Jobson: Kate Middleton was ‘humiliated’ when Prince William dumped her in 2007

The early years of Prince William and then-Kate Middleton’s courtship have been analyzed ad nauseum, but Robert Jobson tried to dust off some old stories and make them new. Jobson’s new book is Catherine, the Princess of Wales: The Biography, and the Mail has spent several days publishing excerpts from the book. There’s apparently a big section about Will and Kate’s big 2007 breakup, and just how nervous the Middletons were that Kate couldn’t land the plane and get the ring. In all of the many books about their courtship, I’m always struck by the sheer short-sightedness of the Middletons’ endeavors to get the ring. Yes, they put a lot of time, money and effort into catching a prince, but they had no idea what to do once they got him. A tale for another day perhaps. Some highlights from Jobson’s book:

The 2007 breakup: She’d waited several years for him to make up his mind, and quite suddenly he had. Prince William, then the world’s most eligible bachelor, had decided it was just too soon to be tied down to Catherine Middleton. He celebrated their break-up with an alcohol-fuelled night at the Mahiki nightclub in Mayfair with his close pals. ‘I’m free!’ he shouted as he slipped into a drunken version of the robot dance. He then told his friends that they should all ‘drink the menu’, which they more or less ended up doing. Naturally, Catherine got to hear about these juvenile antics. They seemed to mark a humiliating end to the romance that had begun when they were both students at the University of St Andrews in Scotland.

The pursuit of Isabella: The gossip columnists had a field day. Some claimed William ‘had his head turned’ by another young woman — the beautiful socialite Isabella Anstruther-Gough-Calthorpe. They’d met years before on holiday in Greece. But despite being single at the time of William and Catherine’s break-up, Isabella was apparently unkeen on becoming a royal girlfriend, feeling it would limit her career prospects as an actress. This did not cool William’s ardour: he reportedly tried to woo Isabella, visiting her several times at her family home. Despite his evident crush, she apparently rebuffed his advances.

When Will & Kate met for the first time: What’s less well known is that Catherine and the Prince first met when she was at Marlborough, and it was then that they actually became friends. ‘There was plenty of socialising [between pupils at both schools] back then, and they were known to each other,’ said a senior source close to the Middletons. ‘I understand he invited her on a few things.’

Kate’s university switch: Initially, Catherine set her sights on Edinburgh University to do a History of Art degree, even confirming her place. But doubts crept in at the eleventh hour, and she decided to take a gap year first, which she largely spent abroad. Why then, on her return, did she subsequently apply to the University of St Andrews? The gossip mill would later go into overdrive, not only alleging she’d changed her mind because she’d heard William was going there, but that her mother had encouraged her to catch the eye of the Prince. This is ‘utter nonsense’, said a source close to the family. Indeed, it had been confidently expected the Prince would attend Trinity College, Cambridge, like his father.

The courtship years: Already — with no sign of an engagement — Catherine was being labelled Waity Katie, and criticised for first working for her mother’s Party Pieces business rather than starting a career, then taking a part-time job as an accessories buyer at Jigsaw. There were also ‘raised eyebrows’ in the Royal Family over her frequent trips to Mustique in the southern Caribbean. Her boss at Jigsaw had given Catherine the use of her luxurious villa on the island for private romantic holidays with the Prince — hardly a perk afforded to most employees. Catherine knew William wasn’t in any hurry to propose, and the truth is she was prepared to wait until he was ready. After all, they were in love — weren’t they?

The breakup phone call: As Catherine approached her 25th birthday in January 2007, he unexpectedly cancelled plans to attend a New Year gathering in Dundee, arranged by the Middletons. She sensed something was wrong. It certainly wasn’t helping that newspapers were confidently predicting a royal engagement. Soon afterwards, seemingly out of the blue, William — now a 2nd Lieutenant in the Blues and Royals — telephoned her to suggest that they split up. He told her they both needed ‘a bit of space’ to ‘find our own way’, and he was unable to promise her marriage. In an emotionally charged 30-minute conversation, they both acknowledged they were on ‘different pages’. It was a devastating blow to Catherine, who felt doubly let down at being dumped over the phone. Though it wasn’t the first time William had called time on their relationship, it felt final.

[From The Daily Mail]

Jobson also did a lot with “how Kate won William back” in 2007 – she listened to Carole’s advice and Kate went out partying as often as possible, especially with William’s friends. Jobson claims that William was worried that he would have to work hard to woo Kate back, but she literally came back to him as soon as he snapped his fingers. It’s an interesting sliding-doors scenario to consider: what would have happened if Kate hadn’t gone out drinking and partying constantly after the breakup? What if William had his head turned by someone else who was actually into it? Anyway, Will and Kate were always ill-suited for one another. Carole is the only one who ever thought they would be perfect together.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, archived photos courtesy of WENN.

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129 Responses to “Jobson: Kate Middleton was ‘humiliated’ when Prince William dumped her in 2007”

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  1. Brassy Rebel says:

    And yet, she went back for even more humiliation. Or Mom sent her back for more. How’s that working out?

    • Subvers says:

      Kate was so basic in every way, looks, class, intelligence, and way sub par in talent. Who would she appeal to? The smart, beautiful, classy women ran a mile. She’s got almost no emotional intelligence. If the willy plan failed, there no back up.

      • Mil says:

        She was a cutie. Not a supermodel, but she had something. Now, if she only never went back to him…
        Some other dude she flirted with was much better looking than William. Oh well.. Kate was athletic, we really don’t know her IQ, and her EQ never developed. It is sad.

      • Subvers says:

        We’ve heard Kate try to talk for 13 plus years. We’ve heard how she talks to people and the questions she asks.. She has a low IQ. She can’t speak at all – we know. She also wasn’t cute. She’s so basic. And so many plastic surgery procedures to look like that! I guess she got what she wanted. Most young women who work in the city are better looking than she ever was.

      • Nic919 says:

        She was a phone call away when William felt like it. That was the appeal. The other aristo women weren’t prepared to demean themselves like Kate was.

      • Megan says:

        No one else was ever going to marry William. He’s lucky he found her.

      • BabyBel says:

        Cmon now, that’s harsh and untrue. She was and is quite attractive. She’s prettier than her sister, who married quite nicely. You don’t have to be a fan (god knows I am not) but this trashing every single aspect of her isn’t a good look either.

      • Aurora says:

        There’s no need to put her down unfairly. She’s never been flashy or overtly glamourous, but she was/is attractive enough to be noticed by her beauty and how she carried herself. She wasn’t dumb either if it’s true that she got accepted by the University of Edimburgh. She came from money, which allowed her to be socially active in elite circles and dress fashionably. She was also discreet and polite, yet assertive enough to challenge QEII before getting engaged by refusing a 24/7 protection detail. Mind you I’m not a fan of her bland, aseptic presentarion as future Queen; but I’m sure she does have a drive and a strong personality that she’s chosen to camouflage for most of the time.

    • She may have been humiliated but she went back for more. She and her mother wanted a crown desperately and were willing to take the humiliation he brought and continues to bring (that facial scar has a story to tell). I still believe he wants a divorce and she will not get the crown she and her mother want.

      • Jaded says:

        I agree. There’s a lot about her disappearance, the fake photos and AI video, the thinification (looking at old photos of her, she looks so much better with a bit of weight on her) and the scar that tell a pretty awful story. That she would stubbornly stay in that horror show of a marriage with her mother cheering her on is just sick.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      Kkkhate has thick skin when it comes to humiliation- she can go at it again and again because she thinks she is determined and laser-focused, when in reality, she is stubborn and lazy-focused.

  2. Harla A Brazen Hussy says:

    Hardly a romance for the ages. Elizabeth and Phillips romance seems much sweeter in comparison. I’ve long wondered if, when Kate hits menopause will she look back and realize that none of this was worth giving up her self worth and dignity for?

    • equality says:

      Phil and Liz’s romance seems more like a groomer type thing and not sweet either.

      • Tessa says:

        They were also related to each other. She was 13 when she fell for him. And when she came of age mountbatten encouraged philip to pursue her.

      • equality says:

        And to me, Phil is the golddigger they want to style Meghan as. He is the one who came in with no money, but left with enough to have a sealed will.

      • DK says:

        Yeah, Phil and Liz’s relationship is just plain gross – and from it we see where Pedo Andrew has not fallen far from the tree, or why Charles protects pastors who sexually assaulted teens: preying on children is just part of who they are as a family.

      • C says:

        I would agree except for the fact that while I think he cared for her Philip didn’t really want to marry her (and it’s not like they could sleep together beforehand lol). Lord Mountbatten basically had to tell him she was the best he could get and to take the chance.
        Peter Townsend and Princess Margaret was the ultimate grooming example.

      • Jaded says:

        Elizabeth had a mad crush on him from the get-go, it’s not as one-sided as it appears and Philip didn’t prey on her, he — like Charles with Diana — was told that he should marry her or fade into obscurity.

      • Nic919 says:

        That was more of an arranged marriage where Elizabeth had a crush on her older cousin. And Philip was so poor he didn’t have a choice.

        Even so neither ever made public displays of disdain like William has done.

      • PrincessK says:

        The Queen had a huge crush on Philip, she really wanted him but he wasn’t that keen.

      • equality says:

        Phil had the choice. He took the golddigger choice. He could have just had his military career and lived like any other military person.

    • Subvers says:

      Elizabeth was groomed by family members, mostly, well known pedo Mountbatten. Phillip was poor and needed a rich wife. She was a child.

    • sunnyside up says:

      I’ve always wondered if she would regret her first born child having his whole life dictated to him.

  3. Julia says:

    Who thought he was going to Cambridge? He didn’t have the grades for that. I know Charles got in with only 2 A Levels but things have changed since then. I remember it being well known at the time that he would probably go to St Andrew’s. Of course she stalked him there.

    • Nic919 says:

      The senior family source to the Middletons aka Carole, is just lying because the applications to St Andrews grew exponentially the year William attended. They also knew he was doing a gap year and kate tried to go to chile as he did but ended up being there after he left.

      Kate switched her university plans in time because she made friends with someone in William’s circle at Marlborough and heard before the general public.

    • eve says:

      Just the suggestion Kate would prefer St Andrews when she was accepted to Edinburg without ulterior motive is ridiculous to suggest. It is like being accepted at Harvard and choosing to go to Lesley University.

      • Blujfly says:

        I find that people, particularly in the US, miss the fact that Edinburgh is more highly regarded than St Andrew’s, and Kate worked to get in there, and was scheduled to go with 2 of her friends.

    • Jaded says:

      When William was accepted into that bespoke course on sustainable farming management at Cambridge the other students were furious as he didn’t have the A-levels to get in, but of course the heir must get what he wants. In fact, he didn’t even complete the course, he bailed half-way through. It seems to be a continual pattern for Bail-out Billy that he bounces on just about everything.

    • ABCD says:

      I am old enough to remember that it was seen as a given that he would study art history in Edinburgh because the Queen wanted (ordered) it to strengthen relations with Scotland. So Kate applied there and would have been in the same year as William. Then unexpectedly the gap year was announced, with speculations he would do an art history course in
      Florence. So Kate copied him by first applying to Edinburgh, going on a gap year to Florence and Chile, switching to study art history at St Andrews. One of these things might be a coincidence, but following him to every place he was supposed to be at is plain stalking

    • BeanieBean says:

      Yeah, nobody thought he was going to Cambridge; Charles was too much work for the Department of Arch & Anth, no way were they going to expend more energy on his dope of a son.

  4. UnstrungPearl says:

    She had no dreams, no plans, just empty and waiting for him to give in. If he hadn’t come back, what would she have done? I guess marry some other rich guy, but I am surprised she didn’t move on given how publically humiliating it was.
    Ironically she would have been much happier with someone else who might actually love her!

    • Julia says:

      Yes, I always think that Pippa has a much more enviable life. Her husband is wealthy enough that she doesn’t have money worries but she doesn’t have the burden of maintaining a perfect image and constantly courting the press. Also she doesn’t have to be married to bullying, controlling William.

      • sevenblue says:

        Would Pippa find the rich husband if she wasn’t related to the future Queen? I doubt it. Kate is the one who gave her family the connections to find rich partners, that is both her sister and her brother.

      • Becks1 says:

        Pippa moved in rich circles at Edinburgh before Kate was married to william – their relationship was known at that point but I think because of Marlborough Pippa went into university with her own aristo connections. She tried for a title, she just couldn’t get one to commit (but she was reportedly good friends with George Percy and his circle, but I dont think those two ever dated.)

        Those two were both social climbers, its kind of interesting to figure that Kate was the more “successful” social climber but Pippa is probably significantly happier.

      • Megan says:

        Kate and Pippa were dubbed “the wisteria sisters” because they smelled nice and climbed fast.

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      Guess she would have had to actually go through with that whole dragon boat thing she was using to get attention during a break. What is truly pathetic is that she does not have a single personal interest or hobby to fall back on, other than photography. Everything she has done for the last 2-3 decades is for attention or to fake being someone she’s not to get/keep William, including her college coursework, vacations, “jobs” and hobbies. What a waste of a lifetime.

      • Tessa says:

        And she’s not really good at photography

      • UnstrungPearl says:

        Yeah its pretty sad, no substance or depth, and no real passion. To me the whole photography thing seems like it was cooked up to make her more interesting. It failed because her photos are basic bland, and frankly we don’t even know if she actually takes them!

      • Kittenmom says:

        Yeah just about anyone with a smartphone has an “interest in photography.”

    • Nic919 says:

      They have wiped a lot of the photos of kate heading back with her khaki overnight bag leaving William’s flat after he had summoned her. The woman had no pride and that set the tone of their relationship that exists to this day. He’s been treating her like dirt for decades and she just takes it.

      • Jaded says:

        Didn’t his protection officers call her “the mattress”? She probably had that bag packed and ready 24/7.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        William’s friends called her that, and the RPOs picked up on it.
        His friends also referred to her as “The Limpet”, because she was a Stage 5 clinger

    • Mil says:

      Every girl w dated found a decent hubby. They all live like Pippa. With money and zero obligations. I truly think Kate was silly enough to fall for his bs. Otherwise, she would have found a rich dude and lived the life she wanted.

      • Lindsay says:

        She is like a pretty eye catching coffee table book.
        You pick it up and the outside cover and how the book is bound is also pretty to hold.
        Yet when you open it, there are no words and certainly no personality in there.

        During her youngest/prettiest female years, she had the sole focus of nabbing the prince.
        And her diligence to this focus paid off.
        She gave birth to the heir so she enjoyed the success of this endeavor as well.
        Will she ever regret her lack of feminism?
        I doubt it because vacant women like her are not known to be deep thinkers.
        Superficial women don’t really mind being controlled so she fits in well with the royal life she so desperately wished to be a part of.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        This is also why all the “Rose will leave Chumley to marry Huevo” stories seeded by the tabs will continue to laughably fall flat.

        Rose knows she’s got a good thing going at Casa Chumley; her husband regularly effs off to his bf on the Continent and she has her independence and wealth at home. She’s not about to ruin all that, by chasing after a weak willed, lazy, narcissistic rage-bag whose emotional and intellectual development have yet to reach the potty training stage 40+ yrs on.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I always believed that Kate and her family loved the “idea” of her marrying a Prince and becoming a real-life Princess. That was the only goal. Nobody cared if she really loved him or would be happy they got married. You do have to give credit to Carole for getting that ring – a lot of social climbers have tried and failed.

    • Tessa says:

      I give no credit to Carole. Not a good way to raise a daughter. She crested a stepford and William is no prize.

    • RRN says:

      @Anonymous: Agreed. Many people tried getting that ring. A lot of girls joined/shifted to St. Andrews for William. Kate was one of them. Its just that, amongst everyone, Kate won at the end with the help of her mother.

      @Tessa: We may not think of William as a prize. But at some point in the past, he was an eligible good looking bachelor who would eventually be a king. Now he is an ugly selfish middle aged man but still going to be a king nontheless. That is still a prize for some.

  6. StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

    Isabelle was a wannabe actress… hmmm…

    The middletons had no other ambition other than the title : they thought it would mean all the admiration, the money, the perks and little work. Everything was manageable until Meg & Harry got together and showed the world what was work, what was public speaking, what was having a mind of our own and All hell broke loose. Humiliation 😂 how dare them!!!

  7. Blackfemmebot says:

    Honestly, W (like his father) just seems ill-suited for marriage. Maybe if he’d married someone he actually loved he would seem like he enjoys marriage but I think he doesn’t have the kindness and compassion to be a good partner. Unlike H who when his light came on, he was just about ready to race down the aisle and was blessed to meet his soulmate once he was ready and since then, has done everything to protect and honour his partner.

    • sevenblue says:

      I agree. Even if Will found someone, fell in love, got married with her, he would still cheat on her after honeymoon period.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        Workshy Wanderdick would be cheating ON the honeymoon, who are we kidding here.

      • Nic919 says:

        Well they did have a group of friends go to their honeymoon location. It was reported that 11 villas were rented during their stay at Seychelles.

  8. Becks1 says:

    This just makes her seem so pathetic. She tried to get a man back who danced around a nightclub screaming “I’m free” after dumping her via phone.

    Reading this timeline, it really just feels like William spent a year trying to find someone else, anyone else, who would take her place and couldn’t find someone so decided it might as well be Kate. What a romance for the ages.

    Why was it so worth it to her? The crown? the country estates? People curtsying to her? She could have had a nice lazy life as a rich businessman’s wife or something and instead she’s in this cold marriage with a husband who can’t stand her and is still trying desperately to fit in with an aristo set that barely tolerates her. What a sad existence, but you can’t say she didn’t know what she was in for….

    • Eurydice says:

      If you’ve been brought up in a culture that reveres aristocracy and you’re a social climber, the ladder doesn’t go any higher than Future Queen. To me this is like the dog that furiously chases a car – once she catches it, what’s she going to do with it?

      • Becks1 says:

        exactly, lol. What’s the saying, “be careful what you wish for, you just might get it”?

    • SarahCS says:

      Re. William trying to find someone else, I have to say that:
      ‘he reportedly tried to woo Isabella, visiting her several times at her family home. Despite his evident crush, she apparently rebuffed his advances.’

      is giving STRONG Mr Collins vibes. Poor Isabella/Lizzy having to deal with that.

    • Nic919 says:

      She doesn’t seem pathetic. She is pathetic. We are 20 years later and just saw how he treated her when she has had a serious health issue. He doesn’t care and never did. But she always knew this. He never pretended otherwise. It’s not even a royals thing because we have seen how Harry treated his serious girlfriends before Meghan and he didn’t act like that with them.

  9. s808 says:

    Her mother really pimped her out. To William and probably to his guy friends too if it meant getting closer to him.

    • Nic919 says:

      At the time it was said she got familiar with his friends before William showed any direct interest. A vetting of sorts.

  10. Tessa says:

    I remember the weekly photo calls of Kate posing and being seen with other men to win William back. I found it embarrassing to see Her playing to those cameras.

  11. Mina_esq says:

    She invested so much time and effort into getting and keeping William. I remember reading the headlines while waiting in grocery store lines. No wonder she was outraged when her SIL locked things down in six months.

    • Nerd says:

      To be fair Meghan didn’t lock things up in six months. It was more like a year and a half. They dated privately for nearly half a year before anyone knew about their relationship and we saw the racists lose their minds for a full year before they became engaged. Their relationship was the complete opposite of Will and Kate’s because it was the prince doing the pursuing. There was no off and on or cheating by either side and they genuinely love and protect each other. No handshake at the end of a deal just two people genuinely happy and excited to have found their one even in the most unlikely of ways.

      • Nic919 says:

        I am too lazy to check the timeline, but they met on July 4 and their relationship was made public after the Halloween party so in October of that year. The engagement was announced a year after that.

        But Meghan was also working on her last season of Suits during that time so I suspect that was part of the delay because Harry was open about saying she’s the one early on. The absolute opposite of William.

      • equality says:

        @Nic919 That would be the one thing that would bug Kate badly. PW was on and off for years and PH saw Meghan’s picture and didn’t look back afterward.

      • Kingston says:


        Er…….according to Prince Harry, if left up to him, he would have proposed when they were in Botswana. Thats within mere weeks of their first meeting on July 1, 2016.

        And throughout 2017 until they announced their engagement in Nov 2017 (which was at least 2 weeks AFTER their private engagement) there were several times that H wanted to declare his love and to propose, saying the entire world knew he loved her.

        Source: SPARE

  12. Tessa says:

    She and William were not friends before st Andrews. Of course she went there to pursue william

    • Nic919 says:

      Senior family source aka Carole is making that up, but Kate did meet William before they went to st Andrews. It was through the circle of that one girl whose name I forget but is supposed to still be friends with Kate. William doesn’t mention that he met her though.

  13. Hypocrisy says:

    This book is going to tank huge.. there is literally nothing new about 🦴.. it sounds like he just wrote his book from archived tabloid articles.

    • Julia says:

      It will sell a few thousand copies in the UK like all books that get exclusives published in the Mail then it will disappear without trace like all the other royal books in the past few years. With the exception of Spare of course.

    • Jais says:

      I feel like these books also just serve to give content to the tabloids. It’s coming out during the slower summer season. Even if Jobsen doesn’t sell a lot he must’ve gotten some sort of amount for writing it plus he or the publisher is getting paid for the excepts I would assume?

  14. Eurydice says:

    I’m loving the Hallmark moment when they first met – “they were known to each other…he invited her to a few things…” And now, 20 years later, the situation seems pretty much the same.

    • Tessa says:

      She had a boyfriend then but dropped him. She pretended to only want a friendship then soon after strutted down the runway in a see through dress to get him interested. She also as his friend would rush over to stop another woman from coming on to him.

      • Eurydice says:

        Lol, sure – but “they were known to each other…he invited her to a few things…” doesn’t sound like the start of a big romance. It’s more like “Huh, she’s there…” I suppose now, after 20 years, it’s more like “Aw hell, she’s still there…”

  15. Tessa says:

    I can’t believe that good morning America is promoting this book and excited about old rehashed stories about her. With spin thrown in

    • Julia says:

      Jobson is a correspondent for them so it’s expected. They promoted Omid’s book too.

  16. SueBarbri33 says:

    Kate Middleton went missing for 6 months in 2024 and was outed as the royal racist in 2023, yet we’re still rehashing this old story about a breakup from nearly twenty years ago. And we’re supposed to believe there is no agreement in place between the press and the palace? Ridiculous. What are they hiding?

    • Subvers says:

      I believe that 90% of the UK give zero f’s about the royal racist. They just don’t care.

      • Proud Mary says:

        But that is besides the point, isn’t it? I mean, I seriously doubt anyone in the UK have been pining for yet another dust off story about William and Kate’s non-romance. To echo Suebarbie33, the whole azz future queen went missing for 8 months with all kinds of rumors flowing, including the plausible rumors of divorce, and this fool jabba has nothing to say about it in his so-called bio? Regardless of UK feelings about the racist accusations, that story garnered world-wide attention, yet not a peep? Why must a tree die for yet another silly royal biography?

    • Royal Downfall Watcher says:

      I honestly believe that there is just no “there” there with her. I hate to be a mean girl but I am constantly blown away by how nothing she contributes. The pie chart?? Its embarassing. It isn’t even cringe cause I don’t empathize with her at all. She and her team have been gaslighting the world into how fabulous, beloved, productive etc….she is for decades and yet… one can actually point to anything she has ever or will ever do. I genuinely hope for her and her kids sake she beats cancer. For real. Its scary as hell and I have seen friends and family go through it. I wish she would do something to raise awareness for anything but it seems she spent her life securing a life-long vacation dripping with jewels and she got it. Good for her I guess. She told us who she was from the get go – the only reason why I feel even a little sorry for her is because she is married to William and it is clear as day he is abusive and no one should have to go through that. Period.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Royal Downfall Watcher, I don’t think Billy Idle has changed in the past 20 years. She chose him then and apparently she still does. If she wanted a divorce, she could get one. I keep thinking that she hasn’t done more engagements because she refuses. She does have a type of power.

        The children are who I sympathize with. They are the ones who will suffer the most with parents who have shown the world they don’t like or respect each other.

      • Liz -L says:

        I agree RDF. She showed who she was in the engagement interview. Saying she didn’t care what the public thought of her work ethic.

        She could barely string a sentence together when asked about Diana.

        She came across as a clingy airhead. And she is.

    • Christine says:

      This is SUCH an excellent point.

  17. sunnyside up says:

    William didn’t have the A levels to go to Cambridge, neither did his father. The King got in because of who he was, Neither of them are the sharpest knives in the box.

  18. girl_ninja says:

    This lady couldn’t even find a charity to volunteer for? Not even reading to sick kids or making simple paper and glue artwork with them? Nothing? You have got to be the laziest of bums to live this way. That’s why she and Peg are perfect for one another.

    • Subvers says:

      Can Kate read? She can’t read out loud fluently. She can’t speak in sentences. She knows nothing about art for an ‘art history’ major. She can’t cook or hold a carton of uht milk. She seems mentally deficient. They keep calling her shy, I think she’s got a very low iq

      • girl_ninja says:

        This is a good point. I feel that if she practiced she could have gotten better. Reading IS a skill.

  19. Over it says:

    I don’t recognize old Kate in comparison to new Kate . I swear they look like completely different people. And oh please Carole, you and Kate been stalking wank since pre school. Too sad you both cared more about being queen bee ,than Love and happiness with a good man who respects and treasures you

  20. Amy Bee says:

    What’s Jobson’s real purpose for writing this biography about Kate? There’s no new information, a lot of referencing from Spare and it doesn’t seem like he spoke to anybody connected to her for the book.

    • Liz - L says:

      Money. There’s been more interest in her in the last 6 months than ever. He’s jumping on the bandwagon.

      Apparently writers turned down the chance to do a book on her before because she’s so dull.

  21. Digital Unicorn says:

    He’s been humiliating her since they first met. Interesting that he is confirming that they’ve known each other since school, something that was always denied and that he first saw her in the catwalk show. I think the catwalk show was the first time he saw her as someone who he could have some ‘fun’ with rather than as an ‘acquaintance’.

    Looking at these photo’s compared to now – there is such a marked difference. She’s was pretty but not in the ‘stand out in a room full of others who look the same’ way.

    She stalked him with the support of her whole family – the press knows it and before they got engaged used to say it.

    • Cee says:

      That’s because she’s gotten subtle alterations to her face, hair and teeth. She even has lip filler now.

  22. Sue says:

    Isabella dodged a freight train.

    • PrincessK says:

      Isabella Ansruther-Gough-Calthorpe is no fool. She was dating Richard Branson’s son and Willy was annoyed that Sam did not step aside for him. Now Isabella has all the money and the freedom to go with it.

      • Liz - L says:

        Isabella is gorgeous and a free spirit and secure enough in her own family connections not to need royal ones. She’s the opposite of Kate.

  23. Lau says:

    That first part is so brutal and humiliating lol. Kind of making me want to have had a proper retelling in The Crown and not whatever the hell that was that we got.

  24. RRN says:

    May this kind of love never find me.

    Seriously, who goes back/pursues a partner again after they partied post breakup screaming “Im free”. This is so humiliating. William finally married Kate because she was the last one standing and he had to settle down, have a marriage, and babies. He knows Kate wouldn’t leave no matter what.

    On another note, William would have cheated on anyone even if he married for love. That’s normal for aristos/royals/politicians or people in the public eye. He’s not doing anything wrong tbh. They wouldn’t even call it cheating because its normalized in those circles.

    • BlueNailsBetty says:

      Exactly. For the aristocracy, marriage is a legal contract and often doesn’t involve love… just suitability and the right connections. Cheating is a dalliance that is literally expected. They all cheat on each other.

  25. matthew says:

    that’s William????????

    • BlueNailsBetty says:

      Yeah, his face has completely changed. Being mean and bitter will do that to a person.

  26. Jay says:

    Is it just me laughing at Jobson’s description of Isabella as “unkeen” on becoming a royal girlfriend? Anyone who has been reading about Kate all these years knows that she’s always keen! And yes, if Isabella (or any other woman in his set) would have accepted his advances, I think it’s pretty clear that William wouldn’t have gone back to Kate, at least for marriage. It seems that only after every eligible aristocratic woman had refused him and Kate was the last one standing, did William go back to her.

    I always think that it’s telling that the women (and aristocratic families) that knew him best wanted nothing to do with the future king. Was it his terrible temperament? The fact that as queen, you would always be in the public eye and your spending would be scrutinized? Or maybe they realized (as the Middletons later did with Pippa) that life would be much more comfortable with someone who is terribly wealthy but not very well known. And not at the beck and call of the tabloids.

    • tamsin says:

      I think the Isabella married Richard Branson’s son, and of course Pippa married a wealthy man. Both married money and live luxurious, private lives no doubt. Being a part of the royal family is not worth it and obviously a stunting life. Meghan fell in love with Harry, and they both had to leave it in order to thrive.

    • Miss Scarlett says:

      I’ve always thought that Pippa settled. Not that she isn’t happy with her husband and frankly I think he was the best choice, but her family made it very clear they wanted a “double duchess.” Pippa tried very hard to snare a titled man – heir to a dukedom no less. There was the one at university she pursued and then George Percy.

      Eventually she realized she would need someone wealthy but have to give up having a title and then finally agreed to date James.

  27. QuiteContrary says:

    Isabella Anstruther-Gough-Calthorpe’s half-sister is Cressida Bonas, right?

    Kate was so out of her depth in that crowd. I think you’d need to lack any emotional intelligence and any self-esteem to submit yourself to the kind of humiliation she’s experienced at William’s hands.

  28. Andrea says:

    No way I am going back to a guy who thinks I am the only choice after pursuing other avenues especially shouting I am free! She clearly lacked self worth.

    • Cairidh says:

      He actually shouted “I’m free! I’m not getting married! I just want to have fun!” and he was instantly swarmed with girls.

  29. catJ says:

    Top picture – Kate saying to herself, ” I wonder how long his hair will last?”

  30. Flamingo says:

    oh please, Carol engineered this from the start. She’s the modern-day version of Lady Margaret Beaufort. She was going to get her daughter on the throne one way or the other.

    And she played the loving doting mother type to William to fill the void Diana left. And basically, all that was left waiting for him was Kate.

    She was the one that waited him out to get the final rose.

    And she will never, ever divorce him her mother’s destiny for her was to be Queen (consort) of England one day

  31. Lady Digby says:

    Did Kate’s dad really ask Will to ensure that she wasn’t “over worked” after marriage?? What did Kate want: marriage, title, status, wealth and children and ovations at Wimbledon but absolutely no “work?”

    • Blujfly says:

      Yes. You hit the nail on the head. That’s exactly what they wanted. She wants the life of any wealthy SAHM in the taxpayers’ dime.

    • Liz - L says:

      That always struck me as odd too Lady Digby. Her father infantilising her. Diana’s father was the opposite – he wanted her to work hard and prove herself. Which she did.

  32. Well Wisher says:

    There is an interesting/not nice person somewhere in Kate Middleton, that person will not be made public, for obvious reasons; so why write a whole book on regurgitated gossip items about her.
    Kate is the definition of pure ambition; Candide is book against this type of ambition.
    And yet…….
    This is boring and gouache, and the something nice the above image is taken from a clip, where there was evident of love between the two….
    They were holding hands, and William withdrew as soon as he saw the cameras as a protective gesture.

    Another different thought, I saw an article mainly in pictorial form about William’s former loves…..
    Kate is the lest attractive of the women, maybe that was the intention of the article in the first place…

  33. Maggie says:

    Who had the better crappy movie about their love story, H&M or W&K?

  34. Rnot says:

    I wonder how it might have changed their relationship dynamics if she had made him woo her back. I wonder how it might have changed her personal development. I wonder if she’d be happier.

    • Nic919 says:

      No future king would ever woo another woman. William in particular. Had Kate not been available and accessible to him when he wanted her to, he would have moved on to the next woman prepared to do so.

      • Miss Scarlett says:

        Yep! Kate would say that she couldn’t find a job because of all the press… when really it’s because she wanted to set her own schedule so she could jet off with William whenever she wanted. I think she could have worked for something low key in the art world or done something like Sotheby’s or Christie’s, but I’m sure an employer actually wants to know when you’ll show up for work.

        Hmmm, looks like her work ethic has been evident all along!

  35. LynZey says:

    I remember after the wedding ceremony when Will and Kate were in the open carriage heading to the reception she turned to him and asked “Are you happy?” You could actually see her say it. I thought at the time and still do it was a very telling and sad moment and spoke volumes about the disparity in their relationship. Even on that day everything was about him and still is.

    • Nic919 says:

      No love story has the bride asking the groom if he’s happy. But the British media has worked hard creating a fake image that never existed. The cracks have been showing for a while so now it’s just to sit back and see how this plays out. Disappearing for months from public view sure isn’t the sign of something good.

  36. Mel says:

    Frankly, she could have done better than him and this entire story doesn’t look like some love for the ages. It sounds like he settled for her because no one he wanted, wanted him. This story makes her look pathetic.

  37. AC says:

    Not surprised. K (with the help of her own mom) sold out her own integrity and self-worth. What a great role model to young women she is 🙄

  38. Miss Scarlett says:

    I want the real story, not this stuff that sounds like it came from Carole’s revisionist history.

    William announced his choice of university (and focus!) a full year ahead of time. Anyone attending uni in fall 2001 had a chance to apply to be there at the same time. Kate wasn’t going to take a gap year initially but suddenly turned down Edinburgh (where William was said to want to go but couldn’t due to security)to do the same gap year as William, albeit she didn’t get the same schedule. She took a risk, and it paid off. If she hadn’t wanted to chase him, I don’t think Carole could have made her.