Jobson: Duchess Meghan was sort of jealous of Princess Kate’s lavish life

As I read more excerpts from Robert Jobson’s latest royal biography, Catherine, Princess of Wales, I’m really shocked that royalists keep trying to reclaim Prince Harry’s story via “palace sources” and “insiders.” Once I read Harry’s memoir, it struck me as so bold that Harry would produce his own historical document, a narrative in his own voice about his life. It took the wind out of a lot of royalists’ sails, because they are so used to using unnamed sources and random “insiders” to lie about the Sussexes. Well, Jobson’s book seems to be an attempt at widespread revisionist history about all things Sussex… which is weird, because the book is supposed to be about Kate, right? Jobson couldn’t even get dates right, and he used Spare as a reference, only to claim that Harry’s memoir is a “source,” all while Jobson blatantly spreads falsehoods about the Sussexes. It’s a mess. Some additional highlights from this fakakta book:

King Charles is allowing Andrew back in the fold to teach Prince William a lesson: ‘Perhaps the King is subliminally trying to show William that forgiving one’s brother and giving him a second chance is a strength, not a weakness,’ said the source. ‘Prince William disagrees – and as for his own brother, as far as he is concerned there is no way back.’

Jobson claims Harry & Meghan were invited to W&K’s apartment before the wedding: When they went to have drinks at William and Catherine’s palatial apartment, [Meghan] was apparently ‘taken aback’ at the disparity between the brothers. ‘I am not saying Meghan was jealous, but she was surprised how lavishly Harry’s brother was living compared to where they were living,’ said a close source. ‘It was perhaps the beginning of all the tensions between the couples.’ Meghan understood, of course, that William was in the direct line of succession, but she felt that Harry, as a royal prince, deserved more than he had.

The money issue: Harry, however, later claimed that his father told him there was ‘not enough money to go around’ for Meghan, because he was already having to pay for William and Catherine. Harry was furious – feeling that he and Meghan were entitled to lavish handouts from ‘Pa’ in return for agreeing to serve the crown. In fact, according to close sources, Charles ended up giving Harry a ‘substantial sum’ and did not cut him off financially.

William & Kate’s jealousy: At first, public reaction to Meghan was overwhelmingly positive, with ‘the new kids on the block’ hogging most of the headlines – to the point that William and Catherine may have unconsciously raised their game. There were whispers of pettiness, even jealousy. William, who expected to be treated with deference due to his place in the succession, was put out when Meghan and Harry slotted in a morning engagement in Cardiff in January 2018 that clashed with one of his. Competitive by nature, even when it comes to media coverage, he chose that same afternoon to debut a new and dramatic buzz-cut during a visit to a London hospital. Some members of Charles’s household were amused that William had felt so affronted. After all, the prince rarely showed much deference to his father.

Jobson insists that Meghan made Kate cry: Then it emerged that, four days before the wedding, Meghan had apparently made Catherine cry during a fitting for Princess Charlotte’s bridesmaid’s dress. This version was later flatly contradicted by the new Duchess of Sussex, who claimed Catherine had made her cry – and that the confrontation ‘really hurt my feelings’ and had been a ‘turning point’ in their relationship. Cynics pointed out that turning on the tears was not difficult for Meghan. She’d once boasted about her ability to do so as an actress, saying: ‘Oh, I can do that so well.’

William didn’t want Meghan to wear Diana’s jewelry: I have been told that, still concerned about the match, he’d sought assurances from the Queen that Harry’s bride would not be wearing any of Princess Diana’s jewellery, even though his own wife was allowed to wear it.

Kate is still being blamed for “recollections may vary”: The original draft of the statement had been much milder, but both William and Catherine had been keen to toughen it up. It was the then Duchess of Cambridge herself who came up with the powerful phrase ‘recollections may vary’. Her husband also challenged the allegations, telling reporters: ‘We are very much not a racist family.’

QEII’s death: The Sussexes were again in the UK later in 2022, when Charles called his younger son from Balmoral to tell him the Queen was dying. Harry could easily have joined William, Andrew and the Wessexes on an RAF flight from Northolt but after Charles told him Meghan couldn’t accompany him he chose instead to take a private jet. As a future queen, Catherine might have expected to join her husband at Balmoral, but she elected to stay with their children. Her decision may have been influenced by Harry’s petulance.

[From The Daily Mail]

One of the weirder lies is that William and Kate welcomed Harry and Meghan into their home before the wedding. Harry was pretty specific about that in Spare – Will and Kate came to dinner at Nottingham Cottage several times, but the first time Meghan was invited into the KP apartment was after the wedding. Jobson isn’t alone in his near constant emphasis that Meghan was a golddigger, or that she had her eyes on the jewels – I want people to understand that Spare was Harry documenting the myriad ways in which his family abused him, including financial abuse. Meghan was probably shocked by the fact that Harry didn’t even understand how badly he was being financially abused and that Harry has no concept of money. That’s a key point – Meghan wasn’t a golddigger, but she taught Harry about money and about what his family had been doing to him. That’s one of many reasons why the Windsors are still mad at her. Anyway, yeah… William and Kate f–king suck.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgird, Cover Images.

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78 Responses to “Jobson: Duchess Meghan was sort of jealous of Princess Kate’s lavish life”

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  1. More bullsh*t from the head of bullsh*t!! Meg isn’t the jealous type that is Can’t in a nutshell jealous and mean.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      Kkkhate knew very well how harry was living compared to baldy prince husband, and all the extra she had access to compared to Meg in their nottingham cottage. Meg saw how cheap and unfair it was. Being the jealous petty mean btch that she is she probably flaunted her lifestyle and made sure her black sis in law was would get obstacles every step of her way. Meg being so smart, she made sure we all saw how smart and quick she was compared to kkkhate. It was not hard. Girl beat her with something kkkhate could never have: modern strong intelligence.

    • Ciotog says:

      Meghan thought she was going to be doing a job, and would be paid in actual money. Instead, she was supposed to work for free.

  2. Andy Dufresne says:

    What Jobson meant is: “William and Kate are jealous of Meghan and that they needed to compete with her”.

    What a couple of pathetic losers lol!

    • Megan says:

      This. Harry and Meghan were just living their lives and doing their jobs. It’s not their fault that William and Kate looked like dilettantes by comparison.

    • Nic919 says:

      When Carole Middleton gives her first print interview after a decade of silence and makes sure to slag Meghan, it only confirms that Kate and the Middletons were jealous of Meghan and afraid she would be more popular than Kate.

      And the whole early years thing came out the Friday before the together cookbook launch. Yes Kate was jealous. In everything she does she confirms it.

      • Jais says:

        Especially when Carole gives her first print interview after a decade of silence to the Telegraph. The very same week that Camilla Tominey of the Telegraph writes the story that Meghan made Kate cry. Coincidence? I think not.

    • Christine says:

      This. God forbid you change your behavior for the betterment of others.

  3. girl_ninja says:

    Meghan financed her OWN lavish lifestyle. That woman’s shoe closet alone would be the envy of Barneys. Jobson and his projections are once again glaring. Peg and and KKKate are and have always been jealous of Harry and Meghan.

  4. Tursitops says:

    Sigh. So many heads, so little brain power within them.

    It’s quite simple:
    1. Snobs and snob staffers told M that she was on THEIR turf, and would need to learn THEIR silly rules.
    2. M masters rules, and figures out the unspoken ones, as well.
    3. Snobs not satisfied, say that there are different M rules, and she needs to learn them, too.
    4. M does all this, making friends and admirers along the way. M gets awards from other players, but not from coaches or pundits, certainly not snobs.
    5. Snobs say that there are new silly rules that apply only to M.
    6. M says thank you, takes her ball and goes home.
    7. Snobs throw up, saying that M never learned the rules (which set?), never *really* wanted to play the game, and was no good at it.
    8. M waves from her sunny garden, where everyone is welcome except snobs and snob supporters, there are no silly rules, and people are generally much happier.
    9. Snobs still bitching that M isn’t playing by rules that they keep changing, in a country from which she was driven. Wonder when she will teach her kids the rules.

    • DiMi says:

      Tursitops, Thank you for naming the importance of rule & goalpost changing. This is how you know they saw Meghan as a black woman.

  5. Crazy is saying the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome. This is what they are doing and it isn’t working. Nobody believes them.

  6. sunnyside up says:

    What on earth has it to do with William what jewellery Meghan wears, they both inherited some of Diana’s jewellery and what Harry does with his bits is none of Williams business. I understand that Harry actually inherited the engagement ring and kindly gave it to William when William was getting engaged.

    • HeatherC says:

      I think it wasn’t so much what was inherited but what was actually part of the royal collection but associated with Diana, like the tiara and such.

      • Steph says:

        @HeatherC which tiara? I don’t really pay attention to them so the only one I can think of as being”Diana” is the Spencer one and that’s not part of the royal collection

    • RRN says:

      Harry didn’t inherit the big blue. And harry didn’t even know william was getting engaged. He got to know through tabloids. The whole story about Harry giving the ring to William is something tabloids made up as a part of their fanfiction and it stuck. Harry clarified this in Spare.

    • Becks1 says:

      William was referring to the jewelry that Diana had worn that belonged to the royal collection. QEII had no control over Diana’s personal jewelry that the boys inherited.

      • Mayp says:

        @becks, that was what was initially reported – that William did not want Meghan wearing any of the royal collection jewelry that Diana had worn. However, that made no sense. Diana to my knowledge never wore any Royal collection pieces. Rather, she borrowed a few from the Queen’s personal collection. I think that what Jobson is saying here is closer to the truth.

        Remember, we found out that Diana’s jewelry was being held at Buckingham Palace and, hence, would have been overseen by Angela Kelly. I absolutely believe that William thought the Queen could, and Kelly would, stop Meghan from accessing Diana’s jewels.

      • Becks1 says:

        Well, for example, the Cambridge Lover’s Knot tiara belonged to the queen or the royal collection (I’m not sure which) and that was associated with Diana and then “given” to Kate to wear. Those are the jewels that William was referring to, those are the ones that QEII would have had control over, and those are the ones that Jobson is referring to.

        Meghan DOES wear pieces that belonged to Diana personally – her cartier watch, her aquamarine ring, her butterfly earrings, etc. So no, Angela Kelly was not in charge of all of Diana’s jewels.

      • Mayp says:

        The CLK tiara belonged to the Queen personally and now belongs to Charles. What you’re saying is what everyone was assuming, however, this came out not long after the wedding and Harry was supposed to have been very angry about it. Why would he be angry about Meghan not being offered jewelry from the very few pieces from the Queen’s personal collection that Diana had worn? I don’t think he would be. But I think he would be furious if William tried to stop Meghan from wearing Diana’s jewelry.

        Yes, Meghan has worn some of Diana’s jewelry (but Kate nabbed the most valuable), however, that doesn’t mean that William didn’t try to stop her from doing so.

        I think the whole nonsensical Royal Collection language came up because the Royal reporters knew how bad it would make William look if he was trying to bar Meghan from wearing Diana’s jewelry.

      • Tessa says:

        I thought the collection was divided up well in advance of the marriage of Kate and william. So how could Kate grab the part of the collection harry had.

      • Mayp says:

        I thought as well that the collection would have been split between the two brothers a long time ago but it is not clear that that is the case. So far, Meghan has worn very few of Diana’s numerous pieces of jewelry. It seems as though the jewelry was left together in one collection for the brothers’ wives to wear and Kate has laid claim to some of the snazzier pieces.

        I’m wondering if there isn’t a tussle about the division. For example, what about the Saudi sapphires? If the jewels had already been divided I would imagine either Kate or Meghan would have worn that gorgeous sapphire pendant but… nothing.

    • sevenblue says:

      “I understand that Harry actually inherited the engagement ring and kindly gave it to William when William was getting engaged.”

      That was a lie and Harry said it didn’t happen because that cursed ring was always Will’s. I think, it was a lie cooked up to create the narrative that Harry approves of Kate, which is why he “gave” the ring.

    • Amy Bee says:

      @sunnysideup: You need to read Harry’s book. He denies ever having Diana’s engagement ring. He says that story that he gave the ring to William so that he could propose to Kate is made up. He didn’t even know that William was going to propose to Kate and he found out about the engagement at the same time as the public did.

  7. Digital Unicorn says:

    Can’t has a LOOOOOOONG rep as being a nasty jealous bully who delighted in running off any other women that even looked at ‘her man’. She and her sister bullied the York Princesses for years, she used and abuses anyone she could to get close to William.

    The projection is strong here!!!!

    • Nic919 says:

      Exactly. She’s described as jealous of women who try to approach William back as early as St Andrews.

  8. Jais says:

    William and Kate f-cking suck. Yeah, they do.
    Meghan has a note from Kate in which she apologized for making Meghan cry. And actresses are human beings who also cry for real. That is some serious dehumanization coming from Jobsen.
    And William wanted to make sure Meghan couldn’t wear any of Diana’s jewelry? What a jerk. Is that how the tiara came to be? Meghan was supposed to wear the Spencer tiara, William heard about it, went to to the queen and complained and so the queen offered Meghan some tiaras to choose from instead. Lordy.

    • Aries48 says:

      “Is that how the tiara came to be? Meghan was supposed to wear the Spencer tiara, William heard about it, went to to the queen and complained and so the queen offered Meghan some tiaras to choose from instead.”

      Actually, @Jais in his book, Spare, Harry said the Spensers own the Spenser tiara and had offered it to Meghan since the Windsors hadn’t offered her anything. Lizzy caught wind of the offer and had Angela Kelly russle up something for Meghan, then insisted that Meghan use a Windsor tiara instead. Meghan had already designed her wedding dress to work with the Spenser tiar, but felt obligated to make Lizzy happy, so she declined the loving offer from the Spensers and opened the gates of hell (aka tried to work with Angela Kelly).

      • Jais says:

        You’re right @aries48! But what I’m now wondering is if Liz caught wind of it bc William went and told her meghan was going to wear the Spencer tiara and he let it be known that he didn’t want Meghan wearing Diana’s jewelry or tiara. And Lizzy acquiesced to the heir. But yeah idk if it happened that way. It could have just been the queen not wanting it. But either way, I’m sure William and Kate’s heads exploded at the mere thought of Meghan wearing the Spencer tiara.

      • Becks1 says:

        @Jais, agreed, whatever the exact order of events, I’m sure W&K would have lost their sh!t at Meghan wearing the Spencer tiara. And I’m sure no one in the royal family wanted her in it either.

        this family was so shitty to her from the get go they only offered her a tiara so she didn’t wear Diana’s.

      • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

        The Queen was petty. They didnt want to look bad having Harry’s wife wear a SPENCER tiara, that would’ve looked terrible for the mean windsors and Meg would’ve been associated with DIANA on her wedding – KKHATE and Bald willie could not have that! It would have been historical. They made it impossible for meg to say no to a tiara offering coming from the queen’s request. AK47 and the whole mean team made sure to gang up against her and put every obstacle to make it the most horrible experience ever for her. Fck them

  9. HeatherC says:

    This totally tracks for Kate. A person so superficial and empty, that even her own biography is nothing more than stories of other people around her.

    • Christine says:

      This is the real story, IMO! How depressing that someone finally wrote a book with only her name on the cover, and she is so inconsequential she isn’t the main character.

  10. Snuffles says:

    One of my favorite commentaries from the time was from Trevor Noah after Megan and Harry announce they were taking a step back.

    He basically said Megan told Harry he needs to get his own job and stop living in his parents house.

    Because that’s what most people outside of this institution would think. Or anyone who didn’t grow up in a wealthy family with a trust fund you don’t have to be a Golddigger to realize that being 100% beholden to other people for your financial survival is pretty fucked up, and it could be very well. She was Probably the first person to point out to Harry that his family was Financially abusing him.

  11. Becks1 says:

    I am not sure if this is supposed to be anti-Sussex, because to me it makes William and Kate look horrible and petty. I mean I think it is supposed to be anti-Sussex because this is Jobson, but he’s not making the point he thinks he’s making.

    Yes, Harry himself said it was a little bit of a surprise to see how lavish William and Kate’s apartment was decorated (and knowing how much money it cost to renovate it) compared to how they lived, with Meghan using her money to buy furniture etc. And Charles complaining about how he couldn’t afford Meghan bc of how much he was spending on on W&K – it never occurred to him to tell William and Kate to STOP SPENDING AS MUCH on vacations, clothing, home decor, etc.

    And yes, William telling his grandmother that he didn’t want Meghan wearing any of Diana’s jewels is petty and mean and says way too much about William.

    And then the hospital visit timed with the Cardiff event – lol, what new and dramatic buzz cut? He’s really reaching there. BUT, this part is interesting, right? “Some members of Charles’s household were amused that William had felt so affronted. After all, the prince rarely showed much deference to his father.”

    So william is upset that Meghan and Harry are getting so much attention but Charles’ people are saying “well its not like William ever bothered to show that same deference he’s expecting from them to his father….” hahahaha.

    • Jais says:

      It def makes William seem petty. Kate is coming out better while really she’s just as petty😂. Idk I think the book has to be about the Sussexes and William bc there’s just not enough info to write about Kate. Maybe if they were more truthful about who she is, there’d be more content, but as is, it can’t hold up a whole book.

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      For WanK’s spending – William is a notoriously tight fitted, preferring others to pay his way for him, as does Kate. However, after they got married Kate started spending like it was going out of fashion – allegedly QE2 made comments about being shocked as how much she was spending. Remember this is a women who renovated Apt 1 twice within the space of a few years and then completely renovated Amner Hall even thou it didn’t need it. We know how much she spends on clothes and that she is not above accepting freebies either.

      I remember reading about how during the GF years she once complained about having to wait for William to get his father to agree to pay for their vacation – Keen has always been a kept woman and thats what she has always wanted.

    • Nic919 says:

      Both William and Kate were obviously jealous of the attention Meghan and Harry were getting. They managed to bond for a bit of time with their jealousy.

      And the gold digger stuff was always a projection because Meghan didn’t spend a decade doing nothing but being a booty call away and no other job. Kate did that. Her entire family participated in the grift and so if that term is going to be used, it must be used first and foremost about Kate.

    • Eurydice says:

      Yes, these multiple rehashings of the narrative are beginning to degrade, like taking a photocopy of a photocopy of a photocopy. Or do I mean a palimpsest, with the real story starting to shine through all the layers of bull$hit.

  12. Gem says:

    The money is directly to be blamed on Charles. Queen Elizabeth was a lot of things but she took care of all of her kids, made sure to give them estates befitting their positions and a generous fund. Yes, Andrew squandered it but she still gave him as many shots as she could. The expectation on Charles was exactly the same. He was supposed to make sure Harry had those things but that dead beat guy didn’t care at all. He was keeping Camilla’s family on payroll by giving them jobs that were made out of thin air for them, but didn’t have money for Sussex’s. Like, they really were planning on keeping Harry single and miserable as long as possible. Meghan understood the game early on. Of course, she was worried. She had Archie pretty fast. What would be Archie’s future under the arrangement the family had put in place for them. Harry, Meghan took the risk they took not for themselves but their children, which parent wouldn’t? Now back to William, the jewelry bit is weird. How are you pushing 60 (in spirit and appearance) and throwing tantrum about what Jewelry your brother wife gets to wear? Then again he threw tantrum over a beard, this guy is so pathetic….it’d be sad if he wasn’t so evil.

    • sevenblue says:

      They told Meghan that Archie won’t get security. Imagine him going to school in UK without any official security after all the hate and racist campaign against him and his parents.

    • Jais says:

      William is pushing 60 (in spirit and in appearance)😂

    • Blubb says:

      The money trail is interesting.
      Could it be that Charles and William were arguing who would finance Harry and his family after the Queens death? Should be the Duchy of Lancaster, but maybe Charles thought otherwise….
      By the way, Charles was more than lucky to become Prince of Wales with four years, so he had the Duchies income as soon as he came of age.

      • sevenblue says:

        @Blubb, Charles is taking care of Camilla’s whole family, including her sister. You would think, he wouldn’t mind taking care of his own son and DIL, considering they were sending her to bunch of countries to represent UK.

      • Becks1 says:

        charles would have gotten the duchy when he came of age regardless of being prince of wales. This gets confused a lot on here, but the two are not automatically connected. You can be the duke of cornwall without ever being the PoW.

  13. Just Jade says:

    These mental vampire rats 🐀 need to move on. It’s been almost five years since Meghan left that Island. How long are they going to rehash things about her?

  14. Hypocrisy says:

    Telegraph has a review, it was given a one star and I’m sure that was being kind. Palace and unnamed sources don’t quite cut it when the public has read Spare. Jobson is a joke, anyone with a brain knew his book was going to be regurgitated rota tabloid/brf narratives so how did he get a publisher to publish this crap? These books certainly can’t be profitable with the sales numbers I see.

    • sevenblue says:

      Telegraph’s royal reporters are still gonna attack H&M using quotes from this book. It doesn’t matter even if they know, it is all lies.

    • Nic919 says:

      When the Torygraph bashes a royalist book you know it’s bad.

      There is nothing of value to write about Kate unless you want to get into what the hell really happened in the last seven months. Until they dig into that, the rest is tripe.

      • sunnyside up says:

        Kate is seriously uninteresting. No wonder he had to keep dragging Meghan into it.

  15. Eowyn says:

    I don’t think I have seen any other public figures that have telegraphed their desire to separate themselves from an institution as clearly as M and H. They have desired to do differently, and stayed on track, knowing comparison is inevitable.

    • Christine says:

      I agree. It’s revolting that the British media and that family keep trying to loop them back in.

  16. Amy Bee says:

    Yeah, I agree with Kaiser. Harry never had a inkling that he was being financially abused until Meghan came into his life.

    • Amy Bee says:

      Plus, Jobson is being truthful about Charles financing Meghan. There was virtually no change to the amount Charles gave to Harry after he got married, thus it’s clear that Meghan was not funded.

  17. FancyPants says:

    If Meghan feels anything at all toward Kate, I think it must be pity. (And I don’t really think Meghan bothers to think about Kate at all on a regular basis, but she would be incredibly gracious if she did still pity Kate her miserable existence.)

  18. Noor says:

    Meghan, please release your autobiography and Harry, Spare 2 . That is the only way to combat the likes of Jobson .

    • Amy Bee says:

      The British press will just say that Harry and Meghan are cashing in and lying as usual.

  19. QuiteContrary says:

    William and Kate are petty and insecure and not very bright, but even they knew that they could not compete with Harry’s and Meghan’s charisma and focused determination to do real service.

    LOLing all day long at William attempting to get back at Harry by … getting a “new and dramatic buzz-cut.” Ooooh, that’ll teach Harry!

  20. equality says:

    I doubt she was that concerned with how W&K lived since she would have known that PW was the heir. I would think it was more amazing to her that Andrew, Edward, Anne and others far lower than PH in succession lived so much more lavishly than he did.

  21. Lady Digby says:

    I don’t envy either Kate or William because while they have loads of money , status and fawning press you can not order in love, respect, contentment, health, generosity and wisdom. neither looks enthused or relaxed around the other and that must be a drag on anyone’s joie de vivre; to be yoked to someone whom for proprietary or whatever you can not be divorced from? Yes they have made their own bed with luxurious sheets but it is very sad. When Diana and her two boys walked behind her coffin my wish was for both to lead happy positive lives with a loving partners.

  22. ABritGuest says:

    lol it’s really interesting how important it is for the royal rota not to accept & to continue to deny first hand accounts that Kate was the one who upset Meghan with her behaviour over MEGHAN’s wedding. I’d love to know why Kate is more held up for sainthood than even William the heir who apparently Jobson . Must be a white supremacy thing & what she represents v Meghan

    The story about William teaming with Angela Kelly to prevent Meghan from wearing RC jewels that Diana wore was leaked in 2018 when the palace was briefing how much they hated Meghan & didn’t think marriage would last. I wonder why nobody questions why William was in women’s business like that. He was overly obsessed with Harry& Meghan’s affairs & thank goodness they left before he was the boss.

    Charles is totally that guy who gets a new wife & neglects the children from the first marriage. Unlike Elizabeth & her kids he didn’t make sure Harry was set up with a freehold or long leasehold home & then obviously evicted him from his UK home which currently lies empty. Jobson is trying to Obfuscate on timeline but Charles gave Harry his share for running the Sussex team office & for household expenses until April 2020 after which he was cut off as the royal accounts showed.

    As for Meghan being jealous- Kate’s the one who’s copied Meghan’s style, what brands she uses & even her mannerisms so think we know who’s the jealous one

  23. slippers4life says:

    The issue is that there is a large pool of money controlled by one person and distributed by one person amongst the family. William and Kate were allowed a lavish lifestyle while Meghan and Harry were allowed a dilapidated shack and Harry spent a lot of his adult life living in something akin to a college dorm where he had to put things in Tupperware containers AND he and Meghan weren’t ALLOWED to go earn their own money to improve their situation. They were beholden to how much the crown wanted to give them. THAT was and is the problem with a lot of British aristocracy and how wealth is passed down. Often a very wealthy family means the oldest sibling and still often the oldest male sibling holds all the wealth while the younger siblings live in squalor and it is considered gauche for the siblings to go out and earn more or act “ambitiously”. Now, of course there are families who aren’t like that and share wealth more equally, but the very traditional old guard ones really continue to financially abuse younger siblings and their families. You’d be surprised how many seemingly rich aristocratic families have significant disparities in lifestyles based on birth order and how many younger siblings living in literal squalor are brainwahed to believe it would be immoral for them to seek a high paying job. Man, I really could write a book!

    • JudyB says:

      Actually, Jane Austin did write a book or two about this. Check out the first couple of chapters of Sense and Sensibility, especially the conversation between the son who inherits everything and his wife as they discuss how much his fathers second wife and his half-sisters should be given. This primogeniture situation also occurs in Pride and Prejudice

  24. Tuesday says:

    Initial comment based only on the headline: Hey Jobson, who’s the jealous one now?

  25. Lili says:

    what amazese me is Meghan spent 18months with that family and they’ve used that experience to fill several books and thewoman who has spent 20 tears could not have her own stand alone book, everything is written with a side of Meghan. kate could have had 20 chapters chronicalling her life spent with them showing us how she turned out this way.

  26. Lynwall says:

    Harry said what he said in Spare.
    His book is an international best seller.
    All the re-writing of history and telling their side is not going to work..
    How many copies of this will sell?
    The BTF and the RR need to let it go.
    The horse is out of the stable and cannot go back.
    In addition the info from the various trials continue prove Harry right.

  27. Well Wisher says:

    This is the response to the book Spare…..
    It is the projection on Meghan, the myriads of envy of others and specifically, Kate….

  28. tamsin says:

    I think a lot of these “royal” biographers count on the tabloid excerpting their “books” or there would be no sales at all. I shouldn’t think there is not much investment in time or effort if all you have to do is crank out what the tabloids cranked out already which is usually a result of what the palaces “leak” via their “sources.” No money needs to be spent doing research or on lawyers to check for any legal challenges. As we can see, victims, like Harry, will sue the papers, not the stenographers. Not a bad racket, if you can live with yourself.

  29. Tessa says:

    Of course jobson would say Meghan made Kate cry. Kate was the one making things difficult for Meghan and made her cry. Jobson tries to defend Charles William and Kate and he still makes them look bad

  30. Tessa says:

    Meghan has receipts about kates behavior at the time of Meghan s wedding plans. Meghan behaved like a prima Donna demanding new outfits for the bridal attendants and at the last minute

    • paintybox says:

      @ Tessa – Of course you meant Kate behaved like a prima donna. There, I fixed it. ❤️

  31. PrincessK says:

    The idea of Meghan being jealous of Billy and Kate’s place in KP is nonsense because an apartment there was earmarked for the Sussexes but that never happened especially when the Sussexes knew that they had to distance themselves from the whole KP machinery.
    Jobson is not a fan of William and he is using this book to promote the feelings in Charles camp who are not impressed with William.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      It’s just really funny that these people think Meghan would be jealous. She worked in a number of venues where hierarchy is a thing. She understood. She saw where Harry lived before becoming engaged and before marrying him.

      This “royal expert book” is an attempt to discredit the truths Harry told in SPARE and parts of ENDGAME. Recall in ENDGAME Omid writing how it would be hard to write a Kate book. Not his words, the gist, imo, there was no “there” there.

      LOL @ Jobson’s revisionist history of Harry’s flight to Balmoral(?) when QE2 passed. William didn’t respond to Harry’s texts. He couldn’t have easily flown with them. Harry was left with a chartered flight from Luton.

      I’ve only spent money on 2 royal books. SPARE and ENDGAME.

      Jobson must have been tipped extra to spew this malarkey. His “royal source” is probably Becky English.

  32. Over it says:

    First off kate doesn’t cry because as they like to remind us, she is steely. Second, ain’t no one especially Meghan jealous of a button covered robot Barbie.

  33. Kaydee says:

    It doesn’t even make sense that Meghan made Kate cry. It’s Meghan’s wedding, her stress, her problems, crazy father, rabble of mean press incredible insurmountable pressure. And Kate who was a wedding guest with with a teensy problem with the flower dress? Please.