I said this a few days ago, but ever since President Biden dropped his reelection bid and simultaneously endorsed VP Kamala Harris, the vibes have been immaculate. People are shocked that doomscrolling has turned to hopescrolling, as it’s just one great story after another for Democrats. VP Harris held her first rally as the (presumptive) Democratic nominee yesterday in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It was a packed and enthusiastic audience! Her speech was badass, as she blasted Donald Trump’s Project 2025 and accidentally-on-purpose discovered her campaign’s new tagline: “We’re not going back.”
Packed crowd erupts into chants of "WE’RE NOT GOING BACK” when Vice President Harris mentions Trump’s Project 2025 pic.twitter.com/Zo0kJtZ5GQ
— Kamala HQ (@KamalaHQ) July 23, 2024
Amazing. Do you think VP Harris and her staff knew that line would be so important? Anyway, the party quickly coalescing behind VP Harris has gotten some dudebro donors’ panties in a twist, because those men really were pipe-dreaming about a mini-primary which would have seen VP Harris passed over. That being said, some of those dudes quickly saw the light, like Netflix’s Reed Hastings. Hastings had previously pulled his promised donations until President Biden withdrew from the race. Now Hastings is putting $7 million into a PAC backing VP Harris.
The money part of this story is more important than most Democrats realize – if there had not been a huge and immediate wave of donations pouring in as soon as President Biden endorsed VP Harris, I’m not sure everything would have gone as smoothly as all of this. Per WaPo, the Harris Campaign raised $100 million from 1.1 million donors in the first 41 hours following President Biden’s endorsement. Future Forward PAC, a group supporting Biden’s reelection (and now supporting VP Harris), received $150 million in commitments in 24 hours after Biden’s withdrawal. Not only that, but down-ballot Democrats are no longer panicking – VP Harris has coattails.
Harris on Project 2025: "Can you believe they put that thing in writing?" pic.twitter.com/LKwsKJPUH8
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) July 23, 2024
Photos courtesy of Backgrid.
- Washington, DC – United States Vice President Kamala Harris makes remarks during an event celebrating the 2023-2024 NCAA Championship teams on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, DC. The Vice President’s first task in formally securing the Democratic presidential nomination will be to corral her former congressional colleagues, newly emboldened after a successful pressure campaign to force their party’s leader, Joe Biden, off the 2024 ballot. Pictured: Kamala Harris BACKGRID USA 22 JULY 2024 BYLINE MUST READ: MediaPunch / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Washington, DC – United States Vice President Kamala Harris makes remarks during an event celebrating the 2023-2024 NCAA Championship teams on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, DC. The Vice President’s first task in formally securing the Democratic presidential nomination will be to corral her former congressional colleagues, newly emboldened after a successful pressure campaign to force their party’s leader, Joe Biden, off the 2024 ballot. Pictured: Kamala Harris BACKGRID USA 22 JULY 2024 BYLINE MUST READ: MediaPunch / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Washington, DC – United States Vice President Kamala Harris makes remarks during an event celebrating the 2023-2024 NCAA Championship teams on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, DC. The Vice President’s first task in formally securing the Democratic presidential nomination will be to corral her former congressional colleagues, newly emboldened after a successful pressure campaign to force their party’s leader, Joe Biden, off the 2024 ballot. Pictured: Kamala Harris BACKGRID USA 22 JULY 2024 BYLINE MUST READ: MediaPunch / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
Doomscrolling to hopescrolling is so accurate. I’d actually stopped looking at any news r twitter last week because I felt so sick to the stomach by the carrying on and reports.
My existential dread has been real. I’m feeling energized now and am hoping for the best.
She’s intelligent, she’s well-spoken, and she’s excellent when she can use her DA skills. She’s good at thinking on her feet and taking action. The need to run a campaign that showcases and supports her skills and she will wipe the floor with him.
I even stopped watching colbert monologue as he was knocking Biden aa weeks after the debate when he returned from vacation.
There is a lot of hope out there!!! It feels so good . I love the new “we won’t go back” she gives some hope. She is a smart woman of color who can kick the orange racists diaper wearing butt!!!
Im listening to music and Woman Like Me came up and reminded me of future POTUS, Harris. And I got chills.
Me too! Felt so hopeless about all the chaos everywhere I quit reading any news. Now, when I take a peek, things are so energized and hopeful it lifts my day.
It didn’t matter for me who the candidate was, I knew I’d be voting for the democrat because we can’t have another 4 years of Trump, but I had zero worries about Kamala’s qualifications for the job. But honestly when Biden made his announcement, I was terrified that this country was too misogynistic and racist to vote for a woman of color. I’ve been pleasantly shocked to see the level of excitement about her campaign and I’m finally feeling hopeful that we have a solid plan to win.
I had 0 worries about Harris but was very worried about the rich white dudebros who created a public sh*tstorm out of their demands and seemed to be trying to make an end run around Harris. I broke down in tears when I saw that Robert Costas had reported that he’d been told that some of those donors and DNC officials had reached out to Joe Manchin to throw his hat in the ring for an open convention, followed shortly thereafter by a news report that Manchin was considering re-registering as a Democrat to do just that. I was ecstatic to see the huge immediate groundswell of support and excitement about Harris and the news yesterday morning that Manchin said he would not run. The fact that the rich white dudebros threatened down ballot races if Biden didn’t bow out just showed that they’re willing to throw all of their liberal values out the door just to protect their financial bottom line and retain power.
@Kelly & @ Popttymouth – agree with you both. I have only recently started reading X again because the anti-Biden stuff was making me so sad for the country. I had very little faith in everyone coalescing around Harris – super happy to be wrong! I am starting to have hope again. 🤞
“Doomscrolling has turned to hope scrolling.” So true! Another very positive sign out of all the positive signs is tens of thousands of new volunteers have signed up for the Harris campaign. More people to knock on doors, make phone calls, and get out the vote. I know there will be tough days ahead, but for now, I’m just enjoying the hell out of all this. And sleeping better than I have in months of worry and anxiety.
You can sign up to help the campaign:
A former prosecutor aligned to fight against a man who is a walking crime zone is *chef’s kiss* perfection.
I love her. I wish I was American so I could vote for her. She has amazing achievements and perfectly points them out against Trumps’s “achievements”.
And to think that just last week nobody wanted to be American! Not even Americans like me.
@Brassy Rebel, I am a dual citizen and have been contemplating giving up my US citizenship for a few years, since the orange oil slick. I’m excited again, and will seek to vote as an out of country voter.
Fingers, toes, eyes crossed- LET’S DO THIS!!!
I was reading an article today – an interview with Trump’s niece. She said he is scared because of her achievements and because she is everything he does not like: a woman and Black. Then add she was a prosecutor, yeah I can see he is scared. I can’t wait to watch the debate. I will pop some popcorn and have a beer as I raise my glass to her.
There is no way he’s debating her.
Where can I find that article, I’d like to read it?
I saw the “Prosecutor vs Felon” memes.
Think he might be shitting his pants right now, lol.
There are several out there. That is not the original I read, but has same points. Google: Trumps niece says he is scared of Kamala. Enjoy.
I’m not exactly sure if she was actually interviewed or if articles were written based off of her substack, The Good in US. Excellent reads.
Yesterday it was- Donald is Terrified of His New Competition
Today- Racism, Sexism and…Jealousy -Donald can’t buy what Kamala has
Love ‘We’re Not Going Back’.
Thank you!
Doomscrolling to hope scrolling is the perfect way to phrase it.
I do think the overwhelming support for Harris immediately has been a surprise to many but I think its been energizing and I think many of us now feel good for November. The more donations, the more endorsements – we just feel better and better.
Someone yesterday mentioned Abigail Disney being someone who was calling for Biden to step down and apparently she has also made a very large donation to Harris’s campaign.
She is a smart lady. All she needs is visibility cos the role of VP is a bit ungrateful. Kamala, please, keep talking about that bloody awful 900 pages of pure doom and gloom, the world needs to see those magats for what they are…
I was talking with a (male) coworker yesterday about everything that has gone down the last week and I was contrasting the energy around Kamala with how it felt in 2016. Of course I voted for Hilary, but it felt more like it was the forgone conclusion – which is different than feeling excited. I recognize that I’m biased – I voted for Kamala in the primaries and have always liked her – but the energy is just different.
I watched the inauguration with my daughter and I have a picture of her watching the screen when Kamala came on. My daughter turns 18 in August and can vote for Kamala in her first presidential election. For the first time in a long while, I feel hope.
I’ve had a front row seat to watching my husband’s people lurch rightwards. One of the things they utilize is negativity from the left.
Personally, I am well aware that some people doubted PJB should step down and some people doubted that VPKH should be the Democrats candidate. Respectfully, it’s time to focus on the future, because any negativity about what certain Democrats did or didn’t do is going to be used by Trump to try and get him reelected. Seriously.
Trump and company are already mounted a legal challenge, using racist tactics, and it’s about to get worse. I can guarantee that they are going to be crawling around sites like this spreading division and focusing on how some people are taking/ took longer to get behind VP Harris helps Them, Not Us. Our base is motivated, but we need to keep up that momentum and spread out.
Negativity from the *Left*?!? LOL
I felt real despair when all the schizz went down with Biden. Somehow Kamala Harris has stayed so far in the background, I just thought she’d get slaughtered by the dudebro/George Clooney faction of the Democratic party, and not be allowed to take her rightful place as the POTUS nominee. She said, naw, and so did the dollar bills flowing in. She is EXACTLY the counterpoint we need to the Trump/Thiel broligarch fascists. You can feel that she is actually pissed off by the women’s rights that have been stripped by the “servile SCOTUS,” and is not going to pull any punches. This was the right move because we need a FIGHTER in our corner. GO Harris!
She’s been doing amazing.
Trump and his stupid lawsuits made me roll my eyes and the articles of impeachment they introduced on Harris yesterday too. The GOP is a clown show.
You know what has been so amazing? The republican convention took up so much space last week, and everything seemed so gloomy and yes, hopeless. And this week, with Biden’s announcement and excitement about Kamala, I realized that I haven’t thought about TFG and his party of losers for a full two days. And hopefully, more endorsements come in this week, we might hear from Biden, too…then the Olympics will take up the next two weeks, then the democratic convention…could we go a month without hearing from Agent Orange? That would be so amazing for my mental health.
I love her! This is a Black job I can get behind! Let’s gooooooo
This is going to be EPIC!
Still worried because based on polling now there are more undecideds with her. I hope it starts to even out, but I say once again, the Dems that were behind the push to get rid of Biden did not want Kamala Harris and though they are putting on the most false faces ever about this, some of their down balloting polling is not improving, see Sherrod Brown and Jon Tester. There’s still a real possibility the Senate flips.
That said, I hope that white women and white men show up. The GA poll shows that Trump is doing better than Kamala there.
And also the crappy op-eds this morning screaming about a coronation and this wasn’t a democracy sounds like the freaking podbros and some of the commentary that was coming out over this weekend. People are real salty that Biden outflanked them and pushed Harris in front before they could stop it.
I hope Biden’s address gets those who feel betrayed by this back on the horse, because we need them to vote.
Focussing on polls is counterproductive at this point. There is no perfect magical unicorn candidate, but Kamala Harris is as close as it gets. Women’s rights are on the line, and we need a woman to fight back, men just don’t really get it in the same way.
Hey some of you all don’t get it. The media was screaming about Biden polling poorly against Trump and internal polling showed him costing the Dems the majority in the Senate and losing seats in the House. They claimed that the same polling showed Kamala would not be much better. I beg of some of you to please follow Joy Ann Reid and Lawrence O’Donnell who broke this mess down on Sunday through this week. So it can’t be ignore the polls for Kamala though we used that to push out President Biden.
Either way I am happy for Kamala because the answer to saving us all was not freaking Dean Phillips or Joe freaking Manchin.
Once again going to say that white men and women need to show up. I recall Stacey Abrams being really shocked when the voter breakdown in GA finally was shown and how many white men and women went for freaking Kemp. The media was screaming about Black people not being for Stacey and that was not the demographic she needed to move. Every Black woman and men I have talked to this week has been saying the same thing. Quit telling us you know the assignment and show up and vote and make sure you talk to your family members to vote.
Polls show that Youth is 25 points in favor of Harris, and she just entered the race on Sunday. New voter registration since Biden dropped out also saw a 700% spike. If Dems use polls to push Kamala out like they did Biden, instead of to get in formation and fight, there is no hope or path forward.
Agnes totally agree. I hope the youth vote that went up for Biden in 2020 goes up even more for Kamala. That could help offset this stupid undecided and the white women/men polls that are showing that it’s going down.
Also after this year, we got to talk about polls and what crap they were. AOC was saying the same thing last week. Her polls showed her losing and her own internal polling didn’t show how big her win was going to be.
The polls I’ve been seeing are starting to shift in Harris’ favor. It’s not a huge shift, but it is happening and I think as the Harris campaign machine really lifts off the ground we’re going to see the polls continue to creep in her favor, especially as Trump seems to have gone off the rails.
And I think the down ballot races will start to reflect that as well. It was never going to be an immediate turn around, and this race was always going to be very close. We need to keep our heads in the game and fight for this.
And yes, white women need to show up and do their/our part (I’m white but I vote consistently Dem across the whole ticket.) But I’m pushing this with other white women in my life and I’m donating and I’m going to try to get on that conference call tomorrow night.
That’s good Becks! I am still shocked that 2020 showed that women still went for Trump at like 55 percent. I don’t get it.
I would be happy a Black woman to be elected but I honestly wonder how many men will actually (not in words) vote for her. That’s my worry and doubt.
The media was hungry for game of thrones style fighting among candidates. Only Kamala emerged and she got record number of small donations from voters. Since she got voters on her side that quickly, the leaders of the party followed. No one is demanding a primary debate and throwing their hat to the competition. With whom is she supposed to fight for the ticket? No one is challenging her.
@sevenblue 100% agree
Sorry…long post here…and thanks to the CB community for keeping me informed and sane!
What happened on Sunday after Biden’s announcement reset whatever anyone in high Democratic positions were thinking re skating by Harris, etc…it literally reset the narrative.
From my personal experience and and viewpoint, it was small donor voters who shifted the momentum that day…it truly was democracy at work.
Small example from me of what happened.
I was gut punched when I saw the alert on Biden’s stepping down. Moments of 2016 election night trauma for sure. I was 100% on board for Biden, and had cancelled my NYT subscription and not given a single click to the MSM media since this sh&^show started, so I was devastated.
Then I saw Biden’s endorsement of Kamala.
Around 3 or 3:30 EST I went to CB and saw Kaiser’s update, and her link to the Kamala donation site. I didn’t think twice about whether Kamala was ‘going to make it’ or ‘brokered convention’ or what the powers-that-be have to say, …I was so ENRAGED by Biden being pushed out that I gave to Kamala immediately by 3:35 pm or something like that.
I am willing to bet hard cash that millions of others felt exactly the same. People were so angry at what was going on, and helplessly watching the Dems derail themselves at an extremely dangerous moment in politics that they opened their wallets to express their anger and support for Harris.
I also posted the link to Dem family immediately if anyone wanted to donate.
Nothing wins like winning. But 9 or 10 pm that night, $$$ were doing the talking for Harris…and everyone had to calm the f**k down from the brokered convention BS. If anyone ‘crowned’ Harris, it was that wave of $$ Sunday night.
But…someone…Biden, Pelosi, DNC people? …maybe did line up the likelies like Newsom, Whitmer, Moore etc…and they were quick with their Harris endorsements out the gate, shutting any momentum down. Or they are smart enough to see the writing on the wall and helped their party. Brazile slapped down Joe effing Manchin too.
I think WE solidified Harris; and Biden’s supporters did…because they knew what he did, and what was being done to him, and what was being done to Harris
@dawnchild, yes, the moment Biden stepped down, there was a zoom call of thousands of black women fundraising for Kamala. I heard her sorority came together to support her too. The community support pushed her to the finish line before other possible candidates even tried running. I am sure if this didn’t happen, multiple candidates would throw their hats to the race in order to save the Dems. They saw no need for it when Kamala got the voters’ support on her side.
I also read that a coalition of black women at the WH had call sheets prepared and ready for KW to start contacting supporters immediately. Again, fast action secured her support with the voters, with the bigwigs falling in line afterwards.
I agree Seraphina. I want Ezra Klein and Ross Douhout to pound sand. They wanted the Dems to be in disarray and party infighting. It’s gross and awful they keep pushing this was not done and the voters, oh the voters. They are full of crap.
I wish the Dems had did this better and I honestly think that this mess is going to cost us some seats. I keep seeing people saying they are not going to vote for Adam Schiff now and that’s not a seat we saw turning red. We mess around out there and Garvey is going to get in.
So Dems need to come together and shut up and quit talking to the freaking press.
ML, I already signed up as a volunteer in my state to help out the Harris campaign. I hope others do and I hope that white women swing over please. Cause that’s going to cause an issue in some of the swing states.
Adam Schiff should be making his own case. Every Democrat up for election in 2024 is running on Biden’s record. The only one smart enough to credit that so far is Kamala.
Walking the Walk, I wish I could allay your fears, but obviously, we know how some people are. What I can say is that in my bubble, she has everyone fired up, hopeful and excited. You need to get your core voters to show up, and right now this is happening. It’s always better to have a candidate to vote for than showing up at the polls to vote against someone! Next, Americans love winners. Those undecided voters will be influenced by the fact that VP Harris got on the phone and got the people behind her with huge donations in a couple of days. A couple of her weaknesses from 2020 are turning into strengths as well. She’s been chosen by President directly and it totally helps her that PJB is seen as being moral and putting the country above his own interests. Undecided is much better than “against.”
@ML – I think this is a really good point: “It’s always better to have a candidate to vote for than showing up at the polls to vote against someone!”
I was going to vote FOR Biden because I thought he was doing a good job. But I understood that a lot of biden voters were just voting AGAINST Trump.
I feel like with Harris, a lot of those voters are now FOR Harris and I think that explains the change in energy.
Ok folks, before you start hanging your moon off polling, please, please learn more about polls. Check if articles include links to actual poll and includes methodology.
Here’s a good breakdown at how to look at polls as an example:
It’s about polling Black voters. Skip the headline, go down a bit about how to look at polls and breakdown of SAMPLE SIZE. Also you need to research polls like YouGov and understand the difference when you don’t use gold standard ( there are practical reasons why you can’t , BUT you have to take all the info with a grain of salt. YouGov for example advertised for its survey/poll takers and it pays them. YouGov used their stable of respondents for other things like marketing surveys, etc. There’s a self selection bias when you have people choosing to join a poll, and/or requires people who have mobile phone or ways to respond digitally. You can scrub some of the bias by weighing the poll, but the reliability/accuracy depends on methodology. And watch for SPIN.)
I want to add Pew Research because their methodology is more trustworthy and explains margin of error better. Again read about sampling size and problems when polls try to look for trends among subset groups such as youth voters, Black/Asian voters, etc. Problem as in larger margin of error because of much smaller sample size (but doesn’t get acknowledged in news articles).
Also from the article above
“For election surveys in particular, estimates that look at “likely voters” rely on models and predictions about who will turn out to vote that may also introduce error. Unlike sampling error, which can be calculated, these other sorts of error are much more difficult to quantify and are rarely reported. But they are present nonetheless, and polling consumers should keep them in mind when interpreting survey results.“
Keep this in mind when you read WaPo’s poll it likes to reference lately about young, likely voters. There’s a larger margin of error and when I try to parse out methodology, it was unclear and I had a hard time making the numbers work. Perhaps someone with more knowledge can.
YouGov is also run by the relative of Camilla, the queen consort of Britain. I hope no further elaboration is needed on why that is problematic from the top down.
Also, of all the pollsters since 2020, Chris Bouzy’s Bot Sentinel was one of if not the only one, to accurately call races in the US (2020, 2022) AND big elections overseas. The data BS pulled and ran was more accurate in just about every way over the mainstream pundits.
Polls are pretty useless. Do you remember the red wave that was supposed to happen in 2022? The polls are not helpful anymore (if they ever were). The media campaigned for Trump and I suspect they will continue to do so. My belief is that every time they come out with a poll that shows Trump ahead or even or very close, you get more people who will vote blue to stop him. People shouldn’t spend too much time listening to the polls. Just look at what Kamala has raised in a few days: $250,000,000. Now, do the polls reflect what the people want?
Polls can reflect what people want, but you are right they can miss too.
The 2016 polling wasn’t all wrong about Hillary, she won the popular vote which in other democratic countries, the popular votes win. But in the US, the electoral college determines winner and not necessary the will of the people.
This is why the so call swing states matter so much. It’s ironic of course in a country that likes to think of itself as a leader of democracy where each vote matters (and it does just some more than others), until it doesn’t because of our electoral college system. Such paradox.
Don’t lose heart. Ever since the Bush Kerry debacle I have not trusted polls. People tell the pollsters what they think they are supposed to say.
Lets not forget Trump was shot at not too long ago. That has gotten him some pity points. Also, all the rabid racism and sexism that is coming out of the red party from these dudebro’s has scared a lot of people from speaking their minds. They don’t want Trump to win but they don’t want some nutjob following them home either.
And frankly I think all this disgusting talk like “DEI” and “heels up Harris” is going to scare women and minorities into voting in droves. After all, if they can call someone as accomplished as Harris a “diversity hire” how does that make the rest who worked hard, got degrees, and struggled to be taken seriously in our careers feel?
Not saying this will be a slam dunk, we need to keep up the hard work, but please don’t be discouraged. This is still early. We don’t even have the VP pick in yet.
Yes!!!! From dooms scrolling to hope scrolling. Project 25 is something everyone should familiarize themselves with because it will affect many many Americans and will cause ripple effects on a global scale as well.
I feel like a window has been opened and the fresh clean air coming in is allowing me to breathe again.
“We’re not going back” EXCELLENT tagline, well done! *chef’s kiss*
The GOP can go kick rocks. Once Biden announced he was stepping aside and threw his support behind Harris, it was like a switch turned on amongst the base. It was the small donors and base of the party that sent a loud and clear message through their flood of donations that THEY were selecting Harris to be their choice. All the dude bros are salty they didn’t get their way and the voters reclaimed control.
Midnight@theOasis, which is the best thing that could have happened. The wealthy CANNOT believe they can buy their pick for the Presidency. Election finance reform must happen.
Maybe Trump shouldn’t have raided the funds to pay attorneys, etc.
Please make sure if you didn’t actively register to vote that you are indeed eligible to by contacting your board of elections. Very important!
The Trump campaign is big mad because the money donated to the Biden campaign has now gone to the Harris campaign. They’re going around saying it’s unfair but I think that if we were to look at the donations received by the Trump campaign there would obviously be some shady stuff so they might need to reconsider that move.
Lau, well, Kamala now has $250,000,00 that has nothing to do with the money that was available when Biden stepped down. He can cry all he wants.
I am as cynical as they come these days, and even I have some hope.
This is only my opinion, but I’m not a big believer regarding these so-called undecided voters. I think most people have decided.
This race is about getting your people out to the polls. Joe didn’t bring that energy. I think Kamala can. I’m hoping she can. If she hits on not only how awful the alternative is but gives some concrete info on how to empower the middle class (and she’s already weaved that into her initial message), we just might. Keep the faith. Knock on doors. Vote blue.
This is the kind of content that made me fall in love with this website.
Thanks for raising more awareness on how awful Project 2025 is.
Kamala Harris is such a powerful person and it’s amazing to see all the enthusiasm. See the same happening on my social media.
What I love about all of this is how fresh and energized Kamala is. She is such a counterpoint to the stale, crusty GOP and I think that really scares them.
Yes, my MAGA stepfather said today (to my kids), “No, i’m NOT happy about Biden stepping down, because we had him beat. THIS idiot (pointing to VP Harris, won’t even be on the ticket, it’ll be Michelle.” He’s blathering on and on because MAGAs are scared AF now.
Yes. This is how a debate between MVP and Agent Orange plays out. Yes, go Larry.
A bi-colored cat chasing off the orangeish fox. Love.
All I have to say is this cat lady (don’t have any but apparently childfree women are sad cat ladies) likes Kamala. #cathagsforharris
My sister is recently divorced. She’s on the other side of the hard parts and living her best child free life. She also just adopted her former father inlaw’s cat that he got with HIS ex and was going to give it away to a shelter. Her lesson to my 9 year old daughter, “the biggest lie this world will try to tell you is that you don’t want to end up as the old cat lady. Being a single cat lady is the happiest I have ever been in my entire life. No shade if you do want children, but don’t let anyone tell you that there aren’t a million ways to have a good life. You do you!” I was so glad! So, while Kamala is an awesome step mom. Being a single cat lady sounds like a stand up way of life. Don’t let the GOP fool you!
Yaaasssss to all of this! So glad your sister is on the other side and thriving, and so glad your daughter is hearing this important message so early in life. ❤️
Trump has disavowed the Project 2025 agenda multiple times. Once you get past his mean tweets, he’s barely even a Republican. He was for jail reform and got that passed. He didn’t repeal Obamacare. He is not for a Federal ban on abortion and favors states not banning up to 12 weeks. Other than his hard line on immigration — he’s a Democrat.
The people he has appointed to positions of high power suggests otherwise.
@Marquis, Correction: he couldn’t repeal thanks to John McCain. It was one of the good things John did for the country before dying.
I just love her so much. I hate that I live in a blood red state so my vote “doesn’t count” but by God I’ll be there JOYFULLY voting for her as soon as early voting opens.