Jana Kramer’s kids and parents all had covid at her wedding in Scotland

Jana Kramer and Allan Russell got married just over two weeks ago, on Saturday, July 13. Allan is a Scottish football player, so the ceremony was held at the fancy Carnell Estates in Scotland. On the most recent episode of her podcast, Whine Down, Jana and Allan talked about their wedding. Like most brides, Jana wanted their wedding to be perfect. Unfortunately, things didn’t quite work out as she hoped. Jana and Allan share one son together, Roman, four months, and Jana has two older children from her first marriage, Jace, five, and Jolie, eight. When the five of them arrived in Scotland, Covid-19 was waiting for them.

Things went wrong immediately after Russell’s father picked their family up from the airport, where he was noticeably coughing, Kramer said. She added, “It wasn’t solely him that was coughing. There were a lot of people coughing on the airplane to Glasgow.” But she explained that Russell’s father was “hacking up a lung” in a “little” car with poor ventilation.

“In my mind I was thinking, ‘It’s fine, it’s all good.’ Then your dad says he has a fever like the next day,” she told Russell. “The next day, I heard [coughing sound] from Jolie, and I was like, ‘Oh, s—. Here we go.’ And then one hundred and four fevers later, all three kids were sick.”

She then confirmed that the children had croup and COVID. Kramer also said that her father Martin and mother Nora tested positive for COVID after they were with her three children. “So I’m pretty sure it was COVID.”

“It was difficult because they were sick,” the singer confessed, explaining, that “a piece of [her] still wanted them to make awesome memories.”

Russell chimed in to explain, “There’s nothing that would have really changed. They just did it not feeling as good as they should have felt.”

“I know, but that broke my heart,” the mother of three replied. “But I mean, we still got them out… because they wanted to too.” She confirmed the children didn’t go to Edinburgh because “that would be too much of a journey for them feeling sick.”

It was “so stressful” that the children’s fevers spiked on Wednesday, July 10, and Thursday, July 11, Kramer said, adding, “I regret at that moment not having help because it was just us.”

Kramer explained that she felt anxious and worried she was going to get sick “for the big wedding day and then the honeymoon.” She continued, “So I then became like this insomniac for the rest of the vacation because I just would wake up with anxiety and then like a pool of sweat.”

“That was the piece of the trip that I felt bad for the kids. They weren’t feeling good,” she said. “But again, looking back, they don’t they don’t remember that. They remember the castles, all the fun stuff.”

[From People]

After the podcast came out, everyone naturally side-eyed Jana and Allan, so she took to Instagram to clarify that the kids didn’t have fevers anymore by day of the wedding. They were never tested, so she was just going off of her dad’s diagnosis after he took a test once he got back to the US. She’s not even totally certain that’s what it was. Sure, Jan(a).

I’m sorry that Jana’s wedding was taken over by Covid. That sucks, and considering how quickly it spread from her in-laws to her kids to her own parents, I’m surprised that she and Allan didn’t get it. I know Covid restrictions have relaxed worldwide, so I looked up what Scotland’s policy is and according to the government’s website, there are “no Covid-19 rules or restrictions” in the country right now. So, technically, Jana and Allan did not break any “rules” by still having their sick children (and, I presume, all the parents) participate in the ceremony. But that doesn’t mean it was okay! They knew the kids had the croup. Is having a special occasion ruined by illness a relatable occurrence? Sure! But it’s pretty selfish to make both little kids participate in a wedding when they’re not feeling well at all. But hey, at least there were castles!

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14 Responses to “Jana Kramer’s kids and parents all had covid at her wedding in Scotland”

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  1. Mcali02 says:

    So did they tell their guests so they could make the choice to attend or not?
    And – Who are these people? Nm don’t care.

  2. gardener_DC says:

    The article says her older children were from her first marriage…they are from her third marriage. Allan is husband number 4!

  3. Blithe says:

    Who else did they cough on besides their family? Guests? The officiant? Servers? The photographer? It’s wild how comfortable some people are causing other people distress — even to the point of sharing this publicly along with their photos. So what if a server’s elderly relative gets critically ill — at least they got their wedding! SMH How many people would have declined a work shift or declined an invitation, or worn a mask, or been more careful around others …. If they had realized that they needed to be?

    • BeanieBean says:

      I think it’s that honeymoon in Italy that they were more focused on. Doggone if they were going to miss that!

  4. Digital Unicorn says:

    Scotland had a recent outbreak of COVID which it seems they might have gotten caught up in – but they should have gotten tested anyway given that it was on the news.

    I grew up not far from where they got married – lovely area which is well known for its golf courses.

  5. Flamingo says:

    it’s this kind of lazy attitude towards Covid that makes me furious. You stay home and quarantine. There are vulnerable people still out there that can die from the virus. And you are all out running around and spreading your germs.

    But you want your insta pictures and fulfill your obligation to People Magazine to get that check.

    F Jana

  6. bisynaptic says:

    Governments across the world are doing a major disservice to their people by pretending like the Covid pandemic is over. SARS-Cov-2 directly attacks brain cell, y’all. Every Covid infection dramatically increases a person’s chances of getting long Covid and other Covid sequelae, like permanent brain, lung and heart damage. Covid is airborne and it’s here to stay, so please protect yourselves. Vaccinations aren’t enough. Wear a respirator mask.

    • Blithe says:

      Thank you for your comment! It’s a good reminder. I’ve continued to be more careful than most, because there are people in my life with compromised immune systems.

  7. Arwen says:

    Other comments have mentioned Covid but I want to mention croup. My son gets it a lot unfortunately and there’s been quite a few white knuckles drives at 1am to the E.R.-when he was feeling relatively ok a few hours earlier.

    I guess my point is how croup can turn into a medical emergency for little ones real quickly if those airways get inflamed and swell! Not to mention that the fevers can cause seizures and brain swelling.

    Never was too interested in Jana and I try not to mom shame because I know how hard it can be-I’m a mom with anxiety! However I am side eying her so hard rn.

  8. lucy2 says:

    I wonder how many guests and staff it was spread to. That really stinks.
    I’m traveling abroad in a month and petrified I’m going to end up sick.

  9. Chaine says:

    where i live the schools will not even allow kids an excused absence for covid any more. Just come on in, spread it to everyone else’s kids and the teachers, let’s all be miserable together.

    • BeanieBean says:

      That doesn’t make any sense! Everybody’s allowed to get sick & it’s nobody’s business what your illness is. If the parent’s write an excuse slip for ‘illness’–no need to be specific–what business of the school’s is what kind of illness it was?

  10. Izzy says:

    Honestly, just fck these people. How many others did they spread it to? My sister is getting married in late November and guess what? I’m passing on an annual business trip I usually take in early November because I don’t want to be sick for the wedding. I’m going to be limiting my socializing in the couple of weeks prior so I can enjoy the wedding and not worry about killing my parents. Our whole family is making plans to limit our outings and make sure we mask up ahead of time.

    Anyone who thinks that COVID is over is delusional. I got it – for the first time – last month. The week leading up to symptoms I went out exactly twice, to the dentist and the grocery store. It’s wild out there again and I would prefer to be one and done with COVID.

  11. BlueNailsBetty says:

    It’s too bad masks haven’t been invented yet … oh wait…

    Anyhoo, I hope the children recover and the adults get a damn clue about being responsible when contagious.