Did JD Vance have romantic relations with a couch? Many people are saying.

This week has been so amazing because of the rise of Vice President Kamala Harris and the fall of the Trump/Vance ticket. I maintain that the Trump team did next to no vetting on JD Vance before selecting him as Donald Trump’s running mate. Let’s keep it real – it was always going to be difficult to find a Republican willing to do it, especially given that Trump tried to get his cult members to hang his last vice president. JD Vance is just the kind of soulless weirdo who would agree to it, and he came with all of that financial backing from Peter Thiel.

Well, one week after the Republican National Convention and buyer’s remorse has set in bigly. Vance is terrible and awkward on the campaign trail. He has a long history of saying completely awful sh-t, like his mockery of “childless cat ladies.” Axios has a story where unnamed Republicans are bemoaning Trump’s choice and wondering why the hell he didn’t choose Glenn Youngkin (loser), Nikki Haley (lol), Marco Rubio (hahaha) or North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum (WHO?). These Republicans acknowledge that Vance “doesn’t add much” to the ticket. Other Republicans – even current MAGA people – are acknowledging that Vance was a completely sh-tty choice. Rumors abound that Trump wants to find a way to dump Vance from the ticket but I don’t think he would be able to do it?

Meanwhile, Vance is quickly becoming something of a Sarah Palin-esque figure of mockery. Earlier this week, someone completely made up a story that Vance had sex with a couch and that Vance originally wrote about that couch-sex in Hillbilly Elegy, only for the story to be edited out. None of it was true, but the Associated Press ran a story saying “JD Vance never had sex with a couch” which the AP THEN DELETED because while the story was made up, they could not definitively say that JD Vance has never f–ked a couch. So… that’s why there have been so many couch jokes this week.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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129 Responses to “Did JD Vance have romantic relations with a couch? Many people are saying.”

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  1. Tessa says:

    Vance makes Palin look good if that is at all possible
    And he makes dan Quayle look like a scholar.

    • TN Democrat says:

      Isn’t it just wonderful that tRump picked such a LOSER! I was so downcast about the RNC until this idiot and his verbal diarrhea started actually getting media coverage. Vote blue!

      • Megan says:

        Peter Thiel and Elon Musk bought Vance’s place on the ticket. Once Kamala Harris became the presumptive nominee Musk did a cut and run and said he wouldn’t be giving Trump $45 million a month as promised.

      • BlueNailsBetty says:

        @Megan I hate Elno but I love that he pulled a Donald and financially shafted Trump’s campaign. After all these decades of Trump not following through and paying workers/contractors/businesses/cities it’s nice to see someone screw over Trump.

      • Gabby says:

        Trump choosing Vance as his running mate is a gift. And it’s turning out to be a bigger gift with each passing day

    • Lulu says:

      I saw that Palin-esque comment on twitter and died. At least it took more than a week for her true self to come out. She made her speech at the convention, the teleprompter was out and she winged it perfectly. We were all scared of her, until Katie Couric asked her what magazines she reads and Sarah, looking like a deer in the headlights said, ‘all of them’. Then claimed it was a ‘gotcha question’. Good times.

      • deering24 says:

        Ehehe. Sarah Palin wrecking McCain’s presidential campaign was one of the most hilarious political crash-and-burns ever. And richly deserved, for you just know she was a basic Mean Girl in school–and no one wanted her a heartbeat away from anything.

    • snappyfish says:

      Vladimir Futon

  2. ML says:

    I saw that JD Vance might secretly be heterosectional.

    • Becks1 says:


    • Jks says:


    • TN Democrat says:

      Comment of the year! I just spit out my coffee and have to go clean up. Hahaha hahaha 😆 😂 🤣 😅

    • lamejudi says:

      Tweet this if you haven’t already!🤣🤣🤣

    • ncboudicca says:

      STAHP!! LOL

      This made my day 🙂

    • Jan90067 says:

      Seems more “BI-sectional” to me, I mean, considering he’s now married to a woman.

    • SarahCS says:

      Oh my goodness, those tweets and your comment. What a great end to my week!

    • Veronica S. says:

      Somebody on YouTube called him a “sectional predator.”

      This is a good joke because it’s so obviously a hoax, yet by having to address it at all, you’re already losing because it means people see you as somebody capable of having sexual relations with a couch.

      • Becks1 says:

        Kaiser shared on X a quote about LBJ, something about how he wanted to start a rumor that his opponent slept with a pig or something. And the aide’s response was “but we know that’s not true, he didnt do that” and LBJ said “yes but I want him to have to come out and deny that he’s a pigf*cker.”

        That’s how this is – if you have to deny that you’re a couchf8cker, then you’re already losing.

      • deering24 says:

        And Vance will never live this down because he is showing he is the kind of repressed, uber-religious right-wing creep who _would_ do this stuff. Even a lie can tell the truth. And it’s most satisfying to see a Trump minion suffer the same vile crap-in-the-face tactic that his boss has been smearing people with for years.

    • Christina says:


    • Jacques says:

      In his book, he writes about thinking he’s gay, but he didn’t want to go to hell. So, yes, it appears he is attracted to the same sex.

      • Magdalena says:

        You see, when I heard about Thiel putting up so much money to back him, that was the first thing I thought: he’s probably one of those closeted Republicans who happen to be living “perfect” lives with their perfect wives etc…

    • 80sMercedes says:

      I’m dying. 🤣🤣🤣

      Now all afternoon while I’m trying to get work done, my brain is coming up with random intrusive thoughts like:

      Do you think JD Vance’s safe word is “PIVOT!”? Did he hear “more cushion for the pushin'” and take it seriously?

      My productivity is over for the day, clearly. 😆

    • Whyforthelove says:

      That comment is gold lol

    • harpervalleypta says:

      When he gets that feeling, he wants sectional healing.

    • bisynaptic says:


    • Agreatreckoning says:

      This is all some of the best stuff ever. Thank you all. Two days ago DH and me discussed getting rid of our sectional couch. Well, discussions no longer. Bye, bye.

      @slippers4life, our sectional is also a pull-out. GAH!

    • SIde Eye says:

      Absolutely brilliant. This whole thread, but that comment in particular! I am done!

    • Chrissy says:

      OMG! You win everything, ML! LOL!

  3. equality says:

    I hope the pictured couch was created by AI or something and not a real furniture selection.

  4. LadyMTL says:

    The best one I saw was “No wonder he doesn’t like cats, have you seen what a cat can do to a couch?” That’s chef’s kiss material right there!

  5. Jks says:

    When they go low…I think it’s time to start some couch jokes.

    I wonder what Usha must be going through. All this humiliation and mockery. I can’t help feel intrigued by her. I read she was previously registered as a democrat at some point.

    • smcollins says:

      Eh, I can only feel so bad for her (which isn’t much at all). She knows who she married.

    • sevenblue says:

      Didn’t she call Kamala “DEI hire”? She is a grifter like her husband. It doesn’t matter she doesn’t actually believe what she is saying.

      • Jks says:

        @SEVENBLUE, seems like she did, and got brutally burnt on Twitter with couch jokes: “now I see why your husband would rather f a couch”.
        Then her account got deleted.

        I wonder if she has even an ounce of integrity left.

      • OriginalMich says:

        That was a fake account that was shut down. Thankfully, a lot of damage had already been done by then ;- )

    • Veronica S. says:

      Rest assured, the kind of women married to these men are exactly the kind of people you expect them to be. Frankly, I’m more embarrassed for her that she actually let this man crawl on top of her to father three children than tell him to go f*ck a couch.

    • Whyforthelove says:

      You guys we are so behind! I double dog dare you to go to Twitter and look up JD Vance and his relationship wit dolphin porn I can’t nowhere are couches with dolphins on them on Twitter …

    • deering24 says:

      She’s equally awful. Clerked for Kavanaugh and Roberts. No sympathy at all.

  6. smcollins says:

    Yeah…none of those couch jokes disappointed. I actually laughed harder as I read each one. I soooooo love this for him 😂😂

    • Agnes says:

      I love it for all of us, it’s been a shining gift and briefly Made Twitter Great Again.

  7. Becks1 says:

    I am dying. This is the presidential campaign we deserve. Dark Brandon is back – Biden’s comment about Donald Trump putting bleach on his hair just sent me over the edge. The Dems are fired up and its amazing.

    • Solace says:

      Yayyyy becks!!

      Dark Brandon is back baby!
      And your comments have been fire lately. Lovvve it.

      • deering24 says:

        Dark Brandon has no fucks left to give–and is in the glorious position to not have to. He will make a terrific random wrecking ball to Trump’s campaign.

  8. SussexWatcher says:

    So people have examined the first edition? Because I read it was in the first edition only to be removed for the digital and later editions. Has the publisher denied this? What’s the confirmation that it’s actually false/not in the first edition? 🤔

    I guess either way though, the narrative has stuck to him like glue and the memes are hilarious. I’d love to see Diaper Don try to dump him just to see the chaos that would ensue.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Yeah, I would need proof that it was never in a draft of Hillbilly Elegy. It’s such a weird thing to make up.

    • Agnes says:

      Someone on Twitter posted a shot of page 180 of the first edition of Hillbilly Elegy where J. D. “Vance” details his sectional relationship. Supposedly this passage was removed from the paperback and all subsequent editions, as you say. It’s revolting and hilarious that he’s Trump’s VP.

      • SussexWatcher says:

        Yes Agnes, that’s what I saw too. That’s why I was curious why Kaiser was so sure it’s just made up. I guess that could have been someone creating a fake page from the first edition but I need better confirmation before I’m ready to believe it’s false. Because I totally believe that dude would hump a couch.

      • Agnes says:

        OF COURSE he would! Hahahaha! And he’d think it really “edgelord” to write about it in such repulsive detail. AP wouldn’t have retracted their fact-check if it weren’t true. I’m sure the first editions of Hillbilly Elegy are either sold-out or bought up by Thiel/Musk on eBay,etc.

      • Mcmmom says:

        I have a first edition of the book and no, it’s not on page 180. Not saying it’s not anywhere in there, but it’s definitely not on page 180.

    • DeeSea says:

      “… I’d love to see Diaper Don try to dump him just to see the chaos that would ensue…”

      @SussexWatcher Can you imagine the memes?!? Sofas in dumpsters. Saggy, used up sofas abandoned on the side of the road. Rows of unwanted sofas at Goodwill. OMG it would be comedy gold!

  9. Dude says:

    A hundred years from now, people reading history books are going to think this country was off its rocker. LOL

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      And they would be correct! 🎯

    • Debbie says:

      A HUNDRED years from now?! Come on.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Oh, I fell off my rocker long ago!

    • deering24 says:

      Shoot, ever since Trump got elected, things have been off-the-chain lunatic.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      @Dude, hopefully Larry the Cat will have written his memoir by then. Boris Johnson!lol A head of lettuce outlasted Liz Truss and now she’s stumping for Trump. No lies detected.

      I’ll accept I’m off my rocker agreeing with the Chief Mouser at #10 Downing. At least he chases the foxes away instead of inviting them in. Yea, funny times.

      Agree @deering24.

  10. Jks says:

    I don’t know what’s more humiliating. That AP ran the fact check with that headline, or that they then deleted it!! 🤣🤣🤣

    • pottymouth pup says:

      the funniest thing about that the AP retraction:

      “The archived version of AP’s fact-check also notes that there’s no such passage in the PDF of the book. But there’s also technically no proof that Vance didn’t have sex with a couch — there’s no way a journalist could truly know that. He just didn’t write about it.”

  11. Flowerlake says:

    OMG, I was just reading some jokes about Vance and a couch. Now I understand what that was all about.

    He is such a liability to Trump and I see that Liberals are making full use of that on social media, be it tiny accounts of less than 10 followers to the big ones


    • deering24 says:

      He deserves all of this for that “childless cat ladies shouldn’t be allowed to vote” garbage he keeps spewing…

  12. Mireille says:

    Now I don’t condone violence, but is it me or does he have a punchable face? AP is generally reputable, so I’m guessing they retracted the story because they have found evidence of inappropriate relations between JD Vance and an unsuspecting loveseat.

    • SueBarbri33 says:

      Yeah, that’s my main impression of JD. He has the most punchable face I’ve ever seen. And I’ve seen some!

    • SussexWatcher says:

      Yes, same about not condoning violence but I saw Fucker Carlson interviewing him and literally thought to myself that they had two of the most punchable faces I’ve EVER seen.

    • CatMum says:

      Perhaps someone should explain to him that that’s not what “loveseat” means.

    • WaterDragon says:

      There is something creepy about his eyes, too. He has Michele Bachman level “crazy eyes”.

  13. seaflower says:

    The memes on twitter are absolutely hysterical

    My favorites though are this scene from Grace and Frankie:


    And Trump’s comments about couch time being fun:


  14. nutella toast says:

    The thing is, if he was a halfway decent human being who hadn’t sold his soul and completely backtracked the whole “he’s a Nazi thing”, or 1,000 other stupid things (and yes, I’m a mountain region southerner who is DYING LAUGHING at all the “he ain’t from here” memes), we wouldn’t be biting on the couch cushions. This would be gauche and out of bounds – but he set the boundary so far back, it’s hard to cross it.

  15. Hypocrisy says:

    This is not going away anytime soon.. people are having way to much fun making fun of the “sofa shagger” .. I agree that there is no way that anyone vetted this man before they chose him. His past video and audio clips are a goldmine for the democratic campaign.

  16. Brassy Rebel says:

    I’m so happy we finally have a male version of Sarah Palin.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      I think he’s even worse than Palin because she fired people up and got followers. This dude is as dry as the Sahara Desert! He reminds me of the actor from Die Hard 2 that ran for president and was talking to a room of people and kept asking for applause because NO ONE was engaged. It was painful and hilarious at the same time. Vance is like that – his jokes that don’t land and then his awkward painful laughter at his own terrible jokes.

      Intellectually he may be a boy-Palin, but charisma-wise he’s a crusty old used couch set out on the curb.

      • Tessa says:

        Vance makes Palin look good even though she is annoyimg. But after McCain lost she tried to add to her 15 minutes of fame by going on dancing with the stars watching her daughter bristol and bristol had a reality show. I think Vance will hit the reality shows after the election is over or if Trump drops him from the ticket

  17. Lau says:

    I mean a former British Prime Minister was rumoured to have had sexual relations with a dead pig’s head (it inspired that Black Mirror episode) so I would say that a couch is pretty tame in comparison.

  18. MaisiesMom says:

    They had to come and say he never f**ked a couch. Love that for them.

    Apparently Lyndon Johnson once wanted to accuse an opponent of having had sex with a pig. One his aides said “You can’t just come out and call someone a pig f**ker! Is it even true?!” And Johnson replied “No, I just want to see the son of a b**ch deny it.”

    • Agnes says:

      That’s the kind of Democrat playbook I can get behind, and it seems to be working well in this election cycle lolz

      • Jks says:

        People are so done with “when they go low, we go high”.

      • deering24 says:

        The stakes are way too high to work that way any more.

      • MaisiesMom says:

        LBJ is highly underrated as a POTUS because of Vietnam, even though he wasn’t even in the Oval Office when the decision was made to send in American troops. That was JFK.

  19. BlueNailsBetty says:

    JD Vance needs to be on a sectional offenders lists.

  20. ML says:

    Possibly a dumb question: Trump cannot offload Vance anymore, can he? His argument for getting rid of VP Harris is weak, but no matter how unhinged Vance is, he essentially sounds like Trump, right? Is there any way that Trump could switch up the ticket after the RNC—it’s official now, right? I think that Trump and Vance amplify each other and their weaknesses are going to prove their downfall eventually.

    • ML says:


      This sounds like a bunch of Republicans are panicking. (GOOD.)

      Again if anyone out there knows the answer to this: are they stuck with the couch loving dude?

    • LK says:

      People are saying Trump can’t drop Vance, but we are forgetting when we said “Trump can’t keep his cell phone when he’s president” – he kept it. “A candidate has to release their tax records” – he didn’t. If he wants Vance gone he will pull the same sh**. Hopefully there are actual consequences this time. Let’s start with not being reelected.

      • KC says:

        The deadlines for getting names on ballots hasn’t passed yet, so anything could happen. Once ballots are printed, I don’t know what would happen then if you changed candidates.

      • ML says:

        LK and KC, Thank you very much for responding. I hope he keeps him out of pure stubbornness.

      • deering24 says:

        I would not put it past him to try dumping Vance. Trump is the ultimate stress test for the election system/democracy. The Founders never figured on anyone so venal he’d work the system to death rather than abide by it.

    • Gabby says:

      @ML, I suppose Trump could offload Vance. But that would be admitting he made a mistake, which his fragile ego cannot handle. It may anger Thiel, who will snap that wallet shut faster than the time it takes to get up off the couch.

      Then he would have to swallow his pride in asking a replacement to join the ticket as a backup. Who would accept under those circumstances? Oh right, Tim Scott.

    • Veronica S. says:

      Technically he could “resign” at any time, but they’ve sort of painted themselves into a corner by initially mocking the Biden campaign by saying Vance didn’t need to debate Harris because the Dems were “in disarray.” For him to leave this far in the game after riling everybody up at the convention would make it look like THEY were in disarray and panicking.

      Don’t worry, the nastiness is coming. We’ve already heard a few dog whistles, but the racism and sexism is not to be underestimated when it comes November. We need to make sure that doesn’t happen by getting young people to fight for their future.

  21. Tursitops says:

    Sofa, so good for JD Vance.

  22. Campbelli says:

    Okay I’ve seen a page from his book posted on X, page 180 I think from an earlier edition or something that actually gets pretty specific. Yes I saved it. Yes I sent it to friends and family. This accusation didn’t come out of nowhere.

  23. Emily says:

    Someone on Twitter showed the receipts (I don’t think it was photoshopped). He admitted to it in the first print of his book. A librarian said that it was likely removed from the paperback and any other reprints.

  24. Roo says:

    What makes this clusterfuck even funnier for me is that supposedly Eric and Don Jr. were the ones who pushed their father to choose Vance. He was their choice. If so, this is one more terrible decision by his sons.

    And did anyone see that “enthusiastic” interview of Vance by Junior at Mar A Largo? Junior sure had lots of energy and couldn’t stop talking really fast – almost as if he had pharmaceutical assistance…

    • Nanea says:

      Junior is what happens when your cocaine is on crack and Red Bull.

      Or… with great powder comes great responsibility. Junior’s apparently wasn’t so great.

    • Chantal1 says:

      @Roo. I heard that too, although it was alleged that it was more Don Jr, bc they are friends.

      How will 45 dump Vance while he’s suing Biden and Harris for Biden stepping down (BEFORE being the nominated prez candidate)? These people need remedial everything bc the math ain’t mathing and there’s no logic to be found anywhere.

      • Agnes says:

        These days we’re way past believing in the “six impossible things before breakfast” Mary Poppins prescribed. Can too much weird make your head expand to the point of explosion? I guess we’ll all find out.

  25. Jaded says:

    Jeez…don’t let him near a warm pie!

  26. Brassy Rebel says:

    I really hope that they can’t dump him. I think if there’s a way, they definitely will. This guy is the gift that keeps on giving.

    • Agnes says:

      Peter Thiel really backs winners. Remember Blake Masters? He seemed like a sectional predator, too. The plan was to slip “Vance” into the White House, then trigger the 25th amendment on Trump, and have the perfect Putinist Douchebro to implement every. single. word. of Project 2025. Whoever thought behind all that eyeliner and puffiness lurked something even weirder than Trump?

  27. JudyB says:

    This is wonderful!! Whether he wins or loses, the couch jokes are going to follow him for the rest of his life. And made even funnier because he is such a strait-laced, goody-two-shoes person!!!

  28. Chickadee says:

    Someone on twitter said if Trump can make-up crap like that Democrats are for post-birth abortions — then JD Vance and his couch are fair game. AMEN!