Queen Camilla & Andrew Parker Bowles met up at a Saturday horse race

Well, isn’t this a comfortable sight. Queen Camilla was in Ascot on Saturday to watch the races, and she ran into her ex-husband, Andrew Parker Bowles. I have no idea if they planned it or they just happened to show up at the races on the same day. Both are regulars at various horseraces, so it’s a wonder that these little meet-ups don’t happen more often. While they greeted each other with cheek-kisses, Andrew did not join the queen in the royal box for the races. She was in the royal box with some assorted flunkies and horse people.

Last year, Andrew PB actually went to the coronation, which makes sense because he also went to Camilla and Charles’s 2005 wedding, and he reportedly strutted around like a peacock because his ex-wife married Charles. Now his ex-wife is queen, and she reportedly is still quite “reliant” on APB and they still talk constantly. A few weeks back, Tatler did a big story on the 51st anniversary of Camilla and Andrew’s wedding too. I’m not saying there’s anything there beyond friendly exes and aristocrats who know “the rules,” but still… how modern, right?

All that being said, reportedly APB has been dating Anne Robinson (former hostess of the Weakest Link) in recent months. I don’t know if that’s still happening, but it was back in April and May.

Also: I’ve said many times before that I like Camilla’s housedresses and this one is kind of cute. I like the summer print and her hat.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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25 Responses to “Queen Camilla & Andrew Parker Bowles met up at a Saturday horse race”

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  1. Tursitops says:

    Not a scintilla of morals or ethics between them.

  2. Mayp says:

    Per the DM, the dress is by Suzannah London and the print is “Montecito.”. 🙄

  3. TN Democrat says:

    Camilla and Andrew Parker Bowles would have bever gotten divorced if Charles hadn’t forced the matter with the Jonathan Dimbleby documentary and book. Charles seems like such a fussy stick in the mud. She does seem to have traded down, even though APB was also an avowed cheater.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      Both “men” are absolute piles of wet lettuce, and she knew it. She traded up in her mind, because she traded for the power she could wield as Sidepiece Consort, not for the man himself.

      • Emme says:

        To mangle a well-known saying….Greater love hath no man than he lays down his wife (life) for (another) his king.

  4. equality says:

    Why shouldn’t he be happy? His children and grandchildren are benefiting off the connection.

    • PrincessK says:

      Yes, his children have benefited big time. Charles set up trust funds for both children. The son seems to have been living off his royal connections all his life, getting cookery writing jobs just because his mother is the Kings mistress wife.
      I suppose you could argue that the kids have been thrown into the public eye and so they are entitled to milk it. Although l must say the daughter is more private, she was however in the news after the clothes shop she set up went bankrupt.

  5. Chaine says:

    The dress is better than her normal gear. Presuming someone else picked it for her or that she is dressing more carefree because she is not with Charles, who probably wants her to dress in those fuddy duddy queen uniforms.

  6. Kelly says:

    I can smell the Ben Gay.

  7. SueinOrleans says:

    As always the perfect picture! Camilla the Crazed!

  8. QuiteContrary says:

    Nice to see Camilla with the true love of her life.

  9. StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

    Things are civil, maybe friendly, but not modern, between the divorced camilla parker bowles, Mistress Tampon Queen and her ex husband, Mr. parker bowles.

  10. Jais says:

    Bleh 🤢 to the both of them.

  11. Glitterball1964 says:

    She finally found a decent bra! Also, can we just process how tasteless it is that your ex-husband gets to grapple you and kiss you in public, and she’s supposed to be a ‘Queen’? This is awful optics when you would like to have a clear boundaries between the Crown and its servants. It’s just a tacky clown show for financial scammers.

  12. MC says:

    lol. Yes, a better bra was worn.