Princess Beatrice was named Tatler’s best-dressed person of 2024

Princess Beatrice’s style has evolved a lot in recent years, especially since she married Edo Mapelli Mozzi. I tend to believe that Edo is a clotheshorse and a dandy, and he’s influenced Beatrice to change up her style and wear more flattering clothes. Beatrice has also lost weight in recent years, especially after she gave birth to her daughter Sienna. The slim-down unfortunately means that more designers want to dress Beatrice too. All in all, it’s been a good style season for Beatrice and now she’s on top of Tatler’s best dressed list.

Princess Beatrice is taking the style crown. King Charles’ niece, 35, topped Tatler’s newly best-dressed list, edging out the likes of Cruz Beckham and Lady Starmer. The magazine dubbed Beatrice the “princess of perfection,” praising her as a “beacon of sartorial elegance, pairing vintage-inspired cuts with fresh-from-the-catwalk glamour.”

But Princess Beatrice wasn’t always hailed for her fashion instincts. Following the 2011 wedding of her cousin Prince William to Kate Middleton, she was heavily criticized for her look, specifically the instantly infamous Philip Treacy “pretzel” hat (which she later auctioned for charity).

Charlie Anderson, former stylist to Beatrice and her sister, Princess Eugenie, previously told PEOPLE, “They got hammered in the press, and it was a little unfair.”

Princess Beatrice has since refined her style, and Anderson said, “I think they are mostly getting it right. I think they have got more daring, although they have both always been quite daring, and they seem to be getting to know themselves better.”

[From People]

You can see Tatler’s list here. Cruz Beckham really is on it… at #3. Which means this list is very weird. Still, it feels like Tatler keeps doing this weird thing of not-so-subtly poking at Queen Camilla AND the Princess of Wales. Tatler is making a point of saying… Kate can’t be best-dressed when she’s absent most of the time, and Camilla’s horse tarps and housedresses are not fashionable. Beatrice really IS the best dressed royal woman these days.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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42 Responses to “Princess Beatrice was named Tatler’s best-dressed person of 2024”

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  1. Kelsey says:

    Her style has definitely evolved since she got married. She still won’t let go of them stepford wife ass headbands, but she makes them work for her so hey.

    Also sidenote: I’ve always thought Beatrice has the nicest hair (before Meghan arrived at least) of all the royal ladies, even when they media tried to push Kate as having the supreme mane (not that this sort of stuff matters in the grand scheme of things). Her locks are luscious af.

    • Mtl.ex.pat says:

      @kelsey – yes re Beatrice having the most beautiful hair. As a redhead I am admittedly biased though!
      Also agree re those godawful headbands – that look needs to fade into oblivion.
      The article reads to me too as a bit of a jab to Kate – but I can’t tell anymore who is trolling who…
      As an aside – Camilla’s horse tarps – bahahaha!!

  2. Tessa says:

    Keen must be really upset. She was also not nice to beatrice.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      I’m sure 🦴 has been raging, Eden and a few others will be writing nasty comments about B soon enough.

  3. Oh please Tatler proves they don’t know what they are talking about. Beatrice is not the best dressed.

    • CLOVE says:

      Judging from the pictures posted, I was going to say it’s a low bar.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        the bar was so low, it was under the manure pile behind the horse barn where Princess Anne got whacked

    • sevenblue says:

      It is PR. Both Beatrice and Eugenie started to get good PR after Kate disappeared. The british media is looking for other royal people to write about since there aren’t much young people left.

    • girl_ninja says:

      She’s the best dress of the ones Meghan left behind.

    • goofpuff says:

      oh yeah, something exchanged hands for this to happen. Kate is definitely not pleased.

    • Jais says:

      You know what? After seeing the fashion at that society wedding of the year, this kind of tracks. The majority of the wedding guests were dressed atrociously imo. Others might like it though😂? Idk, the current dress trends for covered up fancy dresses are not my jam. But going by that aristo standard, Beatrice is dressing well for that particular set. It’s not my thing at all, but for the society bible, maybe it is?

      • Lizzie says:

        Not only the guests at the wedding, I thought the bride’s dress was awful, with that huge cut out in the back. And besides you just know if Meghan’s dress had an exposed back like that, the Brit media would have had a field day insulting Meghan and calling her style trashy

    • GTWiecz says:

      For The Handmaid’s Tale’s Gilead, probably she’d be the best dressed…

    • SpankFD says:

      I would like to see B’s fashion sense evolve to (also) include an understanding of which colors work for her. Then, she’s be a force to reckon with.

  4. Sue says:

    She really does look lovely in that red dress. The green floral one is hideous.

  5. Elizabeth says:

    The Queen’s sister, Annabel Elliot, is on the list as well.

  6. Becks1 says:

    Most improved, fashion-wise? Yes. But the best dressed woman in British society? I’m not buying it.

  7. Sarah says:

    The pink and green floral dresses were okay, but the only one I really liked was the sparkly pink Monique Lhullier.

  8. MsIam says:

    Well at least they didn’t include Sophiesta on there. But maybe they are trying to prod Kate back to work more.

  9. tamsin says:

    I’ve always thought Beatrice has been better dressed since marrying Edo as well. Her style is very English. She looks great with her new slimmer figure. Eugenie also looks great- she keeps her hourglass figure. I have the impression that Beatrice is the clotheshorse of the two of them.
    The tabloids were absolutely vile about their looks when they were in their twenties.

  10. Roseberry says:

    Always had a conspiracy theory that the Yorks girls deliberately wore Ugly hats to peg & bones wedding to distract the attention from Khate who’d been a mean girl to them during the girlfriend days. There was so much press coverage, which continued when Bea’s hat was put up for auction- that and Pippa’s bum got more attention than the wedding dress!

    • sevenblue says:

      Yeah, I thought everyone assumed that. They were being disrespectful to Kate since it was reported at the time that Kate was never nice to them. You wouldn’t wear those hats to a wedding if you had a good relationship with the bride.

    • sunnyside up says:

      I loved the way Beatrice put the hat up for auction for charity. That must have upset the press.

    • kelleybelle says:

      That’s true enough. The York sisters can’t stand Kate, for good reason!

    • Aurora says:

      There was a meme that alleged they were cosplaying Cinderella’s rich stepsisters, so go figure…

  11. Mrs.Krabapple says:

    Sorry, but none of the British royal women dress well. 90% of what they wear is hideous, and the last 10% is merely passable.

    • Lady D says:

      No kidding. There isn’t one British royal who’s name I see and clic on thinking, I want to see what she’s wearing. Meghan is the only one worth watching. Ann has her moments with vintage, but that’s it.

    • GTWiecz says:

      Absolutely. Can’t even compare with the French, Italians, and even the Manhattan high society.

  12. HeatherC says:

    Ooh Kate is going to be pissed. How dare Beatrice wear clothes in public when Kate’s so sick? lol

    This is so shady I love it. You can only be on the best dressed list if you are seen in public wearing clothes. If you’re not seen in public, no one knows what you’re wearing so chop! chop! Katie, time to be seen in public!

  13. Maremotrice says:

    What century are we in? Shame there’s no publication ranking female royals on their public speaking skills. Beatrice easily outdoes Kate on that score (which admittedly is a pretty low bar). Remind me why she’s not a working royal?

  14. BeanieBean says:

    This is best-dressed in England, right? The UK? ‘Cause anybody with eyes can easily come up with better-dressed royals/celebs from the rest of Europe. Shoot, the entire Monegasque royal family alone could comprise the list.

  15. Maggie says:

    Not with that face. I wonder if Jeffery Epstein left her family any money?

    • GTWiecz says:

      But she nabbed a handsome husband…ah, connections and being the queen’s granddaughter…

  16. QuiteContrary says:

    Was everyone else in England not eligible for the list?

  17. TN Democrat says:

    She looks lovely. Let the Willy/Keen smears begin in 3, 2, 1 because another royal received positive attention. Will she be desperate to be a working royal? Will she foresake her cousin Harry because willy inisists and somehow thinks demanding relatives ghost his brother is a good look? Is SHE the royal families secret weapon????

  18. Rosa says:

    I like her style.

  19. Beverley says:

    They’re joking, right? Beatrice’s style has been elevated since her marriage, but the best dressed? I don’t see it. What about Queen Letiza of Spain…or any number of American socialites or celebrities? Even Spain’s Princess Leonor is more fashionable than dowdy Bea.