JD Vance tried to backtrack on the weird stuff he’s said about ‘childless cat ladies’

When Kamala Harris became the consensus Democratic presidential nominee, something wonderful happened with the now-Harris campaign’s communications. They instantly pivoted to a much clearer comms strategy when it comes to clapping back on the Trump-Vance campaign. For several days now, the Harris campaign has been sending out press releases every time Donald Trump or JD Vance open their mouths, and in nearly every press release, there’s something about “these guys are just incredibly weird.” Why give a long-winded response about why Trump and Vance are crazy men who want to control women when you can just drive home the point, day after day, that these are just really gross creeps and their whole political viewpoint is WEIRD.

Speaking of, JD Vance’s comments mocking “childless cat ladies” have really hit a nerve and changed the whole dynamic of the election. Even conservative women are not cool with Vance’s lack of empathy for people’s fertility struggles. Normal, everyday voters are turned off by Vance’s increasingly convoluted culture war against people who are not parents (or people who are stepparents). Even Jennifer Aniston – who rarely says much about politics – clapped back on Vance. So… the Trump campaign sent this couch f–ker to Megyn Kelly’s podcast to do some damage control. He made it worse.

Vance is trying to backtrack: The main argument Vance made during his Friday interview with Kelly is that the Democratic Party is “anti-family” and that his criticism was not directed at those who don’t have kids. “The simple point that I made is that having children, becoming a father, becoming a mother, I really do think it changes your perspective in a pretty profound way,” Vance told Kelly. “I explicitly said in my remarks, despite the fact that the media has lied about this, that this is not about criticizing people who, for various reasons, didn’t have kids. This is about criticizing the Democratic Party for becoming anti-family and anti-child.”

He doesn’t have anything against pets: “Obviously, it was a sarcastic comment. I’ve got nothing against cats. I’ve got nothing against dogs. … People are focusing so much on the sarcasm and not the substance of what I actually said.”

He’s just standing up for parents: “I’m proud to stand up for parents, and I hope the parents out there recognize that I’m a guy who wants to fight for you. I want to fight for your interests. I want to fight for your stake in the country. And that is what this is fundamentally about.”

On Jennifer Aniston’s comments: Aniston wrote on Instagram, “Mr. Vance, I pray that your daughter is fortunate enough to bear children of her own one day.” Vance said: “Hollywood celebrities say, ‘Oh, well, JD Vance, what if your daughter suffered fertility problems?’ Well, first of all, that’s disgusting because my daughter is 2 years old. And second of all, if she had fertility problems, as I said in that speech, I would try everything I could to try to help her because I believe families and babies are a good thing.”

[From ABC News & The NY Times]

He believes in IVF now? Because he voted against the IVF-protection bill – a bill which would have helped couples access IVF services – and access to IVF is on the chopping block in Trump’s Project 2025. He also has some nerve to get indignant about HIS daughter… but no one else’s daughter. All of those girls and women who need reproductive care or IVF or abortion access… all of those people are “disgusting” and subhuman because they’re not directly related to JD Vance.

Since Vance wants us to go back to what he said in 2021, here are the exact quotes: “The entire future of the Democrats is controlled by people without children. And how does it make any sense that we’ve turned our country over to people who don’t really have a direct stake in it?” And don’t forget: “We are effectively run in this country … by a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they’ve made, and so they wanna make the rest of the country miserable, too. It’s just a basic fact. You look at Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, AOC, the entire future of the Democrats is controlled by people without children.”

JD Vance also cooked up this very weird scheme where parents (fathers) should get extra votes.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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135 Responses to “JD Vance tried to backtrack on the weird stuff he’s said about ‘childless cat ladies’”

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Good. Tag them with “weird”. Simple clear … and true.

    1 week in on the Harris campaign and it could not have gone better. 14 to go.

    • Mcmmom says:

      Agreed – I liked the description of “weird,” too. It cuts through the BS and it’s like, “uh…these people are freaks.” You know Trump likes to think of himself as a winner and being called weird takes the wind out of his sails.

      • orangeowl18 says:

        I could not be more thrilled that we FINALLY have figured out a formula for clapping back on the right wing’s incessant, baseless attacks. JD deserves every bit of backlash he’s getting.

        I’m also fine with all the couch stuff (lol at Kaiser casually calling him a couch f^&$er) because all they do is make up shit, all day, every day. It’s been amazing to see them get a taste of heir own medicine.

    • TQ says:

      100% agree — the framing of their views as “weird” is succinct and clear. Because these views ARE weird & are very bizarre! No need to get into the weeds with detailed refutations.

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        My Governor, Tim Walz, started the branding of them and their ideas as “weird”. Now, all the Dems are doing it, even VP Harris. Give this man his place on the ticket!

      • BeanieBean says:

        Yep, it was Walz who did it first & that man is popping up everywhere! It will be interesting to see if this brings him on the ticket.

    • ML says:

      I agree that WEIRD is an excellent way to describe what Trump and Vance are spouting!
      Sharks? Batteries? Hannibal Lector? Childless cat ladies? Lots of electricity?

      It’s about time we emphasize that this is drastically not normal in any way, shape or form.

      • Megan says:

        I’m more than a little concerned that their next weird idea will be to label childless cat ladies as witches who should be burned at the stake.

      • MichaelaCat says:

        Vance was such a bad choice.

        He is really helping the Democrats, though, so keep talking, my man 😀

    • AuntRara says:

      I have been WAITING for this strategy. It IS weird. They are weird for being preoccupied with other people’s sex lives. They are weird for being consumed with thoughts about other people’s private parts in general and ESPECIALLY weird for spending their time obsessing over whether they think a CHILD’S clothing, pronouns, and choice of bathroom align with what’s underneath their clothes. These people are weird and they are disgusting. I’m so glad to see it called out in those terms. Their constant hunger for knowledge and control around other people’s bodies is bizarre and inappropriate.

      • Megan says:

        The amino of time they spend talking about children’ genitalia isn’t just weird, it’s downright perverted.

      • bisynaptic says:

        That’s patriarchy, baby! 😉🙃

      • Sass says:

        Exactly! I have started asking “why are you/they so obsessed with sex?” They’re just a bunch of pervs. Love the irony in how Vance is grossed out by Aniston’s comment about his child’s fertility especially considering how the alt right was “concerned” about the Covid vaccines causing infertility in kids.

    • BeanieBean says:

      I’m loving the choice of ‘weird’, ’cause it’s really going to get under trump’s skin. Racist doesn’t bother him, misogynist doesn’t bother him, fascist doesn’t bother him, but weird–weird is going to p*ss him off & I love it.

    • Christine says:

      Legitimately, this horrible white man seems to be the most disturbed that people are talking about his 2 year old daughter having sex (no one is talking about sex in this conversation, that’s the point), because no one could EVER become a parent in a variety of ways, encompassing IVF. He is unable to grasp a salient point. HE put the impetus on sex, regarding his own daughter, which is why Kamala is owning the republicans, for being really weird and gross.

      No one wants to rape your 2 year old, JD Vance, but you sure wouldn’t get her an abortion if someone did and she became a mommy at 10 years old.

      Weird and gross.

    • bisynaptic says:

      “Weird” is good; “creepy” is better.

  2. He can try to backtrack but it’s too late. He has even pissed off some maga women who said they won’t vote for trump with Vance as his VP. I saw them talking about it on YouTube. He is even making the maga base angry lol.

    • Megan says:

      Childless cat lady here, I have many relatives and friends who have children. They are the exact same people as they were before they had children. Unlike Vance, having children didn’t turn them into right wing nut jobs who will do or say anything to advance their careers.

      • Meghan says:

        I just made that same comment below. My perspective changed when I had my son because I have to make sure he doesn’t turn into a right wing whackadoo since we live in a blood red state. That’s what changed. And my fervor for protecting women’s rights got even stronger.

    • SIde Eye says:

      Lol we all know Trump would have chosen a Black person (think Candace Owens or a Kanye) or a woman if he knew he was running against Harris! That’s why Biden’s strategy to wait until after their convention was such a Boss move!!! He is Bigly mad right now. He missed a major opportunity to create a very important Black job for some sellout Uncle Ruckus type.

      Here they come to FURNISH all kinds of excuses. They can try to COUCH it however they want walking it back SECTION(al) by SECTION, but SOFA this VP pick hasn’t worked out well at all. Hopefully Vance has a good CUSHION to fall back on when Harris kicks their asses at the polls. CANAPE a few dollars to be a fly on the wall watching all these weirdos turn on each other?

      • SarahCS says:

        10/10, excellent work there.

      • ML says:

        Divan comment, Side Eye!

        As to the first part of what you wrote, in the spring, the Europeans were saying that Nikki Haley was the most likely veep candidate, so that backs up what you’re saying. I wonder if some Republicans tried to make that happen and Trump was like, “Nope!” Or if he had his feelings hurt because she ran against him or something. So now he’s stuck with a man rumored to be a sectional offender.

      • Side Eye says:

        Thank you SarahCS and ML! ML your Divan comment cracked me up!

  3. equality says:

    He did also seriously say that people with children should pay less in taxes. Why would that make sense? If they have more of a stake in the country, why wouldn’t they pay more taxes? People with children are also making more use of public services like schools and public health departments, so why should those without children be paying more? Could it be that they need the childless people to help pay for other people’s children?

    • Jessi says:

      & people who have children ACTUALLY DO pay less in taxes than people without kids thanks to the Child Tax Credit! Not to mention those of us without kids are paying for services we’ll never use, ie schools, which I am fully in support of because that’s how a decent society works – we all chip in to meet the needs of everyone.

      Why is every Republican not screaming about Vance wanting to raise taxes on people?

    • Midnight@theOasis says:

      People with children can claim them as dependents on their income taxes there by reducing the amount of taxable income. And everyone pays taxes to support schools even if you don’t have kids attending.

      • BeanieBean says:

        As we age & need more help in our every day lives we want the people in charge, the people taking care of us, to be the best educated they can be. We all have a stake in our public schools.

    • DK says:

      Not to mention, technically people with children already DO pay less taxes, since you get a tax break for each independent child!

      So what is the extent of this weird breeder’s plan? No taxes but all the votes for the Quiverfull Crew?

      And do couch babies count? 😜

      • BeanieBean says:

        I wonder about the lack of specificity of which parent, exactly, gets the extra votes. Both? If it’s their preferred one man, one woman parental unit, who’s getting those votes, JD? And what if, heaven forfend, the parents are two men, or two women? Who gets those extra votes now, JD?

      • MerlinsMom1018 says:

        I see what you did there 😆😆😆

    • Yup, Me says:

      There are so many posts on Reddit and YouTube and elsewhere about women who have different political views than their husbands’.

      In this hypothetical Gilead scenario where people with kids get extra votes, who do you think will be casting them? It damn sure won’t be the people who birthed all those kids and continue to do the majority of the work in the family home.

      • equality says:

        Since they want to go back in time, they will want to repeal some more stuff and have only white male property owners (with children added in) doing the voting.

  4. ML says:

    “ He doesn’t have anything against pets: “Obviously, it was a sarcastic comment. I’ve got nothing against cats. I’ve got nothing against dogs. … People are focusing so much on the sarcasm and not the substance of what I actually said.””

    First off “sarcasm.” You don’t use sarcasm when you respect someone. And the substance of what he said…we understood perfectly and that is his problem.
    Second off, cats. If he thinks people thought the problem was that he might hate cats…then he’s seriously obtuse.

    • I just can't says:

      He’s not being obtuse. He’s being a dick. He knows what people are unhappy about

      • Oh come on. says:

        > he’s not being obtuse, he’s being a dick

        Way to call it like it is! Say it early and often.

    • Debbie says:

      Yeah, that transparent copout of his, “I’ve got nothing against cats, I’ve got nothing against dogs.” Sure, that’s what we were all concerned about, JD Vance hurting the feelings of household pets. Try again.

    • FYI says:

      It’s the jackhole’s favorite move — “just joking, can’t you take a joke?”

  5. CROWHOOD says:

    I saw somebody call JD Vance
    “What you get when you put a Creed Cassette in a Teddy Ruxpin” and I believe that sums it up.

  6. Libra says:

    I have premonitions about people. Vance is evil. I wouldn’t believe one word out of his mouth.

    • orangeowl18 says:

      I also believe he’s evil and have thought so ever since I read his sh#tty book that got so much unwarranted praise. He exploited his family and offered no substance or solutions., just complaints. He’s garbage.

      • equality says:

        Thank you. Glad to see someone else who wasn’t impressed by his book. I think the whole reason he wrote it was to attempt to make himself look good in comparison to his relatives. Someone who cared would have been helping not getting richer by exploitation.

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        I still have his mostly unread book and am trying to figure out what to do with it. I don’t believe in book burning but maybe it would make a great garbage can liner.

      • ML says:

        Someone sent me this:
        Hillbilly Eulogy: How Childless Cat Ladies Ended my Career

      • Kittenmom says:

        @BrassyRebel – it might come in handy as toilet paper next time we have a pandemic

      • Blithe says:

        @orangebowl1 and @equality, quite a lot of us thought that it was an awful book, and, at the time that it was published, wondered about its intended audience — and intended purpose. At the time, I wondered if Vance had written himself. I remember thinking that the first part of the book was an interesting, decently written memoir — while the second part was a political screed that read very differently, and, at best, needed editing. Instead of giving my copy away, I actually think I just tossed it, so no one else would have to suffer.

        @ ML, I will totally support that sequel!

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        @Kittenmom: 👍😆

      • SarahCS says:

        @BrassyRebel do you know anyone with a litter tray that needs lining?

      • FYI says:

        @ML — 🤣😂 Perfect!

      • Chrissy says:

        @Brassy Rebel
        How about composting that so-called novel? At least it could do some good in someone’s garden!

    • WaterDragon says:

      Totally agree @Libra. He is evil and crazy. His crazy eyes remind me of Michele Bachman. She is also a christo-facist kook.

    • Purplehazeforever says:

      He’s playing a dangerous game against Trump… thinking he can outsmart him. He’s after power, that’s why he changed his tune about Trump .

  7. Chica says:

    The comment about even though my wife is “non- white” is the next snafu as he was attempting to clean up on the cat issue. He’s bad at this.

    • BeanieBean says:

      ‘Even though’???? Yikes!

    • Oh come on. says:

      Wait, what did he say???

      • JEB says:

        He said, “Obviously my wife is not white” then followed up w/“but she’s a good mom”.

        He is evil, Tr**P is evil, MAGAt/GOP is evil and Project 2025 is evil. Calling them weird is not enough, imho. Plenty of nice, benign weird people out there. Their type of weirdness is malignant, a cancer on this country if you will. Calling them weird is too mild a description.

      • Feeshalori says:

        Yes, I would say a description of them is more insidious than weird. I have a very lovely friend who can be classified as weird, and most of us can be weird in our habits and lifestyle as well. These people are despicable, evil, bigoted, delusional, depraved, a blight on society and our freedoms and democracy. Weird is too innocuous a term for them.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Oooh, that is awful!

      • FYI says:

        WHHAAAATTTTTTT ?!?!!? OMG !!! I looked it up, and this is the weak sauce he offered up about his wife:

        “Obviously, she’s not a white person, and we’ve been accused — attacked — by some white supremacists over that. But I just — I love Usha. She’s such a good mom, she’s such a brilliant lawyer and I’m so proud of her.”

        Um … that’s your defense of your wife?!

      • DK says:

        I agree, while I appreciate the simple calling-out, I hate that we are demonizing being “weird” to do it – as you say, plenty of good weird out there, not to mention how many heroes and innovators are considered “weird” before society comes to appreciate their contributions.

        That’s not this MAGAt infested GOP or Gilead ticket.

        But they wear words like “depraved” etc with pride (see 2016 “deplorable” backlash).

        So I prefer the “creep”/creepy/creeper descriptions. Still short enough to be understood by MAGAts (you know some of them had to Google “deplorable” in 2016) but gets the absolutely-not-okay point across.

        That and sex-pests (etc)! Let’s call this serial assaulter and couch grabber (and creepily obsessed with child genitals GOP) like it is!

    • Chrissy says:

      Wow, talk about “othering” and disrespecting you own wife. SMH

  8. Mcmmom says:

    JD Vance does make me really happy, though, because I was completely, 100% wrong on the effect he would have. I saw a younger guy with a beautiful family and feared he would gather support from younger voters. He’s a weirdo. I’ve never been so happy to be so wrong!

    • ML says:

      Two thoughts on this:
      1. I think they looked at Biden, and after the debate felt positive Trump would win in November. They thought the best bet was to cater to the base and picked the most Trumpian VP to drum up enthusiasm.
      2. Trump and Vance are scary and while Vance is clearly not endowed with Trump’s “charisma,” we don’t want him to become president. He’s bringing down the Republicans now, and I hope he continues to do this.

      Caveat: I’m not sure if they can get rid of him. To me, there’s a great argument for mental decline for Trump, but not Vance. I think though, if they can legally switch him, he’s gone. Anyone else is going to be more competitive.

  9. Becks1 says:

    I saw a tweet (I think from Chris Evan/notcaptamerica) that was just like…..attacking Jennifer Aniston is not going to help you win suburban white women and I laughed because it’s true.

    He can backtrack all he wants. He said it, it’s on video, and it was an awful thing to say. And he completely missed JA’s point which is that Rs are actively trying to limit access to IVF etc so if his daughter can’t have kids and needs some kind of help – it won’t be available for her.

    • Isabella says:

      Jennifer talked about his daughter maybe needing IVF “one day,” not at 2 years old.

      These guys get so angry if you comment on their families but love to tell the rest of us how to live.

    • Nic919 says:

      I saw something along the lines of Jennifer Aniston is the Taylor Swift of white women over 40 and pissing off her fans is like going after swifties.

  10. ML says:

    I actually heard a Trump voter tourist say that the wrong Vance is Trump’s VP candidate—they thought Usha Vance would be better against Kamala Harris.

    I…can’t envision this (racism is part of their identity), BUT if Trump supporters are openly talking about this in a foreign country, it means that Vance has very little support. At least some followers realize that they need a different kind of candidate against KH, so if it’s legal (I don’t know??), then there’s probably a movement to get rid of him behind the scenes. These guys at the cafe sounded like us before Biden handed his candidacy over to Harris.

    • Lucy says:

      I read some article about Usha, and I don’t remember any thing else (damn you adhd) other than they thought she was kind of Casey DeSantis only smart. Like, that she’s super ambitious and smart and realized she wouldn’t go far in her chosen racist party, but is going to fulfill that through her husband. They talked to people who know/knew her, and I think the writer was also desi American?

      The idea that she would’ve been a better candidate seems a pretty good bet, anyone is better than JD, but she would’ve only worked as a traditional R candidate. Not a Trump one. So I guess that would’ve also made her a draw for the “traditional” R folks. But they picked their evil guy, so now we crush them.

      • ML says:

        Yes, $200 million in donations! 170 thousand extra volunteers! More campaign offices opening up! A highly motivated Democratic Party!🪷LFG!

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      ML, I looked up if a Party could switch VP’s after the convention–yes, they can. For Rs they need 3 people in each state who votes the # of delegates for that state. If they don’t agree the delegate votes for that state is divided between the three and they vote for whomever they want.

      If that was to happen, I don’t know how you get the names switched on the ballot or if everyone just knows that a different VP is the nominee and not the one of the ballot. Messy.

    • Nic919 says:

      Anyone who marries a guy like JD Vance and stays married to him when he decides to be a MAGA already shows a lack of intelligence. Especially when MAGA hates brown people. Rishi sunak found out and she’s going to as well. Racism is a defining feature of that cult.

    • FYI says:

      Here is what Nick Fuentes had to say about Vance and his wife:

      ” JD Vance also has an Indian wife and a kid named Vivek. All his kids have Indian names—so it’s like, what exactly are we getting here? And that’s not a dig at him just because I’m a racist or something. But who is this guy really? Do we really expect that the guy who has an Indian wife and named their kid Vivek is going to support white identity?”

      Unreal. Absolutely unreal. And this is the guy who dines with Trump at his home.

  11. Hypocrisy says:

    He has had as many last names as Elizabeth Taylor had husband at this point and it sure looks like he will need a new one when this election is over.. there is something very wrong with this man, and we haven’t even heard the horrific animal cruelty he invests in. I get the same feeling about him as I have always had with Clarence Thomas, I’ve learned the hard way my intuition is pretty accurate.

  12. Brassy Rebel says:

    Any political candidate who must say, I have nothing against cats and dogs, has seriously lost the plot and will lose the election.

    • ML says:

      Brassy Rebel, This douche is hyper aware of the fact that a former potential vice presidential candidate, Kristi Noem, essentially took herself out of the race by writing a book in which she describes assassinating her poor puppy! Of course he needs to defend himself from allegations of pet hatred, because the Republicans realized that this is one of the few things that resonates across the political spectrum. In a few months, the Republicans have become linked to animal abuse.

  13. sevenblue says:

    He doesn’t have anything against women who didn’t give birth, he just doesn’t want them to be in any leadership positions of political parties. That is the correction he made, good luck with that, dude.

    I remember conservatives saying for years that they don’t want to pay taxes for other people’s children when democrats were discussing “paid leave” or any social program to help parents. What is this guy smoking? He doesn’t even know his own party’s position against people with children.

    • orangeowl18 says:

      Exactly! I served in local government in the Tea Party era, which was a precursor of MAGA, and what he’s suggesting totally goes against the grain of what conservatives have been complaining about for ages. Clearly his overlords didn’t give him talking points on this topic. He’s a moron, albeit a slightly more articulate one than Trump.

    • ML says:

      I overheard Republican tourists complaining about this idiot at a cafe. SevenBlue, one of their complaints was that they felt like he wanted to raise taxes like you said. One guy was saying that Vance should have framed it as lowering taxes for families (already exists) instead of raising taxes on people who don’t have kids. So, this is pretty much what you said.

      • sevenblue says:

        @ML, yeah it is weird he doesn’t know or ignore his own party’s years long attitude about this. Even if they just lower taxes for parents, I am sure the conservative men with no children or grown ones are gonna complain that why they should pay more taxes than other people who didn’t pull themselves up by their own bootstraps. What about black parents? Are single white people gonna be happy they are gonna pay more taxes than a black parent? Of course not. He is a total idiot.

  14. Royal Downfall Watcher says:

    Kendrick Lamar needs to drop a diss track on him.

  15. CC says:

    He doesn’t like cats because they might scratch up the couch.

  16. SueinOrleans says:

    I think Trump chose him when he thought he had the election in the bag. Now I am betting he keeps him on the ticket because Trump never admits he’s lost anything and he will always have to blame someone else. Vance is toast.

    • Nuks says:

      I don’t think they can replace Vance, because it upends their argument that the Democrats are the party of chaos and the extended argument that Kamala had some nefarious role in hiding Biden‘s condition, etc. They need that talking point as it is particularly effective for swing voters. I don’t think they can do much better or be more diverse than Vance because their base cannot handle anything but a white man with extreme views. So why not Vance?

      • BeanieBean says:

        They’ll have to stop complaining about the dems switching out candidates if they switch out their vp choice; but then again, logical consistency has never been their strong suit.

  17. samipup says:

    These people tell on themselves. Open mouth, and spew. ” Grab’s by the p***y”. We need to take back our strength and voice and stop them. Too far it has gone on. Too much abuse.

  18. Grandma Susan says:

    He is so blind. Democrats are “anti-family”? Yeah, and which party is refusing to give free lunches to students? Oh, Republicans? Yeah. Which party refuses to protect our children from being gunned down in their schools? Oh, Republicans? Yeah, starvation and death by gunfire are SO “family values”.

  19. Duchess of Hazard says:

    This guy is like a 4Chan candidate come to life. Re his wife- what did she see in him? I know in my experience with British BAME especially South Asian Tories – they will turn their ears against any racism because they want access and half white children. But at what cost?!

  20. Roo says:

    I would also like to discuss the “she’s not white, but” comments he made about his wife. WTH?!

    • Agnes says:

      That “but” is an apology. I don’t see how it can be interpreted any other way.

    • pottymouth pup says:

      thank you. He essentially said that the racists have a point and then lauded her like a prize show dog

    • BeanieBean says:


    • Blithe says:

      Please correct me if I’m wrong. I was startled to learn that Usha Vance is “not white…but” – because I read Vance’s book (ok, skimmed through the last part), and don’t recall Vance mentioning his then girlfriend’s race / ethnicity— only that she was instrumental in helping him to better adapt to his experiences at Yale.

      Maybe I’m wrong, and I missed that part. Maybe the future Mrs Vance wanted her privacy. Maybe he wanted to sell more books to people who might be turned off by an interracial relationship. I could speculate quite a bit here about things like ambition and self-loathing, but I’ll put a pin in it. Eventually we’ll likely learn more. For now, I agree with @pottymouth.

  21. Lulu says:

    Vance is clearly a joke. What’s not a joke is trump is old and overweight and Vance could be one heartbeat away from the president.

    • FYI says:

      That is why Vance took the job.
      BUT it was a stupid move, because he sucks at it AND because Trump is not going to win.

  22. Sandra says:

    My daughter is also 2 and she is an IVF baby and it scares the living daylights out of me that if she encounters fertility troubles like I did, she might not be able to access the care that I did. What is disgusting about being concerned for my daughter’s future?

  23. Izzy says:

    LMAO too late, couchfcker. The childless cat ladies are MOBILIZED, and we childless dog ladies are right behind them.

  24. MS. Lib says:

    Thank you Kaiser for your excellent coverage of all the political events.

  25. The Voice says:

    So he’s saying childless people shouldn’t make decisions that affect the lives of people who are parents? Kind of like how men shouldn’t make decisions that affect the lives of women, perhaps?

    And Kamala Harris and Pete Buttigieg HAVE children. What a lying a-hole.

    • Kelly says:

      I’d bet a thousand $$$ that this only applies to childless women. Childless men have the go ahead. We can just stay barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen which is fine since that’s where we keep our cast iron skillets and knives. What a tool he is.

  26. Kelly says:

    He’s his own meme.

    As an Independent dog loving mother, I stand with childless cat ladies and men. Mess with my pet, you mess with me.

  27. Isabella says:

    Childless = lesbian. He isn’t subtle.

  28. Proud Mary says:

    It’s not only his hate for childless women that is a problem, the guy is also advocating for parents to have extra votes: the votes of their children. But:

    Can someone please riddle me this: can someone born gay, suddenly become heterosexual because of fear of going to hell? https://www.advocate.com/election/jd-vance-gay-name-change. In other words, when did Mr. Bowman, aka Vance, become such a heterosexual champion?

    • StarWonderful says:

      Exactly! Not too many people know about his many name changes and struggles with his identity, etc.

  29. Oswin says:

    Every time I see his punchable face, I’m reminded how much he looks like he should be a Duggar.

  30. BlueNailsBetty says:

    Somewhere, there is a childless cat lady who dated and dumped JDV and he is still bitter about it.

    • Proud Mary says:

      I seriously doubt he’ll be hurt by being dumped by a woman. A man on the other hand, now we’re talking.

  31. SG says:

    Weird is so accurate.
    Can we also get a Kendrick endorsement? They not like us
    They not like us
    They not like us

  32. Jaded says:

    Ben Meiselas at MeidasTouch unearthed this video — Shady wants to replace the current “ruling class” with a Hitlerian-style overthrow of all freedoms, especially for women. This guy is sick, sick, sick and fortunately he is becoming repulsive to many conservatives who may have voted Trump but are now turning away in droves. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7m_5BZqI3g&t=802s

    • MerlinsMom1018 says:

      LOVE Ben Meiselas !
      I have a thing for Michael Popok too. (It’s unhealthy, really 😎)

  33. Meghan says:

    The only way my perspective changed when I had my son was that I now have to make sure he doesn’t become a right wing whackadoo douchebag (we live in a blood red state).

    I’ve been pro-choice since I was a child. I’ll never forget my (half)sister* and mother getting into an argument about abortion. I was 8 or 9 years old. My sister had been raised in a very religious family, had just moved up to live with us and was very pro-life. She and my mom went AT IT. Much later, when I had an unplanned pregnancy, the first word’s out of my sister’s mouth were “you’re going to have an abortion, right?” And I knew that she had listened to my mom that night and learned that it’s about personal choice for every person.

    *Half-sister is used here because we had different mothers. She’s my sister and always has been.

    • Mcmmom says:

      I hear ya about the sons. We also live in a blood red state and while they will occasionally say some frontal-lobe-not-yet-developed nonsense, they are breathing a sigh of relief that they can vote for Kamala. They knew Trump is nuts/a felon, but they were NOT excited about voting for Biden.

  34. Mslove says:

    Vance is so unpopular, I am cackling. He held a private fundraising luncheon for the ruling class in my state on Friday. Vance did not meet with the loyal republican voters, how weird. Could that be because he sucks?

  35. Nope says:

    JD Vance is an evil grifter who has the face of a man who needs to get back in the kitchen and make me a sandwich!

  36. EllenOlenska says:

    The more I hear him speak the more I keep thinking “deeply self loathing closeted gay man.” His wife probably wrote the book for him and she is covered in shame just by association with these pond scum politicians.

  37. Anne says:

    This guy doesn’t need to watch out for women with cats that have fertility struggles. No. It’s the women who choose to have dogs over men because of guys like him. Next!

  38. Feeshalori says:

    I’m a boomer and find this absolutely despicable, outrageous and extremist. He and his thug dictator boss have got to go and keep us away from the dark days. I’m calling him Shady Vance going forward.

  39. Monlette says:

    I just watched Hillbilly Elegy to see what it is that makes him such an inspiration, and it’s a movie about a white kid who has to be saved by women until he can stand tall among other white men.

    Not sure why think people he would be a good choice as a stand in for an 80 year old president.

  40. Jane says:

    Personally, I’m not a fan of sarcasm.
    I’m trying to think of examples when it ISN’T contemptuous, cruel, or just plain mean, but nothing comes to mind.
    Oscar Wilde said “Sarcasm is the lowest form of humor, but the highest form of intelligence.”
    (To which I say “bullsh*t”.)
    But JD Vance should put aside his own enjoyment of it (and Wilde’s opinion) and remember just exactly WHO his audience is…
    Because from the non-stop, endless examples of his audience I’ve seen, heard, and observed, they’re not a community of intellectuals.

  41. blueberry says:

    I think they are stuck with him because he comes with the cash that 45 needs to pay his crime spree bills. Bunch of weirdos…

  42. Chelsea says:

    lol at him dismissing Jennifer Aniston as ‘some Hollywood star’ her comment really struck a nerve. Not the biggest fan of hers but I’m so grateful for her post because she really completed the circle by pointing out his terrible voting record on IVF. This guy isn’t just a misogynist who says gross things; he’s a gross misogynist who’s used his platform to enact horrific policies that harm women. I’m so grateful that someone as high profile as Jen pointed this out; not even joking when I say she’s done a service to our country in doing this.

    I also like that the Harris campaign as well has tied his creepiness to the 2025 project’s anti-women policies. He might end up being the worst VP pick since Sarah Palin. Hope Harris takes notes and just picks the most boring leasr controversial white man she can find.

  43. Minnieder says:

    Would he feel the same way if that parent was a single mother with 6 children living in government housing? She gets 7 votes, right Shady vance?

  44. MerlinsMom1018 says:

    “What now?” “What?”
    (in my best Emily D Baker tone of voice.)

  45. kittydeluxe says:

    Why is it “disgusting” for Aniston to point out that his 2-year-old daughter will someday be an adult woman who has to deal with her fertility? Is he unaware that little girls grow into women? That his policies are bad for little girls BECAUSE they will grow into women?