Jobson: Prince William & Kate moved to Windsor in 2022 to be closer to QEII

Robert Jobson’s new royal biography is Catherine, The Princess Of Wales. Jobson’s book was excerpted in the Mail, and from what I’ve seen, the excerpts have landed poorly all around. Royalists are mad that Jobson’s narrative is so Sussex-focused and so uncomplimentary to the Waleses, and Sussex people find it hilarious that Jobson is trying to push those narratives. Because I’ve been doing this for years, I once again have to point out that Jobson wrote a biography of Prince William a few years ago which got the same reaction – it was basically a hit job on William from sources deep within King Charles and Queen Camilla’s camp, at least that’s how it read to me. Jobson’s Huevo biography was largely buried too. Anyway, this excerpt is all about how dear Catherine wanted to move to Windsor specifically because Queen Elizabeth was doing so poorly, health-wise.

The death of her beloved Philip hit the late Queen very hard. She’d also lost several close friends, who’d died in quick succession around the same time, and as a result felt increasingly isolated. In her final years, she took to inviting former members of her staff to come to visit her in her private apartments to talk about the old times. One of them revealed later: ‘She told me she didn’t know anybody [her staff and servants] any more.’

The brightest light on her increasingly limited horizon was regular visits and several phone calls a week from her grandson William, which brought them closer than ever.

Catherine had instantly grasped that it was important for her husband to be geographically closer to his grandmother in her final months, so they’d decided to move early to Adelaide Cottage, a four-bedroom house close to the castle on the Windsor estate. This made a real difference.

‘[Prince William] knew his time with his grandmother was precious and he is delighted they, as a couple, made that decision,’ said one aide.

Behind the scenes, Queen Elizabeth was feeling terribly frail. Her final appearance on the Buckingham Palace balcony, as the finale to the Platinum Jubilee, took real courage as she was in constant pain from a form of myeloma, a bone-marrow cancer.

Her health deteriorated rapidly over the following three months. She struggled terribly with failing eyesight, and had difficulty even lifting a teapot to fill her cup.

‘Her Majesty could hardly see and just didn’t have the strength,’ a source close to the late Queen said. ‘She would get terribly frustrated as she hated causing a mess, pouring it over the tray. She asked for a smaller pot and would get frustrated when the staff forgot and brought the big one.’

She knew she was dying. But as her strength ebbed away, it brought her immense comfort to know the monarchy could be entrusted to the next two generations.

[From The Daily Mail]

Keep in mind, William and Kate officially moved into Adelaide Cottage at the last minute, kicking and screaming, in late August 2022, and QEII died in Scotland just a couple of weeks later. The “kicking and screaming” part is because they wanted (or rather, Kate wanted) to be given a much grander home on the Windsor property but she and the kids were shuffled off to Adelaide just days before the kids started their school term. This narrative about “William and Kate were physically closer to QEII in the months before her death” is BS. They were in Norfolk, QEII was in Scotland. Also: the whole rationale behind the Waleses move to Windsor was NOT “they want to be closer to QEII” back in 2021-22. The rationale was “Kate wants to be closer to her parents” and “Kate wants to send the kids to a school outside of London” and “Kate and William believed they would be given Windsor Castle when QEII died.”

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images, Kensington Palace.

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35 Responses to “Jobson: Prince William & Kate moved to Windsor in 2022 to be closer to QEII”

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  1. I call bs on they did it for QEII. He moved Can’t to Adelaide because he was going to divorce her and that’s her home. He still lives at Kensington Palace where his helicopter comes and goes.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      It really disturbed them that QEII had a relationship beyond photo calls with Meghan. Since the Royal engagement that the Queen and Meghan went on together they have pushed this Kate/Queen narrative that has zero credibility whatsoever. I think the photos of the smiles and laughter between the Queen and Meghan had her screaming like a banshee, but no matter what they write they can’t produce a picture like that for Kate (I’m sure they have tried). The Sussex’s had a personal relationship with the Queen and I firmly believe that is something that WanK never had, their relationship with the Queen was a business one.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      I believe this piece that WILLIAM and not Kate wanted to move physically closer to the Queen: There had to be something in for baldy. Kkkhate didnt want to be there 💯, she was the one complaining that there wasnt wven a 4th spare room for william’s office (like he worked! Ha! And she certainly never asked for a spare room for her own office! NOOOOOO! NOT WORK! ) she didnt even went to the queen when she passed!

  2. bisynaptic says:


  3. Tursitops says:

    Once again, we have Leopards Eating Faces, and people being surprised by that.

    M+H given Frogmore, doing renos for which THEY PAID, then it taken back without justification by Chucky Trips.

    Mumbles and Bumbles “believing” that they would be given Windsor by Chucky Trips, who did not follow through. Just as well, because they wouldn’t have paid for the renos under any circumstances.

    • Megan says:

      I think Adelaide was a temporary gig until the castle was ready and then Charles backtracked, because he always does.

  4. Digital Unicorn says:

    The ‘move’ to Windsor has always been an attempt to a) get close to the Sussex’s who at the time still had the cottage and b) to grab rooms in the Castle as soon as QE2 died which Chuck shut down very quickly. I remember the stories that they were going to be moving into the castle after QE2 died but then the narrative switched back to them wanting Royal Lodge from Andrew. They got neither.

    William is pretty much in the Castle and she’s in the cottage with the kids – the video on him on the scooter pretty much confirmed his residence when in Windsor.

    I wonder if this will be a hit job just like his book on Huevo.

    • Mia says:

      Oh dear Americans,! Windsor Castle is the property of the reigning sovereign not a crash pad to be bartered. W and K will get their turn in good time. There’s no conspiracy here people.

  5. equality says:

    Who is this article supposed to make look good? PW wanted to see QE more often, but he wasn’t bright enough to think of moving only Kate was? QE was in terrible pain but they made her walk out onto a balcony and out to other appearances? She had servants to make the tea and bring the pot but not any to pour the tea so she had to spill it everywhere? The whole article is stupid.

    • kirk says:

      equality – it really is stupid. Poor Betty having to pour tea all over the tray because her staff wouldn’t help her. No wonder Harry was concerned about her having the right people around her!

    • SarahCS says:

      Eh I’m seeing this from the point of view of a frustrated older person trying to find solace in the rituals that they’re losing the ability to do themselves. She spent her life being waited on hand and foot and I’m sure if she wanted someone else to pour the tea they’d have been right there waiting to do it.

      It’s one of the few parts of this narrative that I believe!

      • equality says:

        The story just makes no sense. If she were taking tea alone why would they bring a large pot? If she had company, she would surely let someone else serve instead of having a mess.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      It’s a steaming pile from beginning to end.

      And he had the temerity to include this gem, as if we never heard the Queen’s real feelings about it:

      “She knew she was dying. But as her strength ebbed away, it brought her immense comfort to know the monarchy could be entrusted to the next two generations.”

      She knew these two feckless idiots would cock it up. That’s why she famously quoted Louis XV of France when she said “Après moi, le déluge”. She had a sardonic sense of humor.

  6. Cathy says:

    Kate wanted to be closer to the Queen…
    Let me correct that for you Jobby…
    Kate wants to BE Queen
    There you go Jobby, fixed it!

  7. RRN says:

    They shouldn’t have moved to Windsor. The Queen died right after. -.-

    The Wales didnt have an actual reason to move at all other than the fact that they need space in their marriage. They spent millions of taxpayer money on renovating their Kensington Palace apartment and briefed the rota that that apartment was going to be their forever place. Why do you think some of the rota didnt play along when the moving news came out? Wasn’t it Jobson who mentioned that the then Cambridges briefed that Kensington was their place even after they become King and Queen? Was it to justify the spending of taxpayer money?

    Okay why didn’t the Wales move back after the Queen died? How does the family go from staying in a literal palace to a small cottage with 4 bedrooms? Why does Kate suddenly want to stay closer to her birth family? Why does William helicopter to Kensington every other day? If their office was at Kensington, why they move at all? Isn’t it an inconvenience if you stay far away from your office? I mean how can you be hands-on with your charity work alternating between windsor and kensington?

    The writing is on the wall. Nobody wants to ask these questions apparently. Instead we get articles on how Meghan’s jam might overthrow the monarchy. Jobson writing these contradicting claims doesn’t help him either.

    • Becks1 says:

      Jobson and Palmer were two who were very upset when the move to Windsor was officially announced bc they felt the Waleses/Cambridges had lied to them about KP being their forever home (they weren’t wrong.)

      But Adelaide isn’t a small cottage. In a lot of the pictures of it you can only see a small portion, but if you see an aerial view you get an idea for how big it is, and that’s without including the staff quarters across the driveway.

      • Nic919 says:

        Jobbo and Palmolive were critics of W and K before Meghan came on scene and criticized their laziness, Palmolive in particular. They know the real story but pretend otherwise. Honestly both could make way more money and retire if they wrote the real story without fear of needing to keep that family happy.

  8. Proud Mary says:

    Seriously, does Jabba have any self-respect left at all? If it’s true that William and Kate moved to Windsor out of concern for the Queen, shouldn’t they be embarrassed by the Queens disheveled public appearances around that time? I remember that only one person had publicly expressed concern for the Queen: Harry. And his concern was met with, to borrow his on phrasing, a torrent of abuse from William and Kate’s allies in the media. How dumb do these people think we are?

    All I recall is how they were all measuring the draperies and jockeying for position. Not one ounce of concern for Betty. But then again, the way Betty raised her family, is part of her legacy, isn’t it? She and Phillip pretty much promoted the notion of the so-called stiff upper lip and lack of care for one’s own family members. Harry is truly Diana’s son. Thank God for that.

    • Nic919 says:

      Jobbo knows this is all bs so I have no idea how he can write this tripe and not make himself sick. The Queen was in balmoral for the last months of her life, and wasn’t in Windsor at all. The last time we saw Kate and the Queen interact directly was when she ignored her at the end of the Covid choo choo tour.

  9. Maxine Branch says:

    This book Jobson hobbled together will flop just as his last book. The general public outside of the UK has zero interest in this dumb woman.

  10. Nerd says:

    Phillip died nearly a year and a half before the Queen, yet they didn’t bother to move to Windsor to be closer to where the Queen spent most of her time until just before she passed? I call BS. They described the intense pain she was in months prior to her passing yet they had her working instead of them taking on her responsibilities to make her final months more comfortable for her. Kate made Phillips funeral all about her instead of honoring him (and the Queen) at a time when getting a photo op shouldn’t be your main priority. Neither of them stayed in the UK for the Queen’s birthday following that funeral. The Queen spent her first birthday alone after losing her lifelong companion while these two went on yet another vacation. The media attacked Harry for not spending it with her even though the family continued to do everything to make sure that him, Meghan and the kids had little to no access to her. Yet Jobson wants to lie and say that the Wailers were so concerned about the Queen who they didn’t bother to move near until just before she passed. I need Jobson to stop writing all the chronicles of lies about the royals and write a letter describing the type of excrement you would have to be to suggest dangling Archie from a balcony as he once suggested. Nothing he’s said before that mattered but what he’s said since is white noise because an explanation of how cruel and disgusting you would have to be to allow words like that to come out of your mouth needs to be given even though there is no excuse or justification for what he said.

  11. Tessa says:

    Kate and William were not at Balmoral when the queen was close to the end. He had to fly in with his uncle s and aunt.but of course he did not invite harry. Kate posing for pictures at Philips funeral was a disgrace.

  12. Nic919 says:

    That clip of the Queen icing out Kate after the Covid choo choo tour needs to make the rounds again because that was how the Queen felt about her. I.e. she wasn’t worth her time.

    • Becks1 says:

      YES. the late queen didn’t care if Kate was close to her or not. She was just fine without her. And does anyone believe that phone calls from William were the one bright spot in her life? She seemed to enjoy being around pretty much any of her other grandchildren more.

  13. Jais says:

    Honestly, I’m not sure the Queen could really abide William or Kate. I’ll never forget how the queen barely looked at them when there was that outdoor greeting in Scotland during covid. The queen blanked Kate hard and barely looked at William. And yet she really did look delighted to see Sophie. I don’t believe William and the queen were having a bunch of cozy visits but maybe I’m wrong.

  14. Amy Bee says:

    I think the real reason for moving to Windsor was jealousy. I think they never liked that Harry and Meghan had moved to Frogmore Cottage and thus were living closer to the Queen than them. I think since 2019 they were plotting a move to Windsor however they couldn’t get Andrew out of Royal Lodge and thus had to settle for Adelaide.

  15. Becks1 says:

    This story only flies if you don’t remember how this actually played out. In summer 2021 we started to hear they wanted to move to Berkshire, and it had nothing to do with QEII – it was about being closer to Kate’s parents, sending the kids to a different school, etc. Remember the initial story was that they wanted a private estate in Berkshire and that got shot down pretty quickly.

    then it was “well they’ll move to the Windsor estate” and EVERYTHING got mentioned in the press – Royal Lodge, Ft Belvedere, Frogmore House AND Frogmore Cottage, and yes, Windsor Castle itself.

    Thats why when AC was finally announced, after a year of this, it was quickly followed with “they love how cozy and charming it is!!!” because they had been trying for a bigger, more significant house, regardless of who already lived there, or whether the house was a museum, or whatever. AC was the best they (Kate) could get.

    And I think they were okay with it because they knew how sick the Queen was and they figured they would move into WC as soon as she passed, and then Charles shot that one down pretty much immediately – remember someone from his camp said something about how the castle was “for the monarch” so he would be living there.

    Do I believe W&K wanted to be closer to QEII bc they were jealous of H&M having Frogmore so close to her (even if they weren’t in the country anymore)? Sure. But I have always thought the real story is that Kate was insisting on a house closer to her parents as part of the separation agreement and here we stand two years later.

    • Nic919 says:

      I agree with your timeline but let’s not forget that prior to that talk of needing a new home, we noticed them doing their zoom interviews at Sandringham after several months of doing them at Anmer. And this was not long after the Oprah interview too.

      • Becks1 says:

        YES!!! That was pretty much right after the Oprah interview. We always assumed that was bc William moved into Sandringham; I wonder if that’s why they thought they could get Windsor Castle too? Or if they wanted Sandringham itself, certainly big enough for a separated couple to live together.

        And then the Windsor talk happened.

  16. Krista says:

    These stale topics are boring. The Bpress is both yuck, and lazy.

  17. Well Wisher says:

    Why were they measuring the drapes at Windsor Castle??

    • Becks1 says:

      so based on comments from the time, what was being conveyed in the press generally was that Charles probably wouldn’t live in the castle once he became king and it would just be sitting there, sad and empty, and so of course the then-cambridges should move in.

      Charles became king and there was public pushback on that idea, basically saying “nope, Windsor is for the monarch and thats me.”