Minnesota’s Gov. Tim Walz emerges as a favorite on Kamala Harris’s VP shortlist

One week ago, Vice President Kamala Harris was shoring up the delegates and party support to ensure that she will be the official Democratic Party’s presidential nominee. I’ve never seen someone hit the ground running like VP Harris – the speed with which she assumed the role of nominee was amazing and she’s already been campaigning her ass off. Meanwhile, there was of course an immediate concern for VP Harris and her campaign: who would be her running mate? They’ve been doing quick-yet-thorough vetting on at least six boring white men, because she’s absolutely going to choose a white guy running mate. Everyone’s made their peace with that. So who is the best contender? Kentucky’s Gov. Andy Beshear? North Carolina’s Gov. Roy Cooper? Arizona’s Senator Mark Kelly? Illinois’s Gov. Pritzker? Pennsylvania’s Gov. Shapiro? That was Harris’s shortlist five days ago or so.

Well, some of those guys have been campaigning as well, making this a veepstakes via television appearance. Something really funny has happened too – while Gov. Beshear has gotten really high marks in his TV appearances, a dark horse has emerged, someone who wasn’t even on some of the shortlists: Minnesota’s Governor Tim Walz. Walz’s TV appearances are already legendary, and his folksy, regular-dad style of attacking the Trump-Vance campaign has gotten high marks. His insistence that Donald Trump and JD Vance are simply “really weird” has even been adopted by the Harris campaign. Bloomberg even reports that Gov. Walz is on the latest shortlist:

Vice President Kamala Harris is zeroing in on a group of potential running mates, as she faces a two-week dash to make the biggest decision of her nascent presidential bid. Harris is considering a wide range of vice presidential candidates from the Democratic Party’s bench, though people familiar with the process say a short list has emerged including three elected officials with nationwide appeal: Arizona Senator Mark Kelly, Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz.

Kevin Munoz, a spokesperson for the Harris campaign, said she “directed her team to begin the process of vetting potential running mates” but declined to elaborate on the search. Harris is expected to make a selection by Aug. 7, in order to align with the party’s plan to virtually nominate a ticket by that date.

Picking a vice presidential candidate will cement the Democratic standard-bearers to take on Republican nominee Donald Trump and running mate JD Vance in the November election. Harris’ sidekick can serve as a force multiplier who can campaign and raise money on her behalf, while ideally complimenting her strengths and covering any vulnerabilities.

Most on Harris’ list are White, male politicians with centrist leanings who could help Harris appeal to swing-state voters, as well as business leaders and donors. They have a track record of attacking Trump and his firebrand style of politics. Walz has gained momentum with progressives, enough to vault himself into consideration, according to people familiar with the matter.

Allies of Harris say chemistry between the vice president and whoever she picks is just as important as their political attributes. Harris knows firsthand the pressures of being No. 2 on the Democratic ticket and is weighing her experience as she makes a selection, according to her supporters.

[From Bloomberg]

Personal chemistry should not be underrated, which is why I think Gov. Walz has emerged as a favorite too – he seems really normal, he seems like the kind of folksy guy who tells dad jokes and appeals to a lot of Rust Belt voters. I could absolutely see Walz and VP Harris getting along really well on a personal level (he’s a bit like Doug, tbh). NBC News said as much too – they did a really nice profile on Walz, with many Dem sources saying that Walz is seen as someone who can “shore up the Blue Wall” in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. His biography makes him an attractive candidate too – a veteran, a former public school teacher, very pro-labor, very popular with the progressive wing of the party and popular because of his family-friendly policies. What’s more is that… Walz really wants it. He’s been happy to make the TV show rounds and make the case for Kamala Harris and for Democrats nationwide. Anyway, I’m calling it: I think Tim Walz is going to aw-shucks his way into the vice presidency and Kamala Harris’s heart.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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101 Responses to “Minnesota’s Gov. Tim Walz emerges as a favorite on Kamala Harris’s VP shortlist”

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  1. Hypocrisy says:

    I’m all for job sharing the VP position, because I can’t decide between Mayor Pete and this guy.. but no matter who is chosen I will support the ticket.

    • Barb Mill says:

      I love this guy and think he is a better choice for right now. His accomplishments in MN are outstanding and he is working with very small Dem with the state legislature. I think he is likely to pull in working class white men who were popular with Joe Biden in 2020. Mayor Pete for Sec of State or he has moved to MI with term limits with Gretchen Whitmore in her last term so his political future is much brighter than it would be in Indiana.

      • Renee says:

        Buttigieg would be a fantastic Sec of State but he has 2 very young children at home so doubt he would accept that position. I’m loving Walz for VP.

      • Christine says:

        I want, with my whole heart, to believe we live in a world where a Black woman and gay man can be elected President and Vice-President, but my brain knows better.

        Kamala is already a bridge too far for many, and even though Pete has an adoring spouse and two really cute toddlers, AND he’s so much smarter AND younger than all of the people in the field, being gay means people won’t vote for a Harris/Buttigieg ticket.

        This is like a pick-a-path book in the 80s. We can maybe have female and Black President, OR a gay President, but both will lead to a loss, and I really hate it because Pete Buttigieg is wicked smart and quick off the cuff.

        Tim Walz will attract the folksy voters Kamala never will, and he’s FUNNY. This is the best case scenario for an election against Hitler and whatever the f*ck Vance is supposed to be bringing to the table.

    • Duch says:

      Pete is great too. Man the calm way he just recasts every question. And he’s edgy too. I could be comfortable with him too but I dont think he helps with any state – no party apparatus. He doesn’t have that to offer. But they all have pros and cons.

      Whoever she think she can work with for 4 years, that’s who she should pick.

    • MissM says:

      I’m from Minnesota and I think Walz would be a terrible choice. There was a huge movement to get him out of office during the last election and the only reason he won was because the Republican candidate was a joke. Walzs handling of the George Floyd riots was abysmal. The Minneapolis mayor begged him for national guard troops then Walz played the blame game by pinning the riots on the mayor. National guard troops were waiting at the airbase and around the city to be sent in and Walz refused to send them because the mayor didn’t give him a specific number of troops. Walz is the commander in chief of the MN Guard, thst was his department. He then called the Guard “a bunch of 19 year old cooks”. He also likes to bring up that he himself is ex Guard in another state (Nebraska?) But what you don’t hear is that he was demoted after refusing his call to duty post 9/11 when he was supposed to go to Iraq. He got to go to Italy instead. A big part of why he came to MN to enter politics was to escape this record. He is gonna be eaten alive in the primaries if he is the chosen candidate.

      • NotSoFast says:

        Literally none of what you say is true. I encourage readers to look down the chain. You sought to respond to the first comment just so your bullshit would appear higher. I count 5-1 (you) on Minnesotans weighing in. Walz is not at all the smear you created.

      • Krista says:

        I’m from/live in Minnesota and couldn’t disagree more. You’re telling blatant lies.
        Walz stands for families, children, women’s rights and is decent person.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        LOL @MissM(mysterious person who suddenly appears). Wisconites respect Galz. Wisconsin being a swing state & all. I’m in Wisconsin. We have football battles with Minnesota. That’s mostly it. Your claims about Walz are false.


        justincases. Blatant Lies.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        My previous comment disappeared into the nethers., mistyped his last name. WTF. LOFL @ him being “eaten alive”. Walz isn’t Ground Round or Ponderosa.
        ( Walz shoots back effectively.) It’s hard to imagine Trump or Vance wanting to debate VP Harris or a potential VP. A clusterf*ck for the R’s.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Someone here in comments on Celebitchy mentioned him (don’t sleep on him!) and that was first I’d heard of him. He’d be a great choice.

    I love that she has so many options and through their auditioning process, the US is seeing strong Democrat men that stand up really well against the weird ones.

    (This is Duch btw, forgot to sign in!)

    • ML says:

      Same Anonymous/Duch. FancyHat started my introduction to him.


      Amy, FancyHat, Brassy Rebel and Jason introduced me (I was unfamiliar with him) to Tim Walz, and he left a great first impression. All of the veep candidates have plusses and minuses, but he seems like a level-headed guy who can communicate really well. As long as Kamala Harris can work well with him and he passes the vetting process, I can get behind him.

      We have a deep field of candidates. I trust KH and the vetting to give us a great ticket.

    • FancyCatsup says:

      Recently moved out of MN and I heartily endorse Walz! I would love Mayor Pete or the astronaut too. Everyone’s responses during the pandemic and George Floyd protests were a mess, Walz was dealing with the hand he was given and the limited information expected during evolving events. Hindsight is always 20/20.

  3. Becks1 says:

    He’s been really great on social media as well. Apparently he used to be very pro NRA and then after Parkland maybe his daughter talked to him about it and now he has an F rating from the NRA. He said on X that he still owns guns, but he understands that the common sense gun laws Dems want to pass aren’t going to affect his gun ownership. I think he could be an effective communicator on that issue which is a big issue for a lot of undecideds/MAGAs.

    I saw a clip of him explaining how democrat’s policies aren’t “socialism” and again he was very effective – just saying “we build roads. We build schools. if someone is in trouble, we help them.”

    I think he has a real chance and if you had asked me two weeks ago I could not have told you the governor of Minnesota, lol.

    ETA and because people were asking last week – that’s Wes Moore in these pictures with him, the Maryland governor.

    • Kittenmom says:

      Yes, i think his approach to guns might be really enlightening for all the “men’s men” out there. I have always admired his MN political accomplishments & had never really considered him as a larger figure on the national stage. But – he has all the goods and seems like a great guy. Kind of reminds me a bit of Biden in the Obama era…minus some of Joe’s goofy gaffes (which I personally found quite endearing)

  4. Jais says:

    I like him! I saw a video of him teasing his daughter that turkey was vegetarian. Obv, I’m assuming he did not make her eat turkey. It was really cute. A teacher and a veteran. Come on.

  5. Duch says:

    OK and one more comment (😅) walz looks very good in that suit, top picture.

  6. Worktowander says:

    My only reservation about having Tim Walz a heartbeat away from the presidency is that Minnesota will miss him. We’re a progressive oasis with very high quality of life – and he’s responsible for or contributed to a lot of what’s great here.

    • Jais says:

      Is there anyone working on his team that could be a good successor in Minnesota? If he was chosen.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      His Lieutenant Governor would succeed him. She is kick ass herself. Her name is Peggy Flanagan and would be not only our first woman governor but our first Native American governor.

      • Ali says:

        I’m Irish and when I read the name Peggy Flanagan I assumed she must be Irish, that is a very Irish name, I have many aunty peggy’s.
        I love that a native American’s name is Peggy Flanagan 💕🇮🇪☘️🇺🇸

    • FYI says:

      I mean, we need a veep from a swing state, truly. Minnesota is not a swing state. He can help, but we need someone from MI, AZ, PA, NC, GA, NV, or WI.

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        We need a veep who appeals to the voters who populate swing states more than we need someone from a swing state. One reason Minnesota hasn’t become a swing state is Tim Walz’s appeal to rural and white working class voters.

      • Berkeleyfarm says:

        I’ve seen some variants on this and it’s not how selection usually goes these days. Selection is about balance/appeal across age/region/experiences.

        The last few Veep candidates were picked from “safe states” for the party. But they were from different regions and had different portfolios as it were.

        Walz seems like he would appeal to a broad range of “regular Midwestern guys” across the region, including in WI/MI. It’s not so much swing state but swing voters.

      • pottymouth pup says:

        I hate to say it but, while Josh Shapiro is very popular in PA, he is considered a divisive figure among progressives. The zoomers absolutely hate him for being too supportive of Israel and for his comments about antisemitism at pro-Palestinian protests at Penn and Drexel. It doesn’t help that he is pro-school vouchers and, while he’s been tough on sexual abusers, he has been accused of keeping quiet about sexual harassment by one of his aids. He is the one choice that could disrupt the unity of libs supporting her that is Harris’ biggest asset.

        If she’s really smart, she’ll pick someone who polls very well with zoomers that would be most effective. All of her potentials are pretty impressive and effective. Cooper has the advantage of being at the end of a term and is term limited, so his departure as Gov of NC wouldn’t be as big a potential hit as Beshear. Kelly’s low risk since the Gov of AZ is a Dem and would replace him with a Dem, Walz is really rising in popularity among all demographics and the zoomers absolutely adore Buttigieg (it’s pretty much white male’s who are concerned that other white men and moderate Christians would balk at voting for her if she chooses Buttigieg)

  7. SussexWatcher says:

    I’d add Pete Buttigieg to the list even though I think it’s unlikely that he would be the pick. But he’s a great defender of the Biden-Harris administration and has been going on offense, kicking ass and taking names on Faux News and CNN alike.

    I love what I’ve seen (and learned) of Walz but I have some concern with his age. And even though he comes across as energetic and relatable I wonder if they want a younger ticket. But I love that he’s the one who started the “they’re weird” trend and he’s definitely got that midwestern charm to him.

    • Becks1 says:

      He was born in 1964, so he’s the same age as Kamala.

      • Kim says:

        I was just going to point that out! Seems like a good communicator that can explain things in a way that most people can grasp.

        I will always support Pete Buttigieg, and it kills me that so many people are basically saying “Look what he could do, except the gay thing …”

        I have my fingers crossed that we are past that, that Kamala takes her Drag Race purple pantsuit, and she and the rest of the US supports the wonderfulness of Mayor Pete.

    • Nanea says:

      Tim Walz is only six months older than Kamala, April 1964 to October 1964.

      I looked him up, because someone mentioned it, and I couldn’t believe that.

      • SussexWatcher says:

        Oh alright. Why did I think he was older?! Maybe I’m thinking of one of the other shortlisters? Thanks for the correction.

      • Becks1 says:

        @SussexWatcher Cooper from NC is older, so maybe that’s who you were thinking of.

        I did see a meme that was like – how are Walz and Harris the same age (comparing their looks) and then the response was “one spent years teaching” or something like that 🤣

      • Berkeleyfarm says:

        He’s joked about that. “I was a lunchroom monitor. That takes it out of you” (paraphrasing)

      • pottymouth pup says:

        Walz is really only 6 months older than Harris? I really thought he was older than that. He has that Santa in the off season feel about him

    • JustMe says:

      Walz has a solid track record to run on and is a better spokesperson than Buttigeige. In fact, Pete has a poor record as a Mayor and as a Transportation Secretary. There wasn’t anything impressive about him as Mayor or Transportation Secretary. He will loose votes as his record is examined, while Walz will bring in more votes as his record is examined. I am hoping Walz, Beshear or Cooper.

      • Sarah says:

        I can’t speak to his record as mayor but Pete has done a fantastic job has Transportation Secretary

      • bisynaptic says:

        Agreed. I’m dismayed by how many people want Buttigieg in a governing position, just because he talks well, on tv. His administrative record is not great. And he had the hubris to think he could run for POTUS, after having been a small-town mayor, for a few years. He’s clearly intelligent and articulate, but running the country is more than just about that.

      • bisynaptic says:

        @Sarah, the residents of East Palestine, Ohio, the workers and passengers of Boeing, and many of the people who are invested in transportation safety would disagree with you.

    • mightymolly says:

      Mayor Pete absolutely will be president some day, but he’s young and he’s not going to be on this ticket for reasons we all know and understand.

      Personally, my fav is Mark Kelly, who absolutely is not boring. He’s a former astronaut who took over his wife’s political career when she was horribly injured in a political assassination attempt (that took six innocent lives). To me, Mark Kelly is about as close to a Marvel Super Hero as walks on this earth.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        mightymolly, I agree with what you say about Mark Kelly, but I just don’t see Harris-Kelly in my mind. I don’t think they have the charisma that’s needed. I definitely can be wrong.

  8. Waltz really does want it. He has been making the rounds and he is very good. I had hoped for Roy Cooper but he didn’t seem to want it. I think Waltz would be great with her.

    • Berkeleyfarm says:

      One issue with Cooper is that his Lt Gov is a Republican. That makes both Walz and Beshear more interesting/attractive candidates.

      Honestly there’s a pretty good field!

      • KeKe Swan says:

        Also, his lt. gov is INSANE. The man thinks gays should be shot, women who have abortions should be get the death penalty—crazy stuff that makes the base foam at the mouth.

  9. Brassy Rebel says:

    Before he became the most progressive governor in the country, Tim Walz represented a conservative district in southeastern Minnesota for ten years. He is who Bernie Sanders wants to be but never figured out the formula. Yesterday, Jake Tapper interviewed him and pointed out that Republicans are attacking his very progressive record as governor (with just a one seat majority in the state Senate), including universal free breakfast and lunch for all public school kids. Walz smiled and replied,”What a monster! We’re feeding kids so they can go back in the classroom and learn.” He’s a treasure. And if chosen, he will be a national treasure.

    • SarahCS says:

      He sounds great!

      • CLOVE says:

        I didn’t get to respond to Bernie’s post. Kamala doesn’t need Bernie, but I have two words for him: “The Villages.”

        On to this post, I like Tim Waltz, Pete Buttigieg, or the governor of KY, Andy Beshea.

  10. Nicole says:

    As a Californian, I had no idea who this guy is. I love how plain spoken he is. He also knows how Congress works in addition to being a governor. He has enough red meat for the stump and has the mid west bona-fides. I think he would be a great governing partner. He’s much better than Mark Kelly, who the conservative leaning independents want. We need someone out there who can make the case with Harris. I’m here for Walz.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Not saying this is you, Nicole, but I am constantly amazed by the number of people around the country who think that Minneapolis constitutes the entire state of Minnesota. They even think Minneapolis is the capital. That’s St. Paul. Smaller cities and small towns are dotted throughout the state. Agriculture is still a major industry which helps make our state fair one of the largest and best in the nation. Not to be all Chamber of Commerce, but there’s a lot to recommend.

      • NotSoFast says:

        Whoa! What about anything the commenter said, led you to your conclusions? From an outside perspective…there’s no connectivity there. And if there isn’t? Make your own stand-alone comment.

  11. Fuzzy Crocodile says:

    The thing about all this VP vetting has shown the deep bench the Democrats have with a lot of people being relatively young.

    Each time I get excited about one candidate another comes to the forefront that brings something else to the table.

    So get out and vote! And check your registration… I’ve seen several mentions of voters being purged.

    • ML says:

      Fuzzy Crocodile, Thank you for mentioning people being purged! I also commented a few days ago about a friend who discovered that they weren’t registered to vote anymore. It is extremely important —EXTREMELY IMPORTANT— to check if you are registered this year. It doesn’t take long to verify this with your local board of elections if you haven’t heard anything.

      • Anna says:

        I truly don’t understand why people have to register to vote. What a hassle. In my country, every adult automatically receives their voting pass through the mail. Only a judge can decide if someone’s inelegible to vote (for example if you’re convicted of a serious crime).

      • BlueNailsBetty says:

        @Anna Having to register to vote is one of the basics of voter suppression. Having different voting laws in each state is voter suppression.

        Anything that makes it difficult or a hassle to vote is voter suppression.

        And all of that voter suppression helps one party: Republicans. So the voter suppression will continue and may get worse as the white supremacists in charge are slowly exposed. They can’t win the votes so they have to interfere with voting to basically manipulate the elections.

      • Tanisha says:

        Especially if you live in a red state. I worked for elections in Texas and folks get purged often. Please make sure you are registered. In Texas you have until Sept to do so

  12. K8erade says:

    Honestly, Walz is perfect. I didn’t know who he was until this weekend but he’s not hard to love. VP Harris is making all of the right moves.

  13. Honey says:

    I truly don’t have an issue with a boring old white man as VP. I’m a female of mixed race and the opposite of this demographic. But when you really study the voting public, Caucasian is the largest race in the US (as of now) and, psychologically, most people want a candidate that represents them. And having a white male on the ticket is something that the Magas can’t mock. As for boring, I would like someone that’s steady and calm.

    • Sarah says:

      Also while yes Walz and Pete are white they aren’t boring! They are highly charismatic, funny, great communicators and imo fun to watch. So not sure why just because them being white they are getting labeled boring. I mean Cory Booker is not white and he’s pretty boring to watch.

  14. GoodWitchGlenda says:

    I’ve been loving him in interviews the last week. He is doing the absolutely critical work of pointing out that the GOP is an emperor with no clothes. They are deeply f*cked up and weird people. I’ve talked to a few Minnesotans who have told me, basically, he’s amazing and there’s no way she doesn’t pick him.

    • NotSoFast says:

      We haven’t spoken, yet…but I live in Minneapolis. They were right. He is the real deal. Minnesota has produced some of the best, most sincere, liberal politicians ever. Walter Mondale. Paul Wellstone. I will even include Al Franken. Our liberal politicians are what they should be. Pro-labor. Pro-union. Anti-racist. Pro-family. Pro-immigrant. Pro-science…but also? Pro-rural America.

      • GoodWitchGlenda says:

        What is so frustrating to me is that Dem policies ARE pro-rural America. Aside from 2nd amendment stuff, which, as someone who grew up in a VERY rural area, I understand why people want guns out there. However I would add that Dem policies aren’t “get rid of all guns” anyway, so…

      • NotSoFast says:

        But they don’t speak it in terms that relate to the people they are trying to reach…so it falls flat. And that is not criticizing them. In a way? Maybe it’s criticizing us for being myopic. Playing on fear is easy. Playing on hope is harder. This man has a proven history of doing just that. The coasts call him “folksy”. We call him “real”. And we love him for it.

      • Bananie says:

        Fellow Minnesotan here NotSoFast and I totally agree with you! I’ll add Amy Klobuchar! (I met Mondale in Surdyk’s once. He was buying some wine for his wife / dinner! cutie cute cute! I probably should have just respected his space but I asked to shake his hand and said, “thank you so much for loving our country”… !)

  15. NotSoFast says:

    I live in Minneapolis. This man is the real deal. The only real criticism? No one knows him. Today…we have Google. Get to know him. We are “fly-over” country. But MN has always been blue. We are consistently on the lists of best healthcare, best education, strongest state economy, best quality of life, best cities and towns to live in. Tim Walz reflects our values. Strong labor unions, support for families and those in need…combined with support for women’s rights, immigrant’s rights, concern for the environment, respect for science. I encourage you all to learn who this man is. I am personally grateful he has been the governor of our state over some scary years for our neighboring states. And…sadly…I welcome my Iowa sisters who were just stripped of their rights to self-determination with the quote from our lieutenant governor, Penny Flanagan, who said at Whole Woman’s health (a non-profit abortion provider), “So, if you’re afraid, come to Minnesota, we’ve got you.”

    • Bananie says:


      • NotSoFast says:

        Yes! Amy got the Hillary / Meghan / Any Woman who exudes power treatment. She is a hero, too. These women were all labeled “abusive” and “demanding”. You all know the refrain. It’s so gross and tiresome. Tim Walz is a good, honest man who would serve to the best of his ability. And he has done very well by our state.

  16. Scarlett says:

    He is great yes, but we need Kelly or Shapiro, ideally Kelly. We need a swing state and Kelly/Shapiro will deliver that.

    My money is on Kelly, he checks a lot of boxes and the governor can appoint someone in his place, since his spot is not up for reelection until 2028/2029, not 100% sure.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      It’s true Minnesota is not a swing state, but Tim can talk to those voters (white working class, rural voters). We are loaded with those voters here in Minnesota which is why Trump keeps thinking he can win here. Tim and Amy Klobuchar are white working class, rural voter whisperers. The campaign can put him in western Pennsylvania. I guarantee he will connect.

    • Amy Bee says:

      If she picks Kelly or Shapiro, she will lose the youth vote.

      • FYI says:

        Why would you say that? She is already bringing youthful energy on her own; she doesn’t need more. She / We need the swing voters.

      • Sarah says:

        I agree, Shapiro is a real risk to the youth vote. He is very pro Israel. He could cost her all the momentum she’s gained with the youth.

    • Becks1 says:

      I think Walz puts us in serious contention in PA – maybe not as solidly as Shapiro would obviously, but still serious contention. And I think he will also help in Wisconsin (which went for Trump in 2016 but we took it back in 2020) and Michigan (same thing). I think he’ll help keep those states blue AND I think he could be a factor in other swing states.

      Something to keep in mind – we dont just need a VP who will deliver states. We need a VP who will force the trump campaign to spend money in states that they thought were sure bets. I guarantee the Trump campaign is starting to get nervous about PA and MI in a way I doubt they were 2 months ago. So they’re going to have to spend more there. If Walz helps with support in Ohio, even if Ohio stays red, it will mean the Trump campaign has to spend more money THERE, or more money in North Carolina, etc. And that’s a good thing.

    • Berkeleyfarm says:

      The last few vp picks have been from “safe” states. They were picked for other qualities.

      Walz and my other fave Andy Beshear would definitely have “regional” appeal (unless, say, Wisconsin folks don’t like him). Minnesota is safe D and Kentucky probably wouldn’t flip, but it’s all about personality.

      I am a big Mark Kelly stan but he doesn’t have exec branch experience and Arizona is pretty volatile. He’s needed in the senate.

    • Sarah says:

      We don’t need a swing state! We need someone to help us in swing states. Delaware has never been a swing state and Obama picked Joe, California isn’t a swing state and Joe picked Kamala.

      If Walz appeals to swing state voters it doesn’t matter what state he is from.

  17. Lau says:

    She could honestly choose anybody and they would still be a better choice by many miles than Vance.

    • Suzy says:

      I had no idea who Walz was until last week with his “these people are weird” clip, and now I love him! I think he would be a brilliant pick- Shapiro and Kelly both present some problems with the younger vote, as well. Walz avoids that and is strong in the most important aspect of being a VP candidate- he’s an attack dog, without seeming aggressive and unpleasant. Team Kamala no matter what and also, Team Walz!

  18. Amy Bee says:

    Tim Walz is the most compatible with Kamala imo. I hope he gets picked for VP.

  19. Rnot says:

    Walz is the head of the democratic governors association. He’s a national “party leader” though he hasn’t really had a national profile up until now. He’s been incredibly effective in making MN better. I think he’ll be able to effect greater change going forward as a governor rather than VP. I’d be happy to vote for him again in ’26. (MN governors aren’t term-limited, unlike Cooper and Shapiro.)

    I have historical misgivings about him as a national candidate, though I’d be happy to be proven wrong. Hubert Humphrey and Walter Mondale were the last Minnesotans who tried in ’68 and ’84. It, uh, didn’t go well. They lost to Nixon and Reagan. A MN VP candidate paired with a last-minute substitute, who’s also a black woman? I’ll pray that history rhymes rather than repeats.

    Go back and look at electoral maps. MN hasn’t gone red since Nixon’s first term. It’s reliably blue. It doesn’t move in sync with WI, MI, or PA. It’s not a swing state or a bellwether.

    All that said, I’m willing to endure the results of Trump thinking he can win this state. We did elect Tom Emmer and Michelle Fischbach after all. Keep spending money here, GOP! Pour your resources in! Wisconsin is irrelevant and Minnesota is winnable! Hold lots of rallies to show off your weirdness! When Minnesotans call you “different” that’s a compliment. Quadruple down! Those Lutherans love spicy vitriol!

  20. Kari says:

    I’m Minnesotan and here in MN WE ADORE TIM WALZ. Seriously he’s the most popular gov in a long time and everyone just loves him. I would hate to lose him because he’s so fantastic and he has done so much for the state but I can’t be selfish – he would make an absolutely kick-ass VP. I love Pete too but I think he should stay in the cabinet for now in a more high-profile dept like State. He’s make an an amazing Sec of State – and the State Dept is a serious mess right now after the Trump Admin tried to gut it. Blinken has been ok but if we could get a superstar Sec of State who can re-establish our rep on the world stage that would be great.

    • NotSoFast says:

      Preach! From a fellow Minnesotan. I am not religious…so I can’t say blessed. But we have been incredibly fortunate to have this man as governor…particularly during the pandemic. It was Tim Walz and Dr. Michael Osterholm (google that – also MN) speaking reason then. They kept us as safe as they could. We had some of the lowest rates of infection and the strongest economic bounce-back. We don’t have a big percentage of millionaires or billionaires. I am not sorry about that. I am grateful. My late husband always said to keep up the horrible cold weather scenarios or people would descend like flies when they realized the quality of life we have. Everytime I see a jet pass over? I am grateful they are not descending. And…don’t ever move here. Shit sucks. And it’s cold. 😂

  21. Sarah says:

    I love this guy! And so I’m all about him or Mayor Pete, but to be fair she can pick a Turkey club and I’ll vote for her, I’ve been on the Kamala bus since she was a senator. Even went to a fundraiser in 2019.

    But I really like this guy, I like how he explains things, I like how he is open to listening to different perspectives. And how he defends his ideas.

  22. Proud Mary says:

    Right now, I must admit my standards are fairly low. I want someone who can kick azz in a debate. After seeing a clip of this guy’s appearance on Fox, I was cheering, “I WANT HIM, I WANT HIM!!”

    I’m sorry, although I’m not saying the Dems should give up on the South, I just think it’s a pipe dream to assume we can take a red state from Trump, because, VP nominee.

  23. Jackson says:

    As a SW PA resident, he will play exceedingly well here. Easy going. Not too fussy. A hunter/sportsman. Gets his message across easily and simply. Sense of humor without being nasty.

  24. JustMe says:

    Walz would be an excellent choice as VP. He has an impressive record to run on as opposed to Buttigiege has a poor record as Mayor and now Transportation Secretary to run on. Also, there is something about Pete that I can’t put my finger on that is giving me bad vibes. I was a Beshear supporter before I became a Walz fan. He is building momentum in me, like Kamala is. The more I learn about them, the better I like them. Note, I wasn’t a fan of Kamala as VP. Now that I have learned more about her record and accomplishments, I have become a fanatic.

    • Sarah says:

      You keep saying this and it isn’t true Secretary Pete doesn’t have a poor record as transportation secretary, he has done a fantastic job. Clearly you have a different issue with him.

      • JustMe says:

        Please inform me what fantastic work Pete has done as Transportation Secretary and also as I pointed out as Mayor? I have clearly stated my issues with him. He has an extremely poor record as a Mayor, which his constituents who elected him, would agree with and even poorer record for his mishaps as Secretary of Transportation. Both of which will be examined and made public to the detriment of Kamala’s campaign.

      • Sarah says:

        I can’t speak to Mayor as I don’t know anything about it, but he’s been a fantastic transportation secretary and you yourself admit it’s not about his work but a feeling, just like you didn’t like Kamala because of a feeling until recently.

        These aren’t reflections on them or their records but you.

      • JustMe says:

        Sarah, your deflection that I had a problem with Kamala is untrue and I have a problem with Pete is a lame rebuttal. I didn’t know Kamala’s impressive record as a California politician, nor was I familiar with Waltz equally impressive record as Governor. Either one of them are well qualified to lead this country. You tried to turn the tables on me because I asked you what was so fantastic about Pete’s performance as Secretary of transportation and you couldn’t answer it. That’s because it has been poor and you know it. The trump team and the press will bring this out to the general public. That is why Walz is the man of the hour, who the trump republicans will hang their heads in shame at and show the public the skill and wisdom of Kamala picking the best people.

  25. Diamond Rottweiler says:

    To use his phrase, people are so weird. 75% of Dems turned into a rabid marketing optics specialists around Joe Biden, but now they looooove the guy who reads on camera as ye oldy OLD (though I realize he’s actually not). Having said that, I was surprised by how charming and direct I’ve found him in interviews. He has a no nonsense, happy gee-whizness and air of decency that remind me of all my great uncles in Nebraska. And I love how much he centers public education. Maybe he is the secret weapon.

  26. wolfmamma says:

    I love Pete for sure but I think that he is still a heavy lift with Kamala.. for many people
    I like this guy ~ Mo bettah than Kelly .

    Just a thought ~ kindness, likability, family is going to go a long way right now as the other side continues to run on the opposite.

    • TwiceShyNan says:

      I linked kaiser’s comments about gov walz to my two st paul daughters, and they said, “Noooooo! You can’t have our governor!” Though the youngest has relented, telling me that she’s cool with Peggy Flannagan, Walz’ Lt. Gov.

  27. PopeArchibald says:

    I had hardly heard of Walz before today and I support this! I don’t think it will be Kelly because he is needed in the Senate and Harris and the DNC cannot risk loosing that seat. I believe it will be a Democratic governor. I have a lot of respect and appreciation for Buttigieg but good lord the man has never won a state-wide or even federal election. This is not the job for him this election.

  28. booboocita says:

    I’ve met the man. I used to teach at a small comprehensive university in MN. He came to introduce himself and speak with my union during his first election (has he been re-elected since 2020? I forget). I wasn’t crazy about him; I didn’t want to vote for anyone who had a good rating from the NRA, and who took money from them. My union endorsed him, and when the time came to vote, I held my nose and voted for him (the Republican candidate was a real wackadoo). He surprised me big-time, and happily. I think he’d be a fantastic VP.

    • NotSoFast says:

      Maybe we’re a small state…but I have a pic of him with a friend of mine in the carpenter’s union. He is out and about and he does his best for us. Sorry MissM. We have Tim’s back because he had ours. Maybe listen to a little Soul Asylum P-9 or Runaway Train.. IYKYK

  29. Mrs. Smith says:

    Ok CBers, I will give Walz a shot! I really didn’t know anything about him, so thanks to all of the commenters who pointed out his highlights! Love that he’s a vet and former teacher. I especially love that he can think on his feet and handle media or debate questions with ease. I guess I thought he was much older? Good to know he’s the same age as Kamala.

  30. JDLS says:

    I love Mayor Pete and think he’d be a fantastic addition to the ticket. BUT I truly hate that the fact he’s gay would be a strike against him. Democrats have to consider frightened, fragile conservatives if they want to win this round. By the time the next election rolls around (and if Trump hasn’t won and eliminated them altogether), if Kamala is not on her way to a second term, I hope Pete would crush as President.

  31. Scarlett says:

    I am back, my husband is on a White Dudes for Harris call and I am listening in.
    Just heard Tim Walz speak, let me tell you, my mind is changed, he just moved to the top of my VP pick, ahead of Kelly.

    He is so well spoken and he is the bulldog we will need while Kamala plays nice, I love his attitude! Consider my mind changed!

  32. Jayna says:

    I really came around to Kelly. Although, I think the risk of losing a Senate seat in 2026 is too risky. I love Shapiro, but understand there are a couple of drawbacks to him for the ticket. I love the fire in him, though. Then Governor Walz grabbed my attention. I watched him in an interview and have started watching him on YouTube now during the White Dudes for Harris Zoom. He’s on my radar now.

    It’s driving me crazy thinking about the VP pick because in this election the VP pick is important I think regarding some of the swing states.

  33. Tanisha says:

    Yes too this guy! He hit all the mark my roommate and I said. Between 45-65ish. White, veteran, moderate, from the Midwest. And yes to how quickly Harris hit the ground running. I wish we could have had an entire year of this but I think it will work in her favor. I was concerned at the beginning but I think it will work in favor. ESP since Trump picked Vance.

  34. Paulkid says:

    Walz also proudly states that his two beautiful daughters were conceived through in vitro fertilization. A happy dad is a good clapback to extreme conservative abortion stances.

  35. Normades says:

    He would wipe Vance’s face with the floor in a debate.