Ben Affleck’s latest divorce vibes: he just closed on a $20 million mansion

It just came to me: Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez are pulling some version of Gisele Bundchen and Tom Brady’s divorce. Remember that? In 2022, Gisele made it clear that she was done with her marriage for months. She began setting up her post-divorce life before any papers were filed with the court. After a couple of months of work with a mediator, Tom and Gisele suddenly announced that they were divorced and everything had already been finalized and they wrapped it up in a bow. This is why Bennifer’s moves have felt so unsettlingly familiar. That’s why it feels like everything they’re doing is telegraphing their permanent split, and yet nothing has been filed. Speaking of:

Ben Affleck has purchased a new multi-million dollar L.A. estate, TMZ has learned, all but marking the end of his marriage to Jennifer Lopez.

Real estate sources tell TMZ … Ben just closed escrow on the Pacific Palisades mansion for $20.5 million. The stunning residence has 5 beds and 6 baths with breakfast and dining areas, a separate family room, den, walk-in closets, media room, powder room, guest house and on and on and on.

TMZ broke the story ,,, Ben and Jen quietly tried selling their marital home in Bev Hills back in June, but there were no takers, so they officially put it on the market July 11 for $68 million. They bought the house just last year for around $61 million, so with the L.A. mansion tax, real estate commissions and several mil in renovations, they’ll be lucky to break even.

Meanwhile, as TMZ first reported, Jen is on the hunt for a house of her own.

They’ve been separated since May, and Ben recently got all of his belongings out of the Bev Hills home while Jen was in Europe. It’s not hard to connect the dots … this marriage — which is just 2 years old — is headed for a conclusion in divorce court.

As for why they continue to wear their wedding rings occasionally … it may be a bluff, but it’s pretty clear at this point … the writing’s on the wall.

[From TMZ]

One month ago, Ben and J.Lo met up at their office and left separately. I kind of wonder if we’ll find out that date was when they signed some papers or met with their lawyers together or something. Because everything since then has been… very “we’re getting a divorce.” J.Lo is in the Hamptons, Ben didn’t even see her on her birthday, and now he’s buying a new house just for himself. This marriage is over. I’m really bummed about it too. What a f–king mess.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Cover Images.

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55 Responses to “Ben Affleck’s latest divorce vibes: he just closed on a $20 million mansion”

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  1. Laalaa says:

    I am of two minds – because of their history and their age – 1) isn’t a marriage of two years at least worth working on it? It seems like they just gave up, after everything.
    Then again, 2) life is too short, they are old enough to know things will not get better and they don’t have to try to mend something broken.

    • Lens says:

      I think #2 is especially true because they had a previous 18 month relationship and engagement. They know the problems they have that even with added age and wisdom are insurmountable. One thing that struck me was in the beginning of all this source said “she can’t control him and he can’t change her”. Says it all.

  2. Amberil says:

    You can tell jlo wanted to work on it and Ben wanted out.

    • HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

      Definitely at first. She’s been wearing Yankee caps again this summer, which tells me she’s given up and it’s over.

      • ravensdaughter says:

        Wow, HIAR, you called that one! NY Yankee fandom is the kiss of death for true Red Sox fans, as Ben is a true fan. Jen Garner would never dream of doing something so exhibitionist, but this IS JLo. Red Sox v Yankees is “arguably the fiercest rivalry in all of American sports.” (This coming from a UNC basketball fan-I hate Duke, so I get it..)

        Is she an actual fan, being from the Bronx? Somehow I find that hard to believe. Also, the Yankees cap is a not-so-veiled reference to A-Rod as well (bear with me, it’s something I just figured out…)

        She exhausts me, and I’m not a fan or otherwise connected to her.

        Also, due diligence: California is a community property state, so the only way that Ben could buy his “own” mansion is if they had some sort of pre-existing agreement relating to community vs separate property. That could have even happened before the marriage.

        People may get older and wiser-or, well, maybe some of them do-but it’s almost impossible to change the core of who you are.

        Red Sox vs Yankees…

      • HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

        Yankee Stadium is in the Bronx. Yankees gear is omnipresent in the Bronx. (New Yorker here.)

    • Kirsten says:

      Eh… I think JLo’s version of working on things is being as public as possible. Like I don’t think she knows or is interested in knowing about what the real work of a relationship is like.

  3. Eleonor says:

    One side of me was rooting for them
    The other side is “I’m here for the gossip!”

  4. StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

    It was a mess 20 years ago, this is no surprise. They are still the same people so no surprise it’s still a mess. They deserve the confirmation that they wouldn’t work, that what could’ve been could never be. Let them be happy now and over with this greatest love story never told. Should’ve stayed a dream.

    • Sandy8 says:

      You’re right. At least they know now. Or at least Jennifer knows, and won’t be regretting the what ifs forever. That is a pretty good silver lining imo.

      • Cee says:

        Yes, but I hope she blocks him on everything and never gives him one second of her time again. Because he will try to chase her again at some point in the future.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      @CEE i dare think that behind close doors, she will be trying to mend things with Alex Rodriguez, or he is/will be trying to get her back, reason being unfinished business. lol
      There will be an over the top greater than that greatest love story never told. I can feel the extra coming in 3.2.1…

  5. Pétulia says:

    I’m convinced it would have worked if they just dated but they wanted the whole thing the wedding the big house and all.

    • JanetDR says:

      Yes! Date as long as it’s working, stop it’s not! I do not get the point of having to be married.

    • lucy2 says:

      Especially considering that was marriage #4 for her, she needs to just…date. If I were them I would have just had a relationship, maintained separate houses, and not pushed it.

      You know what a good job would be? Ben’s real estate agent.

  6. TheOriginalMia says:

    It was never going to work. They could have remained companions or FWBs and been happy. Jennifer wanted to be Mrs Affleck to fulfill her long standing dreams and Ben wanted to make her happy. No one is at fault. They got 2 years out of it. Take the loss and move on.

    • Al says:

      I agree.

      I’m convinced that she has a bad picker. She seems to struggle with being alone. (And to be fair, he struggles with it, too.) I hope that she takes a break to focus on herself.

  7. Sophie says:

    Yup, sadly this just convinced me, they’re getting a divorce, no doubt about it. I feel sorry they couldn’t make it work.

  8. Peace says:

    He closed on this house ON HER BIRTHDAY. He really doesn’t care about her. So cold.

    He was the one that pursued her, (twice!) love bombing her both times. Too bad she fell for it again the second time. Jlo’s far from perfect, but he seems like such a miserable person.

    • Nicole says:

      They clearly have a flawed relationship, but you can’t fault escrow closing date. That’s a regulatory feature. It sucks but you can’t put that on him.

    • KeKe Swan says:

      I agree. He was the one who pursued her. After what happened last time, Jen would’ve never. Dude has been high drama and messy for years. But this? This is nuclear level …

  9. Minnieder says:

    No surprise here. I never thought this would last longer than 18-24 months. What a waste! The only people I feel bad for are their children.

    • Lauren says:

      Same, I also think they should have just dated because even if they split they wouldn’t have to deal with all this mess .

    • KeKe Swan says:

      So interesting that the kids seem totally cool with JLo—it would be hilarious and ironic if the Jens ended up bonding. 😂🤣😂

  10. Becks1 says:

    Is anyone really surprised?

    I wonder if this would have played out differently if they had just dated longer, for a few years, before marriage. It seems they do love each other on some level but are just incompatible together in the long run.

    But given how this played out overall, i’m not really that shocked that they’re at this point.

  11. Contrary Mary says:

    I maintain that JLo got fed up with his resurging issues and gave him an ultimatum. It’s the reason JGarner intervening and trying to spend time with him makes sense, as does the kids still seeing JLo. Frankly: both Js deserve way better than Ben, who always always always picks his crutches rather than the women who love him.

    • Midnightsun says:

      I dont know why it’s so hard to think he just got fed up with her. Ben is currently in Japan alone with his kids and was seen driving them this entire couple of months, Garner would never let him do that if he had relapsed.

      He moved out, he’s been taking off his ring and bought a new house.
      She went to his kids graduation and basketball match even after the split, wore a jewelry with his initial in the Hamptons, kept their wedding photos on display in her house, has been putting Nonstop leaks about him giving up on the relationship when she wanted to fix things to try to pressure him

      • lucy2 says:

        My guess is it’s mutual. They both wanted it to be something it’s not, and reality finally set in.

  12. Mads says:

    I hope there’s an airtight prenup and it can be ended quickly for everyone’s sake.

  13. Alix says:

    My guess is, she’ll be seen with someone else within six weeks. The woman canNOT spend any time by herself.

    • JanetDR says:

      That really makes me sad for her.
      I don’t think that there is anything more important than not dating after a breakup, especially if you have children!

      • Shai says:

        I think that’s a reason nothing truly ever works out. Jennifer doesn’t know who she is outside of a relationship, it’s like she’s more in love the idea of love than the relationship itself. I have a sister who’s similar.

  14. PinkOrchid says:

    I don’t have much in common with J-Lo except for the fact that I, too, have made the mistake of getting back together with exes, and it never worked out for me either, because guess why? We were the same people with the same personalities as the first (and second, and third) time we didn’t work out. Chemistry was still strong, of course. But chemistry is faulty glue: it’s not enough.

    Today I am living proof that eventually, one can grow out of being a hopeless romantic, but I confess it took until my mid-50’s to get here. I wish only the best for Bennifer in their future lives and loves. I hope it was worth the try.

    • SarahCS says:

      Congratulations on your personal growth! If you ever feel like running some kind of masterclass about how you got there please let me know as my BFF could really use it.

  15. CLOVE says:

    Jlo should have listened to Jane Fonda, but I still feel bad for anyone who has gone through a breakup in public.
    Question: did she drop Alex Rodriquez the minute Ben contacted her?

    • TikiChica says:

      From what I remember, Alex had cheated on her and they were on the rocks. This is when Ben turned up, and yes, she dropped Alex.

      • CLOVE says:

        Thank you, @TikiChica, because I couldn’t remember.

      • Jacques says:

        There is no proof that ARod cheated, and if he did, she should have cut it off. Instead, she was living with ARod and professing love for Ben, all while their children are stuck in the middle. There was no chance for the kids to mourn that relationship, because they were immediately in a new one with Ben and his children. Real life relationships will never compare to what JLO has built up in her imagination.

        The contrast between that monstrous 60 million sterile estate and the home that Ben just purchased is startling. It is warm and inviting and the perfect place for family. Their other home was a show-piece with no personality. This is another example of how different they are and why they don’t work.

        Best of luck to them both, and hopefully neither will get married again.

  16. Carolnr says:

    I don’t think they would have stayed together even if they just dated. I think that that they would have also realized that they are not compatible. They should have dated for awhile & would have avoided all this financial mess! I believe that Ben thought she had become more relaxed in her later years & would not have her entire entourage practically living with them. Even Marc Anthony has been quoted as saying that JL does not know how to relax & just enjoy life ( or something like that)
    I do think JL wanted to work on the marriage and I believe that Ben completely shut her out. ( I think when Ben is done, he turns cold) I believe he did the same to JG as there were reports that all this brought back painful memories for JG.
    I agree that the divorce will be finalized l
    long before they publicly announce it just like Tom & Gisele. Also, didn’t he & Matt Damon produce 2 films that she is in? ( Kiss of the Spider Woman & that wrestling movie?) That could be complicated as well!!!
    Ben had obviously been house- hunting for a while. I love the house he purchased. It seems so warm & cozy. And it didn’t take him long to find it!
    I am expecting to see pics of JL now house- hunting again. I wonder if she will stay in California or go back to NY? The school year will be starting back soon so I guess time will tell…

    • Jayna says:

      Their issues began long before May when we got wind of it. Even in February, when asked about Valentine’s Day with Ben, she was vague, not effusive, and something about both being busy (I believe her musical had just premiered), and just a little time together would be it before one of them flew somewhere. Compare that to another Valentine’s Day where she shared a private video he put together to her Marry Me movie song where he took her official music video and spliced in clips with them over the years. I mean, that is so romantic and I do believe Ben was madly in love with J-Lo. Did he approve her putting out his personal video, lean into her desires and try to be supportive, but as the years wore on, culminating with everything in 2024 was the death knell of their relationship for him, knowing they were two different people and it was never going to settle down. Their marriage was her material. And for Jennifer, Ben was always going to have reclusive and moody days, and she needed him to be the partner that was in her fantasy, not reality.

      Again, sharing something beautiful created by Ben to show her his love, and the first thing she thought of was content. Her post in Feb 2022: “Content is queen. In the spirit of that, I am going to share something very special and personal with you that normally that I would only share with my inner circle. It’s an early Valentine’s Day present from Ben. Watching it made me think about the journey of true love, it’s unexpected twists and turns, and that when it’s real, it actually can last forever.’

      Ben’s 2/2022 video gift as an early V Day gift to J-Lo is below. Why the need to share it with anyone? Just cherish it for yourself as proof of his love.

      • Anilehcim says:

        I think you nailed it and I also think that with the way she has acted, she kind of got what she deserved if he was the one who left her. Remember when they were together the first time and he literally stated over and over again how uncomfortable he was with all the media and paparazzi attention they got? And then it turned out to be the same crap all over again, only this time she was sharing the book of love letters he wrote for her even though he openly expressed to her and on camera that he wasn’t comfortable with it. If you’re THAT selfish toward your partner, you deserve to be alone.

        I think they’re both going to end up alone in the long run. I think he’s a troubled person and JLo has a really immature idea of what love is–she is only in love with idea of love. She has been engaged so many times because every guy is “THE ONE” and every relationship is “the greatest love story never told.” I do not think she knows how to function in a relationship outside of that honeymoon phase. If you have no standards and anyone will do, you’re never going to establish the kind of relationship that lasts.

      • therese says:

        Thank you for posting this. It makes me sad. I was going to say something flip like JLo should call the Jane Fonda counseling center. So much that was intimate between them is out there. He did so many truly deeply felt loving things…..that she shared.

      • Carolnr says:

        I would agree with you. I don’t think they spent Christmas together last year if I remember correctly. Usually by the time celebrity news becomes public, it has been going on for months or even years in the case of Meryl Streep…

  17. Gwen says:

    I am so sorry for the both of them I believe jlo has tried too keep them together but Ben has wanted out since he bought a house of his own

  18. crazyoldlady says:

    It was never going to work – thank god we can all be unburdened of the ridiculous narrative that underpins this whole debacle. It was *doubly clear* it was not going to work after watching Jen’s “documentary” — she is a lovely kind person who does not live in the real world and needs unremitting attention and adoration to move through life. Ben – has very very tough *real world* challenges. He goes to AA, therapy, and tries to juggle all the things to keep his demons at bay – often unsuccessfully. That situation – does not center Jen in the way her own demons require that she be centered. Ben is world weary and wise – and deeply struggling. Jen lives in a dream world. Was she going to hang out with his friends from AA? Was she going to face her own shit like folks working a program do? Not a match.

  19. Aurora says:

    I honestly think finding the right partner is difficult for her. Theoretically, it should be someone who has no problem to be “on” for most of the day and game for all the ways she’d want to monetize him for her brand. In reality is difficult that such a man would also be a credit/match for her in terms of work ethics, career and wealth. And if we’re being honest, most likely he’d be a d0uche or a golddigger. (I’m not even getting to congeniality, chemistry, etc)
    Imo, the final trigger for their breakup is that Ben saw his intimacy exposed not to the awwws of adoring fans that most likely Jennifer and Medina had told him to expect, but to a global ‘wtf is this’.
    I don’t think Ben ha4tes succesful women or is elusive of fame; since he apparently can’t date outside the industry. But the way he takes on projects, his struggles with addiction and his commitment to fatherhood might call for windows of peace and quiet or some sense of human normalcy. Which are things that Jennifer seems to equate with laziness or unproductivity.
    I think they’re waiting to call separation when everybody is kind of used to the idea and it becomes less of a news.

  20. Aerie says:

    For multi-millionaire celebs who already own several houses and condos across the globe, adding another property is in many ways more about real estate investments and tax write-offs than a declaration of impending divorce. Ben has lived in California for several decades while Jennifer still floats from California to NY and Florida. It’ll be interesting to see where she lands this time.

    • Lens says:

      Well her kids are juniors in high school so I hope she at least lets them finish at their Los Angeles high school before moving. Signed, someone whose military father was transferred when they were a junior in high school.

  21. Vaper says:

    I think Ben will end up with Emily Ratajkowski.

    • Jayna says:

      Nope. She calls the paps all the time to “catch” her with her latest date, including making out with Harry Styles, or leaks that someone is interested in her.

      • Sigmund says:

        Why would he have a problem with calling paps? He did it all the time with Ana de Armas.

    • Carolnr says:

      David Fincher had been quoted as saying that Ben hand- picked Emily…been there done that, lol!

  22. Jayna says:

    Several tours of the home Ben just closed on were put on YouTube by the realtor when it was listed for sale. It appears he will have a lot more privacy with the home being set farther back from the road. Stables are on the property with a walking ring. Will Ben buy a horse? I wonder if any of his children are interested in horses. The home has character and a ton of light. I hope he and the kids will be happy there. I love the study connected by stairs in the primary bedroom.

    Interestingly, this is one story, except for the study, which his home with Jen G. was one story also, but much larger, of course.