Donald Trump: World leaders will treat Kamala Harris ‘like a play toy’

During the 2012 election, then-candidate Mitt Romney traveled to the UK for a “global statesman” tour. Nevermind that Barack Obama was already president, and already had existing relationships (warm relationships) with European leaders. Romney decided that he would do a racist dog-whistle about America’s first Black president, telling the Telegraph that, if elected, he would have better relations with Britain because of his “Anglo-Saxon heritage,” and that the Obama White House “didn’t fully appreciate the shared history we have.” Crash cut to 2017 and the Trump presidency. That man destroyed relations with many of our closest allies and NATO was extremely panicked that Trump would destroy one of the most successful alliances in history. America was a global laughingstock during the Trump years, and President Biden and VP Harris have worked hard to repair our standing in the world and America’s relationships abroad. Well, guess what Trump just said?

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump suggested that Vice President Harris wouldn’t be able to stand up to world leaders because of her appearance, adding that he didn’t want to spell it out but viewers would know what he meant.

“She’ll be like a play toy,” Trump — who has a history of using sexist attacks and stereotypes in campaigns against women — said in a Fox News interview with Laura Ingraham, a portion of which aired on Tuesday night. “They look at her and they say, ‘We can’t believe we got so lucky.’ They’re going to walk all over her.”

Trump then turned to look directly at the camera and added: “And I don’t want to say as to why. But a lot of people understand it.”

Trump campaign spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt said he was not referring to race or gender and went on to criticize Harris over her record on immigration and other Biden administration policies. “She is weak, dishonest and dangerously liberal, and that’s why the American people will reject her on November 5th,” Leavitt said.

The Harris campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The pro-Harris super PAC American Bridge 21st Century called Trump’s remark about how Harris would stack up against world leaders “very gross and weird.”

[From WaPo]

Much like Mitt Romney’s comments in 2012, at a technical level, this just falls flat. Kamala Harris is the sitting vice president. The Biden administration has already sent VP Harris to dozens of countries, and she has existing relationships with many world leaders. In the lead up to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, President Biden even sent VP Harris to Europe to personally deliver intelligence briefings to European leaders. Trump thinks the rest of the world is like him, sexist and racist. But it’s a f–king joke to pretend that Trump didn’t permanently alter America’s global standing. European leaders openly mocked him, Asian leaders were panicked at the instability and all of the despots recognized Trump as a kindred spirit.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid.

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43 Responses to “Donald Trump: World leaders will treat Kamala Harris ‘like a play toy’”

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  1. UpIn Toronto says:

    Bigots are going to bigot, and this helps smoke out every one of them. DonOLD has met his match, and she exceeds him in every way. He will will be thrown out like the broken, used toy that he is

    • Couch Potato says:

      As a European watching from the side line, please don’t take anything for granted! Get every sane person out to vote!

      • orangeowl says:

        The good news is people are rallying to get out the vote for Harris in a way they just weren’t for Biden. People are donating and signing up in droves to canvass and phone bank…whatever it takes. We just need to sustain this incredible energy!

      • pottymouth pup says:

        as orangeowl said people really are rallying for Harris and many of those people are the key 18-25 age group, which is an age range that has been generally apathetic about voting in prior generations. The zoomers are paying attention and understand what is at stake for them so as long as Harris doesn’t choose Shapiro as her running mate, she will able to keep that key demographic on her side and willing to actually go out and vote for her

      • jbones says:

        @Couch Potato, as a Canadian, what you said.

        We watched the US usher in Trump as president, unfazed after “grab her by the p*ssy”. Then we saw d-bag, alleged rapist, Brett Kavanaugh elected to the Supreme Court. Let’s not forget the insanity of January 6, and the man who incited such chaos has been hoisted back up the ranks now poised for RE ELECTION!

        Americans, TAKE NOTHING for GRANTED.

  2. trump is just spinning down the drain with his absolutely ridiculous and stupid comments. He is the one no one likes and treats as a joke which he truly is.

    • Megan says:

      He seems to forget world leaders were literally laughing at him.

      • orangeowl says:

        They are laughing at him and as Kaiser said they already know and like her. The NYT actually had a story about that recently…a nice surprise since they can’t always be counted on for favorable coverage these days.

      • BeanieBean says:

        And hasn’t looked in the mirror lately. I mean, if all it takes is a look…

    • Atorontogal says:

      Meanwhile world leaders treat him like a chew toy. Remember them laughing at him at a world summit?

  3. Tashiro says:

    No they won’t, they will be thrilled not to have to deal with his arrogant ill mannered A**

  4. MichaelaCat says:

    Dude, you don’t even dare face her in a debate.

    Sit your ass down.

  5. tealily says:

    Just because the U.S. has been too bigoted to elect a woman until now doesn’t mean the rest of the world has. “World leaders” ARE women and Black/Asian people, or are very much used to working with them!

    • Jasper says:

      Writing from the Caribbean here, and I’m telling you, given half a chance most of us would vote to elect Mia Mottley as the Prime Minister of the Caribbean, if we had such a thing. So, yes, we’re used to not only voting for women leaders, we’d elect more if we could! Then again, Trump and his ilk sees this region and the people within it as beneath their regard.
      My gran said this many times, “when America sneezes, we get the cold,” so all of us are looking on at this election and the possibility of a next Trump term with great trepidation.

  6. Lady D says:

    I don’t think a man afraid of women, powerful and otherwise, should be running a country full of them. jmo

  7. Kittenmom says:

    It is glaringly obvious that world leaders have no respect for trump. Even those who are his “allies” aka Putin, Kim, Netanyahu see him as just a useful idiot to advance their own agendas. The sane world leaders have plenty of respect for VP Harris.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Trump has been Putin’s “play toy” for years.

    • pottymouth pup says:

      @kittenmom exactly and we can add proud fascists Orbán and Edrogan to the list of despots that want Trump in office to manipulate. Netanyahu wants Trump in office, not to manipulate him but because Trump serves the Christian Zionists that want 144K Jews in Jerusalem to convert and the rest of us to die in hellfire and damnation to fulfill their end of times prophecy (Netanyahu himself as been a useful fool for Hamas and is too friggen arrogant to notice that)

  8. Bookie says:

    Keep opening your mouth, Donald. You lose more women voters every time you do.

  9. Anonymous says:


  10. Amy Bee says:

    Trump’s dog whistles couldn’t be more loud and clear.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      It’s not even a dog whistle at this point. He said women can’t be leaders on the world stage. And that they shouldn’t be. No explanation necessary for me. Maybe there’s a racial element too. With him, that’s a safe bet. He’s disgusting.

  11. DeeSea says:

    Really, Dipsh*t? If you’re so “concerned” about this issue, maybe you should address it during, OH I DON’T KNOW, maybe a formal debate. #sayittoherface

  12. wolfmamma says:

    He just keeps digging a deeper hole for himself.. recycling things he’s said again and again. Always strange it’s gone from unsettling to old stories / old tape droning on and on and on …. Really really pathetic and profoundly creepy.

  13. girl_ninja says:

    What a vile, disgusting creature he is. He has the f!cking nerve.

  14. Guest says:

    From the man who is and will always be Putin’s puppet. From the man who hopes that dictators like Putin, Kim Jong Un, and Xi Jinping will legitimize the overthrow of the democratic process as they did for Venezuela’s Maduro (Republicans have no problem attacking Venezuelan refugees but show a cognitive dissonance when their actions contribute to the US turning into a puppet regime like Venezuela). From the man who was laughed at by the leaders of the UK, France, & Canada at the NATO summit.

  15. Anastasia says:

    Right, because he walked all over Angela Merkel, and Putin didn’t resort to cheap intimidation tactics around her….

  16. otaku fairy says:

    He’s pandering to his fellow sexists. Karoline Leavitt can try to clean it up for him all she wants, but he would not have used those words to describe a man.

  17. Henny Penny says:

    Enough already. I want to see him say this to her face.

  18. CLOVE says:

    Does he mean how Putin and other authoritarian governments treat him? Like the dictator of North Korea? They all know that he is a useful idiot.

  19. Jais says:

    Omfg. A toy. That’s says more about him. He treats women like play toys. Creeper.

  20. Lizzie Bennett says:

    Treat VP Harris like a play toy, huh? That’s definitely not the impression I got watching Bill Barr, Jeff Sessions and Brett Kavanaugh all intimidated, stuttering and gapping open mouthed like guppies when she questioned them. If they’re any indication of what world leaders will think of Harris then I think the US is on its way to being taken seriously again, because she’ll be their intellectual equal.

  21. Lau says:

    Big coming from a know Putin puppet. He really is too stupid to have any self-awareness.

  22. Murphy says:

    Says the guy who got laughed off the stage at the UN.

  23. Ciotog says:

    He’s trying to sexualize her. Just gross, sick stuff.

  24. olliesmom says:

    What a really weird thing to say about someone. A play toy? Like a dog toy???

    These people. It’s only going to get worse the closer it gets to the election. Take the worst they said about Obama and add to that the worst that they said about Hillary and roll those together.

  25. Jayna says:

    Keep it up, Trump, with your dog whistles. Loser.

  26. Juxtapoze says:

    Trump is a looney tunes racist misogynist narcissistic piece of garbage. Anyone who still supports him falls into at least one of those categories as well. #imwithher2024 #teamkamala

  27. Mel says:

    You mean the ones that treated you like their crazy Uncle and treated your daughter like an overstepping, entitled brat?

  28. AC says:

    Trump is still a world laughing stock in 2024. And the US would definitely be a laughing stock if a convicted felon(ie Trump) is elected POTUS. That’s what Russia and China wants!