Donald Trump on people with disabilities: ‘Maybe those kinds of people should just die’

When Donald Trump started his first presidential run in 2015-16, I honestly didn’t know much about his family beyond his own coked-up demon seeds. Trump’s siblings, his extended family of nieces and nephews, they all have pretty weird relationships with Uncle Don, especially in the past decade. Mary Trump – Don’s niece – wrote a book ripping him to shreds. Now it’s Fred Trump III’s turn. Fred has written a book called All in the Family: The Trumps and How We Got This Way. Fred is Don’s nephew, he’s the son of Don’s younger brother Robert, and Fred is father to a son named William. William has special needs – a rare seizure disorder, the product of a KCNQ2 mutation. William has a lot of medical needs and Fred Trump has been able to use some of his family’s web of trust funds to pay for his son’s care and medical help. When Don was in the White House, Fred Trump went to see his uncle and he even went through proper channels and spoke to all of the right HHS people and brought in disability rights advocates and all of that. Now Fred is revealing what his uncle said to him about his son William, and about all people with disabilities. Excerpts from Fred’s book:

[In the White House, in May 2020]: The meeting I had assumed would be a quick handshake hello with Donald had turned into a 45-minute discussion in the Oval Office with all of us—Azar, Giroir, the advocates, and me. I never expected to be there so long. Donald seemed engaged, especially when several people in our group spoke about the heart-wrenching and expensive efforts they’d made to care for their profoundly disabled family members, who were constantly in and out of the hospital and living with complex arrays of challenges.

Donald was still Donald, of course. He bounced from subject to subject—disability to the stock market and back to disability. But promisingly, Donald seemed genuinely curious regarding the depth of medical needs across the U.S. and the individual challenges these families faced. He told the secretary and the assistant secretary to stay in touch with our group and to be supportive.

After I left the office, I was standing with the others near the side entrance to the West Wing when Donald’s assistant caught up with me. “Your uncle would like to see you,” she said. Azar was still in the Oval Office when I walked back in. “Hey, pal,” Donald said. “How’s everything going?”

“Good,” I said. “I appreciate your meeting with us.”

“Sure, happy to do it.”

He sounded interested and even concerned. I thought he had been touched by what the doctor and advocates in the meeting had just shared about their journey with their patients and their own family members. But I was wrong.

“Those people . . . ” Donald said, trailing off. “The shape they’re in, all the expenses, maybe those kinds of people should just die.”

I truly did not know what to say. He was talking about expenses. We were talking about human lives. For Donald, I think it really was about the expenses, even though we were there to talk about efficiencies, smarter investments, and human dignity. I turned and walked away.


[After Robert Trump’s death in August 2020, the Trump family started giving Fred grief about how much money he was taking out of the family trust to care for his son William. Eric Trump told Fred to speak to Donald about it.]

Soon thereafter, I was up at Briarcliff Manor, home of the Trump National Golf Club in Westchester, N.Y. Donald happened to be there. He was talking with a group of people. I didn’t want to interrupt. I just said hi on my way through the clubhouse. I called him later that afternoon, and he answered. I got him up to speed on what Eric had told me. I said I’d heard the fund for William was running low, and unfortunately, the expenses certainly were not easing up as our son got older. In fact, with inflation and other pressures, the needs were greater than they’d been. “We’re getting some blowback from Maryanne and Elizabeth and Ann Marie. We may need your help with this. Eric wanted me to give you a call.”

Donald took a second as if he was thinking about the whole situation.

“I don’t know,” he finally said, letting out a sigh. “He doesn’t recognize you. Maybe you should just let him die and move down to Florida.”

[Excerpts from Fred Trump’s book, via Time Magazine]

Callous, disgusting, inhumane, vile. In other words, completely on brand for Donald Trump. I’ve been surprised, from time to time, by some of Trump’s statements and opinions, but the idea that he’s so profoundly ableist that he openly advocates for the death/murder of people with disabilities? That sounds exactly like him. The Trump/Vance ticket is really burning it all to the ground, aren’t they? In the recent days, the stories have all been: step-parents are real parents; women who are not mothers don’t have a stake in society; women with cats are horrible; people with disabilities should die; a Black and Indian-American woman who has won multiple elections is “DEI.”

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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92 Responses to “Donald Trump on people with disabilities: ‘Maybe those kinds of people should just die’”

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  1. Amy T says:

    Not even remotely a surprise to anyone who remembers his 2015 comments about Serge Kovaleski, the New York Times reporter who has arthrogryposis.

    • TQ says:

      Came here to say the same thing. Not at all surprised given his horrible treatment of Serge Kovaleski. But 100% disgusted.

      • JEB says:

        I always go back to that-how did his whole political career not end in that moment? It was the start of the normalization of this evil, despicable sub-human!

      • lucy2 says:

        It should have ended in that moment. If only…

        I don’t want to wish anyone harm, but I wish he could experience what it feels like to have a loved one struggle with a disability like that. But he doesn’t actually love anyone but himself.

    • DeltaJuliet says:

      Right? I’ve been amazed at how many people glazed over that incident but I never moved past it. HE HAS SHOWN YOU WHO HE IS.

    • Vivica says:

      I have never wanted to wish harm on someone, but I will say this…

      If he were to have a stroke and find himself paralyzed and 100% the mercy of others without the ability to speak, but could hear and feel everything going on around him, it would serve him right. I hope his home health aid is the sweetest and nicest Christian woman that will read scripture and pray with him but loves the hell out of her gay grandson and his cute little husband. If she happens to be a woman of color, you will be done. Glory be to God, Blessed be Your Name.

      • ella says:

        What has Donald Trump contributed to this world? Danger, chaos, obsession with vengeance, and money grabs.t
        Old men were raised in the most vile disturbing way and now we all pay the price for it. My friend’s grandfather said this about his addict son “What addiction? Defective. Better off dead. Just have to kill him.”
        Keir Starmer is supposedly considering an age ban on UK politicians. Old British men are sadistic and twisted. They don’t evolve. Period.

    • Tursitops says:

      They had better hope that they are wrong about the existence of hell.

      • deering24 says:

        I’m convinced Trump is still here because the devil is dragging his hoofs on constructing that exclusive ring of hell for him and his crew.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Yeah, I was reminded of that immediately. I was also reminded of that scene in the Pianist where we see from across the way, a couple of Nazis burst into an apartment & everybody has to stand to attention; and then there’s grandpa, in a wheelchair, who can’t stand up so they dump him over the balcony. That’s trumpian.

    • CROWHOOD says:

      Those of us in New York are SHOCKED every day. Truly has been a known joke to us for decades. The whole clown car.

      • deering24 says:

        Ugh–anyone who grew up in NY, New Jersey, and/or Connecticut in the late 70s-early 80s heard more than any human being should from/about Trump. (And from the New York Yankees, who spent more time fighting in the press than actually playing ball. 🙄) It has always amazed me Trump was able to sell himself so well as a brilliant businessman to the rest of the country. He left a lot of damage before he became President…

  2. Digital Unicorn says:

    I know I shouldn’t be but I continue to be shocked that the GOP powers that be are ok with all this talk – they must know that he is turning voters away. I guess the Russians really have a lot of kompromat on them all.

    • Agnes says:

      Trump has no soul, he shows it again and again. Trump is the “GOP powers that be”, with a hefty dose of Putin thrown in. It’s not shocking, it’s more like “Of COURSE he thinks that.” He’s just an empty orange bag of Cheeto crumbs, lying and skeeving into the wind.

    • Rnot says:

      Never forget that both the RNC and DNC were hacked but only the DNC info ever found its way out into public view.

    • bisynaptic says:


  3. spiderwho says:

    Nazi Germany murdered the disabled. Don’t think he wouldn’t go there.

    • SIde Eye says:

      Yep that is exactly on brand for him. Right out of the nazi playbook.

    • Kitten says:

      Vance was right about that one thing he said that one time.

    • olliesmom says:

      That is exactly where my mind went the second I started reading – Hitler.

      Holy hell. We need to make sure this creature never gets near our government again.

    • Rnot says:

      They started with the disabled before they got to the gays and jews. The formal designation was “Lebensunwertes Leben” or “life unworthy of life.” Germany was very broke after WWI and they were spending scarce money/food/medical care on people with developmental disabilities, instead of on wounded veterans or on injured workers. So, the new government quietly disposed of them. Their families were told that they’d died of illness after they were moved to a “better” facility far away.

      There’s so many layers of horror.

      • Christine says:

        This point needs to be made all over the place. It’s not a throwaway that Trump is the same as Hitler. He is 100% working from the nazi playbook, and republicans are cheering him on. It’s sick.

  4. Alice says:

    I have family members with severe, genetic disabilities. They all love Trump.

    Can’t wait to see how their mental gymnastics about this one.

    • Kitten says:

      Based on the cognitive dissonance I’ve seen in Trump voters, my guess is that they won’t care. The white women that came out for him certainly had no issue with his treatment of women.

    • JanetDR says:

      @Alice, I keep wondering what it will take but apparently he’s always going to have that 30%.😒

    • Erin says:

      I have a child with a very rare syndrome that causes severe epilepsy, like maybe a few thousand in the world, I am in a Facebook group with a lot of the parents and so many are trump supporters. I never understood it in 2016 and now I am going to be very curious to see if anyone brings these comments up on the group page and what will be said about them. I’m guessing people are just going to say that this is another “lie” being told about their savior which would be absolutely sick but these people literally cannot admit they were wrong about him and see what he really is.

    • Fuzzy Crocodile says:

      I assume the gymnastics include…

      1. He didn’t say that. Fred is lying.
      2. He didn’t mean it that way. You just don’t understand him.
      3. He may have meant it, but groceries are so expensive right now.

      • Erin says:

        I just wanted to add to my comment as well that since my child was born and I was thrown into the world of special needs, which fucking sucks for the most part except for some amazing people I’ve met along the way, a lot of people think this way. It’s actually not that rare. I’ve had to come to terms with the reality that people are a lot more selfish and evil than I ever thought they could be. So with that said, how is it farfetched that this man would say these things? Please point me to anytime where he showed a kindness, empathy for anyone besides himself, ANYTHING GOOD AT ALL!!! This man is pure evil negativity and that is what he has run on, that is who he is, that is what drives him and his followers. His speeches are all just him making fun of people and talking about what he’s going to take away from people not like him. It’s not that he’s doing good for Americans, it’s that he is going to try and snuff out the rights and lives of people that aren’t him and his ilk. So pls tell me how this man would never say something like this?

      • lucy2 says:

        Yup. It always goes that way. Deny it. They’re lying. They’re misinterpreting it. It’s not a big deal. He can do whatever he wants.
        Same with the documents, Jan 6, all of it.

    • Old & Tired says:

      Some of the most devoted Trump followers that I know personally have a medically fragile child. The only way they’ve been able to keep going is through all the federal programs that protect their son’s rights. These protections seem invisible to them. They went from masking in public before the pandemic to going full-bore anti-mask and anti-vax. The mom of the family got the worst case of long COVID I’ve ever heard of. Her health has basically been destroyed, to the point where she can’t work for income or take care of their disabled child (he’s close to completely paralyzed and 11 years old). They’re still all about Trump, and have cut me out of their lives. (Bonus: they go to the same church as the oleaginous Ted Cruz! They have a culty church as a beard for their culty political leader.)

      • Minnieder says:

        Wow. So even people DIRECTLY impacted by this nonsense still stand by him? Mind boggling. What if he was elected and snatched away disability rights/funds that rendered them homeless? Would they STILL voice their support?!?!

  5. Libra says:

    This is news to me, another reason to despise this man. As a grandmother of a wonderful and productive child with a seizure disorder, I am outraged that more of us do not know about his views on people with a disability.

    • Kitten says:

      Did people miss the mocking of a disabled reporter thing?
      That was a pretty big, early indicator of how he feels towards the disabled community.

      • Danbury says:

        Honestly he’s done and said so many horrible things people lose track. I know I had totally forgotten about the reporter thing until now

      • Kitten says:

        You just reminded me of what hell it was to have him as POTUS for 4 years. Like, every f*cking day it was some new, terrible thing that he said. Ugh.

      • ML says:

        Same Danbury, same. He has spewed so many lies, racist, sexist, xenophobic, hateful garbage, it’s hard to keep track. This was a new shock to me, even though it’s completely unsurprising. I loathe him so much!

      • BeanieBean says:

        There’s was also that time that he said, ‘nobody wants to see that’ when there was discussion of having disabled veterans at some event.

  6. Giddy says:

    That Trump would actually advocate to a father that he let his special-needs son die shouldn’t surprise us, but this shocks me. He is an all around truly horrible person. I’m suddenly so grateful that he never let his children have pets.

    • turtledove says:

      And not just ANY father, but his actual *relative*. Not that saying such a thing about random strangers would be ok at all, obv. But the idea of looking at someone you KNOW and saying it about their ACTUAL child is just at a level that seems sociopathic.

    • olliesmom says:

      And that father is a member of his immediate family – his nephew.

    • SadieMae says:

      What always strikes me about Trump is not just that he believes such things … it’s that he says them outright and doesn’t seem to understand when (some) people are revolted by them. He is so completely self-centered that he assumes everyone else is, too – that people only care about themselves, and that every relationship is transactional. He can’t understand kindness or empathy or selflessness at all – like his puzzled comment about the war dead, “But what was in it for them?” So to him, if your kid is too much trouble or expense and isn’t earning you money or acclaim, why keep them around at all? It’s really disturbing. And this is the man who millions upon millions of Americans think is deeply devoted to their welfare. How can they not see that Trump is only deeply devoted to Trump?

      • Jacques says:

        He is a Narcissistic Sociopath. His fragile ego is terrified of going up against Kamala.

  7. DaveW says:

    Yes didn’t he claim a disability (bad feet) at least once to get one of his multiple deferments from the draft?

  8. Walking the Walk says:

    The fact this AH did this after meeting with a group of disabled Americans should be enough to strike him from any future conversations about holding public office again. I am sure somewhere the media are trying to argue that this doesn’t mean what we think it means though.

  9. nutella toast says:

    Alex Azur needs to come out and admit this happened. Not that any MAGA people will care – they will say it’s a lie and never happened, but for the historical record. As one more piece we can’t say we “didn’t know”.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Yes, I want this known far & wide, I want this horrible quote to be known to every single voter.

  10. Hypocrisy says:

    It’s going to get extremely nasty in the next few months.. I made my choice so I am choosing my mental health by turning off the news and being very selective in the news sources I choose to read. I don’t need anyone else’s opinions or negative comments in my head. With that said I am enjoying the absolute 💩 show since the gop convention, I’m just doing it in small doses. Trump and his handlers at the Heritage Foundation are not joking when comments like these are made, we need to believe that they truly are this unfeeling and evil.

  11. Becks1 says:

    This is absolutely horrific.

    I work in the disability field and there are so many people out there with issues who just need help. they want to work, they want to be with their families, they want to volunteer with their kids, but they need help – financial, medical. the answer is not that these people should “just die” the answer is that we as a society need to do better to support them.

  12. Tursitops says:

    This is going to bring out the “Well, NOW I’ve got something to say” people. I cannot be convinced that Dead-heart Cheney gave a crap about gay people until it affected him. Took-a-dump didn’t fully embrace Jews until the only child whom he loves married one. The list is endless.

    Republican step-parents, adoptive parents, and loved ones of the disabled – to their ever-lasting shame – may finally admit that they have a stake. It remains to be seen whether they will also admit that they backed the wrong horse. I’m dubious on that one.

    If you only get involved when it affects you, then your opinion is as questionable as your moral compass. Shame, shame, shame on those craven opportunists. Yes, the leopards WILL eat your face.

    • deering24 says:

      Hey, dog-eat-dog in a strict hierarchy is how conservatives are raised. Toss in abusive/neglectful parents, rigid churches, and an endless hate of the “others,” and you’ve got essentially sociopathic people.

  13. SueinOrleans says:

    I honestly didn’t think I could hate Donald Trump any more than I already do. I was wrong.

  14. Beech says:

    There’s just no low, low enough.

  15. Localady says:


    How extremely UnAmerican and UnPresidential. Does he not remember FDR. How dare this baby fisted charlatan wish death on our beloveds.

  16. Minnieder says:

    How does he recommend that “those people” should die? Withhold medications? Starvation? Euthanasia (which isn’t legal!)? What’s the follow up to this insane suggestion?!?!?

    • nutella toast says:

      @ Minnieder Selectively pro-life…”We’re OK executing people on death row, but thank goodness someone made sure they were born so we could kill them later” or something insane like that??? It makes me grind my teeth just thinking about it.

      • Anna says:

        All antiabortion idiots in every country are the same. They are “pro-life” as long as it is unborn. Once born, deal with it. Or acc to Trump, kill it if disabled. They are always pro death penalty. Make it make sense. Although when you think it’s actually pro-control, it suddenly makes a lot of sense.

  17. Beana says:

    My son is autistic. We know that the Nazis exterminated 250,000 disabled people (many of them children) in a coordinated effort. If Trump wins, my plan is to leave the country. I’m not kidding.

  18. nutella toast says:

    …also, as someone approaching 80, he better hope he never faces disabilities from a stroke or a fall because…live by the sword, die by the sword. You already convinced your people that disabled persons are worthless…

  19. Anonymous says:

    No words. And there are so many people that love this man. I’ve said it before but my sister puts her kids in trump clothes and I’m so deeply horrified. Trump has really shaken my belief in humanity. I have to actively remind myself that there are many many people who don’t support this evil.

    Edit- This is Jais! Forgot to enter my info🙄. Also just found out my sister doesn’t want her kids to watch Bluey? I’m so confused. Is bluey too woke?

    • BeanieBean says:

      Apparently there was an episode featuring a pregnancy & explanation of giving birth, which I’m guessing is too far for trumpians.

  20. Elsa says:

    This makes my blood boil. I have many special needs kids in my family. He is evil.

  21. Xiolablue1971 says:

    I have spent my career in special education, it is my life’s work. Value as a human is not measured by ability. Caring for our most vulnerable, and ensuring they are prioritized shows the character and strength of a community. Trump has shown time and time again that he has neither character nor strength. This is unsurprising. He is absolutely vile.

  22. TN Democrat says:

    The magat movement has destroyed the fabric of our society. I worked with people with disabilities for decades. Prior to the rise of the orange clown, people in the community always treated the people I worked with respectfully. After the orange menance rose from the depths of hell, trash felt emboldened to make nasty comments in the comunity. The extreme irony is that most of the people making nasty comments are dependent on the social services tRump and the tech bros are going to cut. Magat really is a cult. Please vote blue. Please read about how the two Justins were treated in the Tennessee legislature. That is the magat agenda. The magat Republicans are power mad and treat anyone not pushing their backward agenda as lessers. In the year 2024 no one should have to be told that women, LBGTQ people, poc and people with disabilites are not less than white men.

  23. KBeth says:

    He’s such a repulsive lard ass.

  24. Traveller says:

    This is no surprise. This is who he is – he has shown us time and time again. This is who he surrounds himself with and the population of voters he attracts (the heartless and the power-hungry, greed monger).
    The rise of Nazi Germany is their playbook. Make no mistake, they are aiming for the formation of a Fourth Reich.

  25. Lindsay says:

    I’m never surprised or affected by how low he goes because I absolutely expect it.
    What breaks me are those who support him.
    People I knew and currently know who feel these exact same ways about human beings with disabilities.
    How they absolutely love that he says these things out loud so they don’t have to.
    I will expire from this life being completely dumbfounded that there are other people walking among us with this much cruelty within their souls.

  26. CruzMom says:

    F*ck this Nazi. My son has a very rare chromosome deletion and is profoundly disabled. He has brought deeper meaning and more joy to our lives than we could have imagined possible. He unequivocally knows who we are, and he is both loving and deeply loved. He even knows and loves his MAGA grandparents, who I may never speak to again if they vote for this monster a second time.

    And to be abundantly clear, for him to die, we would have to murder him. I guess Trump thinks that is fine since I gave birth to him first.

    He can f*ck all the way off.

  27. Andrea says:

    Anyone who supports him unless they aren’t on social media/never watch the news and blindly just vote Republican, their morals and character are in question for me now, including family members. Anyone who is ok with THIS type of rhetoric along with all the other hateful stuff is truly not an upstanding person nor someone I want to even be casually acquainted with.

    • BlueToile says:

      @Andrea, I understand. I spent about 9 months of 2017 crying because I was so hurt, confused, and angry at my own family (with exception of husband and adult kids), my husband’s Latino family, lifelong friends, and my own church “family”. All of them were revealed to be Trump supporters, aka hateful, angry, greedy, immoral. I truly lost almost everyone. I cut them all off. I would rather die alone on a cold concrete floor than surrounded by people only pretending and hiding their ugly souls. To this day they still try to defend themselves and their choices and paint me as the problem. Not happening.

    • MoonTheLoon says:

      You mean you haven’t questioned their morals before? It takes losing your ethics entirely to even think this fool was the best choice for anything but jail. It’s not like he’s ever been anything else all his public life.

    • Christine says:

      Same. I will no longer associate with anyone self-identifying as maga, I don’t care who they are.

  28. not surprised says:

    He’s just saying the quiet part out loud. A lot of people have the same ableist thoughts to a lesser or greater degree. They just don’t voice them.

    This is why he’s popular. Unfortunately, a lot of people think this way and would wipe out people like me with eugenics if they could.

    • BeanieBean says:

      You know, I’ve just had a double-hit from these people. Yesterday I learned I’m not valued because I’m a woman who is childfree; now I hear I have no value and should maybe just die because I have a disability. Sh*t, this is scary. We cannot let these people take over, we just can’t.

  29. Latine says:

    1. At least he stayed for a full meeting. Most people only stay like 10 minutes. I’m not exaggerating. People are very dismissive of people with special needs. I cried over how my cousin was treated.

    2. A big help to the disability community would be a change in how working while disabled is handled. Instead of eventually kicking them off ssi/ssdi how about just pausing benefits. If someone makes over $1550.00 in a month they will eventually be kicked off ssdi. The amount is way lower for ssi. Instead of kicking them off just pause benefits and if they can’t work again they just notify social security. This would be life changing. A disabled person may only be able to work a few months a year. Yet if they do this too often they will be kicked off and forced to totally reapply. Most people can’t chance that.

    A person on disability will most likely end up homeless multiple times because they can’t pay rent and medicine. By allowing them to pause benefits they can apply for jobs over the cap and if they get fired they won’t end up homeless.

  30. Steph says:

    So he wants to force people to have babies but let those babies die if they are born with disabilities? He’s such a sociopath

    • Anna says:

      I can explain further because we have the same idiots in my country- he would probably also ban prenatal testing, as it can lead to abortions. You know, when you decide not to give birth to severely disabled child. Because you can just kill it afterwards. And if you you older, or have more than one pregnancy with disabled foetus, you might end up with no children and lost chance to have one. And then you will be useless childless woman. This in short how their brains “work”.

  31. JJP says:

    He is a monster. He has already done so much damage to this country, it’s awful.

  32. HuffnPuff says:

    Not surprising. Just like him and all Republicans to want to address real problems with harsh solutions. Not enough babies? Force women to give birth. Not enough laborers? Loosen child labor laws. Too much crime? Build more prisons. We can all see where this is going. The same people who screamed about non-existent death panels in ACA and continue to scream about aborted fetuses are fine with offing people they deem as unimportant, different or burdensome. That brush paints pretty broadly too so don’t assume you are safe because you aren’t disabled or LGBTQ+ or Black.

    • olliesmom says:

      That sums it up right there “…….unimportant, different or burdensome”.

      But they seem to think that they will be ok because the voted for him and he will know it. What they don’t realize is that he doesn’t care and they are nothing to him.

  33. Minnieder says:

    Right. So a pregnant woman carrying a child with severe abnormalities that is unable to survive after birth can no longer choose to terminate the pregnancy; she’ll give birth and watch her baby die or know that her child will be somehow terminated AFTER it’s born?!?

    • olliesmom says:

      It’s all about controlling and being cruel to as many people as they can along the way.

  34. pottymouth pup says:

    Sadly, the knowledge he said this and feels this way (he’s made similar comments about not wanting to see injured veterans) will not dampen the enthusiasm of any Trump supporter. These are the same people who claimed that democrats would create death panels and have spent the last 4+ years pretty much saying that the elderly and people who aren’t perfectly healthy should just die from COVID (either “to help the economy” or because they didn’t want to be inconvenienced to minimize COVID)

  35. Daf says:

    This is why I find hard to even be in the same room as someone who is republican. I don’t think I will ever be able to forgive these people.

  36. Rachel says:

    My crappy FIL is a MAGAT and during the Fetterman/Oz election, he was saying things like “ that Fetterman can’t even talk, he’s stupid”. Mind you, my autistic sons(his grandkids) were in the car, one of whom is essentially non speaking at this point while he works to acquire his language, and I go, “I’d be real careful there. Your grandson is non speaking, do you think he’s stupid?” That shut him up (for that one instance). I’ve had to shut him down multiple times and it pisses me off every single time. Ugh! For them to support someone so vile, just makes me sick

  37. paddingtonjr says:

    He is sick. He’s talking about killing his own flesh and blood, his brother’s grandson, his great-nephew, because money from the family trust is being used. He’s worried about money over human decency.

  38. Lulu says:

    This is totally on brand for someone who denigrates those risking their lives serving in military.

  39. Anonymous says:

    So would he tell that to our shitty governor who’s in a wheelchair🙄

  40. jo73c says:

    that’s the kind of person you get when your father is a nazi-sympathising eugenicist. who’s surprised?