Duchess Meghan checked out Hamptons hotspot Sartiano’s while in town

The Duchess of Sussex flew to the Hamptons late last week. She apparently hitched a ride on Jamie Kern Lima’s private plane, because Lima spoke at the event. The event? The G9 Ventures Summit, a sort of business/networking event hosted by “power broker” Amy Griffin at her Hamptons home. This is one of the things that kills me about the British media’s attempts to paint Meghan as friendless and shunned by A-listers. Meghan and Harry both show the world that they are very good at networking and making associations with powerful, well-connected and rich people. People are attracted to the Sussexes because of their personal narratives and because they’re charismatic and bright. They’re really good at this. Well, in case anyone thought that Meghan was just some random plus-one at this event, Page Six had some gossip about Meghan’s three-hour dinner with several powerful people:

After jetting into the Hamptons to attend the G9 Ventures Summer Summit — an event aimed at elite business women hosted by power broker Amy Griffin at her home — Meghan Markle took in the scene out East. Several spies saw the Duchess of Sussex at Zero Bond owner Scott Sartiano’s hip new spot at the Hedges Inn in East Hampton, Sartiano’s. Sources tell Page Six that the former “Suits,” star was with her BFF, fashion designer Misha Noonoo and her hubby, energy guru Mike Hess.

“Meghan arrived solo, and walked to the maitre’d herself through the crowded restaurant,” says a source. “They were there for three hours.”

Another spy tells us the former royal moved about the room without security and that she was seen chatting with NewsNation anchor Chris Cuomo and socialite Andrew Warren. The room was full of recognizable names including Sartiano himself, influencer Ruby Saracino, Greg Bello and publicist Alison Brod, says a spy.

Markle — who is launching lifestyle business American Riviera Orchard — was in town to powwow with other female founders. The one-day summit drew make-up icon Bobbi Brown, Missy Robbins, the chef behind Williamsburg hotspots Lillia and Misi, Weight Watchers CEO Sima Sistani, Spanx founder Sara Blakely and cosmetics entrepreneur Victoria Jackson. Goop gal Gwyneth Paltrow was also believed to have attended, along with Katie Couric and Laura Dern. The event was held at Griffin’s $13 million estate, which she shares with her husband, billionaire hedge funder John Griffin.

[From Page Six]

“Walked to the maitre’d herself through the crowded restaurant…” Why was the maitre’d on the other side of the restaurant? Why couldn’t Meghan speak to the hostess or whatever? And did people think that Meghan would demand to be carried through the restaurant like Cleopatra? These people are so weird. Anyway, I’m glad Meghan got a chance to catch up with her friend Misha Noonoo while simultaneously checking out a Hamptons hotspot. I bet a lot of eyes were following Meghan as she made her way through the room.

Photos courtesy of Jamie Kern Lima/Instagram and Bobbi Brown/Instagram.

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24 Responses to “Duchess Meghan checked out Hamptons hotspot Sartiano’s while in town”

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  1. Tursitops says:

    Now she wants to EAT in public, with friends? Is there no end to this woman’s gluttony?

    Why won’t she just stay in her home, never leave, and send out press releases about how she was wrong about everything and how much she misses the warm media treatment in the UK?

    • TheFarmer'sWife says:

      OMG! You made me laugh out loud! I so enjoy when Meghan does these things almost completely under the radar until the event is over. So much for the party being over H&M. How does the British tabloids keep getting things so wrong? Oh wait, it’s because they keep making stuff up.

    • JudyB says:

      What a difference in culture! In the U.S. it is acceptable to go someplace and actually walk through a restaurant by yourself. Ditto for closing your own car door.

      Apparently, to some people in the U.K, these things show that you are not upper class, so must be avoided at all costs.

      How fun to have a three-hour lunch with friends. Have done that myself!

  2. Hypocrisy says:

    No photos? I would love a world where Meghan didn’t need security but we all know that is not currently happening she had security, they may not have seen it but you will never get me to believe she was out there alone.

    • sevenblue says:

      A place full of rich and connected people, her security wouldn’t need to be beside her while she was networking. I am sure they travelled with her though.

    • Julia says:

      I’m sure her security were there they were just keeping a low profile do she could enjoy her evening.

    • Ev says:

      No way she was there alone. In a room full of billionaires, multi-millionaires and a handful of just millionaires (lol) in the Hamptons I can guarantee there was ALOT of security. Just very low-key.

    • Sass says:

      If any photos are released they will be with Meghan’s approval. These aren’t the type of people who will sell her pics to the press, whether they are friendly with her or not. It is not done in this circle. I would even venture to say they are not the type of people to even take photos.

  3. Meg is out there living her life and meeting with friends they say she doesn’t have and meeting new people all by herself because that is what adults do. I love that she is doing her thing.

  4. sevenblue says:

    What a weird article. Page Six has “spies”? Do they think they are living in a crime novel? It is also weird of them trying to connect her to some awful people like Chris Cuomo and some socialite while we can see from the photos she is surrounded by women. I am sure they are gonna try to get a negative comment from them about Meghan.

  5. Tessa says:

    Meghan is not a former royal. Harry and Meghan and the children have royal titles .

  6. Jais says:

    Love hearing about Meghan being out and about enjoying life. Especially love that it doesn’t come out until a week later.

    • SueinOrleans says:

      This has become their pattern! Unless it’s an event that has been announced and planned (like an awards ceremony) the tabs haven’t got a clue about their comings and goings. I am loving this for them, it’s as close to a normal life as they are ever likely to get.

  7. Amy Bee says:

    When she was in the UK she was told she couldn’t go out with her mother for a coffee. I love this for her.

  8. Alaicat says:

    Those pants though….. has good to be her worst look ever!

    • Meredith says:

      She has great style, but she often wears clothes you need to be tall to carry, and she is not tall.

    • sevenblue says:

      She wore long pants multiple times now. I think she just likes it that way. Maybe she feels long in them 😭😭

    • SpankyB says:

      She tends to wear too much fabric for her petite frame. She still looks amazing though.

    • Lady Esther says:

      I loved the look and she was GLOWING…but enough with the unhemmed pants, please and that’s not just a Meghan “thing.” It is a terrible, sloppy look for any woman (or man for that matter) and it can be solved so cheaply and simply, even I, a mere Lady can afford a tailor!

      Plus we all know how annoying it is to be constantly tripping over too-long pants even in high heels, and to come home and see the last 4 cm or so are completely stained and ruined…I honestly do not understand. smh

  9. Kristen from MA says:

    Is this like the whole “she closed the car door herself!!1!” thing?

  10. Mina_esq says:

    Poor Meghan, having all these friends and the ultimate rich lady lifestyle. She is clearly overcome with regret and is days away from crawling back and begging forgiveness from BRF hahah hahhaha

  11. Jay says:

    The detail about Meg walking through the crowded restaurant “by herself” is meant to trigger the derangers who insist that the Sussexes are petulant or hysterical when they ask for security in the UK. Like, see? She can even eat in a public restaurant!

    Of course, these details about Meghan’s trip came out after the fact, nobody knew she was going to attend this event. And going to an exclusive event in the Hamptons, surrounded by other VIPs is a lot more secure than travel in the UK would be. Plus, just because you don’t SEE someone’s security detail does not mean they are alone.

  12. wolfmamma says:

    The Duchess was attending and welcome to a wonderful
    business summit. So glad for her to be out with friends and listening to and meeting people who support entrepreneurship. It looks like she was having a wonderful time.
    And, if in fact she did all that gliding around the restaurant it would seem that she felt safe, welcomed and comfortable enough to do it.
    The Brits and Page Six aren’t having it though …. With all their created false drama…. Pathetic