The Trump campaign tries to distance itself from Donald Trump’s Project 2025

Donald Trump’s Project 2025 is basically a policy blueprint/wishlist for the next Republican president. Trump’s former staffers and advisors openly worked with the Heritage Foundation on Project 2025, and absolutely everyone, of all political ideologies, agrees that Project 2025 is exactly the kind of anti-woman, anti-LGBTQ, anti-education, anti-environmentalism, anti-federal government, anti-reproductive rights, anti-immigration agenda which would be enacted during a Trump-Vance administration. One of the first things Kamala Harris did as the Democratic nominee was talk about Project 2025 and express surprise/amusement that they wrote it down and published it for everyone to see their blatantly fascist agenda. In recent weeks, there’s been a huge uptick of news about Project 2025, meaning… people are going online and reading about it, or they’re watching TikTok explainers about the agenda. Suddenly, those MAGA weirdos are getting very touchy about their f–king fascism blueprint. Which brings me to this hilarious news:

The right-wing policy operation that became a rallying cry for Democrats and a nuisance for Republican nominee Donald Trump is trying to escape the public spotlight and repair relations with Trump’s campaign.

Project 2025, a collaboration led by the Heritage Foundation among more than 110 conservative groups to develop a movement consensus blueprint for the next Republican administration, is winding down its policy operations, and its director, former Trump administration personnel official Paul Dans, is departing. The Heritage Foundation also recently distributed new talking points encouraging participants to emphasize that the project does not speak for Trump.

The former president has repeatedly distanced himself from Project 2025 after relentless attacks from Democrats using some of the 900-page playbook’s more aggressive proposals to impute them to Trump’s agenda since many of the proposals were written by alumni of Trump’s White House. While some participants in the project started avoiding interviews and public appearances, Trump advisers grew furious that Heritage leaders continued promoting the project and feeding critical news coverage.

Trump senior adviser Susie Wiles repeatedly called Heritage leaders instructing them to stop promoting Project 2025. She and Trump strategist Chris LaCivita repeatedly wrote public statements disavowing the project, and then Trump started saying so in his own social media posts. More recently, LaCivita has started saying that people involved in the project would be barred from a second Trump administration.

“President Trump’s campaign has been very clear for over a year that Project 2025 had nothing to do with the campaign, did not speak for the campaign, and should not be associated with the campaign or the President in any way,” Wiles and LaCivita said in a joint statement Tuesday. “Reports of Project 2025’s demise would be greatly welcomed and should serve as notice to anyone or any group trying to misrepresent their influence with President Trump and his campaign — it will not end well for you.”

[From WaPo]

So a blueprint written by former and current Trump staffers, working alongside the right-wing policy groups who have always seen Trump as a blank slate through which they can imprint their agenda, has absolutely nothing to do with Donald Trump; The thing is, I know for a fact that Donald Trump has never read Project 2025. The man is illiterate. And yet… if you asked him specific policy changes within Project 2025, I’m sure he would be all for each and every policy proposal. He just doesn’t want to be associated with “Project 2025” because Democrats have done such a good job tying that extremist agenda/brand to Trump.

As WaPo points out, in the terrifying scenario where Trump does win the election, all of the architects of Project 2025 are going to be White House staffers or in the administration, working to enact all of their dreadful and weird policies. WaPo also points out that many of the Trump campaign’s announcements unsurprisingly mimic Project 2025’s proposals. Shocking!

Guess who wrote the foreword to the Project 2025 book?

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid, Cover Images.

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33 Responses to “The Trump campaign tries to distance itself from Donald Trump’s Project 2025”

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  1. MichaelaCat says:

    Well done, Kaiser, by not letting them get away with it.

    I’m doing my part in spreading far and wide what Project 2025 is.

    I adapt what I say based on whom I speaking too. Even racist a-holes tend to hate the porn ban.

    They also want to shut down websites that give access to it, so an excuse to take down liberal-minded websites like Tumblr, where particularly LGBTQ+ people use it to express themselves.

  2. AD says:

    One important thing needs to be emphasized about Project 2025. Kaiser, JD Vance aka JUST DULL VANCE WROTE THE FOREWORD FOR IT. Let us not forget that part. His administration helped does not tell the whole and real story. Just Dull is behind it.

    • Megan says:

      It seems pretty obvious Vance was asked to write the forward to the forthcoming book because he was the VP pick. Trump expected his base to rally around project 25 and it’s too extreme even for them.

      • pottymouth pup says:

        @Megan: it’s not too extreme for the base, it’s exactly what the base wants. They’re trying to do the same thing they did with abortion when the right-wingers intentionally backed away from the most egregious statements because they noticed women outside the base (and even some reliable white women republican voters) were picking up on how extreme they were and that they were also starting to include contraception. Then, once Trump got elected, he nominated the most conservative judges for all open judicial positions and *bam* we ended up with these extreme laws regulating reproductive health, legislation to override FDA approval of meds, etc approved by SCOTUS plus other incredibly egregious rulings from SCOTUS that we didn’t think they’d actually support (regulatory agencies can no longer regulate things the GOP doesn’t want regulated because SCOTUS will accept any challenge and rule in favor; everyone knows about Dobbs but people need to be aware of the Loper and the Chevron rulings too)

        What’s going on is they’re trying to back away in the hopes that they can hoodwink people into believing this is not what they plan, but they really do plan to do it. The base is fully on board and would be angry if Project 2025 isn’t implemented in full.

        Not sure who recommended the documentary Bad Faith but everyone should watch it. It’s available for free on Tubi, I’m not sure where else it can be viewed

  3. Jais says:

    Trump is project25. We cannot let him gaslight and distance himself from it. Whether he’s read it or not😂

    • Worktowander says:

      I understand your point, but I sadly disagree. Trump is *not* Project 2025. He’s the public-facing shill for it. I worry that we’re going to be fighting this battle (under many names) for a very, very long time.

  4. He can try all he wants to distance himself from it but his little finger prints are all over it.

  5. Amy Bee says:

    The idea to strike down Roe v Wade didn’t come from Trump but the architects of Project 2025. So he can try to distance himself as much as wants but if he wins Project 2025 is going to be implemented by his administration.

  6. Mslove says:

    I agree, Trump didn’t read it. He’s just an orange prop at this point. Any fool with millions of dollars can buy DJT.

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      Teeny tiny fingerprints! That’s how you know it’s direct from the short fingered vulgarian.

    • SA says:

      Make no mistake, one of the architects of Project 2025 Tom Homan SPOKE at the RNC rally in Milwaukee. The GOP gave him stage time. Please remind everyone who thinks they are not still connected!

    • lucy2 says:

      For sure he didn’t read it. I don’t think he understands or cares about any of it, all he wants is money and adoration, and the wacko right wingers are the ones giving it to him, so he’s like “sure, do whatever”.

    • Traveller says:

      You said it best….. ” He is just an orange prop at this point”.
      They found someone without morals or integrity, easily manipulated by bottomless greed and stupidity, to act as their puppet – get him in office and take down democracy from there.
      Make no mistake, he is all in.

    • olliesmom says:

      They will put it in front of him, he will sign it and he’ll go back to his golf game.

    • Emcee3 says:

      Lol @ Susie Wiles having her boss trot out a version of “I didn’t inhale”. His claim of not having read Project2025 further cements the label of Useful Idiot for the party [& the history books, if we’re lucky]

  7. Nicole says:

    Someone tried to tell me that Trump disavowed Project 2025. At which point I named names of people in Trump orbit that are involved with Project 2025 (easily verifiable information) and then I went on to say that I straight up don’t believe him because he’s a proud liar. It’s really refreshing to say my Truth. I used to be quiet in the past. Not this time. If your level of conservatism and Republicanism co-signs racism and subjugation, I don’t need to know you.

  8. Lau says:

    How could he distance himself from a thing that has his name written all over it ? He’d have better success trying to distance himself from Trump Tower.

  9. Chantal1 says:

    Clean up on aisle 9. Don’t fall for it! They were counting on the msm to 1) keep ignoring Project 2025, 2) keep hammering away at Biden and 3) keep hyping up Trump. Which was working all too well until sm blew up talking about it and Biden stepped away and endorsed Kamala. This CEO stepping down just means they needed a fall guy to take the heat. Its still a horrific plan to change our govt and Constitution while systematically stripping rights from all Americans who aren’t white “Christian” males. When we the people and Kamala wins this election, our corrupt Supreme Court judges should be impeached (thanks Congresswoman AOC for filing the Articles of Impeachment on Thomas and Alito) and the govt needs to seriously investigate the Heritage Foundation (after they get Harry’s Visa case settled or preferably dismissed. This foundation is provided a list of names to Trump, and he appointed all of these incompetents as federal MAGA judges – like Florida’s judge Aileen Cannon who (with an assist from Clarence Thomas) just dismissed Trump’s stolen documents case, creating a nationwide fiasco for cases involving special prosecutors.

    Like someone said, this is their baby and they have to keep it. Lets not let the Repubs forget it! Remind everyone of their handbook to tyranny aka Project 2025!

  10. Blithe says:

    The frightening thing is that Trump only has to pretend to distance himself from Project 2025 for 3 months or so. And if Trump gets elected, he will no longer be of use to his backers. Trump can resign, and his VP can pardon him for everything, while continuing to implement everything
    Project 2025.

    Thank you Kaiser — for continuing to cover this.
    The real conundrum is how to get the MAGAs to understand that supporting quite a lot of this is not in their best interests — hence the long-standing shift to focusing on culture wars instead of policies as they whip up anger against the libs. I hope more people— like George Conway, and a handful of politicians like Kinzinger — continue to put country over party in ways that inform voters re: the destruction that’s being planned for our country.

    • MichaelaCat says:

      Conservative women: they don’t like that Trump cheated on all three wives.

      Men that are not that Christian but just hate “woke”: talk about the porn ban in Project 2025. They hate the porn ban.

      Also, none of these like “weird” or bring associated with “weird”.

      Also, beware of lies being spread about Harris and plesse follow her and other Democrat supporters on social media.

  11. Brassy Rebel says:

    Try as they will, they can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube. It’s all written down, not only in a massive 900 page volume, but in a forthcoming book translated into plain English and with a forward by none other than JD Vance.

    “Can you believe they put that thing on paper?!” 😄

  12. Seraphina says:

    The document is some 900 pages. I am trying to get through it. Everyone should at least be familiar with it. I will say this, I am fairly literate and have gone beyond the four year university degree- I had to look up words for meaning. It’s written that way on purpose – cumbersome and verbose so that the average citizen won’t want to read it. There is a method behind the madness and madness to the method.

    • Traveller says:

      Excellent point.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      There’s a book out too. Much more readable apparently. All I know is Vance wrote the introduction. But sure, it has nothing to do with Trump. 😆

  13. Henny Penny says:

    I am so fired up to see Kamala Harris win, and I’m telling anyone who will listen. And I’m finding that people are really receptive to her candidacy. Just by my lonesome, I’ve already registered two voters and even got one to donate.

    I’m a labor and delivery nurse of 30 years. You can bet I’ve seen it all. This generation CANNOT drop the ball!

  14. TN Democrat says:

    Thank you for posting this, Kaiser. Everyone needs to know the true agenda of the evangelicals. Vote blue!

  15. girl_ninja says:

    Nope. Just like Vance is all DT’s whatever happens, Project 2025 is all them. Lest we forget that Vance wrote the forward to one of the architects of Project2025. This stain is never coming off.

  16. Mrs. Smith says:

    P25 is like 900 pages, so DT definitely has not read it. Also worth noting that JD was asked to write the forward to this insane bullsh*t by its author, JD’s bff Kevin Roberts.

  17. BeanieBean says:

    For anyone associated with a political campaign to issue a threat like, “…it will not end well for you.” is just appalling

  18. EllenOlenska says:

    I wonder if they will use the sudden pose off disavowing their association to offload Vance. Because they won’t offload the project or the goals…just Vance.

  19. CLOVE says:

    If anyone is interested, Joy Reid is providing nightly what’s in Project 2025.