“Timothee Chalamet is really singing in the ‘A Complete Unknown’ trailer” links

The trailer for A Complete Unknown was released and that’s really Timothee Chalamet singing as Bob Dylan. You guys… this biopic might be the real deal? [Buzzfeed]
A rave review of AppleTV’s Lady in the Lake, starring Natalie Portman. [Pajiba]
This year’s Venice Film Festival should be all about the A-list ladies! [LaineyGossip]
Olympians keep showing off their cardboard beds in Paris. [Jezebel]
James McAvoy & the new Speak No Evil trailer. [JustJared]
Oh, I didn’t know Daniel Craig would do all that. [Socialite Life]
What is Charli XCX’s “Apple” dance trend? [Hollywood Life]
Nickelback loves Ryan Reynolds. [Seriously OMG]
Madonna wore Saint Laurent to the Deadpool premiere. [RCFA]
Comedian John Early covers Aaliyah’s “Rock the Boat.” [OMG Blog]

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28 Responses to ““Timothee Chalamet is really singing in the ‘A Complete Unknown’ trailer” links”

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  1. Tashiro says:

    I just saw this trailer yesterday on youtube and I was wondering if he was singing because in the trailer it sounds like Bob Dylan is singing.

  2. yupyup says:

    Who is he related to ? They are really trying to make him happen. He is young and can work on his craft but he is not the best young talent out there and keep casted in “give me youngest Oscar winner” parts again and again. He is ok at best.

    • girl_ninja says:

      I respectfully disagree. Timothee is really good at this acting thing. One of the best of his generation.

      • TRex says:

        girl_ninja – I completely agree. This trailer gave me goosebumps.

        He’s an amazing actor and eats nearly every scene he’s in.

    • Jaded says:

      Correction, he’s already happened.

    • Michael says:

      I am surprised it is him singing. I like Bob Dylan and when I saw the trailer I went to pull up the original song and thought they sounded a little different. Timothy has a nice voice if that is really him. I never watched the Johnny Cash Biopic simply because I hated that the lead used his own vocals instead of lip-syncing but Bob did not have a terrific voice and I enjoy the covers of his songs as much or more than the original versions. So this will work for me

      • holly says:

        Michael, if you can put aside the fact that it’s Joaquin Phoenix’s voice you will hear, I recommend the film. He and Reese Witherspoon are great together. I’m not a music/biopic fan, but I really liked this film.

    • uh huh says:

      Yeah, there’s something fishy going on with Timothy Calamities. He’s a mediocre actor and is coasting on his (debatable) good looks.

      He may not be a Coppola or a Barrymore, but he definitely has powerful connections.

    • Latine says:

      His mother is/was a casting person and his father is something. They have France/English/ American ins.
      They really hit the ground running with him in terms of him being with famous people. He might be a good fit for this Dylan biopic but Dune should’ve definitely went to someone else.

    • sevenblue says:

      His uncle is Rodman Flender, a director who worked with Conan O’Brien. Conan talked about meeting Timothee in a party through his uncle before he blew up. I think he has a lot of connections in the entertainment industry.

    • Tanguerita says:

      are you satire

    • Justme says:

      I totally agree the powers to be are desperately trying to make him happen. I couldn’t finish watching Dune, I turned it off. I saw him in a role which he played a king and I just laughed. One thing the powers that be forget is if we don’t watch or buy tickets, the person never happens.

    • chameleon/comedian says:

      “yupyup” and “uh huh” seem like the same person unnecessarily dragging him.

      Come on, Timothee is a very compelling actor. The final scene in Call Me By Your Name where he cries in front of the fireplace is so, so good.

      • yupyup says:

        Is it because we didn’t agree with you ? We are not the same person. I didn’t trash him but he isn’t that good in anything he has done. Glad you liked that one scene. To each their own.

    • Josephine says:

      He’s pretty middle of the road to me. There are certainly worst but I’ve seen better as well. I think the real problem is that Hollywood seems to just hire the same people over and over regardless of who else might be out there. They pick a few people to push hard, the PR machine kicks into overdrive, and the audience gets stuck with a lack of variety. I guess backing a few average horses is the better longterm strategy.

    • Armoire says:

      He’s ok in Dune, but Dune 2 proved he’s got nothing on Austin. Answer is simple. He’s sill riding on the tails of his first hit with Armie Hammer. Those Powers That Be in Hollywood still push him due to that film. Too bad he’s destroyed that goodwill by enjoying being Kylie Jenner’s jetsetting toyboy. He will probably take a second role where he plays for the same team. He needs to to keep the goodwill going.

      • SarahCS says:

        I really enjoyed him in the first Dune but they lost me a bit in the second and it was only after reading a write up after (I haven’t read the books) that I realised quite what the big final showdown represented. I hadn’t got that from watching the scene other than a bit of ‘really, ditching Zendaya???’.

  3. mouse says:

    Do we really need a new Bob Dylan biopic? He has like four biopics already, right? Honestly, you watch Walk Hard and that’s basically all biopics ever. We don’t need more.

    Benedict Cumberbatch really dodged a bullet with this one.

    • North of Boston says:

      To clarify, Cumberbatch was attached to play Pete Seeger (Edward Norton’s role) not Dylan.

    • Scotchy says:

      We absolutely do not need another biopic on Dylan especially another one that omits just how influenced he was by black female folk/country/blues singers so much so that he covered an black female artists song and doesn’t really credit her. He was a menace.

  4. Becks1 says:

    As a Baltimorean, I am enjoying Lady in the Lake. I think I need to rewatch the first two episodes though bc I started to lose track of characters. But its fun to hear references to these streets and neighborhoods where I grew up.

  5. Satchel says:

    Nailed it

  6. KD says:

    The cover of “Rock the Boat” is stellar!!!

  7. J. Ferber says:

    I only saw Timothee playing Laurie in Greta Gerwig’s wonderful Little Women and he was really a weak link, in my opinion. Florence Pugh played Amy, and Timothee was definitely mediocre, as others have said in the above comments.

    • Aurora says:

      While I think Chalamet is actually talented and is just suffering a case of It Boy, Pugh’s acting is at another level.

    • MaisiesMom says:

      I grew up with the 1990s version, with Winona Ryder as Jo and Christian Bale as Laurie. Timothee had BIG shoes to fill and he didn’t succeed. He’s a good actor, but certainly not a great one. Maybe he’ll get there. But he’d be nowhere without his connections.

      To be fair Bale is just a remarkable talent. His first role was in Steven Spielberg’s “Empire Of The Sun,” which I loved. He was about 12 years old and the protagonist. Though he had a strong supporting cast and obviously a great director, what he was able to accomplish in that role at such a young age was incredible.

  8. EM says:

    Edward Norton is really nailing Pete Seeger too. He had a really distinctive way of speaking and I recognized it immediately.