Is ‘Fluffy Coke,’ coke with marshmallow fluff and ice, the mocktail of the summer?

You know the classic formula of Soda + Ice Cream = Float? Well now Gen Z has taken this premise, turned it on its head, and multiplied the sugar factor by a million. Introducing: the Fluffy Coke. Why is this Coke so fluffy? Because it’s poured into a glass lined with marshmallow fluff. A TikToker by the name of Emma Grace posted a video of her preparing the three-ingredient treat — the third is ice, that MUST be little round balls! — with her Memama (they’re each wearing shades of orange which I find adorable). The video has been viewed nearly 4 million times, she even got a name check on Good Morning America when they did a Fluffy Coke segment! So now I’m posing the question to us, dear readers: is Fluffy Coke the “mocktail of the summer?”

It’s time for the classic root beer float to move over, there’s a new ultra-sweet soda concoction making waves among sugar fanatics.

For anyone craving spicy pops with thick, soothing gulps of marshmallow, TikTok users would encourage you to try their latest obsession: Fluffy Coke. With over 20.7 million posts on the app alone, the soft, bubbly blend is proving to be the mocktail of the summer for everyone and anyone with a sweet tooth.

For weeks, Gen Z fans have been rushing to lather their glasses with the classic sandwich spread Fluff before pouring their ice-cold Coke in. But what inspired this concoction? The Fluffy Coke is a new take on a previous trend of spooning frosting along the inside of a cup before adding the beverage.

On July 6, TikToker Emma Grace amassed over 3.8 million views on the video she posted titled “Making a Fluffy Coke with my Memama.” Emma and her Memama are seen slurping their cold drinks through large yellow straws.

“Look how fluffy my Coke is,” Memama said. “We’re gonna make a fluffy Coca-cola.”

Emma then demonstrated how to use a rubber spatula to spread the Fluff around the inside of her plastic cup. “Ooo, I could eat a big old spoonful of this,” Memama proclaimed as she completely covered her clear cup with the white delectable.

The duo then filled their cups with the “good ice,” the little round ice balls, before Emma cracked open two cans of Coca-cola — one can per cup.

“Give it a little stir, and cheers,” Emma exclaimed, taking her first sip. Rather than waiting for the marshmallow to melt in her cup, Emma took her straw and scraped the sticky spread from the sides.

Since Emma posted her Fluffy Coke tutorial, eager viewers have rushed to try the creamy mix for themselves. While some absolutely loved the beverage, others expressed concern over the sugar content.

A standard 12-ounce can of Coca-cola contains 39 grams of sugar, while two tablespoons of the marshmallow cream contain six grams of added sugar. Of course, for those worried about the nutritional facts, Diet Coke and Coke Zero don’t contain any sugar.

TikTok user Noah Stepherson urged his followers to get the brand Marshmallow Fluff over Jet-Puffed fluff for anyone who wanted to make the drink with slightly less calories. The Jet-Puffed fluff is only 45 calories, while Marshmallow Fluff is 40 calories.

[From Independent]

I could tell it was a very proud, joyous day for my mother when she introduced me as a little girl to the ice cream float. Many combinations were tried, including Coke & Vanilla, Root Beer & Mint Chip, Fanta & Chocolate. (The beverage/dessert confection served as a complementing balance to our reverent potato chip consumption.) It wasn’t until I was well into my adulthood and several years of therapy, that I built up the courage to confess to my mother that I didn’t actually like ice cream floats. It’s not that I hate them, more that I’m rather ambivalent on the frothy texture the mixture creates. I enjoy each element on its own, more than in this combination.

So while Coca-Cola is undeniably my soda of choice — on ice as cold as you can get it — I admit I am more than a little wary of the introduction of this marshmallow fluff!! I feel this is either going to be a spiritual experience that forever changes the meaning of my life moving forward, or I will instantly seize up and cease functioning from the sweetness overload. I do not foresee a middleground here. Emma Grace and Memama used the 12oz cans, while the GMA crew used glass bottles which I applaud if they are Mexican Cokes, as those have real cane sugar instead of high-fructose corn syrup (it tastes better, I swear!). Both parties were in adamant agreement though, that the secret lay in the little round ice balls. So even if Fluffy Coke turns out not to be my mocktail of the summer, I promise you this: I will be asking for “little round ice balls” with my drinks at all dining establishments henceforth. You have my word.

Photos are screenshots from YouTube/GMA and TikTok/Emma Grace

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37 Responses to “Is ‘Fluffy Coke,’ coke with marshmallow fluff and ice, the mocktail of the summer?”

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  1. JanetDR says:

    Just reading this story made me lose enamel from my teeth! 🤣

    • Tashiro says:

      Agreed and a splitting headache 🤯

    • seaflower says:

      My stomach is rebelling at the thought of it,

    • Sara says:

      Just…WHY?? Why would you do this? Who looks at a jar of marshmallow fluff and a can of coke and thinks these need to happen at the same time? Yes I know it says in the article. EWWWW!!!

      • BeanieBean says:

        The same people who thought of pouring Planter’s roasted peanuts in an RC Cola…Southerners.

  2. sevenblue says:

    That is the first time I heard there is something called “Marshmallow Fluff”. Wow. I would probably die from eating (drinking?) so much sugar.

    • MoBiMom says:

      Massachusetts-born girl, here…. I’m afraid we have to claim responsibility for this. I assume this also means you are also not familiar with our famous fluffernutter sandwich?

      • sevenblue says:

        @MoBiMom, yeah just googled this too. Peanut butter + marshmallow creme? That doesn’t sound so bad if you are comfortable with the idea of marshmallow fluff, I guess 😂😂 I am very basic with my sandwiches: cheese, olive paste, tomato, and pickles. It really feels unfair that I still got tooth problems.

      • North of Boston says:


        Fluffernutters are awesome!

        Also, Fluff is a star player in that other sweet New England treat, Whoopie Pies!

        Caveat, there are some who, like a coffee shop / bakery near where I live, make Whoopie Pies with buttercream as the creamy layer, but growing up and having many home made WP in Mass and Maine, the creamy layer sandwiched between the 2 super chocolatey cakey layers always had a heavy Marshmallow Fluff component, not buttercream.

      • orangeowl says:

        I grew up in Chicago and fluffernutter sandwiches were common in school lunchboxes. Such a 70s thing – Fluff, Jif peanut butter and Wonder bread, probably zero nutrition. But so tasty!

      • QuiteContrary says:

        Fluffernutter sandwiches rule.

    • Lightpurple says:

      Created in Somerville, MA, where a weekend long Fluff festival is held every year

    • Lightpurple says:

      The Marshmallow Fluff brand is far superior in texture and flavor than other brands. We send it as presents to family members who moved out of New England. My sister was baffled when her daughter filled half her suitcase with jars to bring back to Texas where it’s not available

    • Arpeggi says:

      Weirdly enough, the place where I ate the most marshmallow fluff was in Denmark. It’s a frequent ice cream topping. That you can then top with fruit coulis and a flodeboller (marshmallow covered with chocolate, on a marzipan or cookie base)… So much sugar, but so delicious!

  3. Eurydice says:

    “Where are the missile bases?”


    “Tell, or we will make you drink this Fluffy Coke”

    Ok, ok, ok, there’s one in Arizona…”

  4. Aimee says:

    I grew up on fluffernutters. Disgustingly sweet but we’d eat them with Ruffles. Lol

    But a big NOOOOO to this gross concoction.

  5. Ameerah M says:

    This is like a super-charged version of the coke with cream recipe. I have never tried that one either but am more likely to try that one than this one. This makes my teeth hurt just thinking about it.

  6. Giddy says:

    I’ve never had Fluff, never heard of Fluffernutter sandwiches, and can’t imagine eating one. There are however a few local hamburger places that serve what will always be my favorite drink: a fountain coke over crushed ice with a shot of vanilla. When I have the craving, I will drive miles to get one that is fixed perfectly.

  7. Christine says:

    “I do not foresee a middle ground here” completely sent me! This is such a, dare I say, fluffy, fun article. That girl and her Memama are cute, I hope they take ridiculous vacations all over the world with each other.

  8. Maggie says:

    That looks positively gross.

  9. ChickieBaby says:

    No idea of her Memama’s age, but she has beautiful skin. So does Emma Grace–unless she keeps drinking this sort of sugar-n-chemical concoction. She will NOT have the same beautiful skin when she reaches the same age as her grandmother. Sugar is poison to your cells, including your skin. This looks like a one-time-and-that-was-fun kind of concoction to drink, but not on a daily basis. Yeesh.

  10. AJ says:

    MA girl – Fluff is awesome and it’s so good in hot chocolate!!

  11. SpankyB says:

    Growing up there was always a jar of marshmallow fluff in the kitchen. I hated that stuff, and I was a kid who loved sugar. Frosting is my favorite food group. But I could not get behind the fluff. My mom loves it. I bet she would love the Fluffy Coke, I’m not going to mention it to her though.

    In the summer I used to drink an iced coffee with a couple of pumps of vanilla syrup and when I was done with the coffee portion I’d pour a Coke over the coffee/vanilla flavored ice. That was pretty good. I gave up sodas a few years ago though.

    • Another Anne says:

      My kids have moved past the Fluffernutter stage, but we always have fluff in the house. One kid prefers it on top of his hot chocolate instead of whipped cream (is this a Massachusetts thing too?),

      • HeatherC says:

        I’m born, bred, and still reside in NY. Fluff in my hot chocolate is the best ever. Whipped cream dissolves too fast for me in hot beverages lol. Fluffernutters with bananas are still a favorite lunch item for me, even if I’ve severely cut back on them as I’ve gotten older. I’m not sure I can align myself with fluff and coke though.

  12. bonsch says:

    Oh, look, it’s diabetes in liquid form

  13. Cheshire Sass says:

    When I was a kid, it was fluff, peanut butter and strawberry jam sandwiches – balanced meal right there!
    Fluff and coke sounds like a sugar high straight to diabetes heaven (or hell) – It sounds like a riff on the deep fried coca cola you can give yourself a heart attack with at any large county fair.

  14. Becks1 says:

    Huh. I’d try it, LOL. I figure it must be either amazing or absolutely disgusting.

  15. deezee says:

    I’d try it. I love trying out these weird pop concoctions every now and then.

  16. NokidsNoCatsLady says:

    I have never been so disgusted and intrigued at the same time.

    NGL I would try it once lol.

  17. DaveW says:

    Fluff is simply delicious! I am 50 something, no kids, and ALWAYS have a jar of Fluff on hand (I do make my fluffernutter as a slightly grown up version using crunchy, no salt almond butter on Trader Joe’s rustic sourdough). When I didn’t live in the northeast I’d travel home for holidays and would buy enough jars to get me through the year (along with Cain’s mayo, another New England staple).
    Oh, and marshmallow Fluff and marshmallow crème are NOT the same thing, at all! I cringe when I hear people use the terms interchangeably.

  18. BeanieBean says:

    Oh, but the A&W root beer float is the best! And it starts with the mug in the freezer; gotta have that frozen mug!

  19. Claudia says:

    Ah ha! So THIS is why there was a display full of marshmallow fluff at Target today.