming the power that has been taken.”

“That might be screaming into a pillow, or doing a cord-cutting spell, or putting a dome of energy, like a bell jar, over somebody that’s actively harmful,” she explained at the time. “The most powerful form of psychic protection is knowing who you are and being OK with that.”

[From Buzzfeed]

Accusing someone who describes themselves as a “professional witch” of trapping their man with a seduction spell isn’t even original! That’s like the lowest hanging fruit of things to accuse her of. There’s no creativity in insults anymore! In all seriousness, though, that thing she said about having “literally thousands of women” tell her she’s “ugly” and “less than?” Yikes. I want to believe that a lot of those comments came from bot accounts, but who knows? That’s pretty terrible, and we need to be better as a society. Even if you don’t believe in magic and think that her job is whacky or whatever, what happened to “live and let live?” There’s no reason to criticize how a woman looks just because you don’t like that she’s dating an attractive and beloved actor.

Anyway, I want to know more about some of these practices she did to “overcome” the criticism. I’ve screamed into a pillow more than a few times in my life, but what’s this about a cord-cutting spell? Can I learn that without having to take six months of classes? And how about that bell jar thing? Did she go up to one of the haters and stick a jar over their head? I must know more.

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Photos via Instagram and Twitter and also credit: Steve Vas/Future Image/Cover Images, Julie Edwards / Avalon, Peter van den Berg / Avalon and Getty

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21 Responses to “Andrew Garfield’s girlfriend faced accusations she ‘used magic to seduce’ him”

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  1. Proud Mary says:

    Heck, the British tabloids and the derangers have pretty much accused Meghan of the same think, in her case, its sexist AND racist. Who cares if Kate what’s-her-face uses witchcraft to seduce him? Is he happy? They are consenting adults, for F’s sake, folks. Focus on your own miserable relationships. As I always say, don’t hate the player, love the game.

    • AlpineWitch says:

      For once, I think the British tabloids had a point.

      I’m not really invested in Andrew Garfield at all and he could date the hunchback of Notre Dame for all that I care but she’s accusing people of misogyny when most of them are accusing her of being a fraudster, which she actually is.

      This doesn’t justify other insults at all, but he’s associating himself with a fraud and likely knew about it, so I don’t think he’s coming off well here.
      Good for E. Stone dumping his sorry arse.

      • Megan says:

        Given her client list, it looks like she is entertaining bored rich people more than anything else.

    • Anonymous says:

      Good grief… this lady is just one of those scammy life coaches. Who cares who she is dating… people need to not give these grifters a platform

    • Not a witch says:

      Spoiler alert: she’s a con artist

    • Nope says:

      Yeah… I get she had a PhD but anyone that tries to pass themselves off as a ‘Dr.’ and ‘spiritual life coach’ is shady as hell. I’d bet money she isn’t qualified to be counseling anyone and has likely just scammed non-celebs out of money they don’t have. Is there something misogynistic about calling someone like this out?

      I don’t know much about AG, but this ain’t a good look.

  2. girl_ninja says:

    There are so many honey jar spells for love and abundance. She’s not reinventing the wheel.

  3. Is that so? says:

    From the headline I assume she was Black

  4. seaflower says:

    Cord cutting:

    There are lots of resources on line for free.

  5. K says:

    All these centuries same old story. The witch is such a symbol of humanity. May they flourish. There would be no civilization or without them.

    • Bdog says:

      Witches throughout history were women who were bold, smart, and provided essential services like beer makers, OBGYNs, and healers. Anyone who attacks a witch, past or present, is attacking all women who do not follow the prescribed “proper Christian behavior for women.” I, for one, stand with all women who care, serve, and heal others.

  6. pme says:

    Not a judgement, but interesting that she has been married 4 times.

  7. atlantababe says:

    well she is a scammer but yeah these are just jealous fangirls who are mad that she is with andrew. sadly this kind of harassment happens to so many women who date/are married to actors: adam driver, chris evans, benedict cumberbatch.

  8. February pisces says:

    People are so used to seeing male celebrities dating 22 year old Instagram models, that they have actually forgotten what real human beings look like. Anyway I love Andrew, he is exactly my type of guy, handsome, funny, empathetic, intelligent and artistic. I love that he doesn’t need to follow the crowd and date Instagram models or other celebrities like a lot of his contemporaries.

    • AlpineWitch says:

      To be honest, after this story I came off losing respect for him, she’s a first level scammer and he’s saying nothing about it?

      I wonder what he’ll say when he becomes husband no. 5…

  9. EasternViolet says:

    I used to see her Tik Toks quite regularly before she started dating him. She’s super smart and an ardent feminist. She has a doctorate from Oxford in Philosophy and Theology (I have a degree in Religion and Culture, which is similar, my bullshit metre is pretty good). I have to say — I really like how she’s woven together all this into a practice for people.

    • AlpineWitch says:

      Scamming people and manipulating their psychology might make her seem smart but in my book it’s reprehensible behaviour.

  10. sevenblue says:

    I didn’t see the misogynistic attacks against her about her looks, but I don’t doubt it, everyone is horrible to women dating / marrying famous actors. What I saw, people calling her scammer, a fraud. If she calls herself “witch” and gets money from people for her witch services, she is a scammer who is taking advantage of vulnerable people. She wouldn’t answer to this kind of accusations though, I am sure.

  11. L4Frimaire says:

    I didn’t realize Garfield had crazy rabid stans like that. This is wild. Feel bad for this woman. She seems cool and quirky. There are so many sour people out there who nastily attack any partner a celebrity has just because they’re the one they’re with, especially if they’re not cookie cutter conventional.

  12. Mslove says:

    I don’t care about her love life or her looks, but charging five grand for six months because magic takes time? That’s bold. I’m afraid if I criticize her she’ll put a bell jar over me, lol.

  13. mar says:

    Aw – I like the way she looks! Funny – I’m not in place where can listen to her in that clip right now, but, there’s something about the way her mouth forms words that gives off very posh. Don’t know anything about her – and, “luxury witch?” – more power to her. Andrew is a bit of a lovable weirdo, so why not?