Donald Trump: ‘Christians, get out & vote, just this time… then we’ll have it fixed’

It will never be normal to me, to watch right-wing Evangelicals throw their feverish support behind a serial sexual predator, adulterer, twice-divorced, violent hatemonger. I grew up in an era where everyone knew that the American Evangelicals were a right-wing political movement built on hypocrisy, but it’s never been more flagrant than now, with their lock-step support of an unhinged, fascist cult of personality. All of which to say, Donald Trump spoke – by invitation – to the Believers Summit on Friday, and he told them to get out the Christian vote for the last time. As in, make the Christians vote for me this year and no one will ever have to vote ever again. Because America as we know it will be over.

In the closing minutes of his speech to a gathering of religious conservatives on Friday night, former President Donald J. Trump told Christians that if they voted him into office in November, they would never need to vote again.

“Christians, get out and vote. Just this time,” he said at The Believers’ Summit, an event hosted by the conservative advocacy group Turning Point Action, in West Palm Beach, Fla. “You won’t have to do it anymore, you know what? Four more years, it’ll be fixed, it’ll be fine, you won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians.”

Mr. Trump, who never made a particular display of religious observance before entering politics, continued: “I love you, Christians. I’m a Christian. I love you, you got to get out and vote. In four years, you don’t have to vote again. We’ll have it fixed so good, you’re not going to have to vote.”

Mr. Trump’s comments came at the end of a nearly hourlong speech in which he appealed to religious conservatives by promising to defend them from perceived threats from the left. Earlier in his remarks, he lamented that conservative Christians do not vote in large numbers, a complaint he had made repeatedly on the trail. “They don’t vote like they should,” Mr. Trump said of Christians. “They’re not big voters.”

[From The NY Times]

As Aaron Rupar pointed out, this isn’t even the first time Trump has “mentioned” the idea that no one will have to vote anymore if he gets into the White House again. Trump absolutely means it. He’s meant it this whole time. Those were always the stakes of this election: if Trump gets into the presidency again, he will install himself dictator for life. He will cancel all of the elections. His Supreme Court will let him do it too. And he’ll enforce it too, with deadly results. Also: my skin crawled at “my beautiful Christians.” How are true people of faith not disgusted by everything that comes off of this dumbf–k’s mouth?

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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79 Responses to “Donald Trump: ‘Christians, get out & vote, just this time… then we’ll have it fixed’”

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  1. lgt says:

    And here we are again, with very little coverage from the mainstream media. WTF.

    • ML says:

      Tbf, this is all over my feed from US and foreign news outlets. I don’t see it being ignored so much as so much has happened this past week that it’s one of several different news items. It is definitely making headlines though.

      • Mcmmom says:

        I’m definitely seeing it on my US media sources. And, even better, I’m seeing my liberal Christian friends post it on Facebook, saying, “WTF?”

      • ella says:

        Pastors are posting their own videos with all the reasons why Christians should not vote for Trump and the signs that he’s a false prophet. Basically saying we have a “Stage 5 False Prophet Alert!”

        Texas Democrat Minister and Congressman James Talerico did a really good little video: James Talerico Delivers Sermon Against Christian Nationalism

    • Teddy says:

      Seeing it covered and center stage in all the outlets I follow, msm and indie.

    • Mightymolly says:

      Right? This should be the screaming headline of every media source. Why is American media protecting a fascist?

  2. Digital Unicorn says:

    This is what Project 2025 will do – it will replace American democracy with a dictatorship and its something the GOP have been planning for decades. America WILL become Gilead if he wins – Vance and his pay masters will absolutely 25th amendment Trump if they get in. They will not only burn the US but the world with it.

    He keeps telling us what he’s going to do – what will it take for people to believe it.

    • seraphina says:

      I am reading it (P25) – as much as I can stomach of it. I know I have probably done more by reading pieces than most Americans – and I tell them: read it and you will see what they want to do. JUST READ IT or do your due diligence by reading summaries.

  3. Duch says:

    Apparently the plan is to keep it close and have Kamala finish right at 270. Then have the Maine and Nebraska vote not certified (each have trumpist Secretary of State), which throws the decision to the House, where it’s voted straight up and gone, one vote per state. And they win there.

    And then they never have to vote again.

    Learned this from X/twitter so take it for what it’s worth.

    • ML says:

      Duch, Who knows if it’s true, but we have to take it seriously. We watched what happened to the SC. We experienced Roe v Wade being overturned. January 6, 2021, anyone? So, yes, this is something we need to worry about and try to forestall.

    • ML says:

      Stacking the Supreme Court. Getting the Supreme Court to rule in Trump’s favor. Exhibit A, Overturning Roe v Wade. January 6, 2021…

      Duch, True or not, we NEED to take that seriously.

    • lgt says:

      Maine does not have a trumpist secretary of state…she is a Democrat. Signed, someone who lives in Maine

    • pottymouth pup says:

      She wins at 270. They’d have to have a 269 to 269 tie for it to be thrown to the House of Representatives (DC does not get to vote but their vote wouldn’t be enough with our current house full of Trumpublicans)

      • DK says:

        I think the threat here is that if she gets to 270, including any states with Trumpist governors (maybe not ME as mentioned above but there are plenty others), if those states refuse to certify the votes, then she does NOT have 270, even if the will of the voters is that she should.

        And that is not only a plausible GOP plan, but given Trump tried to bully GA’s governor into “finding the votes necessary” for him to win in 2020, this is very likely a strategy for them.

        They want this election to go to the courts bc those judges owe Trump and will hand deliver him the election, even if it’s not the will of the people (heck they did it in 2000 and that was without all the current corruption, there is no way they wouldn’t do it this year).

    • Megan says:

      This is why it is imperative to win back the House. New Congress is sworn in January 3, electoral votes are certified January 6.

    • Jack says:

      There is a video on twitter that the Georgia board of electors is doing the same thing.

    • Purplehazeforever says:

      @Duch…that’s not how it works…270 wins the presidency.

      • Juls says:

        To be fair, when has “that’s not how it works” mattered to the republican fourth reich?

      • Duch says:

        Purple – someone else explained it better above, but let’s say the vote totals show her getting only to 270 – he just has one or more states refuse to certify the results to throw it to the House.

        The way around this is get her to win big, seems to me!

    • StarWonderful says:


  4. Spice cake38 says:

    I’m a Christian ,not religious but of the Christian faith. I would not and will never vote for Trump or any republican ever.
    I’m amazed although I know I shouldn’t be at how the right wing Christian nationalist people have surged into this kind of power that is simply a political movement and nothing to do with Christian principles .

    Watch Bad Faith on Amazon prime if you can it is terrifying and true.Its like 99 cents so very worthy of watching;unfortunately those who need to see it will never see themselves in it.

  5. ML says:

    I figuratively thump my head against a wall every time I talk to someone who’s just like, “That’s just Trump.” We both hear weird isht coming out of his mouth, but only one of us remembers 2016-2021 and takes this seriously.
    Tl:dr—TAKE WHAT HE SAYS SERIOUSLY even though it sounds silly!!!

    As to Christfascists: Our country was founded on religion and capitalism. Trump gets these people what they want, and it’s so creepy and wrong. Morality disappears in these circumstances.

    • Jais says:

      Same. I hate the “that’s just trump” refrain. If a dem said anything close to this stuff, it would be repeated over and over again in the media. With trump, sure it gets noted, but then it’s a shrug and a move on. It rarely gets repeated over and over bc trump has already said something new and ridiculous.

  6. Libra says:

    He is terrifying, yet people I know support him. Educated people, some belonging to my church. Why? What are intelligent thinkers missing?

    • OriginalMich says:

      They don’t actually understand what the changes in things like Project 2025 or the destruction of our government institutions will mean for them and their lives. Americans have never lived through the horrors of what will happen and don’t believe that Venezuela-like (and worse) situations can happen here. They think their lives will just carry on as they know it but even better because others will be getting hurt. That isn’t reality but they are so tied to their tribe that they can’t see it.

      • orangeowl18 says:

        Yes, I’d also add that they consume biased sources that have normalized Trump (actually the mainstream media has done a pretty decent job of normalizing Trump, too), such as the Wall Street Journal op ed page, so they are able to rationalize the choice to support someone so disgusting.

    • EllenOlenska says:

      They are thinking “ but my taxes are too high” and they secretly are starting to believe the welfare mother trope and their precious white kid who started life on third base didn’t get into his first choice college. And they figure they’ll always have the $ to help their teenage daughters if they get “in trouble”.

      And what’s even scarier is I know several who took full advantage of roe v. Wade who will vote for Trump. Because their husband is worried about taxes.

  7. equality says:

    “Mr. Trump, who never made a particular display of religious observance before entering politics..” This says it all. He is more akin to a cult leader than a Christian. Those following him aren’t Christians. They are cultists.

    • pottymouth pup says:

      he actually said that he’s not a Christian at the summit. THAT they’re OK with, just as they’re OK with rich white men not even trying to put up a show of being “good Christians”. What they want is their pound of flesh and the most generous interpretation of Trump’s words are that the reason Christians “won’t ever have to vote again” is because the US will be under the Christian “biblical law” the base wants. If blue states don’t enact the legislation the Christofascists want, things will be imposed at the federal level. Even though the right owns the court, Trump would probably still add to it and SCOTUS will always give the favorable ruling to the Christofascists (they haven’t even hidden what they’v done or how corrupt the conservatives on the court are this past year)

      They can still have elections but those elections will essentially be shams with accusations of fraud if the Trump/his successors don’t like the results

      THAT is what Trump promised


  9. Hypocrisy says:

    Well he turned the Villages blue so hopefully people are taking his threats seriously. He will destroy the constitution, our country will collapse along with the economy if he is elected. He will keep saying these things, we can’t afford not to believe them. (In all the videos and transcripts I have seen it is clear he said he is “not a Christian”..)

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      I saw The Villages video this morning. It made my heart sing! They needed traffic cops. 😂

      • Hypocrisy says:

        I am still shocked, in the best way.. I live in Florida and Trump voting neighbors don’t have signs in their yards anymore.. I know one is supporting VP Kamala Harris, hopefully the others are also.. either way I will be knocking on their doors soon canvassing the neighborhood.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Hypocrisy, that’s what I heard, too. That he said, “I’m not a Christian”.

    • lucy2 says:

      I thought he said “I’m not a Christian too” but even if he’d said it clearly, it wouldn’t matter to his delusional supporters.

      I went down a rabbit hole on TikTok last night and found a lot of women posting that they used to be conservative but are voting for Kamala Harris this time, which solid explanations how they got from there to here.
      I also saw a really lovely video with an older woman reminding women everywhere- the ballot booth is private. If you’re married to a trumper, if you’re expected to vote for him, if you’re a blue dot in a sea of red, if you have always considered yourself conservative but KNOW trump is bad…the ballot booth is private. Do whatever you need to do to get by, day to day, but in that booth, make a decision you know is right, that you can live with.

    • bisynaptic says:

      It’s not clear what came out of his mouth, but I’d go with “not”.

  10. Mcmmom says:

    I don’t get it. I think of myself as an empathetic person and try to put myself in someone else’s shoes, but this one baffles me. I am a Christian and I don’t understand how you can hear *anything* this guy says and think it aligns with your faith.

  11. Midnight@theOasis says:

    Evangelicals have always been false Christians. Jesus would denounce them. They simply use religion to further their political objectives…mainly the subjugation of everyone else. Thing is, they’ve been making a lot of inroads and progress towards their agenda. They’ve gotten a right wing majority on the Supreme Court and overturned Roe v Wade. They’ve been insidious and strategic using people’s inherent racism and sexism to advance their agenda.

    The whole Project 2025 has its roots in the radical Catholic group Opus Dei :

    • Hypocrisy says:

      If you didn’t read that and became even more terrified you really need to start studying up on these radical extremist groups..

    • Blithe says:

      I’ve been wondering why Vance chose to convert to Catholicism so recently. This article explains a LOT. Thanks for posting it Midnight@theOasis.

  12. Brassy Rebel says:

    In my eighth decade on earth, I have obviously seen dozens, if not hundreds, of presidential candidates come and go. I do not recall any of them saying, “Vote for me, you will never need to vote again; it will be fixed.” Why is this not the headline everywhere in the world, but especially here, Ground Zero in the fight for freedom? This weirdo (thanks, Governor Walz) has normalized fascism. We must shout this from the hilltops every minute of every day from now until November 5th. And when they try to portray the Vice President as “a radical extremist” remind voters who Trump has TOLD us he is.

    • Chantal1 says:

      @BrassyRebel. Its been all over social media, which means the mainstream media will pick it up for clicks. I saw it on MSNBCs’ and Reuters’ YouTube channels late last night so others (not named Fox) will have a hard time ignoring it. How apopros that Kamala is running her campaign on “freedom”!

  13. Chantal1 says:

    When I watched this disgusting clip of the orange menace to society, I thought I heard him say “I’m not a Christian” and a couple of the YouTubers I watch heard it that way too. Since he was slurring, its difficult to ascertain but I don’t recall him ever claiming to be a Christian. Which is why it so interesting and hypocritical that the evangelicals basically worship him, a man who held a press conference holding the Bible upside down and is now selling Trump bibles.

    It’s about time the media started reporting 45’s horrific plans for our democracy. This speech also showed how much Kamala has 45 panicking. He’s begging “the Christians” to vote for him one last time and revealed his and the Repubs plan to eliminate elections. This is another part of Project 2025, schedule F which would be an executive order allowing 45 to replace hundreds of thousands of career civil servant jobs with Trump loyalists (the law currently allows a Prez to replace about 4000 civil servants when he -or she takes office). He tried to put that plan in place but had lost the election to Biden before he could. The Repubs no longer wznt to make the govt small enough to drown in a bathtub. They now want to completely change the government as we know it (to serve the Prez and them) and make this country their horrific version of Christianity. There’s no “both sides are evil” nor should 45’s comments be excused away or given the benefit of the doubt. Believe them when they show you who they are!

    • North of Boston says:

      The thing is, there are many passages in the Bible warning against exactly this kind of hypocrisy, these kinds of lying destructive “God” invoking con men and cults. Not quite as many as those that say “fear not” but still quite a few. But those Evangelicals, and other Xtians don’t care, they willingly line up to cheer him, pledge their votes to him, plaster his name everywhere.

      They believe in the cult, not whatever faith they claim. They worship their cult leaders , those who preach violence, corruption and fear while lusting after power, riches and adulation and sometimes crow publicly how much they love the ignorant and the easily fooled.

      It’s sad and yes, deplorable. And also terrifying because of all the suffering, destruction and death it will cause if Trump and the Project 2025 bastards get the reins of US power in November. (The damage Trump caused, the rollback of human rights he put in motion, the hundreds of thousands of preventable COVID deaths, natural disaster deaths that happened on his watch will seem like child’s play if he’s reelected and R’s get full control of Congress like they’ve got on SCOTUS.)

      But, thankfully, over here on the “Vote Blue” side, we don’t only have fear of all that to energize and motivate us. We’ve also got a chance to elect someone who won’t just head off all that awful stuff, she can actually DO things to make many people’s lives better, create opportunities, plan for a better future. Biden and his admin turned the boat around, Harris is plotting a new course towards a better future.

      • Blithe says:

        Question: Once Kamala officially has the nomination, if Biden chose to step down, so that VP Harris becomes the President of the US — with the now-expanded powers given the President by the Supreme Court — is there anything that the new President Harris could theoretically do in the 3 months before the election to mitigate the damage that’s being planned?

      • BeanieBean says:

        @Blithe: not that I think it necessary for Biden to step down–there’s ZERO reason–even if it were possible for Kamala Harris to try to head this stuff off at the pass, if they come into power, they’d overturn whatever she instituted. Rules do not apply to these people. Laws do not.

      • Blithe says:

        Thanks for your insights BeanieBean. I agree with you — there is NO reason for Biden to step down. I have been wondering though, what the SC ruling might change, and how a Democratic President could take advantage of that. My mental switch from Biden to Kamala Harris was mostly because Trump seems afraid of her — and in my imagination, using that might also be to some advantage.

        I’m really having a hard time truly understanding that laws and precedents really do not and will not matter to MAGAs with power.

    • fwiw says:

      I heard “not a Christian” and thought maybe he meant to say “not a good Christian.” Pretty sure he was raised Presbyterian. Guess I misheard.

  14. Swaz says:

    WOW 😮 I guess the mainstream media doesn’t care about this 😮😮

    • North of Boston says:

      It’s right on the main landing page of several “mainstream media” sites I checked, absolutely being raised as an issue.

      One of the things about Trump, and something that’s been the case since 2015, is that he is a firehose of outrageous, anti-democracy, anti-life, anti-reality crap. All day, every day.

      Yes, the MSM should have developed better strategies, mechanisms for reporting on his outrageous words, actions, policies after (checks watch) NINE! years of him manipulating news cycles, news coverage and burying his shit with even more outrageous shit, smoke, mirrors, misdirection. And accumulating experience offering serious and direct, plain-spoken commentary about beyond “just Trump being Trump” hand-waving they do not allow for ANY Democratic candidate.

      But with Biden stepping back, and Vance and Project 2025 putting the worst of it in writing and saying it (what used to be the quiet part) out loud, it seems at least some of the coverage is taking Trump’s anti-democracy, authoritarian ranting’s seriously.

    • KC2 says:

      While this is true, I saw on ABC News This Week, a clip on YouTube, the host asked a republican governor about Trump’s comments and he laughed it off and said that’s just Trump being Trump. And after spending a bunch of time grilling Wes Moore and JB Pritzker (I think) really hard, after the guy made the Trump comment she didn’t ask a single follow up question. It was infuriating after the way she behaved with the Democrats going on and on about the VP’s chances and demanding answers on immigration etc. the difference was stark.

  15. Swaz says:

    Well, people are still out there doubting Trump wants to end election 😮😮 so the man is repeating himself 🤣🤣

  16. Agnes says:

    My husband went to a running camp as a young teen that was run by Evangelicals. It had some top-notch cc runners he got to train with, but the folks who ran it monitored the amount of toothpaste he used, the number of toilet paper squares he was allowed, and his consumption of water. The only “entertainment” was Bible reading. He came back looking like he’d been in a concentration camp; his mother fainted when she saw him. It’s not hyperbole — these people want to CONTROL EVERYBODY. Trump is in it for himself and the money, but he’s just a tool. We can’t let his puppet masters back in the White House.

  17. Mslove says:

    If trump manages to steal the election, he will use the military to round up illegal immigrants and put them in detention. But I think it will go further. The military will round up the LGBT’s, dissidents & what he calls vermin. We are in danger, I fear.

    • Ciotogista says:

      It’s not going to just be undocumented workers, I’m sure. The US government has rounded up the undocumented more than once and those actions included citizens and residents. These people don’t care about legality, they hate having to press 1 for English. When they talk about “illegals” they mean Latinos.

  18. MsIam says:

    Its definitely all hands on deck time. I don’t know folks, in my 60 plus years I’ve never seen anything like this in the US. And the thing is, if there are mass protests IF Trump wins, then that will be the excuse he needs to declare martial law and suspend the constitution. I saw a clip on YouTube of some fascist in FL running for the House who said his first act in Congress will be to introduce legislation to suspend the requirement for a Writ of Habeas Corpus. That way any “political enemies” of Trump could be immediately arrested. This is very Anti Christ. Also Trump claims he wants to “indemnify” the police which would give them basically free reign.

    • Blithe says:

      While you might not have seen or experienced any of this yourself, you possibly have interacted with people who were directly impacted by similar legislations. Our history includes Indian reservations and internment camps for Japanese Americans (but not German or Italian Americans). My grandparents were living in DC when Woodrow Wilson intensified racial segregation throughout the Federal government and in DC — the federal city. I attended racially segregated schools because the “neighborhood schools” didn’t change much despite legal desegregation.

      My point here is that the US has always openly, deliberately, and legally limited freedoms for some of us — with the full support of the media, the legal structure, and many of its citizens. While this might be a shock to some people who came of age after the social and civil rights movements of the 60s and the 70s, what’s happening now is nothing new for this country. The only thing that’s new is that the restrictions are now being planned for a broader group of people— who have tasted a few generations of relative freedom.

      I’m very heartening by the activism of the people in the Villages, and of the way that so many have come together this past week for fundraising and to support Kamala Harris.

      tldr: Everyone who cares about freedom needs to vote like a Black woman — who knows that freedom is both precious and fragile.

      • Agnes says:

        This is such a good point, Blithe. One reason so many people loathe boomers these days is because they expect the post-war idyll of white “Happy Days” to be the standard of American life forever. (Even the boomers who were hippies, and had a lot of fun with their Summers of Love rebelling against The Man, knew full well they would be accepted back into the affluent square fold once they put on tennis skirts and golf shoes and “settled down.”) America deserves so much more than that Golden Oldies rut. That’s one reason that first Kamala ad was so powerful, it presents a new vision of the way things really are.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Blithe, I remember. I’ve watched as SCOTUS has gutted the voting rights act, civil rights and female reproductive rights. How could this have happened? Because we stopped too soon. I think white people thought something along the lines of, “there, it’s fixed”. No, it wasn’t ‘fixed’. It was the beginning. I think one way to show that is the fact that women still don’t have equal pay. That one thing should tell everyone how much wasn’t done in ensuring that rights for everyone was protected and fought for. We have the opportunity to get it right this time and make sure that there are guardrails set up to make sure this never happens again. It’ll take a couple of decades, but the future is going to be so much better. I believe that Harris (yes, other candidates are known by their last name, so I’m going with Harris) will win BIG this November. It’s a great start.

      • Jacques says:

        The entirety of those protesting the war were not affluent. They were college students who watched as four fellow students were gunned down for their beliefs. They were poor people who were drafted and didn’t come home, or they came home with injuries seen and unseen. They were from every walk of life. The fight for human rights has been going on for Centuries, and it will continue to be fought until we are all dead.

        Kamala Harris is a Baby Boomer, and I stand behind her with every fiber of my being. The year you were born, the color of your skin, your sexual preferences, nor your ethnicity, etc., should play a part in a person’s ability to be a good person or of being a great leader. It is what they stand for and consistently display. She has shown us she knows our struggles and fears and she will do whatever it takes to right the wrongs.

        Come together and fight together.

  19. HopeSays says:

    To answer your VERY legitimate question Kaiser: We are. Oh my God we are terrified and disgusted because anyone who knows their Bible knows Revolutions. This looks like end times stuff to me.

  20. Jacques says:

    Do people realize that Kamala Harris is a Boomer? Every negative comment about Boomers is a discredit to the only person who can defend our Democracy. Don’t let bigotry overshadow our fight for freedom. She needs our help, not our condemnation for the year she was born.

    Come together!!!

    • Henny Penny says:

      Kamala was born in 1964, just a year short of being Gen X. I definitely think she’s more Gen X than Boomer.

    • Blithe says:

      I’ll put in a plug here for Generation Jones — which really seems to describe the younger Baby Boomers a bit better than the more traditional “Boomer” descriptions. That said, while I enjoy the fun of hashing out cultural and historical influences, I think that what we’re fighting now is an inter generational fight for the future of our country.

      • Jacques says:

        The narrative needs to change. It perpetuates prejudice and normalizes its use. Why alienate the 40% to 50% of voters who vote Blue because of hatred toward the other half who don’t? We will need all of the votes we can get.

        A big shout out to the millions of Gen Z’ers who are now of voting age. Their activism gives me so much hope.

  21. AC says:

    And Trump meant every word!! Vote Kamala this Nov and Vote Blue all the way – the Red dictatorship needs to be voted OUT and Kicked OUT!

  22. Jacques says:

    Boomer ends at 1964, making Kamala a very young Boomer. Not Gen- X and not Gen Jones, which was invented in 1999. Let’s not single out the ones we like and dismiss and harass the rest. It wreaks of a Trump tactic. America has been using bigotry to discriminate for centuries. Please, We need to take a stand and stop perpetuating hate.

  23. lucy2 says:

    The all Women for Harris zoom is tonight.
    I’m going to tune in again, and do some Postcards to Voters, or some letters through Swing Left/Vote Forward.

    • Jacques says:

      Way to go Lucy!! So proud of my fellow Dems. I will be joining the call tonight as well. Thanks so much for posting the link for everyone.

  24. Autumnreads says:

    Christian here 👋 100% voting for Kamala!