Prince Harry is ‘unburdened’ these days, ‘he has his convictions & he is determined’

The New York Post is running a somewhat bizarre exclusive about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Their headline is “There’s only one path of reconciliation for Prince Harry and royal family: source.” Weirdly, the “source” isn’t putting the onus on Prince Harry. While this piece is a bitchfest and a regurgitation of many different anti-Sussex talking points, the main thrust is that King Charles could easily reconcile with Harry if only Charles would guarantee the Sussexes’ security needs for their visits to the UK. Charles hasn’t done that, so there’s no reconciliation. You mean it’s not up to Harry to come crawling back, broke and divorced? You mean that Harry has actually been fighting to be part of his father’s life this whole time only for Charles to block those efforts? Who would have thought. Some highlights:

King Charles didn’t invite the Sussexes to Balmoral: They’ll be no suffering through the gloomy Scottish weather at Sandringham or wading through the lochs for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle this summer. King Charles and Queen Camilla have not invited the renegade royals and their two young children, Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet, for a family vacation at the monarch’s Highlands estate, sources told Page Six.

Harry’s security: As Harry nears his 40th birthday on September 15 and the chances of seeing his family continue to appear remarkably slim, multiple sources said there is only one way he will consider a reconciliation with his father. “King Charles can give Harry the security clearance he wants so desperately. As the monarch, he is the ultimate decision maker. That would be how father and son can reconcile,” said one royal source.

Harry has not been in touch with William or Kate: Although he has remained somewhat in touch with his father, Harry has not spoken to his older brother, Prince William, for more than two years. Page Six is told that reports that Harry has personally been in touch with the future king or sister-in-law Kate Middleton amid her cancer battle are inaccurate. Source said William, 42, remains furious that Harry claimed in his memoir, “Spare,” that the future monarch had assaulted him during an explosive argument over Markle. He is also said to be angry that the book blamed him and Middleton for encouraging Harry to wear a Nazi uniform to a 2005 costume party.

William is appalled by this too: Making it worse, writer Omid Scobie — who penned the Sussexes’ fawning biography, “Finding Freedom” — caused a storm by claiming that Charles and Kate were the so-called royal racists who asked what color Harry and Markle’s children would be. William is said to be appalled by the allegation.

The ‘Tabloids on Trial’ documentary: One royal insider who has known Harry for years said that, once again, Harry tripped over his own words. “Harry’s participation in this documentary isn’t because he wants to blame his family or speak further about their ‘rift,’” the insider said.”It is rather about his continued fight against the British tabloids. Harry’s mission in [taking] legal action with the press is clearly unique … he acknowledges that his choices have caused strain.”

Harry’s 40th birthday: As Harry prepares to celebrate his landmark birthday one longtime palace source told Page Six that their mother worried he and William might struggle. “Diana wanted them to be close. There have always been reports that she wanted Harry to be William’s wingman — it’s a nice idea, but she knew very much the burden of history would be on William,” said the source.

Diana’s former private secretary bashes Harry: “Too often Harry’s behavior is lacking judgement,” said Patrick Jephson, Princess Diana’s former chief of staff. “But that may partly be [due] to growing up in a royal world where fault could usually be deflected onto somebody else, insulating him from the consequences of his actions. Frequently, Harry’s announcements lack intellectual rigor; he often has good points to make in support of his allegations but they are not always coherently marshaled. Particularly when he invokes his mother.”

Harry’s life in America: As for the near future, Harry is focusing on “do good” initiatives through his and Markle’s Archewell Foundation, including working with parents whose children took their own lives after being bullied on social media. His planned Africa documentary for Netflix has been put on the back burner, Page Six is told. He will not, despite reports, be receiving a $9 million trust on his 40th birthday, sources added. But it seems he may have found himself. “In the past two years I’ve seen Harry become more comfortable in California and in his life and make friends and a home and work out what he wants to do with his future,” the friend said. “I think he has his convictions and he is determined, but I also think he’s more unburdened than before.”

[From Page Six]

Prince Harry, unburdened by what has been. He knows that he did not fall out of a coconut tree and that he exists in the context of all in which he lives and what came before him. Patrick Jephson’s comments are very odd overall, especially given that… Harry is suing the tabloids, he’s standing up for his mother as someone who was not paranoid (and Harry is refusing to gaslight Diana in death, something his brother did) and Harry has shown great bravery and courage to fight the powers that be in the UK. If you ask me, William is the brother who has consistently lacked good judgment, who has shown incoherence and a lack of intellectual rigor at every turn. William is the one who could always shove the blame onto someone else.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Buckingham Palace and Cover Images.

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42 Responses to “Prince Harry is ‘unburdened’ these days, ‘he has his convictions & he is determined’”

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  1. Wagiman says:

    They’re always looking for ways to call Harry dumb and unhinged. Let them. No one cares what some old fart who doesn’t actually know Harry thinks.

    • Jais says:

      Harry’s announcements that supposedly lack intellectual rigor have still managed to take down the Mirror for phone hacking. The Sun and the DM are up next.

      • Kathleen says:

        The tabloids and the pontificating royal experts are underestimating Harry at their peril. They are about to discover the error of their ways.

    • I agree. They are afraid of Harry because he is smart and knows what he is doing. All the time they tried to make him dumb has failed. Harry proves that he is the smart and courageous one in that family. Harry will continue to fight and his family will not come out looking good.

    • SarahCS says:

      That really stood out to me too, Harry the thicko is still being pushed.

  2. equality says:

    Interesting that PW is “infuriated” and “appalled”, but nowhere is he denying the racist comments or the assault. And, for Jepson, PH was NOT the one protected from consequences. That would be PW. PH was the one who took the consequences for both of them. He wants to claim that PH is the one going on about Diana when he is the one still dining out on having been her secretary decades ago and claiming he knows what she wanted for her sons. Regardless of what she wanted (or what anyone’s parents want for them), people come to a time when they have to live their life in their own way.

    • Tessa says:

      Ignored are William s scarf episode where he snubbed Meghan and kates lunging at meghan.

      • Berkeleyfarm says:

        I’ve seen this “Kate lunged at Meghan” a couple of times recently. I think I missed something. Would someone be kind and fill me in?

        (I’ve been OOTL between worrying about the state of things in the US and my sick pet.)

      • Jais says:

        It was during the walkabout the two couples did together for the queens funeral. Towards the end, right before they got back in the car. I’ve seen two video angles of it. One makes it appear as if Kate is possibly looking past Meghan. But then another video emerged from a different angle and yeah no. She was looking right at Meghan and walking towards her with a menacing “I will take you down” look towards Meghan. Meghan actually looked terrified and stepped back. I’m too lazy to look up the vids on Twitter but they’re prob still out there.

    • PEARL GREY says:

      Indeed, William has yet to refute claims he physically assaulted Harry, and Kate has yet to deny she raised racist concerns about how dark Harry and Meghan’s child’s skin tone would be and what it would look like for the royal family. In 3 years of endless briefings of outrage, anger, fury, hurt, “will never forgive”, “how dare they”, “so appalled”, and “recollections may vary”, there has not been a single denial, either directly via official statement, or indirectly via their many rota mouthpieces, unnamed “friends” and mystery “sources”, from any of them. That is what’s most important. They cannot say they didn’t do it, because they did.

      William is a violent bully, and Kate is a racist.

  3. Eurydice says:

    They must be reading CB – we were saying just the other day that it’s all up to Charles. You can’t tell me that the monarch sent by god can’t solve this situation.

    As for Harry being unburdened – I’ll say. He escaped from an oppressive cult of racist do-nothing snobs.

    • kirk says:

      Yeah. I’m thinking that “British born” Sara Nathan, “award-winning editor at large at the New York Post” who “has worked at The Sun, the Daily Mail, and People” doesn’t need to consult any sources at all to conclude: “King Charles can give Harry the security clearance he wants so desperately. As the monarch, he is the ultimate decision maker.” As for reconciliation, why would “father” want to reconcile with, as Nathan calls them, the “renegade royals.”

  4. Brit says:

    What they mean to say is that he’s been deprogrammed out of that cult. Harry and by extension Meghan have completely disrupted the system and agreements between the press and palace. The family has a debt to the press and the press are tired of not getting what they want. The press knows Charles taking away Frogmore was stupid and that he doesn’t care about his grandchildren like that. The press want leaks and access that they’re never going to get. That’s why you had a reporter a few weeks ago at the White House press conference asking about whether they can force the Sussexes to let Charles see the children if he ever toured the country.

    • Tessa says:

      Archie and Lily were in the UK and Charles had little or no time for them. They were not in the great grandchildren photo in 2022.

      • equality says:

        You mean the “digitally enhanced” picture that was supposed to have been taken by Kate?

    • Kittenmom says:

      What?! I missed this. What was the response?

    • Magdalena says:

      Yeah well the same press that is now belatedly realising how stupid the theft of Frogmore cottage was is the same press which was JUBILANTLY claiming that it was the right thing to do and that it showed that “king Charles was decisive because he made such a swift decision to show H+M that they can’t keep ‘attacking’ the family with no repercussions”. I LOVE this for them. May they never have bread on their table, forever and ever, Amen.

  5. Tessa says:

    I notice there is no talk of Charles reconciling with Meghan just harry. Isn’t Charles a royal renegade he complained about his parents and left his first wife for his mistress. Jeph son on one of his books wrote of how Charles put down Diana in a meeting where a tour was being planned. He knows darn well how Diana was treated.

  6. Tessa says:

    Harry apologized for the incident of Nazi costume. While William had a party about colonial Africa with some offensive costumes worn. That s never mentioned

  7. sevenblue says:

    NYP is Murdoch paper, that Harry is currently suing for the crimes committed against him. I remember they were depicting H&M as poor people on their front page when they left the BRF. They are pissed that the future they depicted of H&M didn’t come true. They are living a good, peaceful life with their babies & security in their mansion with 1000 bathrooms. Cry more assholes.

    • Brit says:

      Basically. They are mad nothing they have predicted have come to fruition. They are mad because they’re not running back with their tales tucked between their legs. They’re mad because they’re not failing meanwhile the royals back home are struggling. The royal rota is basically falling apart, their books and fanfic are not successful, they’ve been relegated to YouTube and the podcasts are failing. Not to mention the lawsuits and newspapers are going under. They thought they were going to eat off them for years to come. They’ll always have grudge toward the Sussexes.

  8. Wagiman says:

    The other interesting thing : bots have swarmed all the SM saying Harry can’t talk about Diana, all while the commentators and has beens are making bank using her name. This has been a newer, more extensive talking point from the bots. I wonder why now especially?

    Harry has had such a successful life, achieved so many things outside of the zoo, and they really hate him for it.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      That’s very interesting.

      William called Diana paranoid, possibly at the behest of his Murdoch paymasters. CIII & Cam, in their heyday, used the press against Diana. Each have a reason to want Harry to stop talking about his mother because that just can’t reflect well on the rest of them. Even MaMidds mouthed off around the statue unveiling saying she was a better mother than Diana. None of them can bear much scrutiny over Di.

  9. Tessa says:

    Charles and William deflect their own faults on to others. Charles blamed a courtier not himself for his publicly outing camilla.

  10. Hypocrisy says:

    When Prince Harry is done with the court cases in Britain and wins, I personally would love it if he applied for citizenship just as a huge fu to that family and their propaganda tabloids.. (yes my petty is showing)

  11. Caitlin says:

    The NY Post is not a reliable source of information on anything or anyone that’s not extreme right wing. I’ve also noticed that the same article will appear in both the Post and the Daily Mail. Unless there’s sound or photographic evidence of something, I call BS on everything they say.

  12. Becks1 says:

    Of course he is unburdened, he walked away from a toxic family institution and is thriving and happy with his own family in a gorgeous house in California.

    And yes Charles is the one who can heal the rift, or at least make an effort to. The fact that he refuses to provide security for Harry tells us everything we need to know.

  13. Apples says:

    Why harry need to be wingman when none of other European royal household push that narrative. Anyways harry will be fine , trouble awaits for all heir to the throne of Europe including george. So far fed and mary , Victoria, william has public love and adoration because all these people brought up in f#cked family. But this generation royals who keep on pushing false narratives on happy family will back fire because genz and upcoming generation doesn’t feel connect to them economically, emotionally they feel alienated.

    One of the reason why William and harry got so much public love because they know how dysfunctional diana and chuck where. They sympathise with them. Same goes for king fed where daisy was horrible mother and his parents marriage is doomed. That’s why he was forgiven for his cheating ways and many woman sympathy for mary because she lost her mother .

    Many genz respect sussex because they also have batsh@t family members and they broke the cycle. But new wales pushing this happy and hand on parents will backfire on those kids. Even chuck got sympathy from few people because late queen was horrible mother.

    Those wales kids won’t have any room for being lazy and failure.

  14. Pebbles says:

    The comment about Charles just providing the security is because the press is desperate and upset that the Sussex family doesn’t come over anymore so they have no first hand accounts of what they’re doing, where they are, who they talked to, who snubbed them etc. They have run out of stories! They have recycled everything. They need fresh meat, new stories and drama to sell their papers and books. New leaks from the family to feed their presses.

  15. Amy Bee says:

    Those who lack intellectual rigor is the Royal Family because they believed Harry would come crawling back to them. Plus the lack of security is not the main impediment to reconciliation it’s Harry’s lawsuits against and the Royal Family collusion with the press.

  16. J says:

    Ah what typical white persons Peg and Kate are. Extremely comfortable to do and say racist things but how dare you call them out on it and actually label them racist.
    Don’t you know we have other friends of colour that would vouch for us?
    Image management is more important than having a firm grasp on reality, desire for accountability, and change.

  17. Over it says:

    I won’t be surprised if Kate 6 months disappearing act was so that people would forget she was one of the many that asked about Archie skin color. I feel like we are all supposed to forget Kate an is is a bad seed because she is sick or whatever she is. And how dare anyone know that William is a bully. Why can’t people let him bully and abuse his brother how and when he wants and Harry shouldn’t never tell a soul. I am so happy that. Harry and Meghan at peace and happiness away from these unhinged windsors

    • Harla A Brazen Hussy says:

      I too have wondered if Kate’s disappearance was more tied to her being afraid that people now know how she really is? The press is once again pushing the story that Kate, not the queen, insisted on the “recollections may vary” line in the response to the Oprah interview. It seems that they believe it makes Kate sound strong and in command but instead it highlights her concerns that she was going to be outed as racist.

  18. Harla A Brazen Hussy says:

    I do believe that Harry is “unburdened” because over the years the press has spent considerable effort tearing Harry down by spilling the dirt about his stupid behavior, so now that there’s no more dirt to spill, Harry no longer has to worry about that, but his father and brother need to. Also, Harry once remarked that once he realized that the press were going to be nasty no matter what he said/did, it freed him.

  19. Blubb says:

    I would take Jephsons comments with a lot scepticism. He was the one making the points for Diana when the boys where too young. The war of the Waleses was the name of the documentary. So has he changed? Or des Jobson lie about his comments?

  20. sunnyside up says:

    I see that William hasn’t actually denied any of Harry’s allegations, he is merely furious that they were put in the book. Judging from what Harry put in his book some of which he would have been wiser to have left out, I believe that Harry is the honest one.

  21. QuiteContrary says:

    Harry’s public appearances make it clear that he’s unburdened. He’s free from the place he wanted to escape years before he met Meghan, and now he has the true family he always wanted. This is just stating the obvious.

  22. Saucy&Sassy says:

    Conviction and determination has always been an aspect of Harry since his time in the military and starting Invictus. Interesting that the bm never saw that. I can’t imagine how liberated he feels now that he is unburdened.