Ben Affleck closed escrow on his new bachelor pad on Jennifer Lopez’s birthday

As we discussed, the Bennifer divorce now seems inevitable. Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez have spent the summer apart, with J.Lo staying at her home in the Hamptons, and Ben living in a rented home in Brentwood. He didn’t even travel to the Hamptons for J.Lo’s birthday last week. We also heard that Ben just purchased a $20 million mansion, with only his name on the sale. Ben and J.Lo are still trying to offload that giant $68 million mansion they purchased together. Well, People Magazine points out that Ben actually closed escrow on his new place on J.Lo’s birthday. This is a dagger to the heart.

Ben Affleck closed escrow on his new $20.5 million house in Los Angeles on the same day that Jennifer Lopez finalized the sale of her New York City condo. Both transactions occurred on Wednesday, July 24, Lopez’s birthday, PEOPLE confirms.

Affleck, 51, purchased the 5-bedroom L.A. estate days after he and Lopez, 55, publicly listed their Beverly Hills mansion for $68,000,000 on Thursday, July 11. The couple, who purchased the 12-bedroom, 24-bathroom home for $60,850,000 in May 2023, initially attempted to sell the property off-market.

Affleck’s new equestrian estate, which also has six bathrooms, was designed by architect Cliff May. The penthouse Lopez sold for $23 million is a four-bedroom, 7.5-bath duplex.

The real estate transactions come amid a period where the couple are spending time apart. Lopez spent her milestone birthday in New York while Affleck remained in California.

Lopez kicked off her birthday festivities with a Bridgerton-themed party in the Hamptons on Saturday, July 20. While numerous guests, including Lopez’s mother Guadalupe Rodríguez, were spotted arriving at the festivities, multiple sources confirmed to PEOPLE that Affleck was not in attendance.

[From People]

I’ve noticed something else in recent days – J.Lo’s pap strolls have slowed down. Last Thursday, she was in Manhattan, smiling and waving at the paparazzi, but nothing since then? I think Ben staying away on her birthday was a signal that it’s really over, and then the fact that he closed escrow on his new bachelor pad ON HER BIRTHDAY? They’re absolutely getting a divorce, and maybe it just hit Jennifer that there’s no going back. I still sort of believe they’ve already started the process and they’ll announce it when they’ve gotten everything finalized. I honestly feel so sorry for Jennifer. On the other hand, I’m glad that she finally got all of this out of her system. No more pining away for the “one who got away.”

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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36 Responses to “Ben Affleck closed escrow on his new bachelor pad on Jennifer Lopez’s birthday”

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  1. Jilly says:

    Ben just comes off as the biggest a*hole in all this. I get that they both have issues but Ben just seems like a whiny man baby. Not a fan ever again.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      It was always Jen is too this or too that (she IS so extra) but the ending of this makes Ben looks like an azzhole, which he is. I am happy they’re apart, they were never meant to be together!!! Freedom summer! Catch up with your family Jen!!!! I wonder who will be the next catch for each of them. 🤔

      • Rhea says:

        I think she’s ready for Freedom Summer! On her birthday she posted herself singing “Happy Days are Here Again” on Instagram. Enjoy the Hamptons Jlo!

    • Mil says:

      He is an ahole. He groped H. Burton, publicly humiliated mother of his kids, calls the paps, but acts above it, and yeah, he was buddy buddy with HWeinstein.
      But, she wanted him, and now she can move on. JLo isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but I like the hustle.

  2. Ameerah M says:

    I wish I could summon sympathy for her – but I can’t. I always go back to what she said when they got back together: “that they picked up where they left off”. That to me was the first gigantic red flag – that in 20+ years there had been no examination of what went wrong the first time. Just a head first jump into round two. Ben has his very obvious issues – but Jen has done this in EVERY relationship. Jumping in too fast and moving too quickly. And she never seems to learn from her mistakes. They never should have gotten married in the first place. And when he asked she should have said no “let’s just date”. They wold have dated for a year maybe two and split again and that would have been that. But she wanted the fairy tale. And at 55 years old she should know better. As for Ben – Ben has his issues which have played out publicly. But I also think a LOT of the decisions he’s made of late have been in protection of his own sanity and yes even his sobriety. And I can’t fault him for that.

    • Anonymous says:

      I have sympathy for Jennifer. She was minding her business when he wormed his way back into her life when she was most vulnerable.

      • Ameerah M says:

        That doesn’t make her a victim. That just makes her incredibly un-self aware. She has just as much responsibility for the rekindling of their romance as he does. She could have ignored all communications. We are all responsible for our emotional boundaries. That’s a huge part of what being a mature adult is. But she didn’t because like I said – she keeps buying into a love fairy tale that she at this point in her life should know doesn’t exist.

      • Twin Falls says:


      • Amy Bee says:

        I’m Anonymous who responded to you. I don’t think she’s a victim. She made the decision to go back to him after all but the situation in which he chose to get back into her life wasn’t the best time and if he really cared about her he would have waited.

      • Lens says:

        Minding her own busines? She moved from the city her children went to school and their father lived to LA within a nanosecond of his getting in touch with her. Who would do that? Not me, not anyone I know and certainly Ben would never have done it for her. She overlaps relationships since the beginning and barely ends them before starting a new one. I can’t feel sorry for that behavior

      • Aurora says:

        For all we know, all he did was praising her beauty and work ethics in an interview. Two months later, they were spotted together in a car.
        We asume he’s the one who pursued her hard, but most likely it was a two-way situation. And even if he did, that doesn’t bound him to her for life regardless. Or her, if that was her case.
        A person is entitled to step out of a relationship that goes nowhere. And who actually does it is the one who has the least to loose.
        Jennifer had manufactured a whole business around the ‘greatest love story’ thing and that might be the reason she’s looked clingly and not the one pulling plugs.
        Yes she obviously was into Ben, but also she has financial and professional reasons (not to mention hurt ego) to have been secretly hoping for a reconciliation that would allow her to triumphantly go on with her venture. G*d only knows what she had in mind for the future.
        But back then, expenses had already been made. From news, she had hired a troupe and additional staff, who were rehearsing and taking planning meetings. These ppl had expected to be employed with her for a number of months.
        Ben will be all right as a white, male, not ugly, reasonably talented Hollywood person who’s ultimately a decent dad and has shown commitment to stay sober and balanced. It will be her credit taking the bigger toll for a while in an industry that’s very misogynist.
        She had even re-branded herself as happy wife Mrs Affleck and this is serious for her credibility: It’s not a case of just low ticket sales, but the whole project concept and how she’s been presenting herself as a public figure having been obviously a lie.
        It’s difficult she can keep exploiting a 20 million pet project unless she candidly re-writes it around the next A-list celeb bf. Ppl would h4te-attend the f*ck out of it.

    • Midnightsun says:

      @Ameerah M you said everything perfectly !

    • Nano says:

      Word Ameerah M!

    • Get Real says:

      Same. 💯.
      Please. She’s no victim here. She’s a relationship addict the same as he’s an alcoholic.
      She’s pushing 60. Get into therapy.

    • lucy2 says:

      I agree. I think they both have issues, and neither dealt with them in a way to make it work this time. It was just more of the same, with the same result.

    • Erica says:

      I’m going to have to disagree with you here.  “ And when he asked she should have said no “let’s just date”. They wold have dated for a year maybe two and split again and that would have been that. But she wanted the fairy tale. And at 55 years old she should know better.”

      Ben at 51 should have known better because he has more to lose. Ben, who only recently has gotten a firm grasp on his sobriety, should have known better than to jump into a marriage so soon. He should have been the one to tell JLo that he wants to take things slow. Let’s be real. Ben also does the same thing in his relationships.

      At the end of the day, they both need therapy, not relationships or  marriage .

  3. Amy Bee says:

    I’m going to guess that Jennifer will get most the money from the sale of the house in the divorce settlement.

  4. UpIn Toronto says:

    What a mess, a very sad mess. It feels like Bennifer was an illusion/delusion this whole time.

  5. KASalvy says:

    This feels like a stretch. You can’t always decide what date your escrow closing is. The seller also has to agree on the date, so this may not have been intentional. (I say this as my best friend just bought a house and she had to cut a family trip short to come back for the signing as the seller refused to give her even one more day’s vacation)

    I’m not a huge fan of either one of them, but most of us saw this not ending well a long time ago. That house was one of their biggest (and expensive) mistakes.

    • MoonTheLoon says:

      Must vary by location. When I sold here in Los Angeles a couple years ago, all papers were signed in advance or digitally. I was in the next county on closing day. Same thing happened when I’d bought the house 12 years previously. So that’s no excuse for his absence.

    • GoodWitchGlenda says:

      This. Also the closing date is often X-days from acceptance of an offer, which the buyer has virtually no control over. The seller has a day when bids are due, or they take them as they come, decide on an offer, and go from there.

  6. VoominVava says:

    I dunno, I like her. She looks AMAZING in these photos. I hope it works out to both of their benefit either way. I feel for her. LOVE is awesome and he truly did make the moves to get back into the 2.0 relationship. She’s had some real duds and I feel she is one of those women who are constantly pushed down a few pegs and I resent that. Women need to be so perfect .. attract men by being beautiful and vibrant, but not TOO beautiful or TOO vibrant. Best of luck to J Lo and those kids. I’m glad they’ve at least found each other in this relationship. I hope their relationships continue.

    • Kristen from MA says:

      I think she confuses love with romance.

      • Ameerah M says:

        Exactly. I also think she may be someone who is in love with beginnings. When everything is exciting and fun. I think Ben is the same. And it’s why they moved so fast both times.

    • Kingston says:


      Aaaaaaaawwwwww…..this was said with such a kind, generous spirit.

      Its easy to ridicule Jennifer in particular (i:e of the 2 of them) given what we’ve seen of how she has conducted her love life over the years. That is, it appeared that as soon as one relationship ends she jumps into another. I’m kinda holding my breath that if this marriage is indeed over, that she doesnt do the expected.

      But at the risk of being seen to be jumping on the dump-on-Jen bandwagon, I must say, after that marathon exposure of their love life, i:e the ‘This is Me…Now’ over-share, I’m not surprised that it all ended afterwards. See: Tom Cruise & Nicole Kidman after ‘Eyes Wide Shut; and Brad and Angie after ‘By the Sea.’ And there are prolly many other fabulous HW couples who went the same route.

      Everyone knows of Ben’s addiction problem but I dont think any outsider can fully grasp what its like to live with an addiction or to live with an addict. From what ive read and from what ive heard from addicts and their loved ones, its a daily and life-long challenge.

      I recall a CB post some time last year where Jen said that she and Ben ‘both have PTSD’ from their previous relationship. I can certainly believe that. Add to that, the intense spotlight that they live under and its no surprise that theyve come to this sorry pass.

  7. SIde Eye says:

    I hate to sound like the douchebag at the grocery store that tells random women to smile, but seriously, she has a beautiful smile. It’s really time to retire the Zoolander face/ open mouth red carpet pose.

    That’s all I’ve got.

  8. ohwell says:

    JLo will move on and find “love” again.

    Ben will move on and continue to be miserable because that is his default state.

  9. Aerie says:

    Now you’re blaming Ben for the settling escrow on Jennifer’s birthday? It’s called coincidence. Besides Jen was hosting her own fabulous party thousands of miles away and I doubt she was bothered.

  10. Midnightsun says:

    Those headlines about Ben closing escrow on jlo’s birthday are weird. It’s not like the buyer is the one deciding of that, a consensus on the date must be find between the buyer, the seller, the notaries on both side and the agency

  11. Lisa says:

    I love this whole outfit. instead of these amazon posts, start providing links to the outfits in the photos. id buy it all.

  12. Libra says:

    Flight of ideas here, just thinking of the possibilities. What if this was a smaller, less grand, let’s start again home after a summer breather. What if there is no immediate divorce on the horizon, to be visited later if the attempt at reconciliation doesn’t pan out? The joint visit at the office could be nothing more than renegotiating the terms of reselling their 60 million$ mistake with the broker. Maybe the divorce gossip is just that, gossip.

    • Lauren says:

      I’m going to repost my comment.

      I’m sorry what? Ben moved out in April/May and they are selling their house they have been house hunting separately, and Ben has bought a house for himself and his kids close to where his kids live with JG. Ben and JLO spent their second anniversary apart, and he was not there for her birthday. I think people like you need to accept the fact that it’s over.

      Natalie Portman was still walking around with her ring on for the media to see, and then Bam divorced. Reese Witherspoon and her husband kept up appearances with rings on but sold all their property and everything before the divorce.

  13. Carolnr says:

    When JL cancelled all her concert tours, she said that she was going to spend time with FAMILY..there was zero mention of Ben’s name and/ or husband.
    People also had reported that both JL & Ben had SEPARATE plans for the Summer season. Clearly, that included their anniversary & her birthday. I think if JL ever thought there was a chance of reconciliation, it became clear that Ben was done after he moved the rest of his stuff out of their $60 million home. Ben obviously was waiting to close on his new $20 million home. When you are buying a home, you close when the realtors & the sellers decide. I don’t think Ben deliberately decided to close on her birthday. Also, gossip sites keep calling Ben’s new home a “bachelor” mansion. Most bachelor’s I know do not have 3 children. He purchased this home because it is close to JG’s home & will work great to parent their children. ( plus I think he liked the house) The latest now is that Ben’s new home has an “open- door policy” for JL’s children, Emme & Max.

  14. Jayna says:

    It’s over. It’s been over. Their lives have been separate. Their meetings back in the beginning of the summer were to iron out the divorce details. I don’t get why people think they have in any way been working on their marriage. As someone else posted, when J-Lo posted about canceling her tour, she said it was to spend time with family and friends. Ben was never mentioned. It’s been over, guys. The wedding ring thing means nothing and was just an agreement to wear them until everything was ready to go divorce-wise.

    • Lauren says:

      I agree, I don’t get why some people are jumping through hoops to come up with a conspiracy theory for them to be still together or “ working it out” when the writing is on the wall.