Hugh Grosvenor criticized for not picking up the security bill for his wedding

Hugh Grosvenor married Olivia Henson back in June. They are now the Duke and Duchess of Westminster, with an inherited fortune in excess of $12 billion, mostly in real estate. Hugh and Olivia married at Chester Cathedral, not far from his family’s estate, Eaton Hall. Eaton Hall was where the Grosvenors hosted the wedding reception, and I’m just now realizing that we still haven’t seen any photos from the reception. We only got these photos of Hugh, Olivia and their guests posing outside Chester Cathedral. They really rolled out the plywood for their big day. Well, the point is that the wedding service was held at a church and that the public came out to celebrate as well, so of course the local police were there for crowd-control and to ensure that the guests were all safe (guests including Prince William). The fact that taxpayers have subsidized a billionaire’s wedding security-costs has not gone over well though.

The lavish wedding of one of Britain’s richest men the Duke of Westminster has been slammed after it emerged that taxpayers will have to pay the cost of policing it. Prince William was usher and Princess Eugenie was in attendance when Hugh Grosvenor – whose fortune is estimated at £10billion – tied the knot with Olivia Henson at Chester Cathedral in the society wedding of the year. But despite the duke’s vast wealth, Cheshire police say they won’t ask him for a contribution towards security for the event – and will make local council taxpayers foot the bill.

The move was slammed by Evan Morris, chair of the Cheshire Police and Crime Panel, who fumed: ‘We’re looking at very, very substantial costs for policing that wedding. It took nine months to plan and Cheshire police haven’t managed to put a price on the cost.’

The move was also blasted by the Taxpayers’ Alliance who called on the duke to put his hand in his pocket. Spokesman William Yarwood said: ‘Taxpayers will feel let down by the duke’s stinginess. The cost of policing this event was huge and for ordinary Brits to foot the whole bill feels deeply unfair. A contribution to these costs would be a noble act of patriotism from the Duke.’

Details of the costs emerged at a meeting of Cheshire’s Police and Crime Panel. The force said they considered the wedding a public event, comparing it to a football match as their main role involved policing crowds outside the Cathedral. The force also admitted that it had no idea of the overall cost of the policing operation. In a written response to a question on the figures involved, the force said: ‘There has been no formal approach to the Duke of Westminster regarding contributions made, following legal advice concerning NPCC (National Police Chiefs’ Council) Guidance for Special Policing Services. The central principle is that the police cannot charge for services which fall within their ordinary public duty.’

[From The Daily Mail]

I don’t really care one way or the other, mostly because I can see both sides – Hugh and Olivia wanted to highlight the Chester community and have their wedding at the local church, and of course the local police force would be criticized if they weren’t part of the proceedings and something happened. That being said, I do sort of wonder why Hugh and Olivia didn’t offer to cover some or all costs ahead of time. Wouldn’t that be similar to Prince Harry’s issue though? He’s suing the police because he wants their protection AND he wants to be able to pay back the costs incurred. The police have said no to protecting him and no to covering the costs.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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52 Responses to “Hugh Grosvenor criticized for not picking up the security bill for his wedding”

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  1. molly says:

    At some point these people will have to see the tide is really turning. The taxpayers are tired of picking up all these tabs. They no longer hold the royals in the esteem (or fear?) they once did. Will they ever recognize this?

    • MsIam says:

      These people aren’t even royal. I thought I read that there were some public events where celebrities did have to pay for things like police overtime? Concerts and things? Maybe I’m wrong on that.

      • Emme says:

        PLUS there were snipers on all roof tops, police and dogs checking everything for bombs, all water drains were sealed up days before hand, etc etc all because Willy was there. THAT extra (enormous) expense should be paid by the bloody royal family! 😡

    • Anna says:

      I would say they no longer hold the royals in esteem. Keep in mind, Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip were both WWII veterans. Their era was one where the country pulled together during a very difficult time. The Royals behavior during WWII: insisting on following rationing, their home was also bombed, their family members served and some died in the war. This cemented the Royal Family’s place for that era as they were seen to have suffered along with the rest of the country.

  2. ML says:

    If I were a taxpayer there, I would definitely want the billionaire to pay for his own security instead of doing it for him on his wedding day. Why should I foot some of his wedding expenses?

    • Jan90067 says:

      Seems the richer you are, the cheaper you are (in *general*). For someone who has BILLIONS, he couldn’t have that tacky plywood covered with carpeting, or even fake grass? It is beyond cheap looking.

      That said, he *should* be paying for *at least* 3/4s of the bill for security. His guests, his wedding, his bill. The cost would be the change he finds in his sofa.

      • Elisabeth says:

        If you zoom in, the plywood is covered with matching Berber-type carpeting. So weird!

    • Original penguin says:

      He didn’t pay inheritance tax on his huge estate either – people remember that

      • BeanieBean says:

        What?? Why not??? Does anybody? Because if this guy didn’t I don’t see why anyone else would have to.

      • Becks1 says:

        how did he get around that??

      • Lily says:

        The estate is paying inheritance tax in installments.

        The reported taxes rumor the estate didn’t has been well destroyed. Please don’t repeat it.

    • Lau says:

      We’re talking about one of the richest men in the UK so he shouldn’t be getting any cookie for “[highlighting] the Chester community” I think.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Seems a bit…well, the very definition of hoity-toity. I’m doing you peasants a favor by holding my wedding in your quaint little town.

      • Lau says:

        “Be glad of it, peasants ! Take to the streets to celebrate me, peasants !”

  3. Brassy Rebel says:

    The wedding security issue aside, think of all the good this couple could do for the people of the UK with $12 billion. And still have plenty left over.

    • Julie says:

      He gave 10M to NHS during the covid pandemic and is involved in numerous charities. His charitable interest (veterans, foods… ) are similar to Harry.

      • Amy Bee says:

        Yeah but he’s also a huge land and property owner who doesn’t pay his fair share of taxes.

      • Emcee3 says:

        While Grosvenor’s charitable interests are admirable, it does not escape me that the millions he gives really don’t place any financial stressors on his very comfortable circumstances. Giving $10M to the NHS hasn’t really eased the fact that doctors, nurses & other NHS employees are struggling to survive on those wages.
        Anand Giridharadas has spoken on how the ultra-wealthy & 1% use charitable donations to launder their reputations as wealth hoarders & leverage it as an argument to avoid paying tax.

      • Becks1 says:

        10 million out of 10 billion really isn’t that much. It’s a nice gesture but let’s be honest, he never missed that money for a second.

      • Lex says:

        It’s not reasonable to expect anyone to donate in a way which puts stresses on their own finances.

        10m is a great donation. But also, he should pay for his own security.

    • fishface says:

      Pretty much all ‘charity’ by rich people is a tax avoidance scheme.

    • Lily says:

      The family does a lot of charity work. Research something before you say something.

      The Duke’s $10 million NHS donation is the largest one to this day. The Grosvenor Foundation is the family’s charitable arm.

      The current Duke also completed his father’s hospital for wounded veterans undergoing treatment and physical therapy.

  4. Julie says:

    Is it not weird that this came out at the same time than the royal’s financials annual report? Does anybody believe the daily fail gave all the information?

  5. ms says:

    I think the brides dress is really cheap looking. And if Meghans wedding dress had a huge exposed back like this bride did, the British media would have calling her a tart and slag all over the place

  6. sevenblue says:

    I wonder if Harry’s protection issue didn’t get so much publicity, would this be news? The tabloids screamed for days that Harry wants the taxpayer to pay for his security. Now these people are thinking, why should we pay for this rich guy’s security? If the police can’t take money, he can pay the council that will foot this bill. How are you gonna provide free service to one of the richest man in the country? That is absurd.

  7. Hypocrisy says:

    So the government/BRF have made the subjects of Britain liable for an outrageous security bill for a billionaire aristocrat just to stick it to the Sussex’s🫣🧐🤨.. did I understand that correctly?

    • Christine says:

      I don’t understand the British people. They are crowing about the fact that Prince Harry isn’t ALLOWED to pay for his own Met security himself, while paying for a billionaire’s wedding day security.

      This would be unbelievable if we hadn’t watched the aristocracy get away with things like this over and over again.

      Snipers on rooftops? Seriously??

  8. Latine says:

    How to get the public to turn on you? Keep essential begging for money. First the taxpayers let him inherent without tax. They then pay him rent. Now they are asked to pay for his wedding which also serves as pr.

    No one should have to ask. The billionaire should cut a community check. He won’t. This is why in the past lords took other lords lands. The townsfolk get sick of them and don’t warn them about danger. At that point they are easy pickings.

    • Lily says:

      The estate is paying inheritance tax in installments.

      The misinformation you repeated has been roundly refuted.

  9. Kristen from MA says:

    Billionaires aren’t generally known for doing the right thing.

  10. Amy Bee says:

    I think this ends the narrative that individuals don’t pay for police protection and it begs the question why the courts ruled against Harry’s request to pay for police protection when he’s in London.

  11. Ameerah M says:

    He may give a lot to charity – but he also TAKES more than he gives. He paid no inheritance tax on his massive fortune- and I can guarantee he doesn’t pay all that much in taxes in general. He owns land that people have to PAY him to reside on. And now taxpayers have to pay for his massive wedding security bill?

  12. Lucky Charm says:

    So the police won’t even consider asking this Duke to help pay for any security costs, yet the King’s own son isn’t allowed appropriate security that he’s volunteered to pay for? Yeah, that makes all kinds of sense….SMDH

  13. Pinkosaurus says:

    Cheshire Police need to re-evaluate their definition of public event. Unless the public are invited or have an opportunity to buy a ticket, it is NOT a public event and the event planners need to plan and pay for their own security.

  14. Jais says:

    Hugh could pay for the security. But if that was the case, then Harry should be allowed to pay for his security too. And they can’t have that. It’s a bad look imo, that Hugh didn’t even offer.

  15. Tursitops says:

    I saw the photo before I read the headline. Straight-up truth: I genuinely thought that the story was about a lesbian whom I didn’t recognize from that small headshot.

    • maggie says:

      He does give that impression, doesn’t he? I thought it was just me who thought that.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      @Tursitops, the small inset picture reminded me of a girl I went to school with. She was in the top 3 of our graduating class. Smart AF. Sophomore year the uber jocks were chasing after her. She paid them no mind. My 15 year old self asked her, “So and so is interested in you, what do you think?”. Her response, “Not interested.”. Took that to mean to not be interested in jocks. Which isn’t terrible advice. Made me rethink certain high school dynamics. Anyhoo, that pic propelled me to look her up.
      She is very well respected in her field. Looks almost the same as she did 40 plus years ago and has a beautiful wife, who is also respected in her field. They do a lot of volunteering and charity work-a big focus on teens in crisis.

  16. Mslove says:

    There should be a reality show called “Help, the Government has Stopped Subsidizing Me!” We could watch the sad billionaires cry & complain about paying taxes and helping peasants live better lives.

  17. Becks1 says:

    If the event required security, Hugh should have paid for it privately. Letting the local taxpayers pick up the bill is just super stingy.

    If he can’t pay the police directly for the security costs for whatever reason, he should make a nice donation to a local community center or something in the town that is the same as the security costs.

  18. TN Democrat says:

    This is the UK version of Wal-Mart decimating small businesses AND benefiting from all manner of tax breaks while refusing to pay employees a living wage and forcing tax payers to pay the difference in the form of medicaid, food stamps and other government programs while the Walton family run amok and throw money at various dumpster fires. EAT THE RICH AND TAX THESE F@#$ERS!!!

    • Bamaborn says:

      Truth, TN Democrat. My son can’t understand why I won’t set foot in a Wal-Mart; he says I’m going to run out of options and starve to death. Lol! Can’t forget them setting up trailers on their lots so employees could go in and sign up for food stamps and Medicaid. The gall of some people.

    • Christine says:

      Well said!!!

  19. Thelma says:

    Can’t get over the tacky carpeted plywood. Big fail.

  20. Peanut Butter says:

    C’mon, people don’t get to become and remain billionaires by ever paying for anything they don’t have to and for which they don’t perceive significant benefit to themselves. This is just smart billionaire money management!

    I’d be mortified to cost taxpayers such expense, but that’s just part of my dumb regular-person money-mismanagement scheme and why I’m in zero danger of becoming wealthy.

    • Libra says:

      True. They don’t pay because they feel entitled. Story about Ethel Kennedy; skiing with children and friends at Thanksgiving. 2 staff members who were assigned to their rental were off on the holiday but Ethel asked them to shop, prepare their food and serve it at as had not made previous arrangements with a cook. The staff members did so believing they would be compensated. No. Not only not paid but stiffed for the grocery bill. Heard this story years ago.

  21. Yvette says:

    I immediately noticed that the Bridesmaids aren’t wearing socks or stockings or tights. Interesting, since little Bridesmaids going bare-legged in British weddings is supposedly against British protocol. Funny that. Funny, funny, funny.

    • Lex says:

      This isn’t a royal wedding. British is different to royal….

    • Lily says:

      They aren’t royal. They don’t have to follow royal protocol.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        @Lily, where is the “royal protocol rulebook”? I’ve (lol) looked for it. It seems it’s ever changing depending on the person involved.imo The BRF does look to the aristos and what they do. The BM made a a big deal about Hugh Grosvenor’s wedding being a very important event. The social event of the season was claimed. The British aristocracy is a guideline Kate et al tries to follow. Not the other way. The bridesmaids going bare-legged in this wedding, is a choice. A choice a lot of people would agree with.

        That said, Hugh should foot the bill for security with his gobs of $$$$$$$$$$$.

  22. EllenOlenska says:

    I guess my question is would the public security forces have been there in the amount that they were if they weren’t having William as a guest. To me, that amount might be partly their cost…but if 95% was due to William attending that needs to somehow be socialized to the royal family.