Will Prince William come to New York this year for his dumb Earthshot summit?

Remember Prince William’s trip to New York last fall? It was basically Huevo’s attempt at a “revenge tour,” only it could have been an email. He ordered his wife to stay home so he could get all of the attention. He did a photo-op at a New York fire station. He lied about going for a run in Central Park. He tried to get a photo-op with Mayor Eric Adams, who canceled at the last minute. He got a very quick photo-op with the UN Secretary General, part of a cattle call of statesman wannabes who want a photo to show that they “took meetings at the UN.” Even more bizarre, William’s staff arranged a “meeting” with Ecuador’s President Lasso at the British Consul General’s apartment (located in a building across from the UN) and then announced that William “held an audience with President of Ecuador, Lasso Mendoza at the UN General Assembly.” President Biden was in town, speaking at the General Assembly. William wasn’t there. He was in some conference room at the Plaza, looking awkward and hateful.

Why this walk down memory lane? Well, it might happen again. The whole reason for William’s pathetic “I wanna be a global statesman like HARRY” visit to NYC last year was that he staged this sad little “Earthshot Prize Innovation Summit.” Which, again, could have been an email instead of a costly and wasteful PR-related flight to New York. Well, William hasn’t confirmed his appearance at this year’s summit, but I imagine he will move heaven and earth to try this “statesman” thing yet again.

Prince William’s Earthshot Prize is returning stateside! On July 30, the Earthshot Prize and Bloomberg Philanthropies announced that they will co-host the third annual Earthshot Prize Innovation Summit on Sept. 24 in New York City. The Prince of Wales, 42, launched the contest in 2020 to promote impactful approaches to the world’s most pressing environmental challenges, with plans to award $1 million Earthshot Prizes in five flagship categories annually until 2030.

It remains uncertain whether Prince William will attend the event this year as he did in 2023. The late September date falls after his children Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis return to school following the summer holidays. Additionally, no expectations have been set for Kate Middleton’s return to public work as she continues cancer treatment.

Continuing tradition, the cohort of 15 finalists for the next Earthshot Prize will be revealed at the meeting. It was previously confirmed that the awards ceremony for the fourth cycle of Prince William’s prestigious environmental prize will be held in Cape Town, South Africa, in November, setting the stage for the news to be a highlight of the summit.

[From People]

The “no expectations have been set for Kate Middleton’s return to public work” thing reminded me that it was actually a big deal in the British media last year that Kate skipped the New York trip AND the Earthshot Prize ceremony in Singapore. Now that we’ve seen how everything has panned out this year, I feel certain that A) Kate was already having health issues last year and they were withholding that information and B) Kensington Palace already had a plan in place and that’s why they were telegraphing that William would be doing a lot of stuff solo from now on. All of which to say, of course William will come to New York again in September. I cannot wait to see what kind of silly stunts he tries to pull this year.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images, Backgrid.

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27 Responses to “Will Prince William come to New York this year for his dumb Earthshot summit?”

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  1. Oh goody more fake pictures of him running in Central Park. Will he be digging for more oysters too! I’m sure he will time it for some important other event in town and try to get himself some pictures of important people. Still thinks he can take America away from Harry (not). Can’t wait for this clown show to arrive.

  2. sevenblue says:

    I remember the firemen asked him where his wife was. That wasn’t even the time when she was missing and Will didn’t answer the question. How hard is it to say she is at home taking care of children? Will has always been the weirdo.

  3. Proud Mary says:

    It must be very tough for William, living in Harry’s shadows. I saw this headline and went, “who?” Then I sped to the googly machine and entered “Robert Fellows”, and guess what I saw? “Prince Harry’s uncle dies, Prince Harry, Prince Harry!” LOL!

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      That is so true! lol The people want to know what happens with Good King Harry. Poor Baldy Prince William: The Heir feeling spare.

  4. Hypocrisy says:

    I thought his wife had another surgery after summer holiday.. won’t he be needed for school runs? I always find it funny that his trip last year barely made the news here in the states but the Brit’s covered it like the UN assembled solely for Peggy. If nothing else it is funny how important they think he is globally when in reality he just isn’t.

    • Beverley says:

      The BM and the royals haven’t yet gotten the memo that the entire world has already – that the sun has set on the British “Empire”. It’s apparently tough to grasp that this is 2024, not 1954. The delusion is real.

      Have several seats, Pegs. The rest of the world just isn’t that into you.

  5. Eurydice says:

    If it’s anything like last year’s summit, it will be a 3-hour affair – one hour for lunch, an hour of panel discussions, and an hour for 2 breakout sessions.

  6. Kittenmom says:

    No thanks. We don’t want him in NY.

  7. Amy Bee says:

    Hopefully when he runs in Central Park this time people will actually see him.

    • Beverley says:


    • Smart&Messy says:

      If any one of his people is a tiny bit competent, they are furiously trying to get him into the running event then-Prince Frederik attended with UN diplomats. I’m sure Egg only found out about that one after he briefed about his fake run.

    • Gabby says:

      Another assignment for the KP Frankenphoto Team – Peg running in Central Park!

  8. Steph says:

    You clung to the Kate comment but all I saw was “plans for $1m.” Plans? There’s been rumors from jump that they aren’t paying the finalists, this seems to confirm that. Someone needs to a deep dive. Follow the money. These are mostly poor Brown and Black kids. Are they getting their worth?

  9. Jais says:

    The Sussexes visited nyc more than once so William will visit nyc more than once. He has to put his mark on America🙄

    • Beverley says:

      It’s so silly. Americans booted the royals and royalists almost 250 years ago. This ridiculous drive to conquer America is wishful thinking. We aren’t a wayward colony destined to be brought back under GB’s imperial thumb and “looked after”.

      Pegs would be wise to save his energy. Americans don’t bow and scrape to royalty or other hereditary entitlements. We respect hard work and success.

    • Gabby says:

      If he needs to put his “mark on America” can’t he just stay home and pee on a map?

  10. Becks1 says:

    I almost feel bad for him in terms of how desperately he wants to be taken seriously on the world stage. (I said ALMOST! lol).

    The thing is, he thinks he should be taken seriously because of his family and bloodline, and especially at a place like the UN, or countries like the US…..no one cares that much. It’s always more “what can YOU do?”

    And the fact that Earthshot promotes environmentalism by having the awards shows in a different country each year so William has to fly to Singapore or South Africa tells you how seriously he takes environmentalism.

    • Beverley says:

      He’s pathetic really. It’s almost painful to watch him grasp at global recognition. The world ignores him, while the sycophants in the UK cheer wildly. Cognitive dissonance is one hell of a drug!

    • one of the marys says:

      My sister and I have this debate sometimes (painful and pitiful) because she says they’re all trapped and living under a microscope and it’s a completely artificial way for anyone to live. But I argue that he has not taken advantage of any of his privileges or opportunities AND he treated H&M so badly when he realized they were becoming more popular. I can’t forgive a grown man that terrible behaviour. Imagine how Harry feels

  11. Megan says:

    Harry is a global statesman??? Um, ok??

    • CLOVE says:

      Yes, he is. Maybe not in the UK.

    • Dhianna says:

      Ummm yes he is……Harry does not feel the need to broadcast every single thing he does, unlike that Prince in UK…….Harry goes by invitation, unlike that Prince in UK…..js

    • Jaded says:

      I hope you meant “William is a global statesman??? Um, ok??””

  12. ShazBot says:

    I read the people article about it and they end with the Earthshot CEO gushing about how William cares so much about the prize winners and wants to make sure they’re taken care of. But the article doesn’t list a single prize winner or what their innovation is or how it is helping the environment. There are 15 winners by now…why hasn’t he put a spotlight on any of them?

    • Smart&Messy says:

      Because he can’t even emulate his brother’s work properly. Invictus is all about the veterans, their output on SM, Netflix and everywhere else is centered around them.

    • AMB says:

      Do the winners even exist? Are they under an NDA or something? It’s starting to seem like winning this prize is worse than winning the vice presidency of the US as far as visibility goes.