Lara Trump: Kamala Harris is like Balenciaga’s $2000 trash-bag purse

Donald Trump and his MAGA cult members don’t know what to say about Vice President Kamala Harris and they’re trying and failing to find ways to attack her. As Democrats have found a line of attack which works – “these people are weird” – the MAGAts are crying about “DEI hires” and trying to make VP Harris’s stepmother credentials into a negative. It’s been sort of a quieter story, but even hardline conservatives in the media have been trying to tell the Trump campaign that these sexist and racist attacks are not landing. Well, Lara Trump hasn’t heard any of that. This is the woman married to Eric Trump, which speaks volumes. The door prize for f–king Eric is apparently “co-chair of the Republican Party” and she quickly became one of Donald Trump’s blondest soldiers. This is what she said when asked about VP Harris.

Lara Trump, the Republican Party co-chair and former President Donald J. Trump’s daughter-in-law, compared Vice President Kamala Harris on Monday to a fashion designer’s faux “trash bag” that gained notoriety for its nearly $1,800 price tag.

Ms. Trump, speaking to Sean Hannity on Fox News, complained that Ms. Harris was now being championed as “some sort of amazing political figure” by people who had harbored doubts about her before President Biden dropped out of the race and endorsed her to be the party’s presidential nominee.

“It reminds me of — there was this bag that a very famous designer designed — this was several years ago,” she said. “And it literally was a trash bag, but they sold this thing for like $2,000, thinking that people would actually buy it. It’s a similar situation with Kamala Harris.”

Ms. Trump, who was installed in March as a top G.O.P. leader and married Mr. Trump’s middle son, Eric Trump, was referring to a faux trash bag that was introduced in 2022 by Balenciaga. It turned heads on the runway and drew derision in the tabloids.

[From The NY Times]

Me, trying to relate to peasants: remember that $2000 Balenciaga bag which was mocked in French Vogue?

Honestly though, this See-You-Next-Tuesday just wanted to say “Kamala Harris is a trash bag,” but in the most elitist and confusing way possible. Anyway, you’d think that Republicans would avoid speaking this way about the sitting vice president when they literally tried to assassinate the last sitting VP. But I digress. Lara Trump is a racist moron, a product of nepotism and she looks like she gets her cosmetic work in the back alley of a Florida strip mall.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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94 Responses to “Lara Trump: Kamala Harris is like Balenciaga’s $2000 trash-bag purse”

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  1. Aimee says:

    Please Google what this woman USED to look like.

    • Whatever says:

      I’m not sure what she used to look like, but she looks like the Jack Nicholson version of the Joker now. She certainly has the face she deserves.

      • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:


      • Agnes says:

        She’s yellow, her FIL is orange, and the RNC thoroughly deserves both of them.

      • Megan says:

        And that trash bag purse is definitely in her closet.

      • LightPurple says:

        Whatever you do, don’t look at pictures that show her feet. That woman has the gnarliest looking feet to ever strap on a pair of Jimmy Choos.

      • Lawrenceville says:

        Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, 🤣🤣@ LightPurple, I spit all my coffee all over my laptop, 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Thanks for the laugh.

      • Eden75 says:

        OMG, I made the mistake of looking at a foot pic…..What the actual F?????????!!!!!!!!!

    • HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

      All that grift has paid for a lot of plastic surgery and fillers for the Tr*mp family.

    • lucy2 says:

      Holy crap. I had no idea. She was a normal looking woman at some point.
      But Eric has always looked like…that.

    • Rnot says:

      Serious question: is that jaundice, lighting, or the wrong foundation undertone? Why is she so yellow?

    • Jessica says:

      Oh dear! The brothers appear to be in a heated competition for the most unfortunate looking partners…The outsides are matching the insides…

    • JRT says:

      Don’t think this plastic trash bag should be talking about anyone’s looks!!!

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Jocelyn Wildenstein said what? about Kamala Harris?

      • Jacques says:

        If anyone finds the trash bag purse in question, will they please put it over her head? I refuse to look at a woman who looks like a melting GI Joe with a bad wig.

    • phd says:

      That face would stop a clock.

    • Josephine says:

      I guess this is the price you have to pay when you sell your soul to the devil. Her “transformation” is indeed incredibly sad. I can’t believe how she butchered herself.

      But the greater price is having to be anywhere near eric let alone married to him. He is truly . . . vile and creepy.

  2. girl_ninja says:

    Imagine doing what she has done to her face and calling anyone trash. She is only being the RNC chair because her shot at “singing” didn’t pan out because even the racists were not having it. The white women really do show their jealousy and envy over and over.

    • Miranda says:

      Hold up, she was some sort of singer? Do I want to hear it? Is it so-bad-it’s-hilarious, or just bad?

      • seaflower says:

        Think auto-tuned nails on a blackboard of a beloved Tom Petty song.

      • Mil says:

        I heard her on a funny podcast, 2 comedians playing her song and saying it is swift. It was painful, yet people roasted her, so her singing is like Temu’s Balenciaga.

      • Agnes says:

        It’s HILARIOUS! That woman has no clue about her own reality. She covered Tom Petty’s “Won’t Back Down” and it sounded like rusty gears screeching in the wind.

  3. Mina_esq says:

    No serious adult person speaks like this about anyone, let alone a sitting VP. These people truly are a bunch of weirdos.

    • Mrs Robinson says:

      I was in a swing state last week and saw an attack ad against Kamala and was horrified. And a little amused — the voiceover with scary music called her a “dangerous” San Francisco liberal, which, well, there about 700,000 of us and we’re really not that dangerous at all.

      • Berkeleyfarm says:

        So much local in-fighting that people with real talent end up getting out!

        (waving at you from Infighting Central East Bay)

      • pottymouth pup says:

        Is “San Francisco liberal” just like a “California/Hollywood Liberal” but gayer and therefor a bigger threat to the GQP?

        (yes, I know Harris is not gay; but it appears that they’re trying to tie SF large LGTBQIA population into this to make it scarier or this is their way of a hat tip to the stupid rumors they’re spreading that she’s “really a man”)

    • otaku fairy says:

      All these people can do is dehumanize. They’re scared.

    • TN Democrat says:

      I live in a deep red area of a red state. The Republican ads this election cycle are near comical. The candidates apparently paid for the orange menace to endorse them and appear in their ads. The candidates also apparently got orange menace makeovers. The women look like this tacky, classless woman and worse, but so do the men. All the candidates have frozen faces and are loud and oddly pitched. The level of weird is just off the charts.

      • Meghan says:

        I’m in a blue part of that same red state and so far the only ad I’ve seen is a blonde, white woman complaining that because of “woke politics” she had to swim “against a man” and lost, so vote for Marsha Blackburn.

        Ma’am, has it not occurred to you that you just aren’t good enough? God, Bredesen should have won in 2020.

    • BeanieBean says:

      I heard that ad on the news this morning; I like how they characterize her as both ‘weak’ and ‘dangerous’. Can you be both???

    • Bumblebee says:

      The ads against Harris were complaining about the same 2 things over and over and over again. The border and one case as a ‘liberal’ prosecutor. This woman is about 60 and has been in politics a long time and that’s all they have? Hahahaha.

  4. Miranda says:

    Bitch dresses like a third world dictator getting turned away from an offbrand Studio 54, and she wants to talk about trash?

    • Nanea says:

      It takes trash to know trash.

      Why would anyone willingly get married to the Dumberer T-son?

      She can’t be much of an intellectual heavyweight, and wouldn’t be able to hold a candle to anything Kamala has achieved.

      • Alice B. Tokeless says:

        A couple of years ago, on a podcast, when asked which of the two brothers was dumber, without hesitation she named Don jr. Eric is clearly dumb, but even he’s not as dumb as his older brother. Mary and her brother are the only Trumps worth knowing about.

    • SarahCS says:

      Yeah once I got past her face (!) her outfit is quite a choice.

    • BeanieBean says:

      I was wondering about her slightly Maoist/Kim Jong-unish outfit. They’re leaning hard into the dictator trope.

  5. equality says:

    I think she is applying this analogy to the wrong candidate. Sounds more like a description of Don.

  6. s808 says:

    If this is the best they can do, they’re cooked.

  7. Brassy Rebel says:

    In 2016 (ah, the good old days!), someone mentioned Lara Trump. I said who the hell is Lara Trump? Now she’s co-chair of the Republican party. Nepo baby is right.

    • MichaelaCat says:

      This is ridiculous.

      They’re complaining about DEI because they have no other mode of attack but ignore the nepotism!

  8. seaflower says:

    Lara is trashier, considering she thinks this video she posted (of herself drinking trump wine to her twitter, while her baby is crying in the background) is some sort of flex.

  9. Dani says:

    Oh gosh. This woman is as ugly on the inside as she is on the outside. She definitely has the face that she deserves.

    She wishes she was half the woman Kamala is. LT is just as trashy and disgusting as the DUMP family.

  10. Jay says:

    Ah, what a successful appeal to the working class! Keep talking more, Lara!

  11. Hypocrisy says:

    Imagine the nerve of any woman married to a man who has stolen from a children’s cancer charity referring to anyone that way. You can’t get any trashier than that imo. I just can’t wait for the day when we never have to hear a word about or from the Trump family every again, except maybe when they come up for parole.

  12. sevenblue says:

    It feels like they got group discount from the same plastic surgeon. I remember, this woman got tricked by Omarosa, who recorded their phone call offering Omarosa hush money. If she is the co-chair of the party, it explains why they are so bad at everything, including finding VP who didn’t insult a big portion of the voting population on record.

  13. Pinkosaurus says:

    I’m pretty sure MAGA racists can’t even hear what a blonde lady is saying if she’s wearing pants, hur dur. It’s like blowing a dog whistle. She missed her target on both the wardrobe and talking about Balengiaga handbags and Vogue.

  14. Square2 says:

    TFG, his wife, ex-wife, sons, DIL(s), daughter & SIL, and future & current girlfriend(s) are all rotten, smelly, disgusting trashes that even dollar-store brand trash bags will reject them.

    OT: Everyone, especially women, should check out the 4 episodes docuseries – “Hitler’s Handmaidens”.

    It’s so chilling & sobering. That’s what Project 2025 & Project 47 want to do to women. If anyone watching it & still votes for that TFG & his Party in November, then you are not human.

  15. MsIam says:

    A Trump calling some else trashy? Yeah ok. Keep talking bish.

  16. Jayna says:

    The MAGA cult party is the gift that keeps on giving with their blatantly racist and/or misogynistic, sexist remarks.

    Maybe all of the filler in her face has seeped into her tiny brain. LOL

  17. CC says:

    If they wanted to deign to respond to this, it would be a very easy pivot to start saying, “Kamala knows how to take out the trash.”

  18. RMS says:

    I’m sorry, but her credentials for getting this job were what again? Why do I care about what a woman desperate enough to marry Eric Trump thinks? The insecurity here is deep and warranted. The insults you choose to make about someone can sometimes uncover your deepest darks thoughts about yourself.

    • Kitten says:

      Her credentials is that Trump is her FIL. The GOP is a nepo mess with no credibility…just a cult of personality.

  19. Jais says:

    I’m confused bc I thought her and Eric split up. Did I imagine that?

    • HeatherC says:

      No, Jr and his wife split up and now he’s with Gov Newsom’s ex-wife and former Fox News girl who has had so much surgery and fillers, she looks like she requested the Muppet Special.

      • Berkeleyfarm says:

        If you want to see what bad procedures can do to a really beautiful woman, check out Kimberly when she was first lady of SF. She was breathtaking. It’s a crying shame.

    • Jaded says:

      Don Jr. and his wife split up and he’s now engaged to Kimberly Guilfoyle, Gavin Newsom’s ex-wife. The two of them are hip deep in Bolivian marching powder.

    • The real says:

      It’s Jr’s who is Divorced.

  20. Blithe says:

    This is clearly a woman who knows more about trash bags and garbage — up close and personal— than the rest of us ever will.

    The rest of what I’d like to say would probably get me banned.

  21. Lau says:

    I literally said “look at the state of you !” out loud like Clare in Derry Girls when Erin thinks she hitting on her.

    • Lindsay says:

      This social climbing wanna-be is absolutely grotesque.
      Eric Trump? Does anyone know how desperate you have to be to get with him?
      And she just revels in all of that MAGA glory.
      She definitely gives insight to the character that MAGA women possess.
      Just Ew.

  22. Becks1 says:

    I don’t even know what point she is trying to make besides she wants to call Kamala “trash” and knows she can’t quite go there yet. (give the Rs another week and then they’ll be there.)

  23. Anonymous says:

    So the lady who’s married to a man that literally stole money from children with cancer, veterans, and was caught stealing from homeless dogs is calling someone else trash😒

  24. Ameerah M says:

    And I think Lara looks like one of those $5,000 real dolls that guys buy on the internet. At least the Balenciaga bag has re-sell value.

  25. Kittenmom says:

    This woman sleeps with Eric Trump and we’re supposed to value her opinion? As if.

  26. Trashcatlady says:

    Unite with me, Trash Cat Ladies! Unite and we shall be unstoppable!

  27. FYI says:

    Excuse me, but Lara-effing-Trump (ex-story coordinator for Inside Edition) is saying that Kamala Harris (elected Attorney General, elected Senator, elected Vice President) doesn’t have the chops to be a politician?

    These people ARE weird.

  28. Libra says:

    Back in the day, Trump didn’t want Eric to marry her as her background was not good enough for Eric. A Trump lawyer called her an idiot. Even after he wedding he failed to recognize her when he was introducing family to the press. Only after years of butt kissing, according to the lawyer, did Trump give her a public role. She pretends that they are lovey dovey but he says that is far from the truth.

  29. bb says:

    she’s looking more and more like marjorie green taylor. Imma serious.
    she should write a book “how to make yourself look a decade older in three easy steps.”

  30. Kat says:

    That’s rich, coming from a woman with a face like a trash bag purse.

  31. Atorontogal says:

    She’s the new Ruby Franke. She hates her kids. Have you seen the video of her sipping trump wine while her babygirl is crying her eyes out?

  32. Waitwhat? says:

    I still find it frankly unbelievable that Eric managed to find a human woman to not only marry but to procreate with him. However, she’s clearly no prize herself.

  33. olliesmom says:

    I can’t believe that Lara Trump is only 41. I thought she was at least ten years older than that. What do these women do to their faces that actually makes them end up looking older than they really are?

    Lara Trump IS a trash bag. Not a name brand bag, but a cheap store brand bag that just splits down the sides.

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      I try not to comment on the looks of even the most reprehensible troll, but I thought she was late 50’s or older. That plastic surgery is aging her terribly. She looks 20 years older than she is. What has she done to herself?

  34. Pork Belly says:

    God, these circus freaks. And now she’s the co-chair of whatever. What does that job even entail?

  35. Anonymous says:

    Anyone here ever see The Zone of Interest or The Commandant’s Shadow?

  36. J ferber says:

    Is this the same trash bag Lara Trump who said republicans are ” comfortable handling ballots” on Election Day? As in grabbing ballots away from people who ” looked like” Democrats? That trash bag would -be dictator Kewpie doll? Oh for fuck’s sake.

  37. Localady says:


    Is that supposed to be a burn

    Do trees in the orange 🍊 family typically provide decent shade, I’ve never been to FL

    I wonder how many supple Frye leather hobo bags, Leiber precious rose minaudieres or Lana Marks cleopatra clutches E Jean will be able buy with her 92 million dollar 👛 purse


    How many years of garbage service would Trump’s $540 million dollars in fines cover for the American people

    🪷 🇺🇸 🗳️

  38. bisynaptic says:

    She spends a lot of time and money, to look like that.

  39. Caligirl1031 says:

    Lara needs to quit looking in the mirror talking about herself like this…she only wishes she was kamala harris

  40. Trillion says:

    I can’t believe I’m saying this but Republicans – get your house together and evict these freaks.

  41. Duchess of Kirkaldy says:

    Jeez, I hate these people. Not a single redeeming quality. Absolutely amazing how odious they are.