JD Vance on his wife: ‘She’s not a white person… but I just, I love Usha’

I’ve seen a lot of people compare JD Vance’s entrance onto the Republican presidential ticket to John McCain choosing Sarah Palin. Let me tell you something, kids – Vance is worse. Palin was an idiot and a catastrophe, of course, but Palin was enormously popular with the proto-MAGA voters. She gave a huge fundraising boost to the McCain campaign and she was a hit on the campaign trail. Vance… isn’t anything like that. He’s not popular with the base, he’s not a hit without donors beyond Peter Thiel, he’s awkward and weird on the campaign trail, his years of sh-ttalking is coming back to haunt him and his personal narrative is being attacked by both Democrats and Republicans.

As we discussed soon after Vance was added to the ticket, the white supremacists – who are Trump’s base – were really upset that Vance is married to an Indian-American woman and that they have three half-Indian children. When Vance was sent out last Friday to do damage control on all of his creepy, weird statements about “childless cat ladies,” Megyn Kelly also asked him about the white supremacist “backlash” to his Indian-American wife Usha Vance. This was his response:

This is what he said: “Look, I love my wife so much. I love her because she’s who she is. Obviously, she’s not a white person, and we’ve been accused, attacked by some white supremacists over that. But I just, I love Usha. She’s such a good mom.” There are like twenty different angles to unpack here. First of all, I find it interesting that he even addressed it at all, given that Donald Trump bends over backwards to let white supremacists know that they’re all simpatico. Secondly, Usha Vance needs to file for divorce. White supremacists are attacking her and her children and her husband goes on Megyn Kelly’s podcast and he says “she’s not a white person BUT I love her.” The “good mom” thing is fascinating too, because up until the RNC, Usha Vance had a high-powered legal career… the kind of career JD Vance believes women should not have.

Photos courtesy of Vance’s IG, Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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139 Responses to “JD Vance on his wife: ‘She’s not a white person… but I just, I love Usha’”

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  1. Lady Esther says:

    That is just… jaw-dropping. This is not “awkwardness,” this is straight up saying you love your wife IN SPITE OF her race and ONLY BECAUSE she made you babies.

    Hideous, awful words. I feel very sorry for his wife (and his children who will have to read this someday!)…

    • equality says:

      I think you have interpreted the message well.

    • seaflower says:


    • ML says:

      I realize he’s a racist POS and that is supposed to be his appeal to his base, but I can’t get over the fact that he’s not aware of how he sounds to the rest of the world!
      He actually said that he loves his wife as an exception and she’s a breeder of his kids. That’s horrible!

    • Yup, Me says:

      The white guy sounding like a white guy is less surprising or shocking to me than the brown woman choosing to marry a white guy who says things like this. I’m sure this isn’t the first time she’s heard something like this come out of his mouth. She worked with him on a “Won’t someone consider the white people!?! 😱” project in school; she’s not new to this behavior or mindset. It’s wild to me that she accepts it and decided to make more people to subject to it, though.

      • Another Anna says:

        Usha Vance clerked for John Roberts. Admittedly Roberts isn’t one of the deep end Republican crazies, but it wouldn’t surprise me to find that she’s actually quite conservative.

      • ELX says:

        The desire to join the white club can be very strong, to wit, one Niki Haley.

      • Maisie says:

        But the point is Vance’s wife *can’t* join the white club because of her color, which is the sole thing on which she is judged by her husband’s creepy fans. Unlike the light-skinned Haley, who has bent over backward to appear white to the bigots, Usha cannot do more than stand by stoically as her her husband and the GOP compliment her on being “one of the good ones” (something I’ve heard repeatedly in my life). Why she puts up with it is beyond me – I’d have divorced Vance’s white supremacist ass years ago.

      • aftershocks says:

        ^^ Yes! 👏🏽 Only, I would say: ‘Don’t marry his racist hypocritical grifter sellout a$$ in the first place.’ 🙄

      • kirk says:

        @Another Anna – There’s a good article in Slate today by Susan Matthews. She says they both sought out Amy Chua for mentorship while at Yale. Amy Chua “has done extraordinary work placing women and minorities in prestigious clerkships that for decades only went to white men.” The mentorship they sought paid off well. Chua encouraged Vance to write ‘Hillbilly Elegy’ and got Usha clerkships with Kavanaugh and Roberts. It’s interesting read, try at posting link here: https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2024/07/jd-vance-wife-usha-vance-politics-amy-chua.html

      • Sparkles says:

        Exactly! Like how much do you dislike yourself that you’re willing to marry someone like Vance? I live amongst many WEALTHY South Asians and the ones around me are all Trump supporters. It BAFFLES me! Don’t they see that at the end of the day, no matter how deep their pockets, they will always be perceived as brown and “other”? It’s like that interview between Ramaswampy and Ann Coulter where she said something along the lines of, “I like you but I still wouldn’t vote for you BECAUSE YOU’RE AN INDIAN.”

    • Kate says:

      It’s also wild to me that she was a democrat! Like I know back in the day democrats married to republicans was not that wild an idea but in this day and age it sure is.

    • otaku fairy says:

      This. He might as well have said “I know white is our party’s ideal, but…”

      • Traveller says:

        I think it’s even more insidious than that………..”I know it is our mission to keep the white race pure and dominant.”

    • MichaelaCat says:


      The key word here is “but”

    • bisynaptic says:

      It was awkward, because he was trying to avoid actually saying that.

    • mightymolly says:

      It’s like Season 4 of Succession accurately predicted this. Kendall Roy’s daughter has South Asian ancestry, and the ex wife repeatedly tries to get Kendall to take seriously that the daughter is legitimately scared of the racism being stirred up by the Roys themselves. Kendall’s response is basically “tell me who’s bullying my daughter and I’ll handle it” which misses the point so hard.

    • TheFarmer'sWife says:

      Did the money “win” at some point? I don’t understand. How did this uber-intelligent woman end up in this situation? Three children are involved; as other posters have pointed out, they will read this one day. At least their parents will be able to afford therapy. Usha will hopefully one day wake up and smell the shitake.

  2. sevenblue says:

    They both know they can’t get elected without the votes from the racists. So, he is trying not to offend them. That is really just sad. She is probably thinking the money & power they are gonna get will protect them and their mix children. This guy was showing empathy to his trans friend and saying he hates police, Trump is the new Hitler. He changed into a man that he thinks conservatives will vote for. However, his wife can’t do that with her skin. It doesn’t matter how much she sh*t-talks about other minorities. She is always gonna be “not-white”.

    • UpIn Toronto says:

      I’m so glad people are finally talking about this! He doesn’t defend her vs the white supremacist and racist comments said about her, and THEIR KIDS WEREN’T ON THE STAGE WITH THEM WHILE TRUMP’S GRANDKIDS WERE CRAWLING ALL OVER IT

      If that’s not the microcosm of the future the GOP has for people of color, then I don’t know what it

      JD Dunce sold his soul to the devil.. Apparently, so did his wife because make it make sense: how do you go from being an accomplished woman who was a former Democrat less than 10 years ago to this? You can’t tell me Bernie or Hillary was THAT much of a deal breaker or turnoff that you decided to go red.

      Make it make sense!

      • Christine says:

        I can’t. I truly do not understand why this woman is married to him. I feel awful for their kids, because they can’t fake white either, and their FATHER clearly wishes they could. I don’t even know what kind of therapy it will take to get over this election, for the kids.

  3. lisa says:

    reminds me of Joel grey singing if you could see her though my eyes in cabaret

  4. Amy T. says:

    Presumably she wasn’t a mom when he fell for her, so that last was probably his ham-fisted attempt at placating the MAGA folks steeping in worries about being replaced by immigrants and non-white people.🙄

    • UpIn Toronto says:

      A mom whose kids weren’t even on the RNC stage when her husband accepted the VP position of the ticket!
      But Trump’s entitled grandchildren (who are not kids of color) all over the stage.

      The image still disturbs me bc it shows that GOP people of color will shrink themselves or not get a spotlight to be part of this party unless it is role of TOKEN

  5. SIde Eye says:

    Vance: “she does have her faults – one of them is, she’s not White. In spite of this, I do love her mainly because, she’s given me offspring and is a good mom to them. So this adds to her value because we all know women who give birth have value.”

    WTF. I just can’t. Seriously go to Rooms 2 Go and eff a couch.

    • Chica says:

      Like the Ballerina Farm lady, women are complicit in diminishing their achievements to support White supremacy and their place in it even if that structure is meant for men only. Usha knew what she married and is willing to accommodate to assimilate.

      • Sandy8 says:

        That bothers me so much too. Like come on, how can you love someone who thinks you are less worthy because of your appearance? Dafaq? That’s so unfathomable to me.

      • EllenOlenska says:

        And honey…no matter how high you climb, no matter how much they make nice to your face…you are ALWAYS an “ other” in their eyes…

      • sunny says:

        This part. I can’t feel sorry for her like many people did. She choose this. She choose proximity to whiteness over living someone who respects her. Even if you allow for the fact that Vance isn’t racist, he’s using racisms as a political tool, he’s clearly been espousing sexist positions for awhile. So yeah, she made her bed and she shares it with a man who sees her as less of a person due to her race and her gender.

        The only ones we should pity here are their children.

  6. Hypocrisy says:

    Somedays all you can do is just shake your head and pray we make it to November 5.. I’m tired of this insane backwards party controlling our lives with fear and hate, not a single one deserves to be elected ever again.

    • Agnes says:

      They are all deeply disgusting.

      That “but” is him apologizing to White World for marrying someone considered “inferior” by its ignorant hateful standards. Either “Vance” knew exactly what he was saying or his subconscious spoke his true belief out loud. I know his wife chose to marry that total ass, but I still feel sorry for her.

  7. Mcmmom says:

    This is crazy.

    I don’t know what Vance legitimately believes vs what he will say to get what he seems to really want: power. At his core, I suspect he isn’t a white supremacist and I bet he legitimately respects his wife for everything she accomplished – but he is willing to sacrifice *everything* in order to be on this ticket.

    This is what it looks like to sell your soul – we are watching it in real time.

    If I didn’t think Trump was a real and legitimate danger to our country, I’d find this interesting to watch – it’s too scary to be entertaining, but it is weird.

    • SarahCS says:

      Watching this play out I’m asking myself which of those is worse and I’m not actually sure. I can argue it either way. The one thing I do know is that both are awful.

    • Korra says:

      I remember once reading how beliefs don’t always drive actions — sometimes it’s the opposite. At the time, I could not wrap my head around the idea that people could act without first being guided by their beliefs. But as you said, Vance probably doesn’t believe these things and every action he has taken so far, including doing a 180 from a Never Trumper to MAGA, proves he is not guided by any principles. And what makes this worse for his wife and kids is that if he continues taking actions that conflict with what he might believe right now, over time he could instead see his family as detrimental to his ambitions. It might sound crazy, but since the rise of Trump, I have known too many biracial kids who watched their white parents grow more hostile to their identities and become less empathetic to the types of discrimination they face. Vance isn’t going to take the racism lobbed at his family and the threats to their safety as a moment to reflect on what is the right for them — he might instead resent them for it.

  8. Becks1 says:

    “she’s not a white person BUT I just love her” is a really weird way to defend your wife from white supremacist attacks.

    Had he just said the first part – she’s not a white person, we’ve been subject to attacks from white supremacists and then talked maybe about how hard and scary that is or something and maybe said “its very scary BECAUSE I LOVE HER” not “BUT I LOVE HER” – lordy. He really keeps telling on himself here.

    • FYI says:

      He can’t say it’s hard and scary, because he wants the hard and scary people to vote for him. Checkmate for this dumbass, and he walked right into it.

    • monlette says:

      My take is that he is apologizing to people who view him as a “race traitor” because he is a toady through and through.

  9. MaisiesMom says:

    Gawd almighty. This guy has said a lot of offensive, stupid, creepy things, but this is next level. He is talking about his WIFE! The mother of his children!

    Hey Ted Cruz and J.D. Vance, you know what you are supposed to do when someone says anything remotely rude or racist about your wife? You get your hackles up and shut that s**t down in the most forceful terms possible. It’s not complicated.

    I agree that Usha should file for divorce. I don’t know her but she deserves better than this. She deserves better than being reduced to “Good Mom” despite her very impressive achievements. She deserves better than having her husband cower when confronted about her brownness on national TV. So do their children. JFC.

    • FYI says:

      Also, his whole TONE is just …. not convincing. He says, “I just love her” like he’s talking about an old car or something.

      • Kate says:

        I know. It’s giving “I adopted this dog at the shelter and even though she’s not a purebred I just love her – she’s great with the kids” energy.

        If anyone was saying hateful things about my husband, who is Asian-American, and I was given a public platform to respond – I can’t imagine being so dispassionate in my response. Like how little humanity does this man have?

    • Magdalena says:

      Don’t feel sorry for her. She knows exactly what she married. And she has been around people like that before. As Yup, me? said in a post above, she collaborated with him on a “Won’t someone consider the white people?” project when she was at university. She also clerked for Kavanaugh and another of the hideous Republican lawmakers. She’ll be just fine. She is where she wants to be, among “her” people.

      Pray for their children though.

  10. Chaine says:

    Appalling, but she’s been with him for years and years, and other news stories have painted them both as ruthlessly ambitious, so presumably she knows who she’s married to and chooses to overlook everything he displayed on Megyn Kelly in order to advance herself eventually to the position of First Lady of the United States. Not new attitude, either. Look at what all Jackie Kennedy and Hillary Clinton put up with.

    • Andrea says:

      Thank you for this explanation. I’m really sitting here mulling over how an accomplished, well educated women would possible put up with this kind of mistreatment. But you’re right this is her ambition and ruthlessness too.

    • GoldenMom says:

      You never know what is going on in someone’s marriage, but honey, I would have my bags packed so fast, it would set a land speed record. And an excellent divorce attorney driving the getaway car.

    • bisynaptic says:

      Ladybird Johnson, Pat Nixon, Laura Bush…

  11. You know he must be bad when maga women say they won’t vote for trump if he is on the ticket. He is worse than Sarah Palin and that’s saying something.

    • FYI says:

      Have they said that? Where?

      • They have there was a video of a maga woman on YouTube saying just that and on instagram or tik tok and she got lots of comments saying they agree with her I think in the millions. She went off on him.

    • ML says:

      Yeah, making Sarah Palin look good is not a compliment. This guy is probably not going to last.

      • clarabelle says:

        Supposedly, Trump has a little remorse also. Maybe he will fall out of a window.

      • deering24 says:

        Though it’s nice of Vance to remind everyone about Palin’s spectacular crash-and-burn. 😈 He, however, is the gift that keeps on giving times infinity…

    • equality says:

      But they are okay with the groper of women who wants to take away all of women’s rights?

      • mblates says:

        right, @equality? i just don’t get it at all. but at this point, i’ll take anything that splits their vote and causes dissent and discord in their party.

  12. FYI says:

    Note the pivot from “accused” to “attacked.” What he was going to say is “We’ve been accused of … ” WHAT? A crime? Being an interracial couple? Being woke?

    He FEELS it as an accusation, you know?

  13. MerlinsMom1018 says:


    I’m guessing that’s gonna go down REALLLLLLLLLY well with the Indian-American community. Sure. Let’s vote for the brain dead moron who just insulted a HUGE voting block. That’ll work. 🙄

    • deering24 says:

      Gotta give the man credit–his knack for alienating big voting blocks is amazing. What idiot insults cat owners, singles, and childfree people?

  14. GrnieWnie says:

    WELP good thing she’s such a good mom because SOMEONE is going to have to help their children navigate their identity in white society and it sure as hell isn’t going to be their father.

    • SpankFD says:

      But she’s trapped. She’s trapped in the paradox of her own cognitive dissonance. Here me out:

      She’s given up her high powered legal career. To return to work, she’d have to rely on those high powered (malignant Republican) connections that facilitated her rise to power as “one of the good ones.” Only they would see her dit hing Vance as traitorous. How dare she call out their racism by ditching Vance.

      She’s lived her life complicity, like one of Phyllis Shylafley’s followers. “I can power by ascent by using all my brains and potential enacting policies that undermine the well-being of myself and others like me. But I will be safe because I’m rich and powerful!”

      Like Mel, she is trapped. She is living with/procreating with an entitled white man. And likeDonald Trump or Ted Cruz, Vance excudes that certain “This skin suit is ITCHY!” energy.

      It’s the karmic justice of cognitive dissonance.

    • SpankFD says:

      But Usha is trapped. She’s trapped in the paradox of her own cognitive dissonance. Here me out:

      She’s given up her high powered legal career. To return to work, she’d have to rely on those high powered (malignant Republican) connections that facilitated her rise to power as “one of the good ones.” Only they would see her ditching Vance as traitorous. How dare she call out their shared racism!

      Usha has lived her life complicity, like one of Phyllis Shylafley’s followers. “I can power by ascent by using all my brains and abilities enacting policies that undermine the circumstances and well-being of myself and others like me. BUT I will be safe because of wealth and power.” Cognitive dissonance

      Self-delusion, a Vance family trait.

      So Usha, like Melania, is trapped living with/procreating with a deeply Entitled, emotionally-stunted white man. And like Donald Trump or Ted Cruz, Vance excudes a strange kind of energy, along the lines of “This skin suit is ITCHY!”

      Cognitive dissonance, meet Karma.

  15. CatMum says:

    Wow. If my husband said that about me, I would be livid!!

  16. FYI says:

    Even though we all know that Nick Fuentes is garbage, what he said about Vance still shocked me:
    ”JD Vance also has an Indian wife and a kid named Vivek. All his kids have Indian names—so it’s like, what exactly are we getting here? And that’s not a dig at him just because I’m a racist or something. But who is this guy really? Do we really expect that the guy who has an Indian wife and named their kid Vivek is going to support white identity?”

    HOW is this even in our national discourse? These cretins walk among us!

    • Nutella toast says:

      …says a Mexican guy named Nick FUENTES. 🙄. I got news for ya Nick – the party that hates Mexicans isnt going to give you an exception if all the hate you hope materializes and fantasize about happens. You’re still who you are and none of them will care…it wont protect you or Usha when you side with them.

      • SpankFD says:

        It’s almost like republicans are emotionally stunted morons who lack basic self-awareness. The evidence…

        JD Vance
        Nick Fuentes
        Ben Carson
        Herman Cain R.I.P.
        The POC Founder of the Proud Boys
        Ayn Rand fans (I e., raging narcissism is good! Ignore the abortion stuff!)
        All POC who vote for Trump…

  17. Amy Bee says:

    It’s like he’s agreeing with the white supremacists that his wife being non-white is a problem. I’m wondering if he’s said racially insensitive things to her in the past and she’s just brushed off as him not knowing her culture or just a joke.

    • Anna says:

      He admits it’s a “disadvantage” but adds so nicely that Usha “makes up” for it by being a good mom and whatever.

      He is a moron. Or he is secretly a democrat and has no idea how to effectively talk like a trumpist (rambling like that must be a skill, I would not be able to).

      As for Usha: people marry who they want to marry. She obviously is not some stay at home mom with no income and no options. She chooses to be with him and that says a lot about her. Especially that she has kids and is not an idiot- she must be fully aware what they will be exposed to and what they probably hear from their dad daily. So, won’t loose time feeling sorry for her.

      • Lemons says:

        Completely in agreement here. Usha has not been blindsided. She has been working for conservative justices for a long time and may have even been behind her husband running for office as a Republican considering her clerkships.

        She doesn’t feel that leopards will eat her and her children’s faces, and so I can’t feel any sympathy for her.

      • Rnot says:

        I just can’t fathom knowingly bringing your own brown-skinned children into that environment.

      • deering24 says:

        Rnot–folks like this always feel they and theirs are immune.

  18. Lau says:

    Lady, there come a time when you just need to divorce your husband and that time has come long ago.
    Can Trump change his VP pick ? I really want Vance to stay and make as much of a mess of this entire campaign as possible until november.

    • Jaded says:

      Trump’s got a 10 day window in which to choose another running mate, but I think any change of candidate will just add to his obvious lack of focus and continue to make the VP contest look like a bunch of keystone cops. Apparently it was Don Jr., a coke addict, and Erik, a moron, who convinced Dad to pick Shady. Sure Donald, take advice from Uday and Qusay.

      • Lau says:

        I really don’t want him to change because so far it’s been a trainwreck and honestly good, that’s what they deserve.

    • Rnot says:

      She better get out fast before they end no-fault divorce.

  19. Brassy Rebel says:

    That’s really bad, but there was no way he could answer that question without either sounding racist or offending people whose votes he needs. To me, what’s surprising is that Kelly even asked the question since she must know how tricky it is for the Trump campaign. Maybe more surprising is that Usha Vance is not searching for a good divorce lawyer.

    • equality says:

      Maybe she is anti-Vance and/or thinks he shouldn’t have married a POC? Or is she as clueless as he is and thinks that was a good response?

    • Justme says:

      It doesn’t surprise me that Usha isn’t searching for a divorce lawyer and that Vance is married to her. There is an underlying issue of self rejection on both their parts. Vance mother was an addict, which he hated and his wife comes from a culture based on a caste system. As a Counselor it shocked me when I first encountered these issues. One rejects marrying the same race as the mother who hurt them and the other rejects their own race because they perceive white as better and don’t want their children to be a certain darker pigmentation. When they marry white, they believe that they have achieved a certain status.

      • MrsH says:

        I still can’t get over the fact that they met in college in what was essentially a “won’t someone think of the poor deprived white man” course!!!! Usha won’t get a divorce. She may be power hungry but there are other things at play here for a smart woman of color to be in this relationship.

      • Thinking says:

        I still don’t get how she married him. There are other white men she probably could have met and married at Yale, if that happens to be a preference for her (whatever her reasons may be.) This specific white guy is too abnormal for me to understand why she’d fall in love with him.

    • Leroy Strong Cloud says:

      In the eyes of Trump’s racist base, Vance is a race traitor for marrying outside of his race. Usha throwing away her very bright legal future to be arm candy to a bigot says a lot about her. Indians have been perceived as the ideal minority. They have right wing values although their melanin content is really high. Racists see them as tokens to prove to people that they’re not racists. What Indian Americans like Vivek and Nikki don’t realize is that they will NEVER be allowed to join the club. They will always be perceived as being less American than their white conservative counterparts.

  20. Andrea says:

    Thank you for this explanation. I’m really sitting here mulling over how an accomplished, well educated women would possible put up with this kind of mistreatment. But you’re right this is her ambition and ruthlessness too.

    • Ladiabla says:

      Maybe that’s it? She’s a pretty lady too, why would she settle for this guy? He’s not even an attractive white man. His views are repulsive. And the way he spoke about her, my God.

      • Thinking says:

        “He’s not even an attractive white man.”

        That thought crossed my mind too. His personality is terrible obviously, but I don’t get what she would see in him physically either.

    • Anna says:

      Also intelligent and educated doesn’t mean emotionally secure enough to find/be an equal in a relationship. I know lots of smart ladies who are in terrible relationships.

  21. lgt says:

    He is educated…a lawyer and an author…he KNOWS the importance of words. This is so gross. I hope she and her child stay safe.

    • Jaded says:

      Being educated does not equate to being a good person, nor does being a lawyer and author. And apparently he doesn’t know the importance of words or he wouldn’t use insulting expressions like “single cat lady”. He doesn’t have one smidgeon of emotional intelligence, nor it seems does his wife. She’s 100% with him on this MAGA ride. BTW, he has 3 children and of course they’ll be safe. He may be a soulless monster in his politics but he loves his kids.

  22. Franklin B says:

    What he is willing to expose his wife & children to, in order to, what, be Trump’s right-hand man!?… it is just astounding. What a POS.

  23. RRN says:

    Someone on Threads wrote: “The way JD Vance thinks and treats his wife, white supremacists wanted Prince Harry to treat Meghan Markle the same. They cannot fathom that a Prince has gone to the extreme for a non-white woman.”

    • Anna says:

      Bingo. Meg was supposed to strive for acceptance and always have to work for it. And deal with comments like Vance’s from Harry. Shockingly, Harry respects his wife (not “despite….”) and Meg doesn’t care for the stuffy aristo crowd.

  24. Jayna says:

    She is all in. Power, money. She is no victim. She is a Yale-educated lawyer, who had a career as a lawyer. She was a registered Democrat until a decade ago. BUT she clerked for Judge Brett Kavanaugh when he was an appeals court judge. She is not a powerless victim who needs to divorce her husband to save herself. She is in lockstep with him in his pursuit of power. They can both F off.

    • Jaded says:

      Totally agree. She’s along for the ride and those who portray her as a mindless, submissive stepford wife and mother are missing the point that she’s just as canny and determined as he is in their lust for power.

  25. Mireille says:

    Usha Vance needs to file for divorce.
    –Why? She knew what she was marrying and she’ll be doing cartwheels to get that MAGA crowd to love her. I don’t feel for her. I will reserve my empathy and sympathy for their kids. And they can’t divorce according to his beliefs that all couples should stay married for the sake of the kids, no matter how abusive, racist, misogynistic, and asshole-ish a partner can be. And Vance has proven to be ALL of that and Usha is STILL standing by his side.

    When Trump first initially launched his campaign and spewing stupid shit, there was a lot of social media talk about freeing Melania — until she opened her mouth and started parroting her husband’s vitriolic rhetoric. Usha is aligned and party to her husband’s beliefs. They belong together. I’m more worried for women and families that will suffer should these cretins get elected.

  26. CC says:

    “Hi, my name’s Usha.”
    “Oh my God, your name’s Cushion? That’s so hot.”
    “Um, no, it’s Usha.”
    “Oh. Well…you’d probably be a good mom or whatever.”

  27. TN Democrat says:

    Can you imagine being one of the children from this union and hearing him speak like this? The lack of self awareness is astonishing, but the Republikkkan party leadership did have to remind their members not to use racial slurs to describe Kamala Harris. The Republican platform is to embiggen mediocre white men and demean women, LBGTQ, and people of color. Vote blue! Didn’t Clarence Thomas’s nutter wife say something along the same lines about him? When people tell you who they are, believe them the first time.

  28. fwiw says:

    In this particular case, I think JD was just showing how inarticulate and unprepared he is. Obviously he would not have made it into the Senate on merit: Trump’s endorsement & Thiel’s money & influence got him there. Now they’ve gotten him on the GOP ticket.

    From everything I’ve read, JD sincerely loves & appreciates Usha, and she loves him. They have a long history together. Most people their age have grown up more accepting of difference than past generations. He should have had a good answer prepared.

    • aftershocks says:

      ^^ Hmm… Actually, Vance was showing what a racist, incompetent sellout grifter he is! He prepared the answer that he gave because he went on the show in order for racist Megyn Kelly to ask him this question. Kelly did not surprisingly decide to pose this question. Vance knew it was coming and he still weren’t ready with a good, saving face response. This a’hole is a full-on incompetent grifter on steroids. 🙄

  29. Lulu says:

    And this dangerous weirdo could be one heartbeat away from the presidency. Truly scary.

  30. Anon says:


    Did he just put in writing, “She’s not white… but”?

    >>> “She’s a credit to her race”?

    Is that where he’s going with this misguided BS?

  31. Jks says:

    Usha and Vance are both extremely ambitious and hungry for power.
    They’ll say and do anything to get ahead, like Buttigieg said.

    • Thinking says:

      Yeah, I think she’s hungry for power like he is. Doesn’t make sense to be married to someone like this otherwise.

  32. girl_ninja says:

    “Secondly, Usha Vance needs to file for divorce. White supremacists are attacking her and her children and her husband goes on Megyn Kelly’s podcast and he says “she’s not a white person BUT I love her.”

    I guess, but it seems as though she likes life with him. She lives with him, she watched as her husband morphed from a Never Trumper to calling him Hitler, to becoming DT’s biggest surrogate and VP pick. What a horrifying life she’s chosen for herself.

  33. Proud Mary says:

    OMG! How is that not like saying: “she may have a giant boil on her face, but I love her any way?”

    How about: “Usha’s an amazing woman (list her accomplishments, other than giving birth). ” Then add: “Others are entitled to their opinions, but I am the one who’s stepping up in class by marrying Usha, not the other way around.” As a right wing republican on a Trump ticket, there’s probably no good answer, other than disavowing her and disowning his children. Them’s the bed he’s made.

    • fwiw says:

      @Proud Mary
      Exactly. An “I’m so lucky” answer.

      Usha parents are academics. She was a superlative academic. At Yale Law, that means Tiger Mom gets you good clerkships. That gets you a good law job. She may or may not be power hungry or even ambitious. I think she will “stand by her man,” and we may never know her politics.

      • aftershocks says:

        ^^ Ya’ think, @FWIW. 🙄

        Nah. As Maya Angelou said, ‘When people show you who they are. Believe them!’

      • fwiw says:

        She hasn’t shown me who she is yet. But her loyalty to her ever-changing hubby reminds me of a line from the movie Altered States: She’s still crazy about him, and he’s still crazy.

      • Lauren says:


        She is a republican and has voted for them for quite some time.

        This is who she is .

  34. crazyoldlady says:

    Usha’s job **PAID THE BILLS** while JD hops around seeking the fame and relevance he so desperately seeks. She’s a great mom?? She’s the GD core of power and resources of that family.

    • Proud Mary says:

      I know I shouldn’t, ‘cuz I’m sure they’re swimming in Peter Thiel largess right now, but there’s a part of me that kinda feels sorry for women like her. I mean, you chuck away all your amazing accomplishment and talent for a (used to be gay) man, because what? More money, power? And he can’t even muster the nerves to tell Trump’s racist supporters about what a kick-azz accomplished person you are? But I supposed she knows what she married, and she’s okay with this.

  35. paintybox says:

    All I can say is I love how HE’S now being called ‘Cat-Lady Vance’. Isn’t that adorable? Let’s help make that stick. 😹

  36. CLOVE says:

    One word describes him, “douche.” She needs to leave him now and as fast as the Maga crowd protested her. It’s a disgrace! How can you say that when people are talking about the “brown” ones, and that’s your family?!!!

  37. Thinking says:

    I wonder what her parents think of him. Have any news outlets been able to find out?

  38. HuffnPuff says:

    I just wonder what those MAGA women I saw in a video trashing Kamala as stupid and uneducated think about the possibility of a VP with a brown wife. They clearly were spouting off their ignorance about Black people. I’m not sure what they think of Indian people but I’m sure it’s not kind or Christian.

  39. Alice B. Tokeless says:

    If the DC rumors I’m hearing are true, if they win, Vance and the GOP powers that be will 25 trump within the first few weeks or months of the administration, so Usha believes she’s on her way as FLOTUS. And, given all of the evidence of trump losing it on camera, I truly believe that is the GOP plan. They only need trump for the votes, then the useful idiot will be subjected to the 25th as unfit. Yes, they know he’s unfit already, but they need him to get the VP in as POTUS. That’s the REAL reason the party is in panic mode over Vance’s notable unpopularity. Trump’s VP is really supposed to be the next POTUS after a few weeks of “leaks” coming from within about how trump is too senile etc. The base will lose their sh*t if they try and 25 trump with vance waiting in the wings.

    If I were the Harris campaign, I’d be harping nonstop about trump’s age and the probability of Vance becoming pres. shortly after the inauguration.

  40. Rnot says:

    I think it’s VERY important to remember the timeline here. He enlisted in the Marines in 2003 under the “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” policy. He graduated from Ohio state during the first year of Obama’s presidency. He graduated from Yale in 2013 and married Usha in 2014.*

    Crucially, in 2013 the RNC published “most comprehensive post-election review ever” following Romney’s 2012 loss. The 100-page “Growth and Opportunity Project” is surreal reading from 2024. They wanted to be softer and more inclusive. They wanted to be “inviting and inspiring.” “We need to campaign among Hispanic, black, Asian, and gay Americans and demonstrate we care about them, too.” Google it.

    That was the official stance of the republican party establishment at the moment when Vance married Usha. He thought an interracial marriage would be a political asset. Then Trump took over the party in 2016 and they went all in on hate. Now it’s a political liability to have a DEI wife.

    *If you want a window into the atmosphere of the republican party in ’13-’14, there’s a show on Prime called Alpha House that really captures that moment in time. It stars John Goodman with a great cast (Wanda Sykes!) and was created by Gary Trudeau. It’s about the zany hijinks of a quartet of republican senator roommates. One story line is about arranging the big republican gay wedding of the year and showing off how enlightened they are. I watched it at the time and it was really funny. Now it feels like watching an alternate reality, but it’s so important to remember that it wasn’t always this way.

  41. How Ignorant is Vance – and many others. South Asian Indians ARE Caucasian and belong to the Caucasoid racial group. The ignorance is flowing…

    • Blithe says:

      And “whiteness” in the US — with its privileges and protections — is a social construct. The inclusiveness of “whiteness” in the US has changed over time. Keep in mind, too, that this social construct gets played out socially and legally in an environment where the “one drop rule” has often prevailed.

      In the wrong place, at the wrong time, clarifying that one IS “Caucasian and belongs to the Caucasoid racial group” probably won’t have much of a positive impact.

    • aftershocks says:

      Different ‘races’ is also a manmade construct intended to divide human beings. ‘Caucasoid’ and ‘Negroid’, etc. are all made-up terms, with no actual biological, anthropological, or scientific basis. Of course, these terms and false categories are what most people identify with, as intended by those who devised these constructs.

    • J says:

      @FAWZEYA CHAALAN There is a difference between being caucasoid and being white skinned. No amount of fair and lovely will change that Indians are not considered white skinned for the express purposes of white supremacy.

    • J says:

      @FAWZEYA CHAALAN There is a difference between being caucasoid and being white skinned. No amount of fair and lovely will change that Indians are not considered white skinned for the express purposes of white supremacy.

  42. L4Frimaire says:

    Really obnoxious and loaded comments. It’s like he’s apologizing to the MAGA base for marrying someone who’s not white. Interesting how he just narrowed her down to a good non-white mom, even though they met in law school. I bet her career he wants to downplay has been paying their mortgage because she was very highly paid and senior level. I don’t feel sorry for her because she’s already been attacking Harris in quite a nasty way calling her DEI, even though they’re both the same ethnicity and both highly educated lawyers. So let her be stuck with that squid of a man who can be bought by the highest bidder and will say whatever it takes to get where he needs to go, even if it’s at her own expense.

    • fwiw says:

      Politifact says Usha did not call Harris DEI. The post was on an X account impersonating Usha.

      • Blithe says:

        Good to know — since JD Vance was almost certainly admitted to Law School to provide diversity to his class, if only because he was from an underrepresented state with a “bootstraps” personal story. If either Vance starts talking about “DEI” as a negative, I hope they’re prepared for quite a bit of pushback.

  43. Anonymous says:

    I am nearly 100% convinced that JD is an undercover Dem who is hellbent on screwing over Trump. There’s just no other explanation that makes sense.

    • Anna says:

      I think the same! It’s like he tries to ramble like Trump but it’s not easy to apply such a twisted logic on the go!

      • LsTikiHut says:

        Unfortunately, if you read a bit more about his (and his wife’s) lawschool background you understand that they are just two people who are willing to compromise any moral beliefs or integrity in exchange for power/money.

  44. Ann says:

    Save yourself and that baby, woman. Run now!

    • Mcmmom says:

      I read more of the interview and he actually says she is a “brilliant lawyer” and talks about how he supported her during her career. Which indicates to me that no, he doesn’t legitimately believe anything he says and he’s just a power hungry idiot. And she’s smart enough to know exactly what he is doing – this is the bargain they have struck to achieve the power they must both want.

      The problem is, despite his “rags to riches” story, Marine service and Yale education, Vance is not any good at this. He has no charisma, he’s as subtle as a brick to the head, and his attempts at being clever and relatable are so obvious and clunky.

      Usha….you chose….poorly.

  45. Daisychain says:

    Just want to say that these posts make me feel not alone. Keep up the energy Celebitchy people and thank you!

  46. Izzy says:

    She knew exactly what kind of person she was marrying. I feel badly for their kids because they will be ten kinds of effed up from being raised in this mentality.

    And I hope she DOESN’T divorce him, that would give Couch Romeo some sympathy votes and some “OK now I like him” votes.

  47. The real queen says:

    Does not love or respect her! A real man would have spoken up and told them to STFU!

  48. ElleE says:

    I just picked up the hardcover of his 2016 book at one of those free little box libraries.

    I loved Glass Castle (I think?) and am hoping this is a good Appalachia memoir. I’ll read out so you guys don’t have to and report back!

    p.s. I dropped off my hardcover of Spare at the same time. Not an even exchange but I figure, spread the wealth.