Hotties for Harris: Megan Thee Stallion twerks at Kamala Harris’s Atlanta rally

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While Taylor Swift and Beyonce are staying quiet on their political endorsements, Megan Thee Stallion was like, nah, I’m going to twerk at a Kamala Harris rally. And she did! The Harris campaign put together an enormous rally in Atlanta last night, with celebrity appearances by Quavo and Megan (both of whom endorsed VP Harris). Chris Tucker was in the audience. Senator Raphael Warnock and Senator Jon Ossoff spoke at the rally as well, as did Stacey Abrams. Megan and Kamala even filmed a cute little TikTok together:

It was a huge event! People loved thee Stallion’s concert too! Meanwhile, the Harris campaign announced that they will confirm their running mate next week, on Tuesday, August 6th. Kamala Harris is making the announcement in… Philadelphia. Which has led many to believe that she’s choosing Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro as her running mate. I’ll be honest, I don’t know a ton about Shapiro beyond his baseline bio, but I do feel like the momentum is with Tim Walz. The Harris campaign is also saying that people shouldn’t read too much into the locale, fwiw.

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48 Responses to “Hotties for Harris: Megan Thee Stallion twerks at Kamala Harris’s Atlanta rally”

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  1. Dee says:

    Let’s go, Kamala! Loved the crowd and the energy. This makes Amber Rose support for pu**y grabber look even worse!!

    • trillion says:

      OMG my first reaction. If the RNC hadn’t invited Amber Rose (Z lister) just think how much they’d be freaking out over MTS. Or maybe they are anyhow. I dunno. Hypocrisy is their norm and they show us over and over that they are irony-proof.

      • pottymouth pup says:

        they are freaking out over this and they’re actually claiming that it’s election interference!

  2. Blithe says:

    I’m applauding all of the pink and green that I see throughout the audience photos. My AKA Golden Soror Mom would have been so achingly proud of Kamala, all that she’s accomplished, and all that she’s going to accomplish.

  3. sevenblue says:

    Beyonce gave permission to use her song “Freedom” in the ads to Kamala. I guess, that counts as an endorsement? She was very active endorsing Hilary, but she got more private since that time, which I understand, she got young kids. Maybe we get a SM post endorsing her when the election comes closer.

    Megan is the best. The whole industry tried to bring her down when she was dealing with the death of her mom. She is still standing proud and hottest than ever. I really liked that she also started mental health campaign, guiding people to seek help. I wish only good things for her.

    • Mil says:

      I think that Swift and Bey are not going to speak up until summer’s over. And that’s just fine. The elections are in November, we need to keep this level of dedication and excitement.
      Many artists will join Kamala on the campaign trail but this is so early, she did not even name her running mate.

      • Sarah says:

        Thank you!! It’s so early and you need to stretch the news cycle for all we know the Harris campaign asked for them to wait they are very good at this!

      • tealily says:

        Yes!! Let’s get that Bey bump a little closer to election time. We have all the momentum we need to get through the next couple of weeks right now. Delegates vote next week, DNC is two weeks after that.

      • DK says:

        I agree, I’m sure they will endorse her, but both Beyonce and Taylor know the importance of how to not just frame a message, but time it.

        And I am sure they will time it to the best advantage.

        So I’m not necessarily hoping for any DNC announcements or concerts – you’re already preaching to the choir there, of course.

        I’m hoping for a mid-late September boost from one of them, and maybe mid-late Oct. from the other, to inject extra energy when it will likely be most needed.

      • Kimmy says:

        Vance really set Taylor up for a lay up with the cat lady comments. I am still dying for some trolly remark from her team.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      Sevenblue, maybe Beyoncé will sing or appear at the convention? That would be amazing.

      • lucy2 says:

        I really want Beyonce and a whole group of other famous women singers to perform together. Think of the lineup we could have!

      • Snuffles says:

        I have this fantasy of Beyonce and Taylor performing on the last day of the convention singing “American Requiem” with a host of other female singers from every genre harmonizing in a choir.

      • NotSoSocialB says:


        What a cool idea- that song gives me chills.

    • Sarah says:

      And Taylor was super active in endorsing Joe and Kamala! So when she’s not on the road we will probably get an endorsement.

    • Normades says:

      B giving the rights to use her song is 💯 an endorsement

  4. Pinkosaurus says:

    I’m blown away by the competence of her campaign team! This was an amazing event with incredible visuals and content for traditional and social media. Perfection! Let’’s gooooo!!!!

    • Nicole says:

      FWIW 95% of her campaign team is the Biden Campaign team. I’m glad that Ms Harris is in it to win it. DJT is 100% thrown and I am enjoying it.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      My only complaint is the white dude for Harris (positioned right behind her) who barely cracked a smile or clapped during her entire speech. They should have put that young white dude (who was seated right next to the entrance) behind her. He was whooping it up and singing and dancing the entire time. I think I read he was the GA (or maybe ATL) Democratic Party youth leader. He was a whole vibe.

      But anyway that was a small nitpick on an otherwise AMAZING rally and speech. The crowd was fired up (except that one dude lol) and I loved her dare to the Orange Menace to tell it to her face!

      Kamala’s team and her rollout have been incredible so far and I can’t wait for the Beyoncé and Taylor Swift endorsements 🔥

    • tealily says:

      On that note, I read a great piece in the WP about the rollout of her campaign and the early work they’ve done. It’s so worth a read! “How Kamala Harris took control of the Democratic Party”

  5. Duch says:

    Yeah you don’t go to a state to announce another state’s governor as your vp.

    I have loved seeing and hearing Walz, he is great and was my first choice. But he might be a little too “hot” in interviews. Shapiro is a bit more grounded. But I really worry about what it does to youth vote. My oldest and their friends are horrified by Israel’s continued atrocity. They will bolt.

    • Nicole says:

      My only concern is that he is Jewish. The hard right flank is absolutely fanning the flames of antisemitism right now.

      • SussexWatcher says:

        I mean, the Second Gentleman is Jewish so I don’t think she’d care about that in terms of choosing a running mate.

        Don’t the unions have an issue with Shapiro? And he supports school vouchers so I don’t feel like he’d be the best choice. But I’m nervous that she’s going to announce in PA because that really does make it seem like it’s him (as Duch says). I really want Buttigieg or Walz.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Meh…Philly is just a good place to start a swing state blitz which will move west. Guaranteed big, excited crowd. I’m still hoping for Walz but will accept her choice.

      My favorite part of her speech last night was when she taunted him over not wanting to debate: “Donald, as the saying goes, if you’ve got something to say to me, say it to my face!” I love her fearlessness. 😍🥰

    • Amy Bee says:

      Yes, if Kamala picks Shapiro, she loses a lot of the youth and the union vote. I hope she just making the announcement in Philadelphia because it’s historical roots in the founding of the US and not because she’s picking Shapiro. Walz is the best candidate, if not him Beshear.

    • Sarah says:

      They aren’t announcing in PA they are announcing BY the rally

  6. Ocean Girl says:

    Ha! Commence pearl-clutching in 3…2…1…. “Twerking! My smelling salts!”

    Fyi, yeah, ‘grand OLD party,’ it’s a different generation. Younger people want change for the better, not your dystopian horrorscape, and they don’t want to wait until you’re all dead to get it.

    As for the far-right, trying to portray K Harris as “dangerously liberal?” Good! Hooray for us!

    • Fuzzy Crocodile says:

      I saw this today as a comment on some article that “how can you take the campaign seriously if they invite Megan Thee Stallion?”

      I will take it over the guy ranting about Hannibal Lector.

      I think we forget that campaigns and rallies are about boosting enthusiasm. They should be joyful. It should be about hope!

      And yes – a radical liberal who believes in reproductive freedom, feeding kids, protecting elders, taxing billionaires – oh no! The choice is so stark.

      • tealily says:

        The woman with such a good head on her shoulder that famously graduated from college in the midst of a lucrative and high profile musical career? Sure. Let’s pick someone more grounded like Hulk Hogan.

      • DK says:

        Are they talking about Megan Thee Stallion who is not only an incredibly accomplished musician, and a woman who fights for her rights and stands up to violence, but also a woman who worked hard to graduate from college (note the difference between her and DonOld, whose daddy just paid for his degree while he did F* all in his classes), and then donated *hundreds of thousands of dollars* in scholarships to her alma mater to help other students succeed as well?

        That Megan Thee Stallion?

        You best take any campaign she supports seriously!

    • otaku fairy says:

      Hooray for us is right. If a person already has respect for women, seeing one twerk isn’t going to destroy that.

    • Sarah says:

      They are just mad they can’t get anyone and Donald is especially mad because celebrity is all he cares about.

      • Ocean Girl says:

        Yeah, his “celebrity” guests and endorsements read like a list of “oh, are they still around?” So surprised Chachi wasn’t at the rnc. 😛

  7. Jais says:

    Sometimes I’m still shocked that Warnoff and Osoff are our GA senators while we’re still stuck with Kemp. Apparently Beshear was in my deep red county on Sunday and I didn’t know! I would’ve gone😂. Anyways, I’m hopeful for GA but also don’t trust it. But I’m always too cynical.

    • MoonTheLoon says:

      I would love for Beshear to be the VP pick. We need someone to “deliver the South,” as they said in West Wing. He’s a very congenial candidate and has done good things in Kentucky. His constituents love him, by and large.

    • 80sMercedes says:

      Kemp sucks – especially when we all know you should’ve had Stacey Abrams. That’s another entry for the “Coulda had a bad b*tch” tour.

  8. Ameerah M says:

    Beyonce gave the Kamala campaign the rights to use her song Freedom in their ads. That’s as much of an endorsement as Beyonce would give – and it’s pretty darn big. She doesn’t license her music to anyone.

    • Amy Bee says:

      This is true. Beyonce giving Kamala permission to use that song is an endorsement.

  9. Sarah says:

    Taylor is in the middle of her tour, and cleared the entire month of September. She will endorse, but she probably won’t in the middle of her tour. She will wait until the break, also doing it in September the last big month to get voter registration is a lot more impactful.

    Beyonce let her use her song. I’m sure she will also make a public statement but if she doesn’t IT IS OK!!

    We need to stop forcing people to do things on our timeline. Honestly spread this stuff out, it’s better for the news cycles. If they all come at the same time it’s too much and then the attention falls off.

  10. CLOVE says:

    I live in Atlanta; I was there, and the entire atmosphere was electric. It was like the rainbow of all ages, races, and genders! Yes, even older people were dancing off Meg S, and when they played “Not Like Us” while we waited for Kamala, people went wild.
    I haven’t seen this kind of crowd since Obama in 2008!
    I am ready to get to work! The RNC is used to having celebrities on the D and Z list.

  11. DeluxeDuckling says:

    Thee stallion is so gorgeous

    • Ocean Girl says:

      Isn’t she also doing a commercial for mental health? I’m always so g;lad to see famous people addressing this issue.

  12. slippers4life says:

    That’s amazing!! Love her. Also, I thought Beyonce already endorsed Kamala and even gave her permission to use her song “Freedom”?

    • Sarah says:

      Beyonce gave her permission to use her song but she has not officially endorsed but I think people are putting to much on this the campaign probably wants to space out timing

  13. Dholmas says:

    I will be so glad when this election season is over.