King Charles will host a ‘What Do We Do About the Sussexes’ summit at Balmoral

King Charles spent this past weekend in Sandringham while his wife cavorted with her ex-husband at the races. Charles and Camilla will soon make their way up to Balmoral, or rather, Birkhall. Charles doesn’t care for Balmoral, so he allows the extended family to stay at the main house while he and Camilla are “cozy” in Birkhall, which is also a pretty grand property. I think they’re planning to spend some time at Castle of Mey too. The point is that while Charles is late in starting his summer holiday, he will be in the Balmoral area in August. As such, there’s already something big on the agenda: a family meeting-slash-state-of-the-union. You see, these dumbasses are still *surprised Pikachu* that Prince Harry hasn’t come crawling back to them, so even though it’s been four and a half years since the Sussexes skedaddled, the family needs to have a “summit” about What To Do About The Sussexes.

The upcoming Royal Family gathering at Balmoral Castle in mid-late August is set to be more than just a traditional summer get-together. Sources claim it will serve as a pivotal summit for the strategic planning of the monarchy’s next decade. Hosted by King Charles and Queen Camilla, this meeting comes at a time of significant transition and offers a unique opportunity for the Royal Family to chart a course for its future amid great difficulty.

The Firm is not only dealing with the ongoing ‘Sussex problem’ but also facing health challenges, with two senior figures announcing cancer diagnoses and Princess Anne suffering a head injury from a suspected horse kick. If the slimmed-down monarchy wasn’t thin on the ground, it most certainly is now.

One notable aspect of this year’s Balmoral gathering will be the absence of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle from the main family celebrations. Their exclusion signifies a deliberate move by the monarchy to distance itself from the couple, who have been a source of controversy and media scrutiny since they stepped down as working royals in 2020. This decision could be seen as a reaffirmation of the Royal Family’s commitment to maintaining a united front and focusing on its key players who are dedicated to royal duties and who respect the crown.

[From The Daily Express]

“Their exclusion signifies a deliberate move by the monarchy to distance itself from the couple…” I am announcing to the world that I am excluding Clive Owen from my panties, you guys. I am stating this loud and proud: I want to distance myself from Clive Owen, and it’s been four and a half years since I’ve even been in the same country as Clive Owen, but he needs to know that I am the one keeping my distance from him. That’s what this whole royal summit sounds like. Obviously, I know Clive is never coming back to me, but I’m not about to call a summit about it and announce to the world that I’m snubbing HIM. Like, are the Windsors really this pathetic? I guess they are. They’re still holding summits to discuss What Do We Do About The Sussexes. My god.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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107 Responses to “King Charles will host a ‘What Do We Do About the Sussexes’ summit at Balmoral”

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  1. Anonymous says:

    If Britain were a U.S. state, it would be the second-poorest, behind Alabama and before Mississippi. If they excluded London they’d be last. That’s all I got

    Roll Tide

  2. Julia says:

    Don’t we have this exact same story each year since the Sussexes left? The royals look a bit stupid announcing to the press that H&M aren’t invited when last week Harry said on national tv that he has no intention of bringing his wife to the UK because of the security threat.

    • Megan says:

      Every summer the tabs let the interns write fan fiction about the royals. The idea of a summit about Harry and Meghan is preposterous at this point.

    • Jasper says:

      Every single year. Without fail. I need an appropriate meme for this mess. Maybe, “It’s been 84 years…..”

    • caitlinsmom says:

      Really, what is there to do?

      They’ve made it clear that he’s not welcome unless he comes crawling back alone.

      He’s made it clear that isn’t happening and he doesn’t need them.

      Get on with it then. Stop letting H and M live rent-free in your heads.

      Of course, that will never happen, so we will continue to get these ridiculous stories.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      @Julia, LOL. Pretty much. The new twist is the Sussexes are excluded and whoever actually shows up at Balmoral are having some big imaginary SUMMIT about H&M. Previous years, it was that H&M (maybe just H?) had an “open invitation” to Balmoral.

      I could be wrong, H&M have made it pretty clear that hanging out in their own beautiful backyard with 11 million bathrooms is more preferable than being amongst a nest of vipers(simply by not going there).imo Ridiculous stories of course. You’d think the BRF have health concerns to think about instead of summiting about the Sussexes.smh

  3. wolfmamma says:

    How far you have fallen .. RF….

    There are so many things needing urgent attention in the UK and the world and this is what you are holding a summit about? Y’all really need some therapy

    • Hypocrisy says:

      Prince Harry has lived in the 🇺🇸 far longer than Princess Meghan lived there. It’s pathetic that they actually believe that they have any power over the Sussex’s at this point. They left you deal with it…

    • Ciotog says:

      The Royal Family is weird.

  4. Ok Chuckles let’s talk. This meeting about what to do about the Sussexes is really quite simple. First stop the hate articles. Second give Harry back his protection. Third get a life and stop with these what to do about the Sussexes. Remember Chuckles good will always overcome evil.

    • TheFarmer'sWife says:

      Fourth, Chuckles take a deep dive into what has made the Sussexfuls so successful. They do good things because they want to; it’s who H&M are. Harry wants to make the world just a little bit better for those who gave parts of themselves defending democracy. H&M don’t behave like spoiled children—how old are you, Chuckles? H&M don’t say or allow others to say, print, or write nasty things about others. You might not want to hear their truths, but you should listen anyway. And, I don’t know, maybe try putting the toothpaste on your toothbrush by yourself–see how the rest of us lives.

    • ella says:

      Absolutely, Good overcomes evil when perpetual bystanders keep score, call fowl and that which is observed behaves differently.
      They know what they did to their youngest but nature keeps score, it really does, and now everyday that passes has gotten visibly worse for them, not better.
      All the castles, crowns, trinkets, and useless, self-soothing family huddles in the world can’t hide that.

  5. equality says:

    Can you imagine that this is your family? They go out of their way to exclude you and then strategize against you and run to the media to announce it all. If there are any more chases of H&M when they go out, I guess we’ll know what strategy they chose.

  6. Lexistential says:

    The lack of reality with these flailing royals is astounding. What WILL they discuss and implement about the Sussexes? More gaslighting press briefings about Harry and Meghan from palace sources? Plan events to compete against Invictus? Plot to give Willnot a few photo-ops so he can pretend he has Harry’s NATO clout? Decide if Wiglet will allowed to participate?

    These people are certainly not working out any diplomatic solutions nor olive branches, and they are not acknowledging any fault whatsoever. (Thank God Harry and Meghan are safer over here.)

  7. Beverley says:

    There’s absolutely nothing to be done about financially secure adults living in another country, minding their own business, raising their children, and successfully building their brand in both the commercial and philanthropic arenas.

    The only thing the royal family can do now is exterminate the Sussexes…if they can.
    Undoubtedly this discussion is on the agenda.

    • Becks1 says:

      Right…..there’s nothing TO DO. The Sussexes are earning their own money and living their own lives with their friends and their children etc. There is nothing for the royal family to do about them.

      Maybe someone will bring up the point that they look petty and hypocritical when they shun the Invictus Games, but I doubt it

      • Sara says:

        I know what the windsors can do leave them alone. Actually ignore them. Stop talking to the press about them. Just stop.

  8. Lady Esther says:

    Clive will be BLINDSIDED. Whatever will he do? How will he make it without you? I’m sure he will come RUNNING BACK as soon as he hears about being bereft of your lady clothes! It’s not like he has any other options or could possibly be happy without your unmentionables! You can count on him to drop everything he’s doing and live in a small basement apartment with a car that parks in front of the windows so there’s no light and have to pay for everything with his girlfriend’s (wife’s?) credit card as he shops at TJ Maxx, all so he can COUNT ON YOUR EMBRACE….

  9. s808 says:

    What’s left to discuss? Are they gonna plan another car chase?

    • Startup Spouse says:

      The divorce rollout. The Sussexes are mentioned as a distraction because the bigger topic is the divorce. It’s getting too obvious, so what are they going to do about it.

  10. Harla A Brazen Hussy says:

    Let’s not forget that even when the queen was alive, Harry rarely visited her at Balmoral, it brought back too many memories of those dark days following his mother’s death. As Harry grew older most of his summers were spent in Lesotho or Botswana, so even if Harry and his family were still “in the family” it’s doubtful that they’d be making their way to Scotland during the summer.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      This is written as if Harry spends every summer at Balmoral but now they’re excluding him. Harry doesn’t even like Balmoral, much less spend any time there. But I guess they want to punish him and this is all they’ve got. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        Neither William or Harry like Balmoral (I would guess for the same reasons – the trauma of the days following their mother’s death). Huevo barely spends time there either – when he does, it’s performative, to get one up on Haz usually. Funny how they never zing Huevo for that…only Haz.

        Charles is the head of a family that roundly despises him. Maybe he could make that the focus of his navel-gazing summit, instead of siphoning his self-pitying, self-hatred onto his son.

  11. Dude says:

    The Royal Family was beginning to crumble at Prince Philip’s funeral. Due to the Queen, her length of service and the way she handled herself and her family through the years, people still respected them. To a degree. Once she passed, they went from showing cracks to laughingstock’s. And I don’t see them ever returning to the so-called glory days of Elizabeth’s reign. Not with Charles or William.

  12. Tarte au Citron says:

    Maybe worry about Andrew & Fergie, and whatever psychotic incandescent coverups they have to do for Peg.
    Harry is living & working quietly abroad.

    This family, honestly if they had brains, they’d be dangerous.

  13. EasternViolet says:

    This summit is planning how they are going to deal with Invictus–meaning boycotting the games without looking like assholes. ))getting popcorn ready((

    • Lacey says:

      We were typing the same thing at the same time!

    • Moniquep says:

      These nincompoop are doing wonders for the popcorn industry! Still laughing from my previous post. Lol…

    • bisynaptic says:

      Good call!

    • Roo says:

      Yes! Great point. And given their strategic expertise and intellectual vigor, I’m sure they’ll have a stunning new ideas like:

      Charles is too busy to see Harry

      William is still in a rage about Harry telling the truth

      Harry wants to see Katie but she refuses

      Meghan is not welcome but how dare she stay away

      Mensa level, all of them. 🙄

    • Gabby says:

      I’m pretty sure Chuckles doesn’t need to worry about the 2027 Invictus. He looks like a corpse already, so I don’t see him around in 1 year, let alone 3.

  14. Lacey says:

    I think this summit may be about IG 2027. How do you snub H&M without snubbing the entire veteran community and looking like complete a$$holes.

    The smart move would be how to let some of the spotlight shine on the RF as well as H&M. But no one has ever accused the RF and BM of being smart.

    • windyriver says:

      “The smart move would be how to let some of the spotlight shine on the RF as well as H&M.”

      Yup. This was touched on in comments a few weeks ago too. This was always the smart move, as Charles should have learned from the wave of positive press he had for walking Meghan down the aisle. But presumably he needed to be loved for himself and to be the sole focus – and/or being on decent terms with H&M didn’t suit Camilla’s, or his advisors, agendas. This would have been a smart strategy as well back when he was with Diana – see JFK’s comment about Jackie (“I’m the man who accompanied Jacqueline Kennedy to Paris, and I have enjoyed it.”)

      The IG 10th anniversary was another golden opportunity, and this time, after already not wishing the team good luck in Dusseldorf, Charles the CIC snubbed Harry plus his country’s veterans and service people. At least he’s consistent. The Birmingham games are 3 years away; no one gives a sh!t about what the RF plans to do in 2027 (assuming Charles is still around).

    • Jan says:

      Meghan as of now is not going to the games.
      She didn’t clear customs during her layover flights, so it can’t be counted as a visit to England.

  15. Elle says:

    The royal equivalent of an angry teenager going on a Facebook or twitter rant about a friend they are mad at, because the friend finally stood up for themself, but it’s all the friend’s fault for finally standing up for themself?

  16. Amy Bee says:

    It’s like the Royal Family and/or press still can’t believe that Harry and Meghan have no interest in going to Balmoral. Anyway, according to Richard Palmer the Balmoral stay is a chance for the family to get together and have some down time and that in recent years aides have denied that any sort of summit to discuss strategy takes place. I tend to believe that, it’s clear that the Royal Family have no strategy for anything and just does what the press tells them to do.

    • Christine says:

      I’m starting to think these nut jobs think every single person on the planet is dying to summer at Balmoral. It sounds really awful. I can’t think of a group of people I would like to be trapped in the Scottish Highlands with less, I don’t care how beautiful Scotland is.

      • Hummingbird says:

        I am currently in Braemar, the nearest village to Balmoral. The weather is glorious. I’m cross that Charlie and Gumboots aren’t in residence as I would wear my yellow T shirt around town hoping they’d spot it.

  17. Cel2495 says:

    Is pathetic to continue having summits about a couple that already told them that they don’t give a F about them and left 4 yrs ago. Who cares why they think?

    Is like resigning from a job, then the employer presenting afterwards that they fired you. It’s nonsense. They quit that 💩 a king time ago and they still obsessed with them.

  18. seaflower says:

    The Windsors really are this pathetic.

  19. QuiteContrary says:

    I have a 10-year plan for the monarchy: Abolish it.

    • Lady Digby says:

      @Quite contrary how about a one year plan; abolish the monarchy: they get to keep their egos and one house each and they solve homelessness and economic deficit by surrendering all the crown estates land and money to UK government!

  20. Nic919 says:

    It’s likely projection for the real topic of sorting out the lazy heir and missing spouse.

    • Becks1 says:

      Oooh good call. This isn’t about the Sussexes, its about the Waleses.

    • Val says:

      Exactly- with a twist of what should happen when Charles dies. H &M are just being used as cover. Like always

  21. Eurydice says:

    This is ludicrous. They’re not going to have a summit about the Sussexes. The “what to do” was already decided and implemented long ago – set the press dogs after them, shun them from the family, take away their home in the UK and refuse security so they can’t come back. Nothing that has been said or reported in the past 4 1/2 years has changed Charles’ actions toward them.

    Articles like this are just wishful thinking on the part of the press – that maybe the door could possibly open so the press could get more content. But this story is finished and has been for quite a while.

  22. MrsBanjo says:

    Clive isn’t going to know what to do with himself.

    😂 Kaiser, you’re fantastic.

  23. SueinOrleans says:

    Crazy thought but could they actually be planning to talk like, oh think of it, normal people, and reflect on what they did wrong and how they can fix things going forward? I know, I know, never gonna happen.

    • Chrissy says:

      Never! That would be a bridge too far as Chuck is anointed by God supposedly and he’s never wrong! /s (eye roll)!

    • sunnyside up says:

      William will never admit that he is wrong, he will not allow Charles to admit he was wrong either.

  24. Nano says:

    And these pathetic people don’t mention the reason why H&M left in the first place! All the racist hate and death threats M was getting that the RF did nothing about. They wouldn’t protect one of their own. Still they won’t protect the kings son!! Now the pretend they’re the victims. Absolutely pathetic!!!

  25. Jennifer Smith says:

    1. The call is coming from inside the house sweeties.
    2. How is the Sussex absence in any way “notable”–HOW MANY YEARS will it take before it dawns on them THEY AIN’T COMING BACK UNTIL SHIT CHANGES.
    3. Geez.

  26. Well Wisher says:

    Much ado about nothing…
    Why try to control grown adults,
    it reflects badly that wealth and
    status have become bargaining
    chips have become so obvious,
    meanwhile the shallow image
    makers are so human in their
    faults that they can no longer
    be seen as the literal influencer
    makers, the claim to be.
    No thinking person can see the
    journalists in this specific condition
    as responsible for any one’s reputation.
    Yet, the Royal Family has conceded its
    power to them. Tragic….

  27. TN Democrat says:

    Lort. This just sounds sinister and pathetic, like the rival court nonsense. Harry and Meghan left and are never coming back because they hussled and generated their own generational weath. It is fascinating that the Windsors whine about Harry and Meghan being in the press when much of their coverage is generated by the Windsors. None of the left behinds took PP’s advice about the institution being bigger than the individual/don’t take your coverage seriously. Spare really was eye opening. The Windsors plant stories, but believe what they plant.

  28. sunnyside up says:

    A few days ago the King was getting upset about whether he would ever see his Sussex grandchildren. Mind you it is the Excess and they frequently contradict themselves sometimes of the same day.

  29. Berkeleyfarm says:

    Rent free!!!

  30. L4Frimaire says:

    Why would they even put this out there? What even is the point? Why are they sitting around talking about people who aren’t there, who they refuse to communicate directly with and have clearly stated what their issue is. The Sussexes have moved on.

  31. Jais says:

    A summit about the Sussexes? This just makes Harry and Meghan seem really important.

    • sunnyside up says:

      The most important royals to the Excess, most stories, most clicks especially anything un nice about Meghan.

  32. slippers4life says:

    I think it’s far more sinister though. They aren’t announcing it to the media for the narrative at this point, though they don’t mind that as a by product. They are announcing to Harry that this is war. I think they are going to try to come for their kids and I think they are going to try to “launch” George and Charlotte into the media asap. They are firing a warning shot. These people are evil

    • SueinOrleans says:

      I think this is still a few years away but I do think it will happen. Whether it’s because the BRF wants it or not as soon as the kids are of an age to be constantly compared with each other that’s exactly what will happen. Yet another reason, among many, that I think Harry and Meghan will be keeping their children well away from England and from the paparazzi where ever they choose to go.

    • Snuffles says:

      It’s been “war” since they stepped down and it hasn’t deterred them.

      And they can hard launch George and Charlotte all they want, Archie and Lili will be minding their kiddie business completely unaware. They’ll be enjoying a normal life.

      • Christine says:

        That’s the part I most enjoy about all of this. Archie and Lili are likely just happily living their little lives, completely clueless that an entire, once venerated, institution has come grinding to a halt over their mere existence on the planet. It’s so ludicrous, it sounds completely made up.

    • sunnyside up says:

      According to an ancient law dating back to George I the King is the guardian of his grandchildren. I wonder what the American government would do if Charles demanded that his grandchildren were returned to Britain, of course they are both American as well as British citizens.

      • slippers4life says:

        This is what I mean. I think they’re going to try go get custody of Archie and Lili. Make it an international mess. On purpose.

      • Nic919 says:

        This is not true. The Queen never had custody of Harry and William when they were kids and Charles has not custodial access of either the W and k kids or Archie and lili.

  33. Lili says:

    Who is going to be at this summit? Princess Anne She has a concussion with short term memory loss, As soon a KC3 steps into that long Goodnight Willy is going to reverse any decisions made. QCC will be out regardless of any plans KC3 makes alas its a futile plan. Just Give Harry his inheritabce and wish him Well.

  34. StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

    Every time they try the same stupid strategy: “we are purposely keeping them away from our activity” “but we’re discussing how we could exclude them again”. Dude, THEY DECIDED TO LEAVE over 4 years ago and live full time with their kids, on other side of the planet. Stop being in denial, the truth is, said by Good King Harry Himself: im not bringing back my family here. Charlie and bald willie dream of them begging to come back lol not happening

  35. Lau says:

    And does this “strategic planning of the monarchy’s next decade” involves making Kate reappear consistently in the next decade as well or not at all ?

  36. Ocean Girl says:

    What to do, Chuckles? Keep on being jealous, I guess.

  37. Saucy&Sassy says:

    This is an interesting article because I can’t figure out whether it’s the bm writing to get more click, or if King Snubby is this clueless. You can strategize forever if you want, but you can’t force the Sussexes to do anything.

    The only thing I get from this article is that the brf is filled with people who are not original thinkers. This is all they’ve got? They may want to try something else because this makes them look powerless. Well, okay, they are.

  38. KPershia says:

    Maybe, just maybe it’s a summit to bring them back into the family. King Charles (maybe) about to put his foot down on Willy boy. He’ll need backup. Charles knows the mode of the world toward the royalfamily. He may also actually desire to see his grandchildren too.

  39. Feebee says:

    They appear to be in a bit of a rut. They’ve lost their left oar and so the boat is just going round in circles. It’s hard to believe they’re still having Sussex summits and announcing it like things are different from last year.

    It’s also optimistic to be planning out the next ten years. Though if it’s for the monarchy itself and not just Charles.

  40. vpd4 says:

    There is no Sussex problem. The problem is with the BM & the RF.

  41. Kathryn says:

    Here’s the thing–there’s only two outcomes really. One, go on full offense and take their titles away. Or two, decide how to bring them back into the fold since the slimmed-down monarchy is a bit too thin. If they were going to maintain the status quo (actively briefing against them and not speaking to them) then there’d be no reason to have a big summit.

  42. Over it says:

    Chucky is a dirt bag

  43. Proud Mary says:

    It is such a sign of how much Harry was sacrificed to the press by Charles that his wife can be “cavorting” publicly with her ex-husband without a peep from the British media. Imagine that being Meghan.

    The so-called summit just sounds to me like a “how do we prevent the Sussexes from being more successful then we could ever have imagined” event. This: “One notable aspect of this year’s Balmoral gathering will be the absence of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle from the main family celebrations.” Meghan’s never attended, and she and Harry have been gone for over 4 years, but their absence will be “notable.” Just another lame attempt to click bate the Sussesexes.

    • Christine says:

      Seriously, why is no one talking about this! Meghan would be flayed alive if she were photographed at a working lunch with only another man, for months! England just sort of chuckles and shrugs about the queen hanging out with her ex-husband.

  44. Dora says:

    If that’s the only reason they’re meeting, it’s a waste of time. Harry and Meghan make their own decisions and live their own lives. The RF can meet all they want they have no power. The sooner they realize that the RF has no control the better of they’ll be. Nothing they’ve tried has worked. The lies, twisted tails,bullying tactics, nothing.

  45. MyNameIsNotSusan says:

    Paedo Andy is a visible and accepted part of this family, but it’s Harry & Meghan that they’re holding a summit about?

    UK taxpayers, you are NOT getting your money’s worth out of this family.

  46. HuffnPuff says:

    I think they’re getting together to write an AITA to post on Reddit. Surely people will take their side in this one sided battle of their own making!

  47. Pinniped and Poodle says:

    LOL “Hosted by King Charles and Queen Camilla, this meeting comes at a time of significant transition and offers a unique opportunity for the Royal Family to chart a course for its future amid great difficulty”

    KFC and KFQ will have to sack their staff and find some underpaid intern to come up with a new way to say “woe is me” to the tabloid press

  48. Mel says:

    This just some stupid story designed to garner clicks, not make sense. How are you going to do something about 2 people who moved away four years ago, they don’t really speak to you and whenever you’re in the same country, one party won’t even leave the airport and the other carries a hanger so he can change as quickly as possible and bounce. There’s no financial control anymore either. The tabs and the family need to find something else to do.

    Kate is so lazy, she really let the opportunity to make herself look really good slip through her fingers. Imagine if she visited kids with cancer and read to them. Or she visited cancer patients, joined a support group, you know show everyone that she is strong and empathetic . Or maybe started a charity to help cancer patients with bills? So lazy , so stupid.

  49. tamsin says:

    The problem is the Wales couple. What are they going to do about William and Catherine. If, they are projecting, as the Republicans do, then it is going to be the Wales summit. What are they going to do about an absent Princess of Wales, and recalcitrant rage monster Prince of Wales? Just think, these two are raising a future king. They’re responsible for the dynasty. Catherine said that cancer was found. She is taking preventative chemo. I don’t think she can spin cancer treatment into a years long reason to not not do her smile and wave job. Literally, that is all that is expected of them.

  50. Morning says:

    I would wonder if there isn’t some pressure from the British government for the Royal family to make a place for Harry and Meghan. Whether Harry and Meghan would want to do this is another story.